Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast time, we left John the Baptist at the Jordan with the Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious elite of his day
Let’s pick up again in v.7 and re-read the encounter
As I taught last time, these men were the reigning experts in Israel on matters of God and piety
Since Israel was governed by a religious law, these religious men were also the governing rulers of the people (under Roman occupation)
So as with any government, these politicians were divided into political parties or factions
And like today, these factions covered the spectrum from radical to orthodox, conservative to liberal
The Pharisees were the religious conservatives of Jewish politics
They were the descendants of Ezra and the scribes
They studied and memorized the Law of Moses and the associated volumes of rabbinical writings that had developed over the centuries
They interpreted these laws and enforced them in Jewish society
Pharisees took a conservative, literal, hardline view of their rules
They enforced the letter of the law with threats and intimidations
But like most pious self-righteous religious authorities, the Pharisees were hypocrites
Listen to how Jesus described them
The Pharisees held their grip on power by holding these rules over the heads of the people
They were self-proclaimed gatekeepers of Heaven, dictating what Jews must do to please God
And they determined who had met the rules and who hadn’t
The Pharisees exploited the people’s desperation to be approved by God and used their religious power to become powerful and wealthy
Another quote from Jesus
So to understand the Pharisees, remember the Pharisees convinced the people they held the keys to entering the Kingdom
And they exploited this power to make themselves rich (sound familiar?)
On the other end of the Jewish political spectrum, were the Sadducees
Sadducees were the liberal religious leaders
Sadducees thought the Pharisees took religion too seriously and too literally
The Sadducees rejected many basic teachings of Scripture including the reality of resurrection and the existence of angels or even of a spirit
Because of their liberal views, they focused less on Scripture and the supernatural and more on earthly politics and accomplishment
The Sadducees’ power came from having control over the temple operations in Jerusalem
Herod’s temple was a massive and complex operation at the center of Jewish life
The Sadducees were responsible for all that happened inside the temple
They had authority over the temple guards and priests, and they presided at any criminal trials conducted in the temple
And most importantly, the Sadducees managed the temple funds, which meant they had control over the purse strings
Every Jew was required to tithe between 20-30% of their annual income to the temple
So a tremendous amount of money flowed into the Sadducees’ coffers every year
By itself, such wealth gave the Sadducees significant power over the people
If that weren’t enough, the Sadducees also held a majority of seats on the Sanhedrin, the ruling counsel over the Jews
So the Sadducees were the party in power in Jesus’ day
They retained their power by maintaining a cozy relationship with the Roman officials ruling Judea
In contrast to the Pharisees, who openly despised the Romans
So the Pharisees and Sadducees were rivals for political power in Israel
And given their significant political differences, it’s surprising to see these two groups aligned on any matter
Pharisees and Sadducees couldn’t even agree on opposing Rome
So it took a significant threat, a common enemy, to get these two groups to join forces
And John the Baptist was one such enemy
John was the exact opposite of the two groups
He has no pedigree, and his teaching agreed with neither groups
John not only opposed the status quo in Israel, he called for others to do the same
Therefore, his teaching threatened to erode the power base of these two groups
So from the point of view of a Pharisee or a Sadducee, John was a revolutionary that needed to be silenced
Even as the Pharisees and Sadducees jockeyed for power in Israel, both groups’ success depended on the status quo
To them, John represented a third party disrupting the delicate balance
So these leaders have come out into the wilderness to challenge John’s work
They’ve heard of the crowds and the strange rituals John was conducting
But what truly concerned these men was John’s message that the Messiah was soon to arrive
The Jewish people had long waited for the promised Savior
Over the centuries, Israel’s rabbis studied Scripture to know when and how the Messiah would arrive and what He would do once He appeared
So it fell to these religious leaders to confirm for the people when God had fulfilled a Messianic prophecy
So when someone like John made Messianic claims (like the Messiah had come or was soon to arrive), these men would come to investigate
But these religious leaders assumed that the coming Messiah would look and sound a lot like them
The Pharisees assumed the Messiah would look like a Pharisee, while the Sadducees thought He would look like a Sadducee
Each religious sect believed they were poster children for godliness
And so when the Holy One of Israel came, they were sure they could spot Him
The same thing is still happening today
Every pious group believes they’ve cornered the market on God
Mormons believe God is a Mormon living in Utah
Muslims believe God is a Muslim in Mecca
Catholics think God makes His home in the Vatican
And every deeply religious person believes that when they meet God, He’ll remind them of themselves
Because when people invent ideas about God, we naturally project our preferred assumptions upon Him
People do this, never stopping to wonder whether those assumptions are rooted in anything true or real
But what about us? What about Christians? Can we do this too?
Well, to the extent we rely on the word of God, then we avoid this problem
By His Word, we can truly know God and understand Him for Who He has revealed Himself to be
But on the other hand, if we depart from a reliance on God’s Word, then we too can remake God in ways that affirm our wrong thinking
We might remake God into a God of prosperity
Or a God of healing or a God of social justice or a God of mystical signs and wonders
We project our hopes and desires upon Him, making Him one-dimensional, and in so doing, we diminish God
The only true and proper way to understand God is by studying what He has revealed to us in His Word about Himself and His purposes
We can’t imagine something else – something we prefer – and project that thinking onto God, expecting it to be true in the end
That’s not spiritual insight…that’s a fantasy
God is Who He is, and He’s very unlike you and me
God is holy, righteous, pure, omniscient and all powerful
We’ll never meet anyone or experience anything truly like God this side of Heaven
And so when God appeared as Man, our Messiah, Jesus Christ, He affirmed absolutely no one
Jesus validated no one, nor do God’s true representatives when they are speaking and operating by the Spirit, as was John
But to the Pharisees and Sadducees, someone like John certainly didn’t qualify as a representative of God
Even though God’s Word told Israel to expect to hear a voice crying in the wilderness, announcing the coming of the Messiah
Nevertheless, these religious elites saw nothing in John that looked like the God they had assumed was coming for them
Yet these men were members of the Sanhedrin, the religious ruling council of Israel
So they were obligated to investigate and authenticate any Messianic claims
And based on their decision, the people of Israel would be instructed on whether to accept or reject John’s movement
John knew what was going on, of course, and he knew they would oppose him since his message undermined their way of life
So John decides to land the first blow
In v.7, John calls these men a “brood of vipers”
The Greek word translated “brood” is literally the word “offspring”
John is calling these men children of a deadly serpent, which is a not-so-subtle reference to Satan
Spiritually speaking, John is saying these men were children of the devil
And if you think John is being harsh, remember what Jesus said about these same men
John and Jesus both called these men children of Satan, because in a literal sense they were
Like all unbelievers, these men found their spiritual source in Satan
They were born with a nature shared with the devil, a nature of sin and rebellion
Everyone is born this way, according to Scripture, born into sin
But the sin of these men goes further, because even as they oppose God, they portray themselves as speaking for God
Notice John asks sarcastically, who warned them to flee from the coming judgment
Remember, I said last time that John’s message included a call to repent because the Kingdom of God was at hand
But John knew these men hadn’t come out in response to his call
They weren’t afraid of the coming judgment because in their mind, they were going to be just fine
Here again, if you imagine God looks and thinks a lot like you, then you’re not going to be worried about meeting Him
On the other hand, the more you understand your sinfulness and your need for God, the more you will cry out to Him seeking His mercy
So John warns them in v.8 to do just that, to turn from their sin while they still had opportunity
He tells them to bear fruit in keeping with repentance, which was the prerequisite to receiving the baptism of John
To bear fruit in keeping with repentance means to demonstrate a true desire to change their sinful ways
John told the Pharisees to show some evidence they had repented, which is what John had been telling everyone
In Luke’s Gospel, we learn some of the ways John was counseling people to bear fruit
But of course, John knows the religious leaders had no interest in such things
So anticipating their response, John refutes one of their common claims: that they were children of Abraham
The religious leaders taught that being a physical descendant of Abraham was sufficient to assure every Jew entrance into the Kingdom
They referred to this teaching as “the merits of the fathers”
It taught that all Jews were credited with the righteousness of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on the basis of their bloodline alone
And therefore, repentance wasn’t necessary…every Jew held a get-out-of-hell-free card
John says don’t suppose that you can say this and be assured of Heaven
They thought themselves special because they were born into the right family
But John says that counts for nothing
John says God could even raise up children, meaning followers, from stones if necessary
In Hebrew, the words “stone” and “children” rhyme, so John is making a play on words, like a schoolyard taunt
And it’s literally true, when you remember that God made the first man from dirt
So, being a child of Abraham was not a notable achievement
If God could raise up children of Abraham from stones, then the Pharisees and Sadducees were nothing special
No, entrance into the Kingdom and God’s presence starts with repentance
A changing of one’s outlook away from sinful rebellion and toward faith in God
And John says the opportunity to make that change was drawing short
In v.10, John says that the axe is already at the root of the trees, ready to cut down any that doesn’t bear the fruit of repentance
John is speaking in metaphor, but his imagery is easy to follow
The axe represents the Messiah’s judgment, and as John has been preaching, the time of that judgment was coming soon
It was already at the root of the tree, so to speak, ready to judge the tree’s worthiness
The trees were the people of Israel, of course, trees God had “planted” in the hope they would produce good fruit for the Master
The fruit pictures a person’s deeds done in keeping with repentance
So those Jews who demonstrate a true, heartfelt repentance in anticipation of God’s mercy were the ones producing good fruit
Now a farmer would never cut down a tree that was producing good fruit…he would let it stand and continue producing
But a farmer eventually cuts down unproductive trees
So John was teaching that those who accepted John’s baptism in anticipation of Jesus’ coming were going to withstand the coming judgment
But those who failed to bear good fruit would be judged worthless and suitable only to be thrown into the fire, which is a picture of hell
That was going to be the fate of these religious rulers
Next, John elaborates some more on that coming judgment
John opens saying, “as for me, I baptize with water”
In saying this, John is describing the nature of his ministry, of course
But he’s also diminishing his importance as well
His ministry was merely one of baptizing in water, a symbolic action
Now his ministry was important, yes, but only because it pointed to the Messiah’s greater ministry which was soon to come
John says that the one “who is coming after me is mightier than I”
John appreciated that his personal ministry was nothing if it did not glorify Christ
His ministry was a success only if it led people to Jesus
I think that’s a safe rule for how we should conduct our own personal ministries, too
If what you’re saying or doing brings people to Jesus Christ…
To knowing Him in faith, to following Him in obedience, to serving Him in love…
Then you’re on the right track
On the other hand, if our efforts in ministry do little more than call attention to ourselves or draw people to following us, then we’ve gone wrong somewhere
We’re following in the footsteps of the Pharisees, thinking we have something inherently worthy inside us that God needs
Remember, God once spoke through the mouth of a donkey in the Old Testament
So what great thing of value do you think you bring to this relationship?
We need to think like John the Baptist, who said elsewhere speaking of Jesus, “He must increase but I must decrease”
John knew his place, because he understood his place in relationship to the Son of God
In v.11, John says he was not even worthy to carry Jesus’ sandals
Carrying another man’s sandals meant something very specific to Jews in that day
The Talmud describes the duties of a slave as including taking a master’s dirty shoes off his feet at night
And carrying his clothes to the bathhouse
So John was clearly saying he was so unworthy in comparison to Jesus that he could not even qualify to be Jesus’ slave
And of course, if John the Baptist is not worthy to qualify as Jesus’ slave, then how could any of us qualify to be Jesus’ slave?
Yet the Bible calls Christians slaves or servants of Christ
How can we be servants of the Messiah if we aren’t worthy?
The answer is grace
Unmerited favor…God giving us a position of honor and blessing that we don’t deserve
And doing so merely on the basis of His mercy and love
That’s what John was preaching to these men and to these crowds
He was telling these leaders they couldn’t merit what they thought they had coming
You could only have it through repenting and seeking God’s mercy and grace
And the Lord was prepared to grant mercy to those who humble themselves in this way
Finally, John issues a final warning to these men, saying that the One Who follows John will conduct a much more powerful type of baptism
At the end of v.11, John says the coming Messiah will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire
To understand what John is saying, you have to visualize the scene taking place here
In this moment, picture John by the river, with a crowd of followers waiting to be baptized
At the edge of the crowd stand these religious leaders looking on and scoffing
So as John speaks these words in v.11, imagine John beginning with his eyes scanning the repentant crowd of followers seeking God’s forgiveness
To these people, John says the coming Messiah will baptize you in a much greater way
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
Of course, we know John is referring prophetically to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that came upon the Church at Pentecost
But now, as John continues his sentence, his gaze shifts from the crowd to those scowling faces of the religious leaders
And as John’s eyes meet theirs, he completes his thought “…and fire”
That is to say, Jesus will baptize these hard-hearted unbelievers not with the Holy Spirit but with fire, a judgment fire
John had just used that same metaphor of fire burning to describe the future destiny of anyone who did not repent
So here, John pointedly says these unrepentant religious leaders would see a baptism too… a baptism of fire
John has presented a clear and stark choice
Either we are baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit
Or else we will be baptized by Jesus with judgment fire
Either we are consumed by His forgiveness and mercy
Or else, we will be consumed by His wrath
There is no third option
And just to make sure we get the point, John gives us one more metaphor
In v.12, John uses the metaphor of a harvest, of Jesus harvesting the good grain (i.e., the “fruit”) while consuming the chaff
Harvesting is a common metaphor in the Bible…we’re going to see it multiple times in Matthew’s Gospel
It pictures God coming to claim those who are His, while separating out those who are not
The grain seed (which is the fruit of the stalk) is harvested because it is valuable and desirable to God
While the chaff is cast off and burned because it is worthless
So will it be for all humanity at God’s judgment
And to be clear, the Bible's not talking about living a perfect life to earn God’s favor or maintaining a “church” life
John is talking about a true heart change
Truly turning away from our old thinking and beliefs and toward a new understanding of God
Of recognizing our own unworthiness before God and accepting His mercy given to us through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ
That’s bearing fruit
So to paraphrase John’s words, don’t suppose for yourselves that you came from a good Christian family and that’s good enough to get you into Heaven
And don’t suppose that because you have a Godly spouse or parent, that you get credit by association
And don’t think that the time will go on forever and there will be no judgment
Or that you get some second chance to know and receive Christ
We each get one life, the Bible says, and then comes judgment
And since we don’t know when our life ends, then just as John said, God’s axe is laid at our tree
One day we face Him, one day we will be held to account
When we come to that day…a day some of us may face very soon…will we be ready?
Will we go into that moment like a Pharisee?
Proud of your heritage, proud of your knowledge and accomplishments
Assured of your eternal future, or so you think, merely because of these worthless accomplishments?
You’re cold-hearted and hard-headed
Unwilling to admit your sin before God, unmoved by God’s Word
And unable to accept God’s mercy
Or maybe you take life like a Sadducee?
Too sophisticated to believe in supernatural things, like a spirit or resurrection or the Kingdom
So absorbed by earthly things and worldly power and wealth that you’re unconcerned about what lies beyond this world
You don’t have time for God or the Bible, much less to consider a judgment or hell
You’re blissfully ignorant and determined to stay that way
Or maybe you’re like one of John’s followers
You know yourself…you know who you are and what you’ve done, things you’re not proud of
And you believe what you read in the Bible, that of God and His holiness and of a coming judgment and of hell and eternal punishment
You know the end of the world is coming, or at the very least, you know your life will end one day
And when that day comes, you want to be ready to face the Lord
So like those men and women, who streamed out to see John by the Jordan, you’re eager to receive God’s mercy
You dearly want His assurance that He has forgiven you
You want to know your sins have been forgiven and that you have peace with God
So who are you? The good, the bad or the ugly?
If you think you’re good enough for Heaven and so you don’t need to worry about repenting, then friend, let me say you are overestimating yourself
And if you’re the bad boy or girl who rebels against authority assuming that there is no coming judgment, then friend, you are underestimating God
And if you know you’re ugly, a sinner who needs God’s mercy and desires to have Christ’s payment on the cross to cover your debt before God, then friend, let me assure you that you have it now
The Bible says