
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn our previous study, we learned about Sadducees and Pharisees, the antagonists in the story of the Gospel
We’ll have opportunity to talk more about them many times during our study of Matthew’s Gospel
So for now, let’s set them aside to move forward in the chapter
Tonight, we pick up in Chapter 3 at v.13 with the first mention in Matthew’s Gospel of Jesus as an adult
And it comes at the moment Jesus begins His ministry, the moment when He transitions from private life to public life
Jesus travels out from His home in Galilee to find John, seeking to be baptized
John immediately objects to Jesus’ request
John says to Jesus that he (John) had need to be baptized by Jesus, not the other way around
Naturally, we assume that John knew Jesus was the Messiah
And therefore, John felt it was inappropriate for him to baptize Jesus
But in reality, the opposite was actually true
At the moment these two men met in the desert, John didn’t know Jesus was the Messiah
For if John had known Jesus was the Promised One, he would have been willing to baptize Jesus without question
Let me explain…
To understand this situation properly, we need to consult John’s Gospel where John the Baptist retells the story of this encounter
Notice first, that this passage begins with the phrase “the next day”
We’re on the day after John baptized Jesus, and on that day, John knows Jesus is the Messiah
How does John say he came to learn of Jesus’ true identity?
He says it was because after he baptized Jesus, the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove and landed on Jesus
But then in v.31, John adds that he did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah before that moment…and he repeats this statement in v.33
So John didn’t know Jesus was the Messiah when Jesus came asking for baptism
He only knew after the event took place
And why was John so determined to convince us that he didn’t know in advance?
I think it’s because it probably seemed suspicious that John names his own cousin as the Messiah
People might have questioned why John selected a family member to be the Messiah
To defend his choice, John insists he didn’t know in advance…
Only after the baptism had completed, did the dove appear to confirm Jesus’ true identity
This was the sign God told John to watch for, to know the Messiah
Now if John the Baptist was in the dark about Jesus’ true identity, then we can be certain everyone else was too
This fact reinforces for us the true humanity of Christ
He lived an absolutely normal human life, because He was fully human
Jesus was not a superhuman or Clark Kent figure who could stop bullets and see through walls
Jesus’ life prior to this moment was unremarkable
He truly was just a man, without anything to suggest He was God and the Creator
Yet, Jesus was sinless, so apparently a person can live a sinless life without drawing much attention to himself
I know the feeling (joke)
This would also explain why the Gospels contain so little detail of Jesus’ early years
Why record details of a mundane, ordinary life?
So John didn’t know Jesus was the Messiah until after the baptism happened
He only learned the truth because he saw the sign God foretold of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove after he baptized Jesus
And even if John had thought Jesus might be the Messiah, that would have increased John’s desire to baptize Jesus
After all, the Lord had told John that he would learn the Messiah’s identity by a baptism of the Holy Spirit
So if John had suspected Jesus was the Messiah, John could only have confirmed his suspicions by going through with the baptism
So if John didn’t suspect Jesus was the Messiah, why did he hesitate to baptize Jesus?
I think the reason goes back to Jesus’ sinless nature
Remember, John probably knew Jesus well…they were cousins only 6 months apart in age
They probably grew up playing together from time to time
And so, John surely knew his cousin was the last person who needed to repent of a godless, sinful life
Remember, John was ministering to tax collectors, Roman soldiers and prostitutes, the lowest of the low, performing a baptism of repentance
These people knew they were far from God
They were ashamed of their lives and felt convicted to get right with God
They were repenting, seeking to change their lives and to return to God
But Jesus…Jesus was a blameless, upright man
John knew Jesus to be the one person in the family Who always seemed to do and say the right thing…the loving, selfless thing
So of all the people John knew, Jesus was easily the last one who needed to receive his baptism
So when John saw his godly cousin, Jesus, coming out to join that rogues’ gallery of repentant sinners, John was incredulous
John says if one of us should be repenting to the other, it should be me repenting to you, Jesus
John wasn’t calling Jesus the Messiah
He was simply saying I have more sin than you do, so I need you to baptize me
Of course, John was both right and wrong
On the one hand, John was right that he had more sin than Jesus
In fact, John didn’t realize how right he was
John had infinitely more sin than Jesus because Jesus was perfect, sinless, God incarnate
But John was also wrong to think that Jesus shouldn’t be baptized
Because Jesus wasn’t coming to receive a baptism of repentance
Jesus had no need to repent
He was coming to John to serve a difference purpose
Jesus was obeying the command of His Father and ensuring that John would likewise obey his calling
Specifically, Jesus says this moment was fitting to fulfill all righteousness
The Greek word translated fitting literally means to be clearly seen
In other words, Jesus is saying, “in doing this, we will be displaying righteousness as we obey the Father”
Jesus didn’t need to be baptized for repentance, but He did need to receive John’s baptism to be obedient to the Father
And that meant it was required to fulfill all righteousness
But if Jesus’ baptism by John wasn’t a baptism for repentance, what specifically did it achieve?
First, it served as the capstone moment in John’s ministry of announcing the coming Messiah
John was raised up by God as the voice crying in the wilderness, declaring the Messiah was soon to arrive
For the past 6 months or so, John had been obeying that call, baptizing all those who believed his message
And now that the Father was ready to reveal Jesus as Messiah, John’s ministry was coming to an end
It was time for John to step aside, to retire so to speak, and handoff to Jesus
That handoff would take place through a baptism moment
So the act of John lowering Jesus into the water and raising Him up, symbolized John’s passing the baton to Jesus
Secondly, Jesus’ baptism served as the moment the Father unveiled Jesus as Messiah, empowering Him to begin His public ministry
In v.16. Matthew says that as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens opened
And at that moment, John saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and coming upon Jesus
The resting of the Spirit of God upon Jesus is the moment Jesus obtained supernatural power
The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus to accomplish the miracles He used to authenticate Himself to the crowds
This the mystery of God taking on flesh
Paul describes it this way
Before coming to Earth, Christ existed in the form of God
God’s form is a mystery to us, but whatever that form is, Jesus had it
He had equality with God, or as John says, Jesus the Word was with God and was God
Yet Jesus did not consider His position something to be grasped or to cling to
He was willing to forgo His form as God and His position of equality with the Father
To do that, Christ had to empty Himself – literally in Greek, it means Jesus made His form void, putting it aside
And in the place of the form of God, Jesus assumed the form of a man, a servant of God
Can a man walk on water? Can a man heal disease with just his word? Can a man raise people from the dead?
No, only God can do those things
And when Jesus emptied Himself, giving up the form and power of God, to take on the form of flesh, He gave up the ability to do these things
Jesus never gave up His identity…He was always God
But when He became man, Jesus did give up His form as God and His power as God
In other words, Jesus didn’t just look like a man, He was a man
The writer of Hebrews, quoting the Psalms, puts it this way:
The Father made Jesus a little lower than angels for a while
Who is lower than an angel? Mankind
This is what it meant for Jesus to become man…it meant entering into the very Creation He made
And by entering into it, He chose to become limited by it
So if Jesus were to perform miracles to authenticate His ministry and message, where would the power for those miracles come from?
The answer is, the Holy Spirit
The Third Person of the Godhead came upon the Second Person of the Godhead to empower Him for His ministry on earth
By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus validated His claims to the Messiah, the Son of God foretold in Scripture
So every time Jesus performed a miracle before the people, it was actually a work or testimony of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit testified that Jesus was the Messiah
We can see multiple examples in Scripture confirming this understanding
First, the Gospels make frequent mention of the Spirit’s role in directing and empowering Jesus’ ministry
In Matthew 4, we’ll see Jesus led into the wilderness by the Spirit
In Matthew 12, we’ll see Jesus Himself crediting the Spirit for His power to cast out demons
In that same chapter, Jesus says that when the Pharisees tried to discredit Jesus’ miracles, they were guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit
Also, Luke reports that Jesus’ communion with the Father while He lived on earth was made possible by the Holy Spirit
It was as if the Spirit served as a conduit connecting Jesus with the Father in Heaven
And this conduit operated in both directions
Because in Acts, we’re told that God revealed His will to Jesus and the apostles by means of the Holy Spirit
Then, we find an intriguing moment in Mark’s gospel when Jesus could not perform miracles in His hometown, Nazareth
Mark says Jesus could not perform miracles in Nazareth, except for a few isolated healings
Mark didn’t say Jesus “would” not perform miracles, but rather Jesus “could” not perform them
Clearly, Jesus wasn’t in full control of when and where He used His miraculous power
Jesus was dependent on the Spirit to empower Him for ministry according to the will of the Father
Since the Nazarenes refused to believe in Jesus, the Spirit declined to do more than a few miracles
Finally, it’s notable that there is no record of Jesus performing any miracles prior to His baptism
Jesus’ very first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana
That event happened in the week following His baptism with John
So in taking on flesh, Jesus voluntarily relinquished His form as God along with His power
Therefore, Jesus required the power of the Holy Spirit to perform the miracles He would do in His earthly ministry
And the moment the Holy Spirit arrived to begin that work, was when Jesus received His baptism
Jesus’ water baptism provided a picture to the onlookers around the river, a symbolic representation of the arrival of the Holy Spirit
So that just as Jesus’ physical body was immersed in water, so was Jesus’ spirit immersed with the Holy Spirit
Now Matthew also tells us that Jesus’ baptism was accompanied by a theophany, or a physical manifestation of God
The Holy Spirit’s arrival was portrayed as a dove landing on Jesus
Obviously, the Holy Spirit is not a dove, so this was a vision God created to communicate the Spirit’s arrival
But the choice of a dove was significant
The first mention of the Spirit of God in Genesis 1:2 uses a Hebrew verb translated as “fluttering”
It is commonly used to describe a mother bird hovering over her nest
Jewish rabbis had concluded that the Spirit took the form of a dove as it fluttered in Genesis 1:2
So to a Jew, the dove was a clear symbol of the Spirit
And then to make sure John got the message, the Father spoke from Heaven testifying that Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah
He was the One in whom the Father is well-pleased
To be well-pleased is a typical biblical understatement…the Father is saying He couldn’t be more pleased than He is in His Son
This is the first of three times the voice of the Father is spoken audibly from Heaven in support of His Son
But remember, this vision and the voice were only witnessed by John
John alone was told to look for such a vision as confirmation of the Messiah
No one else in that moment was privy to this vision
Notice in v.16, the text says “he” (singular) saw the heavens open and the dove descend, not “they"
And in John’s Gospel, John the Baptist says that he saw this sign and he testifies that Jesus is the Son of God
In other words, the crowds were expected to receive John’s word as the prophet of God
The word of the prophet alone was to be sufficient, and the baptism moment served as the moment for that testimony
Only John needed supernatural confirmation to ensure he understood the truth he was to proclaim
That’s still true today generally…God reveals Himself to His people by the word of His prophets in our Bible
Those men received supernatural manifestations of God in many cases, to validate they were hearing from God
But we’re expected to receive their testimony on the basis of faith
So the very next day, John the Baptist was declaring that Jesus was the Lamb of God
But John still didn’t fully grasp all that was coming for his cousin
He knew Jesus was to be a sacrifice for sin, but John didn’t immediately appreciate that Jesus would also reign as King
In fact, later in the Gospel of Luke, we find John the Baptist sending some of his followers to ask Jesus if He was the Expected One?
John ’s question is confusing to us
John seemed completely convinced of Jesus’ identity the day after His baptism
So why was John still wondering months later?
John had been influenced by a misunderstanding of Scripture by the Jewish rabbis of that day
Over the centuries, the rabbis of Israel had read Old Testament passages that foretold a Messiah dying for the sins of Israel
They had concluded God was sending a suffering prophet to die for the sins of His people
But they also read OT passages declaring a Messiah would reign over a worldwide Kingdom
So they also concluded that God would send Israel a conquering King to sit on the seat of David
Since they couldn’t understand how one Messiah could both die and conquer, the rabbis concluded that God would send two Messiahs
One Messiah would be a suffering servant sent to die, while another Messiah would come as a conquering, reigning King
Obviously, we know the rabbis came to the wrong conclusion
There would not to be two coming Messiahs…there would be one Messiah who would arrive twice
Jesus came the first time as a suffering prophet to die for our sins
And He will return to earth a second time in power and glory to reign over all the earth as King
In the meantime, He lives to intercede for us with the Father as our High Priest
So after the dove arrived, John realized that Jesus was the suffering prophet, the Lamb of God
But later, John starts to wonder if Jesus might be more than just the suffering servant
Perhaps Jesus would also be Israel’s conquering King
So to be sure of his suspicions, John sent His disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Expected One, meaning the other Messiah
Jesus’ answer to John confirmed that Jesus fulfilled all the Messianic promises, not just some
So John’s baptism of Jesus brought John’s ministry to an end and it began Jesus’ ministry…but it served one more purpose
It established a model for Jesus’ followers to repeat so we can identify with our Lord
Just as Jesus received water baptism to fulfill all righteousness so are His followers called to do the same
As Jesus commanded at the end of Matthew, in a passage commonly called the Great Commission
As I mentioned in an earlier week, the Greek word translated baptize means to dip
So the concept of baptism is to be immersed or dipped into water
Furthermore, notice that in the text in v.16. Matthew describes Jesus as “coming up” from the water
You don’t come up out of a sprinkling experience
Plus, if all John wanted to do was sprinkle people with water, he wouldn’t have needed to travel all the way to the Jordan river to baptize
So from all evidence, the biblical act of baptism is always and only immersion of the entire body into water
Sprinkling some part of a person’s body does not constitute a baptism
That is merely a manmade ritual with no spiritual significance
And so it does not substitute for a baptism
Furthermore, only a proper baptism fulfills righteousness, as Jesus said to John
Because only full immersion in water can serve the purpose God had in instituting baptism, both for Jesus and for us
The imagery of baptism is very specific and quite profound
Paul explains the meaning of baptism in Romans 6
Paul makes a comparison between baptism and Jesus’ death and resurrection
Paul is talking about our baptism by the Holy Spirit
When we placed our faith in Jesus Christ, confessed Him and were saved by our faith, we received the Holy Spirit
Scripture calls the moment the Holy Spirit came to dwell inside of us, the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Every believer has this experience at the moment they come to faith in Jesus
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is how we are born again spiritually
So just as our Lord had the Spirit of God land upon Him, so have we received the Holy Spirit also
Jesus blazed the path that we follow by faith in Him
Paul says that the baptism of the Holy Spirit resulted in our spirit being identified with Christ
So that by our faith, what is true for Christ has been credited to our heavenly account
Beginning with His death on the cross
So Paul says we have been baptized by our faith into Christ’s death, so that when the Father looks upon His children he no longer sees our sins
By the arrival of the Holy Spirit, we are united with Christ in His death so that our sins rested on Christ as He hung on that cross – they died with Christ
But more than that, Paul says we have also been united with Christ in His resurrection
Once again, because the Holy Spirit has come to live in us, we will follow in Christ’s footsteps
So though Christ died, yet He lived again, rising from the dead by the glory of the Father
And so will those who have placed their faith in Him
So by the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the moment we believed in Jesus, we immediately came to share in His death and in His resurrection
We don’t need to die to pay for our own sins
Christ’s death has paid that price for us
And we don’t need to worry that the death of our body will be the end of us
Because the same Spirit Who raised Jesus’ body will raise us
But we share one more aspect of baptism with Jesus…no one can see the moment the Spirit came to live in us
That crowd that surrounded Jesus didn’t see the Spirit
They didn’t hear God’s voice
They only saw Jesus’ body enter the water and come back up
Similarly, when you came to faith in Jesus Christ, no one saw a dove landing on you
You didn’t start to glow or levitate
You believed, you confessed, you were saved
The Spirit came to make His home in your heart, but that moment was invisible to everyone
But just as the Father didn’t want Jesus to remain a secret, neither does He want Jesus’ followers to remain invisible
He wants us to testify, and to help us accomplish that purpose, He has given us the beautiful picture of water baptism
As a believer enters the water to be baptized, he or she is telling a story, a spiritual story, a story that can only be told in pictures
The water of our baptism represents the earth, the ground in which we bury dead bodies
So as a believer is lowered into the water, we’re picturing the burial of a body
And as we raise that person up out of the water, we’re picturing resurrection
That’s a physical picture of what has already happened by the Spirit in our hearts
Just as Jesus was immersed in water to represent His immersion by the Holy Spirit, we too are called to do the same
We enter water to testify that we have been baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ’s death and resurrection
No one saw the Spirit, but anyone can see the water
Now perhaps this is the first time you’ve understood the baptism in this way, in the way the Bible explains it
The baptism Jesus commanded for His Church follows in His footsteps
First, it’s an act to fulfill righteousness, meaning to obey God
Water baptism does not make us righteous any more than Jesus’ baptism made Him righteous
Secondly, water baptism is a coming-out party of sorts
It associates us with Jesus, declaring us to be followers of the Messiah
Just as Jesus’ water baptism announced Him to the world as our Messiah
Thirdly, our water baptism inaugurates our public service in the body of Christ, just as it began Jesus’ public ministry
Our opportunity to serve the Lord is set loose when we obey the call to be baptized
Because the first command every believer receives is to be baptized
But if we will not obey His first command, Jesus isn’t going to move on to step #2
He will wait with us. expecting us to do what we’ve been asked
Finally, just as Jesus’ baptism marked a transition between John’s ministry and Jesus’ ministry, so does our baptism mark a transition
Every believer has an old life and a new life, an old self and a new self
Depending on when you came to know Jesus, that old life might have been rather brief or it might have been decades
But regardless, every believer has a before and after story
The moment of your faith in Jesus is a private dividing line between those two worlds
But your water baptism is the public dividing point, the moment when you embraced your new life and declared it was all you wanted
Every believer is expected to follow the Lord’s footsteps in baptism, as in everything else
That’s why we’re called Christians…the word literally means “little Christs”
It was originally coined to mock Jesus’ followers, but the Church soon embraced it because it’s a perfect description of what we want to be
Now perhaps when you were an infant, your parents took you to a church and had someone sprinkle water on your head
They dressed you up, took pictures, got a certificate and had a party
And thereafter, they told you that you were baptized
If that’s the only kind of “baptism” you’ve ever received, then on the authority of Scripture, I must tell you that you have never been baptized
If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ but you have never walked into the water to be baptized as Jesus commanded, then you still owe Jesus a baptism
We would love to help you obey that command, to fulfill all righteousness in your walk with Christ
VBVF will hold a baptism later this Spring, and we want to include anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus, but has yet to receive baptism
If that’s you, then please see me immediately after this service so I can discuss it with you