
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week, we studied Jesus’ baptism
And as we did, we focused on the purpose and meaning of that event
Specifically, why Jesus came for a baptism of water
We said Jesus wasn’t coming to receive a baptism of repentance, as were the other people by the river
Jesus needed no repentance
Instead, Jesus was coming to be baptized for other reasons
As I taught last week, Jesus’ baptism accomplished several things
As Jesus told John, His baptism was fitting to fulfill all righteousness
Or we could say Jesus’ baptism was a public act of obedience to the Father, necessary for righteousness
First, this moment was the handoff point between John’s ministry and Jesus’ ministry
Secondly, it inaugurated Jesus’ public ministry, made possible by the baptism of the Holy Spirit to equip Jesus
Finally, it established a pattern for Jesus’ disciples to repeat as we follow in His footsteps
Then as Jesus was baptized, the Father confirmed His pleasure in Jesus’ obedience
The Father said Jesus was His beloved Son in Whom He was well-pleased
A ringing endorsement by God of the One sent to earth to redeem mankind from their sins
The Father’s statement was only heard by John the Baptist, Matthew told us
But undoubtedly, John reported it to others so they could know that Jesus was the long-awaited Son of God
And eventually, John’s testimony was recorded in the Gospels for everyone to know
But as the Father revealed the identity of His Son, there was someone else listening on that day, someone else who heard the Father’s words
He is a powerful and important character in the story of Jesus, and he too, desperately desired to know the identity of the Messiah
He waited nearby that day, watching the proceedings intently and listening to every word
He knew the time for the Messiah’s arrival was at hand, and he expected John the Baptist to lead him to Him sooner or later
But like everyone else, this powerful figure had no choice but to wait by the river until John revealed the Son of God
In fact, by the time of Jesus’ baptism, this character had been waiting longer – much longer – than anyone else on earth
He hadn’t just been waiting years or even a lifetime…he had been waiting for millennia
His name was Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan
He had been waiting for the Father to reveal the Messiah so he could destroy that Promised One
Because Satan knew this Messiah was coming to destroy him
Satan first appears in the third chapter of the Bible, when he confronts Woman in the Garden and ultimately tempts her and Man into sin
At that point, Satan’s already full of hatred for God and speaking nothing but lies
So we wonder, how did Satan become this horrible adversary of God?
Surely, God did not create Satan this way, for we know the Lord is not the source of evil
Satan’s backstory is important to understanding what’s happening in Matthew 4, so let’s take a moment to do some homework
Our homework takes us out of the Gospel of Matthew for a little while tonight, back to the Old Testament, beginning in Ezekiel
This passage describes Satan, called the “King of Tyre,” falling from a place of honor to become who we know him to be today
Time doesn’t permit me to examine this passage with you in depth (that must wait for the resumption of our Ezekiel study later this year)
So for our purposes in studying Matthew 4, let’s focus on three details from this passage
First, in v.12, notice Satan’s original created nature
Satan was created in perfection, just like everything God creates
Ezekiel says Satan was created full of wisdom and perfect in beauty
The word “full” in Hebrew carries the sense of completeness or an abundance
And “perfect” can mean entirely consumed
So Satan was complete in wisdom and completely consumed in beauty
That means that no created thing possessed greater wisdom or was more beautiful than Satan
Imagine the wisest person who ever lived
Consider the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in Creation
Satan exceeded both
Furthermore, the Lord testifies in v.15 that Satan was blameless in his ways from the day of his creation
Satan was without sin, perfectly obedient to the Father from the beginning of his existence
Which confirms that God did not establish sin – neither the sin of mankind, nor the sin of Satan
Secondly, in v.14, notice what job God assigned Satan as his service in Heaven
The text says Satan was the "covering cherub”
Cherubim are the highest order of heavenly beings, and Satan was the wisest and most beautiful of these angelic creatures
Scripture says Satan is one of these creatures
Moreover, Satan held the most coveted position in Creation, serving God as the covering cherub
That phrase may ring a bell for you, because it comes from the instructions given to Moses on how to build the tabernacle
Specifically, cherubim were part of the design of the Ark of the Covenant, which we hear about in Exodus
The Ark was a rectangular box covered in gold
The lid of the Ark was called the mercy seat
The lid was called a seat not because someone sat on it, but because the glory of the Lord would rest on it in the tabernacle
To honor and protect the glory of the Lord, the lid included two golden cherubim standing on either end
The cherubim had wings that stretched over the center of the lid, forming a canopy
That’s why the cherubim were called covering cherubim, because their wings covered God’s glory
In the book of Hebrews, we’re told that the plans God gave Moses for building the earthly tabernacle were based on a heavenly pattern
Specifically, Hebrews says the earthly tabernacle was modeled after a heavenly tabernacle that operates in God’s presence
Which means the design of the Ark for Israel’s tabernacle was based on the Ark that resides in the heavenly tabernacle
So just like the earthly tabernacle had covering cherubim, so the heavenly tabernacle had a real covering cherub
And that cherub was none other than Satan himself
Thirdly, in Ezekiel 28:16-18, the Lord describes the moment of Satan’s fall into sin
Scripture says the first sin happened because of the abundance of Satan’s trade
Because of Satan’s lofty position, he was filled internally with violence and then he sinned
Satan was personally covering the glory of God in the heavenly tabernacle
No created thing was closer to God’s presence than Satan
Furthermore, Satan knew he was special, beautiful and more powerful than anything else in Creation
So one day, Satan’s special qualities and his unique place near the glory of God caused his heart to be lifted up (pride) and to be filled with violence
Violence is a physical act of force intended to kill, steal or destroy
So what violent physical act did Satan perpetrate?
He tried to take the mercy seat by force, seating himself in the place of God
In v.18, we’re told Satan’s attempted coup profaned the heavenly sanctuary, leaving it defiled
At that point, the Lord rejected Satan, casting him from the heavenly tabernacle to the earth, where he later corrupted mankind
Notice in v.19, the Lord also declared that Satan would one day be judged for his sin
He would cease to be forever
Later, after the fall in the Garden, the Lord clarified that Satan’s defeat would come at the hands of the Messiah
That the Son of God would personally defeat and condemn Satan for his rebellion
There’s a certain irony to all this
Under the Law, the mercy seat in the tabernacle was the place of atonement
It’s called the “mercy” seat because it was the place Israel received mercy from God for their sin
But before Satan fell, there was no need for a mercy seat because there was no sin to forgive
So I wonder if while Satan stood guarding a heavenly mercy seat, he ever stopped to wonder why does my job even exist?
So having fallen, Satan goes on the prowl over the whole earth like a lion, full of pride and violence, opposing God and God’s people
Satan still desires to take God’s place, but now, he also has a new goal
He intends to destroy that Promised One coming to defeat him
He doesn’t know Who it will be or when He will arrive
But Satan knew that if he could destroy the coming seed or if he could tempt Him into sin, then the Messiah would fail
So Satan has remained ever vigilant, taking any opportunity he can to strike against anyone that could threaten him
For example, Satan struck at the first generation of the “seed” of Adam and Eve corrupting the first son, Cain, and murdering the second son, Abel
Later, he tried to corrupt the seed of men by ordering his demons to mate with women to produce the Nephilim of Genesis 6
But each time, the Lord sidestepped Satan’s efforts to preserve the line of the seed
Later, when the Lord revealed that the Promised Seed would come through the descendants of Jacob, Satan began to focus his hatred against Jews
He tried to use Pharaoh to destroy all the male children of Israel
But God granted Moses an escape
Over the centuries, Satan continued battling Israel, either to destroy them or corrupt their line to stop the coming of Messiah
But each time, the Lord has protected His Son to ensure He could arrive as promised
But now, the time has come for that protection to be withdrawn, for Jesus to face the enemy not as a conquering King, but as a mere man
Jesus has lived for about 30 years in quiet and anonymity
When His family returned from Egypt and settled in Nazareth, Satan didn’t know Jesus’ identity
No one knew His identity, except Mary and Joseph
But now, the Father has announced to the entire spiritual world that Jesus is the One the Father promised to bring
The word is out and of course, Satan immediately takes a personal interest in destroying this One
For so long, he sought to find and kill this Man sent to destroy him
And now he has him, and we can only imagine how eager Satan must have been to kill or corrupt the Messiah
That’s what we’re going to study in Chapter 4, the effort Satan made to compromise Jesus so that he could nullify Jesus’ mission
But now, you also know why it’s important to understand the nature of the incarnation, of God taking the form of man as Jesus did
If you enter into the story of Jesus’ temptations thinking that Jesus retained His omnipotent powers, then the temptations seem a bit silly
Like a child trying to sink a naval battleship by throwing pebbles at its side
It hardly seems like a fair fight, and we certainly don’t perceive Jesus as having been in jeopardy
For that matter, even Jesus’ long period of fasting might seem like much ado about nothing since God has infinite power
But that’s not how to approach Chapter 4 of Matthew
As I mentioned last week, in His identity Jesus was fully God, no less deity than He was while in Heaven
But as Paul taught us, Jesus emptied Himself, not counting His equality with God the Father something he had to keep
Instead, he voluntarily relinquished His form and position, the things that made Him equal with the Father
And instead, our God took the form of man, full man, sharing all the same physical, mental and emotional limitations we know
Including the ability to experience temptation
Remember, Scripture says this about God:
God in His heavenly form, His full and true form, cannot be tempted by evil
So had Satan come before Jesus in His full form as God, Jesus could never have been tempted
Chapter 4 would have been a completely meaningless chapter of the Bible
But then, we hear this concerning Jesus while in the form of man in the book of Hebrews
Jesus was made like us, that is, He became a man no different than we are so He could take our place in death as a propitiation
And along the way to the cross, Hebrews says Jesus was tempted in the things He suffered
Obviously, that refers to the temptation to avoid the pain of the cross
We can certainly understand Jesus’ feeling that way, because that’s the way any one of us would feel if we were in His shoes
But that’s exactly the point I’m making from Scripture
Jesus was just like us…feeling the temptation to do the wrong things, except He never succumbed to that temptation
As Hebrews says again
So if God in His eternal form cannot be tempted, yet Jesus in His human form was tempted, then clearly Jesus was not superman, He was just man. His identity was God, but his form was man
He did not have superpowers, which is why the Holy Spirit came upon Him at His baptism
But that also means Satan’s attacks had real effect
Jesus was placed in jeopardy
Had he succumbed to Satan’s attacks, He could have died or been led into sin
He didn’t have any special ability you don’t have – He had His will and the Holy Spirit. What do you have?
And as such, Jesus would have nullified His purpose and mission to be our Savior and Satan’s destroyer
And yet, these temptations were absolutely necessary for Jesus to accomplish His mission
Jesus had to set humanity straight by taking Adam’s place as the federal representative of humanity
Adam chose to believe in Satan’s word, which were lies, instead of heeding God’s Word, which was the truth
When he did this, Adam single-handedly handed Satan dominion over his soul and those of his offspring
And by his failure to resist Satan’s temptation, Adam put all of us in bondage to sin
Jesus came to fix that problem, to redeem us from that bondage
But to do that, Jesus had to become our federal representative in place of Adam
Which is why He had to take the form of man…not merely the appearance of man but our actual form
And then Jesus had to face the tempter, as Adam did
Only this time, Jesus would make different choices, which qualified Him to be our sinless representative, beyond Satan’s reach
Which brings us, finally, to the opening of Chapter 4 of Matthew, and the story of Satan’s efforts to prevent Jesus from qualifying as our sinless New Adam
Let’s read the opening of the chapter
Sometime soon after His baptism, Jesus wanders deeper into the wilderness
The Judean wilderness is a barren, hot mountain desert of rocks, sand and a few isolated shrubs or lone tree here or there
It’s unforgiving land where survival is difficult
Jesus enters the wilderness because the Spirit leads Him there, Matthew says
In Mark’s Gospel, the language is more dramatic
According to Mark, the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness
Here again, this reminds us that Jesus in the form of man, depended on the Spirit to understand the will of the Father
The Spirit has led Jesus to this desolate place, specifically to make Jesus available to the devil for temptation
The enemy is going to have three opportunities to tempt Jesus into disqualifying Himself as our Redeemer
Again, these are opportunities for Jesus to chart a new course for humanity, one that is the opposite of the course established by Adam
And to make sure that we have no doubt concerning Jesus’ worthiness, the Father has stacked the deck against Jesus. In fact, it’s interesting to compare Him to Adam
When Adam fell into sin and brought the rest of us with him, he had everything going his way
He lived in literally perfect circumstances
He lived in a cool and pleasant Garden, specially designed for Adam, well-watered and full of food
Moreover, Adam was not alone, since he had his wife to help him
And most importantly, he walked with God in fellowship
Furthermore, Adam had only one rule given him by God, only one law
He couldn’t eat of a single tree in the garden
So long as Adam observed that one rule, he had no cause for concern
And even that one restriction wasn’t much of a temptation, since he had so many other trees to turn to for food
I’m sure he could barely count all the varieties of fruit available to him
So the deck was stacked against the enemy
Man lived in idyllic bliss, he had an infinite number of ways to remain obedient and only one way he could sin
The enemy had the most minimal of temptations to offer and had to find a way to make Adam resent the one and only rule God gave him
Despite having all the advantages, nevertheless, Man and Woman fell into disobedience
The Lord couldn’t have made Adam’s test any easier, and still, Adam fell
But now, as Jesus sets out to prove Himself as our Second Adam, the circumstances will be quite different
The odds are stacked against Jesus
Jesus will be in a harsh desert, hungry and without friends
He will face an enemy who has already won and is fighting to keep what he has gained
And Satan will be allowed to tempt Jesus not once, but three times, while He’s in a weakened state
And Jesus will face these attacks as Adam did, as a mere man, without the Father’s protection or the Spirit’s supernatural power
He doesn’t even have the ministry of angels until the temptations are over – He’s by Himself
Notice in v.2, even before the temptations begin, Jesus fasts for forty days
Now perhaps you assumed Jesus survived this experience because He was God and God can do anything
Well, as I mentioned earlier, that’s not the case
Jesus’ body experienced these things in just the same way that our body would, with no extra advantage
Or perhaps you assumed that the 40-day period was an exaggeration for the sake of dramatic effect
You assume Jesus didn’t really go without food for that long
No one can go that long without eating
But that’s not true, either
Under Jewish custom, religious fasting generally took one of two forms
Fasts were either a food fast or a food and water fast
A food fast meant only drinking water, while a food and water fast meant consuming nothing whatsoever
Obviously, a person can’t survive without water for very long, so a food and water fast only lasted a few days
But the human body can survive a considerable time without food…weeks
So a food fast could last anywhere from a day up to forty days, depending on why the person was fasting
That’s the type of fast Jesus endures here
He eats nothing for 40 days, and of course, he grows weaker as time goes along
But the body has a fascinating response to long-term fasts of this type
In the first few days of the fast, the body’s hunger response increases dramatically and energy levels drop considerably
But then, after those early days, hunger fades and strength returns as the body begins converting fat stores to energy
And for the most part, for the next 5 weeks, the body continues to function reasonably well, burning fat and losing weight, of course
I’ve spoken to people who have endured this very kind of fast
The person experiences hunger now and again, but not as strongly as you probably assume
They report having gone to work and lived otherwise normal lives for most of that time
They were more tired, a little weaker, and they lost a ton of weight, but in general they could endure it
But then about 40 days into the fast, everything changes
After 5 weeks, the body has largely exhausted its fat stores
And it realizes it needs a new source of energy very soon
So at that point, the sensation of hunger kicks back in…now with a vengeance
The person gets very hungry…so hungry that all they can think about is food
You may have read stories of what people enduring starvation are willing to do
They resort to eating dirt or shoe leather or wood
Their hunger drive has become so intense, it compels them to do things normal people would never consider
That’s the state Jesus was in
So notice in v.2, Matthew remarks that after 40 days, Jesus became hungry
This isn’t merely a bit of humorous understatement on Matthew’s part
He’s describing what most Jews who had experienced fasting would have understood
The 40-day point is the worst possible time to be tempted
You’re at your weakest physically and you’re incredibly distracted by the sudden return of intense hunger
The drive to survive is so strong, it can overwhelm every other thought or desire
Only our urge to breathe is stronger than our hunger drive
And it’s under these extreme conditions that the enemy steps in to tempt Jesus
We’re going to wait until next week to examine the three temptations in-depth
For now, let’s finish tonight considering Satan’s goal and methods in these temptations
First, Satan’s goal is to make Jesus disqualify Himself
It’s not enough for Satan to kill the Messiah himself
For even if Satan were permitted to kill Jesus, the Father would simply raise Jesus up from the dead to continue His mission
After all, this very thing happens three years later
So Satan must find a way to cause Jesus to voluntarily disqualify Himself, by taking an action that is contrary to the will of the Father
In other words, as he did with Adam, so must Satan do with Jesus
He must bring Jesus to the point where Jesus willingly goes against the Word of the Lord
To do this, Satan relies on two key tactics
First, he depends on the strength of his lies
Secondly, he exploits the weaknesses of our flesh
He twists the truth to make his temptations sound reasonable, perhaps even to seem consistent with God’s desires
And he works to harness our natural desires so that we convince ourselves to take his bait
He followed this same system with Woman in the Garden
He twisted the word of God when he spoke with Woman, questioning whether God’s Word could be trusted
And then, he provoked Woman to gaze upon the tree’s fruit with renewed interest
Satan drew her attention to the fruit’s enticing appearance
And he gave her the suggestion of great things to be gained if she ate
And so she did
Satan will use similar tactics to lead Jesus into sin
Satan will twist Scripture to tell Jesus lies, not just once as with Woman, but three times
And he will try to tempt Jesus into sinning, not just one way, as with Woman, but three different ways
The apostle John offers us a convenient summary of the three ways we can be tempted to sin
We can be tempted by the lusts of our physical body, our flesh
We can tempted by the lust of our eyes, which refers to desires that captivate us and distract us from following God
And the boastful or vain glory of life, which is anything that appeals to our pride or sense of self-worth apart from God
Every temptation we can name fits into one of these three categories, and Jesus will be tempted by all three methods
Tempted to give in to His body’s demand for food
Tempted by a vision of what He could gain without the need to experience the suffering of the cross
Tempted by His pride to defend His honor and reputation as the Son of God
Later this week, we remember Jesus’ death on the cross, the moment He gave everything for us by dying in our place to pay the price required for our sin
I’m sure as you spend time with your family or perhaps in fellowship with believers in a Sunday morning service, you will be thinking about what Jesus did on that day
Certainly nothing could be more important than that moment
But I hope you may also give a few moments of thought to what Jesus endured even before the cross
Of how and why He was even qualified to hang on that cross
You see, Jesus didn’t just save us by His death
He saved us by His perfect, sinless life given in place of our worthless, sinful, rebellious life
In a sense, we could say dying was the easy part
Yes, dying on a cross is truly horrible, but Jesus isn’t the only person in history to experience crucifixion
In fact, there were two other men experiencing it right next to Him on that day
No, the truly unique thing Jesus did, perhaps the most difficult thing He did, was living as a mere man yet without giving in to temptation
And not just one time…but every day of His life