Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight, we return to Satan’s temptations of Christ
Have you ever felt like that…like you couldn’t help yourself from taking Satan’s bait?
Well, you’re certainly not alone
Satan is the wisest creature God has ever made
So it’s no surprise he has great skill to lead us astray
We studied the first of Satan’s temptations last week
The enemy asked Jesus to prove the Word of God concerning His identity asking, if you’re the Son of God, make stones into bread
In dissecting the enemy’s methods, we noted how Satan begins by untethering us from the Word of God
Satan indicts the Word of God, subtly, seeking to place a seed of doubt in our minds
Satan leads us to rethink what we already know, to doubt God’s instructions, to justify our desires as consistent with God’s word
Once Satan has untethered us from the anchor of God’s Word, we’re floating free
Now all Satan requires is a temptation to incentivize us to consummate our lust, leading to sin
Last week, we learned the three ways we can be tempted to sin
1 John 2:16 taught that everything of the world can be classified as the lust of the flesh, the lust or attraction of the eyes, or the pride of life
Jesus’ first temptation was directed at the lust of His body, His flesh
Satan suggested Jesus make bread from stones to prove the Word of God concerning Jesus’ identity
Satan wanted Jesus to give up His fast because he knew that if bread appeared before Jesus, Jesus would be strongly tempted to eat it
So Satan drew from the Exodus to suggest Jesus repeat the miracle of manna to prove His identity
Of course, Jesus wisely resisted Satan’s temptation
Beginning with re-affirming His anchor in the Word of God
God’s Word tells us that obeying God is more important than satisfying our body’s desires
Had Jesus made bread from stones, He would have proven Himself to be the Son of God
Yet simultaneously, He would have acted against the instructions of the Father, thereby contradicting the Word of the Father
The lesson being, if we trade our obedience for fleshly desires, we forfeit eternal things to gain temporal things…and that’s a bad deal
So let’s look at the second temptation…
If you were to compare Luke’s account with this account, you’ll notice that the events are recorded in a different order
The difference is due to the authors’ different purposes in writing
Luke opens his Gospel saying he was writing to explain events in chronological order
While Matthew’s purpose was to show Jesus as the King promised to Israel
So Luke’s account has the actual order of temptations, while Matthew’s account has them building to the most important
Since we’re in Matthew, we’ll follow his order
Satan’s first temptation was directed at the lust of the flesh
The next temptation in Matthew’s Gospel is directed at the pride of life
Satan takes Jesus from the wilderness to the “holy city”, which is Jerusalem
It’s unclear to us whether Satan transported Jesus in some way or accomplished his temptation through a vision
In the end, it doesn’t much matter which way Satan worked
The point is, that Jesus is now confronting a different set of circumstances
Specifically, Jesus is standing on the pinnacle of the temple
The word “pinnacle” refers to the highest point of the structure
And the highest point of the temple is the southeast corner of the city walls
The SE corner of the city wall is also the SE corner of the temple compound, and it’s the highest place of the temple
From that place, you look down on the rocks of the Kidron Valley, about 170 ft below
A fall from that place would certainly be fatal
And from this vantage point, Satan tempts Jesus using the same basic method we’ve outlined already
First, Satan questions Jesus’ identity again, asking “If You are the Son of God…”
Notice, the question itself presumes that Jesus is the Son of God
Satan never asks this question of anyone else, because he knows Jesus is the Son of God
Remember, the goal isn’t to verify Jesus’ identity…it’s to get Jesus to disobey the Father
So, because Satan knows Jesus is the Son of God, he’s intent on tempting Jesus to sin
Likewise, it’s because you are a child of God that Satan wants to tempt you, for this is how he steals God’s glory
So Satan questions the trustworthiness of God’s Word and then proposes another test to verify Jesus’ identity
In the first temptation, Satan challenged Jesus to perform a miracle that would demonstrate Jesus was divine
So Satan was testing Jesus
But now, Satan challenges the Father Himself to prove Jesus is His Son
Satan quotes from Psalm 91, but as he always does, Satan misquoted and misapplied the Word to suit his own desires
Let’s read the passage from where Satan takes this quote
This psalm makes general promises to God’s people, but it makes specific promises to the Messiah, so we understand it to be a Messianic prophecy
The Father promises to give His angels charge over the Messiah when He comes, protecting Him as He goes about His mission
To put it simply, Jesus came to earth to die a sacrificial death on a cross during Passover, which meant
He couldn’t die in an ox cart accident
Or by drowning as a child or from a disease
So in Psalm 91, the Father promised that no harm would prevent Jesus from fulfilling His mission
Specifically, in v.11, the Father promises that the angels would guard Jesus in all His ways
And in v.12, that they would not even allow Jesus to fall from stumbling on a stone
Of course, Satan twisted this promise in a subtle way
Satan suggests that the Father is promising Jesus that He can’t be hurt under any circumstances
So Satan proposes that we test the Father’s promise
If you throw yourself off this wall and the angels catch you, then it’s proof that you are the One the Father was speaking about in Psalm 91
Satan’s deception is taking God’s Word out of context so that it lacks important details
Notice in v.14, the psalm says Jesus will be delivered from harm because Jesus has loved the Father
And loving the Father is defined in Scripture as obedience to God’s Word
And that’s the key…Jesus was to be protected because He honors the Father in faithfulness to the mission
Because Jesus obeys the Father, the Father responds by protecting Jesus
Not only from the dangers of everyday life, but ultimately, from rescuing Jesus from the grave
Conversely, had Jesus not been faithful to obey the Father, the Father would not have been obligated to protect Jesus
The Word Satan quoted was true, but the way Satan attempted to apply it was false, because it called upon Jesus to challenge God’s authority
By jumping off the wall, Jesus would be dictating the timing and circumstances under which the Father must fulfill His Own Word
The Father had a specific fulfillment in mind for the words of Psalm 91
And we can be sure the Father didn’t have this situation in mind
He was speaking about protecting Christ from His enemies and from the by-and-by dangers of life on earth
He wasn’t giving Jesus carte blanche to throw Himself in harm’s way to force God to respond
That’s turning God into a genie, forcing Him to do our bidding
So, had Jesus agreed to Satan’s demands, Jesus would have been testing God, as Jesus says in v.7
Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy again, where Moses told the people that they should not try to force God to prove Himself
Israel tested God in the desert by claiming God wasn’t prepared to care for their needs in the desert
They made these claims, hoping to provoke God’s pride, so that God would then respond by providing them what they wanted
The Israelites tried to demand the terms by which God would serve them, rather than their serving God
That’s testing God, and we do it all the time
We make bargains with God
We promise things to Him, if He would only do things we want
We treat Him as an equal, or worse, as someone we can manipulate
That’s what Satan wants Jesus to do here
To dictate to the Father how Psalm 91 would be fulfilled
And ironically, had Jesus chosen to do so, the Father would have been under no obligation whatsoever to save Jesus
Had Jesus jumped, He would have been acting outside the will of the Father, so Jesus would have been disobeying the Father
And had Jesus sinned in this way, then the promise of Psalm 91 would have been invalidated
Now why would Jesus be tempted to do such a thing in the first place?
In a word, pride – and that’s the temptation Satan is offering here: the temptation of the pride of life
Pride is judging ourselves more worthy of honor than we truly are, while seeking others to affirm our self view
It’s an insidious and deceptively powerful evil working in our hearts
It’s so dangerous because we usually can’t recognize it in ourselves
Because we dress up our pride to look virtuous, telling ourselves our motives are selfless
For example, we fish for compliments, but then pretend to be embarrassed when we receive them
We maneuver to be the center of attention at the party…then act surprised when everyone stops to listen to us
We conspire to receive credit for that team project at work…then look magnanimous as we give token acknowledgement to our co-workers
We drive slowly through the parking lot, hoping friends will admire us in our new car…but then pretend not to notice them staring
And in the end, we’re proud of our humility
It’s all vanity, as Solomon said, and when pride rules our heart, we join Satan’s team, we follow in his footsteps trying to take over from God
Instead of serving God, we want God to be our servant
We work for our desires and priorities, not God’s
Pride makes us steal God’s honor and glory, to take credit for His provision and grace by calling it hard work and talent
That’s what Satan was banking on in Jesus’ case
Satan was hoping that by questioning if Jesus was the Son of God, Satan might give Jesus a desire to defend His reputation
Then, Satan quotes the word of God out of context, suggesting the Father was obligated to protect Jesus, which enflames Jesus’ pride
All that remained was for Jesus to jump, expecting the Father to do Jesus’ bidding instead of Jesus obeying the Father
And if that had happened, Jesus sins and all is lost
Pride may be Satan’s most powerful deception
Satan has used this temptation to convince millions of believers that God wants to make us rich or free us from all disease
That we have a RIGHT to these things, because God has PROMISED us these things in His Word
That’s the primary error of the prosperity heresy: implying that God serves us, instead of us serving God
You may have thought the prosperity heresy depended on greed to gain its following, and it does to an extent
But its principle target is our pride, the urge to make God suit our desires
The prosperity heresy asserts that God has promised wealth to us and it will come our way if we just claim it
It’s the same manipulation Satan tried with Psalm 91
Suggesting that God will show up when WE want Him to
That we can force God to fulfill His Word to us according to our desires and on our terms
Scripture teaches a very different perspective on our relationship to God
The most common word the Scriptures use for believers is servant, or in Greek duolos, which literally means slave
Believers in Jesus Christ have been bought, redeemed, with a heavy price: Jesus’ blood
So having been purchased, we have an obligation to glorify God with our body, with our lives
That means we must silence that part of our sin nature that keeps telling us that we have equal standing with God
We have no right to anything apart from what the Lord has determined we should have, whether possessions, honor, power, or whatever
Listen to Jesus’ instructions to His disciples
That’s the godly perspective, a humble perspective that sees ourselves in a realistic light
It’s the heart that knows God alone is worthy of glory and honor
He alone deserves praise, and whatever we have to offer the world, if it’s worth anything, comes from God Himself
And so our spiritual service of worship is to make ourselves a living sacrifice of praise
So Satan has attempted to tempt Jesus using the lust of His flesh and the pride of life
He’s attempted to challenge Jesus’ power and to challenge the Father’s promises
In both cases, Satan twisted a truth found in God’s Word to make a claim that Scripture itself does not make
And in both cases, Jesus answered Satan’s lie with the true view of Scripture
Before we look at Satan’s third temptation, take note of something important in these exchanges
Satan has been making claims from Scripture, either implicitly or explicitly
And then Jesus has been answering these claims also using Scripture
Now if we didn’t know better, we might think that Scripture contradicts itself
That whoever has the best verse or the last word “wins” the debate
But that’s never true, because Scripture never contradicts itself
So if we think two verses are arguing opposite conclusions, it means we don’t understand one or the other
In this case, Satan misused Scripture making it appear to say something it didn’t
And many times, the so-called “contradictions” or “tensions” in Scripture are actually self-imposed
We’ve caused it because we aren’t interpreting Scripture properly somewhere
So let’s move to the final temptation
For his final temptation, Satan again moves Jesus (or gives Him a vision) from a very high mountain
Traditionally, people say this mountain is the one next to Jericho, probably because it’s the highest mountain in the wilderness of Judea
From this high point, Satan gives Jesus a vision of all the kingdoms of the world
And he tells Jesus it’s within Satan’s power to give these to Jesus if Jesus would worship Satan as god
Satan’s mention of kingdoms referred to all the physical earth
Satan is, for a while, the prince of the fallen world, as Paul says in Ephesians 2
And Satan is the ruler of the world's forces of darkness, as Paul says in Ephesians 6
Notice what Satan says to God in Job
Satan was roaming about on the earth, because this is his home for a time
And therefore, he can give portions of this world to those as he desires
He rules the hearts of unbelievers, and he has authority and dominion to hand out to those whom he pleases
It’s no surprise that many of the world’s most evil people are those with great power, wealth and success
Satan is the god of this world, as Paul calls him, and he empowers those who worship him
So now, Satan is pressing Jesus to do the same, to acknowledge Satan as God, rather than His Father in Heaven
In a sense, Satan was offering Jesus the opportunity to reach His mission the easy way
Jesus came to earth as a man to redeem the fallen world from Satan
God gave dominion of the earth to Adam and Woman
But when they fell to Satan’s temptations, they gave Satan glory as their god, making themselves slaves to sin
So now, Jesus as our New Adam has come to redeem the world from this curse by His blood shed on the cross
That plan requires Jesus to die a painful death on a cross
Enduring the shame to pay for Adam’s mistake and the sin of all who have followed Adam
When Jesus completes this plan He will receive an inheritance, the Bible says
The Father has promised Jesus an inheritance of the entire earth
But like any inheritance, it can only be received upon a death
We can’t receive our rich uncle’s inheritance until after he dies
Jesus’ death was required before His inheritance was available
Jesus redeemed the Creation from Satan by His death
And Jesus was resurrected to receive back His Own inheritance, which he gladly shares with the children of God
All believers share in Christ’s inheritance, which we receive when we too are resurrected
Our share of Christ’s inheritance is a portion of the world, a portion of the Kingdom Jesus sets up on earth upon His return
But here’s Satan offering Jesus a shortcut to getting His inheritance
Jesus could have all the kingdoms of the world if he would just worship Satan instead of the Father
Had Jesus done so, He could have avoided the cross, or at least that’s what Satan is proposing
Jesus could have received His inheritance without the need to die a painful death
Of course, like everything Satan says, it’s a lie
Yes, Satan could have given Jesus the world of kingdoms to rule for a time
But it would not have been an eternal Kingdom
Jesus could have ruled over the world Satan gave Jesus only for as long as Satan Himself had authority over the world
But one day, Satan will lose his authority over the world
The Bible promises that Satan will be cut down in a day to come
So Satan couldn’t offer Jesus what the Father was willing to give His Son if He obeyed
The Father offered His Son an eternal Kingdom
Satan simply can’t give Jesus an everlasting Kingdom because Satan himself isn’t everlasting
But by taking Jesus to the top of a mountain, Satan hoped to provoke a lust of the eyes in Jesus
And by that lust, Jesus might try to gain that Kingdom in a way that brought glory to Satan, instead of the Father
If the pride of life is the most powerful temptation we face, I think the lust of the eyes is the most common
The lust of the eyes is that sinful desire to have things that we aren’t supposed to have
Or to obtain legitimate things by illegitimate means
Don’t we all know that feeling too well?
We want that shiny object, but we don’t want to ask the Lord to grant it to us, or even ask if we should have it
We don’t ask, probably because we’re afraid His answer will be “No”
And we’re so captivated by the desire, we can’t walk away
Or we aren’t willing to wait for it to come in God’s timing, so we try to gain it our own way
The lust of the eyes leads to things like materialism, debt, fraud, deceit, bankruptcy
In short, it leads us to sin
And in this case, Satan was hoping that Jesus’ desire for instant gratification and avoiding the cross might lead Him to sin
Satan twisted the Father’s promise to give Jesus a Kingdom by implying Satan could offer the same thing
And then, he tempted Jesus into obtaining that promise in an easier way
Jesus responded once more from Deuteronomy, declaring that we worship and serve the Lord alone
Jesus’ answer is self-explanatory
But it reinforces something we’ve said multiple times during this study: worshiping God means obeying God
There is no way around it…we can’t claim to love and worship our Lord, while simultaneously giving Satan glory by following his temptations
The one you obey is the one you glorify
But there are no shortcuts in our obedience to God
Either we do what the Lord asks, according to His timing and in keeping with His instructions, or else we sin
Satan will often tell us that obeying God will mean giving up something fun, something we’ll miss
And it does mean forgoing a lustful desire that’s pulling us in the opposite direction
But it’s just another lie…because in eternity, we’re going to realize that obedience was our path to better things
But when we allow the desires of this world to distract us from obeying God, it produces less joy, less peace, less satisfaction
We don’t have to wait until we reach Heaven to understand these things
Notice how Jesus brought this encounter to an end
In v.10, Jesus told Satan to go away
And as Jesus did, Satan fled and angels came to comfort Jesus
Remember, Jesus fought Satan the same way we can fight Him, in the strength of our convictions, while resting on the truth of God’s word
And despite Satan’s wisdom and authority, His power over us is limited
Scripture says Satan can subject us to trials and he can bring temptations
But if we resist his schemes, he flees from us
The promise of Scripture is that if we resist him and his efforts to tempt us, he has no option but to look elsewhere for his victims
Just as he fled Jesus
Isn’t that remarkable? As powerful as Satan is and as crafty as he is, nevertheless, he depends on us cooperating with him if he’s going to succeed
He can only accomplish what we allow him to accomplish in our lives
We’ll certainly feel the effect of his efforts, both trials and temptations
But in the end, if we resist the temptations and endure in the trials, he will give up and leave us – at least for a time
Consider what Peter says
Peter says appreciate and respect the power of the enemy as our adversary…don’t underestimate him
But resistance is all that’s required to defeat his schemes
We don’t need witch doctors, incantations, we don’t have to wear garlic around our necks or any such thing
Just don’t buy his lies, and don’t give in to the temptations he brings
Which means that temptations are resistible
Don’t ever say the devil made me do it, because he doesn’t have the power to do that!
You can say no to your desires, and the Spirit living in you is more than capable of giving you the strength
Just resist the enemy’s efforts by remaining firm in your faith, and he can’t get his way
Then Peter adds, keep an eternal perspective on all this…live with eyes for eternity, understand what’s really going on here
Our battle with the enemy is one that started long before we came along
As Peter says, we’re experiencing the same suffering the brethren have always known in the world
It’s part of following the Lord, of being His ambassadors to the fallen world
But after we have suffered for a little while, we’ll be called into Christ’s glory and all this will be behind us
So resist, be on alert, remain patient, and look forward to your eternal reward
In all these things, we are being like Christ, for He too experienced the temptations of Satan
And Christ certainly knew suffering
Only Christ suffered without cause, for our sake, so that in the end we would have this victory over the enemy
Satan flees when we resist because he can’t win, because he’s already defeated
Let’s give Christ the glory of our obedience by learning to follow Jesus’ example