Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we come to the end of our year, it’s appropriate that we also reach the end of Matthew’s two-chapter section on the miracles of Jesus in the Galilee
We’re at the end of Chapter 9, at Matthew’s final group of three miracles, which center on Jesus’ power to restore
In fact, we can sum up all of Jesus’ ministry as a mission of restoration, or we could say, reconciliation
Paul puts it this way
Through His atoning death on the cross, Jesus reconciles or restores everything back to the state where it was meant to be, apart from the devastating effects of sin
He reconciles fallen humanity to fellowship with God
He restores peace to the eternal realm by defeating the enemy
And He returns the fallen earth back to a perfect, created state
So Matthew demonstrates Jesus’ divinity by showing us Jesus’ power to restore or reconcile all things through three situations
We’ve already studied Jesus’ first and second miracles in this group, which were intertwined into a single story
Jesus restored normal life to a woman to who had been ostracized from Jewish society because of constant bleeding
And then He restored life to a young girl who had died
As you stand back and look at those first two examples, you find a pattern emerging across the three miracles in this final group
The final group of miracles illustrates Jesus’ restoring and reconciling His Creation from the damage done by sin
The Bible says that sin produced three major consequences for mankind
Sin separated humanity from fellowship with God, it put all humanity under a sentence of death, and it blinded us to understanding spiritual truth
Since everyone descends from Adam, we enter the world in a state of sin, which means we all begin life suffering these three conditions
But by faith in Jesus Christ, these conditions can be reversed or restored
And the three miracles in this last group illustrate Jesus’ power to rectify each consequence by His atoning death
Like the woman who was ostracized from Jewish life, Jesus puts an end to our separation from God, making us clean and restoring fellowship
And like the young girl, our faith in Jesus removes the curse of death, so that we may be resurrected into eternal life
And as we will see today, Jesus corrects our spiritual blindness, granting us spiritual knowledge
And today, we move to the final miracle in this group, one that demonstrates how Jesus restores our spiritual insight
And what better way to illustrate that power than through a healing of blind men
But to understand this final example, we need to do some mental juggling tonight
As you’ve heard me explain in the past, the events of this final group take place later in time than the earlier groups of miracles
Specifically, these three miracles happened soon after the events of Chapter 12
We know this, because all three of these miracles follow a pattern that isn’t present for the previous miracles
First, in all three cases, Jesus only agrees to grant a miracle after the person demonstrates faith in Him
Faith in Him had become a prerequisite for receiving His mercy, which is something Jesus never required before
Secondly, Jesus directs those He heals to keep His work secret, which is the exact opposite of what Jesus has said in the past
These changes in Jesus’ ministry were a response to certain events that take place in Chapter 12
When we get to Chapter 12, we’ll gain a full understanding of this change and its significance to Jesus’ ministry
In the meantime, we need to keep in mind that the miracles in Matthew’s final group all happened after the moment in Chapter 12
Knowing this will be particularly important today
For now, we’re ready to dive into the final miracle of Matthew’s three groups
As Jesus went along, two blind men followed Him, crying out for healing
Now interestingly, Jesus doesn’t respond to their request immediately
Jesus doesn’t talk to the men until v.28, when Jesus eventually enters a house
So Jesus continued walking to His destination for some time, as the men pursued Him, yelling for mercy
Given that they were blind, it must have been a challenge for them to keep up with Jesus
Perhaps they followed the noise of the crowd or, in desperation, they clung to those at the edge of the moving gaggle
But then finally, as Jesus reaches the home (probably to eat a meal), the blind men catch up with Him and eventually receive what they wanted
Jesus consents to healing them, but only after they confess faith in Him
But this outcome begs a question…why did Jesus ignore the blind men’s requests as they walked, only to heal them later?
If Jesus was inclined to heal them, why make them wait to receive it?
And why did He make faith a prerequisite for Him to heal them?
The answer is connected, again, to the events of Chapter 12
The short answer is, Jesus needed to understand if they were following Him in faith before He performed the miracle
But understanding how these men came to that understanding is the real issue in this story
In fact, it’s impossible to understand this situation fully, without knowing what these men had experienced prior to this moment
So we need to look at another moment in Mathew’s gospel, and this is where the mental juggling I mentioned earlier comes in
We’re going to piece together several scenes to fully understand what’s happening here
Beginning with a quick visit to Chapter 12:22
At a point in Chapter 12, Jesus casts out a demon from a man who had been made mute by the demon’s presence
This healing in Chapter 12 takes place immediately before the one we’re studying now in Chapter 9
As Jesus performs this miracle, the crowd who witnessed this event wondered aloud whether Jesus was the Son of David
“The Son of David” is a term from the Old Testament that means the Messiah
The Bible tells us that the Messiah, when He came, would descend from the family line of David
So Jews began referring to the coming Messiah as the Son of David
So the crowd began using a Messianic term to describe Jesus, which means something they saw caused them to consider that Jesus might be the Messiah
It was the miracle of casting out a mute demon that led them to that realization
But at the same time, Jesus’ unassuming appearance left them in some doubt about their conclusion
So they ask their religious leaders…this can’t be the Son of David, can it?
Now what was it about that miracle that persuaded the crowd to consider that Jesus could be the Messiah?
Well, think about to the beginning of Chapter 8, to the first miracle in that chapter, the miracle of healing a leper…
I told you then, that in all Israel’s history since the giving of the Law, there was no record a Jew having been healed of leprosy
Yet curiously, Leviticus 13 gives Israel instructions on how to deal with a leper who is healed
So the Law anticipated the healing of leper, yet no Jewish leper had ever been healed, which led rabbis in Israel to seek an explanation
Eventually, the rabbis determined that the Lord must have reserved certain miracles for His Messiah to perform when He comes
Remember, miracles in general were not unprecedented in Israel
Men like Moses, Elijah, and Elisha had been anointed by God to perform miraculous signs, including raising dead bodies to life
But when Messiah came, He would possess even greater powers, abilities God had never given to any other person
Their observations lead us to the concept of Messianic miracles…unique miracles God reserved exclusively for the Messiah to perform
These special miracles, called Messianic miracles, would serve to validate His claim to being Messiah, since they would be unprecedented
One of these miracles was healing a leper, and another would be casting out a mute demon
Now at this point, you’re probably naturally wondering why healing a mute demon was considered a Messianic miracle
And the answer to that question awaits us in Chapter 12
For now, just focus on the crowd’s reaction to Jesus’ miracle
It’s clear they understand the significance of Jesus casting out a mute demon
They immediately begin asking their religious authorities if Jesus was truly the Messiah, as the miracle would suggest
This same event happened a second time with similar results, which we can see if we jump to the final miracle at the end of Chapter 9
We’re still coming back to the healing of the two blind men
But I need us to do a little more mental juggling, so we can understand the situation of these blind men
In this final example in Chapter 9, we find Jesus casting out a mute demon again
This is the same type of miracle Jesus performs in Chapter 12, but it’s a different moment than the one in Chapter 12
This is a second example of Jesus casting out a mute demon, and this one happened after the one in Chapter 12, chronologically
In fact, this miracle is technically not part of Matthew’s final group of miracles
In Chapters 8 & 9, Matthew gave us three groups of three miracles
And on either side of those groups, Matthew adds a Messianic miracle: the healing of a leper at the beginning and the healing of a mute demon at the end
These two Messianic miracles serve as bookends, reinforcing Matthew’s main point, that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah
So as we saw in Chapter 12, as Jesus performs this Messianic miracle, the crowd realizes it’s seen something special
And in response, in v.33, the crowd exclaims that nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel
Once again, they acknowledge the unique importance of this miracle and they come to the unavoidable conclusion: Jesus is the Messiah
This was the proof their rabbis had told them to expect
Yet ironically, those same rabbi’s opposed Jesus’ claims to being Messiah
Jesus had denied the authority of their Mishnah rule book, so they have set their hearts against Him
But now, Jesus has performed a Messianic miracle, and the crowd is ready to accept Jesus’ claims
So the Pharisees found themselves in a corner, needing a way to explain away a miracle that proves Jesus was the Messiah
In v.34, they tell the crowd that Jesus was operating with Satan’s power
They couldn’t deny the miracle happened…everyone saw it…so they dismissed it as Satan’s sorcery, rather than a work of God
The Pharisees offer the same excuse in Chapter 12, and we’ll explore the significance of their response when we get there
But for now, here’s what we’ve learned
Jesus performed an important sign, a Messianic miracle, and the crowds who were present recognized it
The first time He performs it, the crowds respond by wondering aloud, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?”
The second time He performs the miracle, the crowd testifies that such a thing had never been done before in Israel
In both cases, the crowds testify Jesus is the Messiah, yet the religious leaders deny it, declaring that Jesus was empowered by Satan
And in at least one of those crowds, stood these two blind men
They couldn’t see what’s happening, of course, so they didn’t witness Jesus’ miracle first-hand
But they hear the mute man speaking for the first time
And they hear the crowd murmuring to one another, asking whether the Messiah has finally come?
And they hear the Pharisees answering the crowd by denying the meaning of the sign
And in the midst of it all, they heard that one phrase, “the Son of David”
Now like all Jews of that day, these men knew that phrase was a title for the Messiah
And instantly, they saw everything clearly
So they seize upon the title and begin using it to call out to Jesus
In v.27, we’re told that as they go along, they call out to Jesus, saying “Son of David, Son of David”, trying to get His attention
What did these blind men see that the seeing crowd didn’t?
Why did they embrace Jesus as Messiah, when the rest of the crowd wouldn’t?
The answer is, their blindness gave them the advantage
The Bible says faith is a conviction in things not seen, which is particularly appropriate in the case of these two men
There are two ways to find truth: by sight or by faith
Sight is the Bible’s way of referring to our intellect, our knowledge gained by study, investigation and evaluation of facts and circumstances
It’s doesn’t just refer to what we see, but to everything a human being can know through firsthand experience
The second way to know something is by faith
Faith is an assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen
It means accepting as true something we cannot know by firsthand experience, but must accept on the basis of testimony
So we receive as true, a testimony that we did not experience personally
And in the matter of salvation, faith means accepting as true, the testimony of the Bible when it declares Jesus is the Messiah
Because of their blindness, these two men had no choice but to evaluate truth on the basis of faith, rather than by sight
Consider how difficult that must have been for them…they couldn’t see the miracles Jesus was performing
All they had was the testimony of the crowd, balanced against the testimony of the Pharisees
Yet somehow, on the basis of that testimony, these men came to place their faith in Jesus
Once again, how did these men arrive at an understanding that eluded the rest of the crowd?
The answer is, they had heard another testimony as well…the testimony of the Word of God
We know this, because as they enter the home with Jesus, He asks them one question: do you believe I am able to do this?
Notice, Jesus doesn’t ask if they believe He is the Messiah, nor does He ask if they believe God can heal them
He asks, “Do you believe I can do this?”, meaning do you believe I have the power of God to heal
Obviously, Jesus is asking whether they believe He is the Messiah, but His question is alluding to a prophecy concerning the Messiah
He’s asking if they agree with the testimony of Scripture, with a prophecy in Isaiah, related to His earlier miracle of healing the mute man
In Isaiah, we read this concerning the coming Messiah
The Word of God declared to Israel that the coming of the Holy One of Israel, the Messiah, would be accompanied by miraculous healings
Deaf ears would be unstopped, blind eyes would be opened
And notice, Isaiah also says that the mute would be made to shout for joy
So these two blind men couldn’t see Jesus, nor the miracles He was performing, but they had working ears
And those ears heard two things that testified to them that Jesus was the Messiah
First, they heard the Word of God taught in the synagogues
They heard the prophecies of the Messiah and they took them to heart
Secondly, they heard the mouth of that mute man begin to speak after Jesus performed the Messianic miracle
And they placed their faith in these two testimonies
They believed in the Word of God when it testified the Messiah would make mute men speak and would give sight to the blind
And they believed the testimony of the man who declared Jesus had removed a demon and restored his voice
What they couldn’t know by sight, they accepted by faith, and so they called out to Jesus as the Son of David
So when Jesus asks them His question, “Do you believe I am able to do this?”, He’s asking, “Do you believe in the Word of God concerning the Messiah?”
You heard I cast out the mute demon, and you know what the Word says about such things, so do you believe I can also make the blind see also?
It was the quintessential test of faith…to accept the testimony of the Word of God, without relying on sight
And to that question, the blind men respond “yes”, and so Jesus touches their eyes, saying it shall be done according to your faith
Meaning that because they believed the Word when it says the Messiah will open eyes, He would do so for them
These men saw what the crowd couldn’t see, but it wasn’t a matter of eyesight…it came down to spiritual insight, granted by God
Jesus gave these men the ability to see spiritual truths that the crowd couldn’t see
The crowd could witness Jesus’ miracles clearly, but they rejected the meaning of the sign, because they didn’t perceive the truth of God’s Word
Meanwhile, two blind men who couldn’t see what Jesus did, nevertheless recognized its significance, because they accepted the Word of God by faith
In their example, we find the third and final illustration of Jesus’ ministry to restore the effects of sin
Humanity’s sin nature robs us of the capacity to receive and understand spiritual truth
When Adam disobeyed the Word of God, his spiritual nature became corrupt and he lost the ability to perceive spiritual truth
That same defect has been passed down to all humanity, so that we all begin life ignorant of God and without hope to find Him on our own
The Bible describes this defect as a spiritual blindness
The truth of the Gospel, that is of Jesus as Messiah, is a truth that cannot be accepted by humanity in our natural state, Paul says
Because our very nature is a barrier to receiving that truth…we are spiritually blind at birth
Furthermore, we are separated from God by our sin, so we cannot learn of God by “sight”, that is, a firsthand knowledge of Him
Therefore, we can only come to understand God by accepting the testimony of Him given in the Word of God
The Bible says that this understanding is given to us by God’s Spirit, Who is the One teaching us the truth of God
Paul says spiritual truth can only be spiritually appraised
He’s saying that if you want to learn about things of this world, you can rely on physical sight
But if you want to learn about eternal things, you must rely on spiritual sight
And that insight comes only from God’s Word, taught by the Spirit
That was the difference between that crowd and those two blind men
Because of their blindness, they had no choice but to rely on the testimony of God’s Word, because they had nothing else to draw upon
Like the crowd, these men recognized the meaning of Jesus’ miracle; but unlike the crowd, they didn’t evaluate Jesus’ appearance
And they didn’t see a lowly carpenter’s son, a man without stature and accomplishment in Israel, a man despised by the religious leaders
These men had to rely on what they heard
Their sight did not get in the way of seeing God’s truth
In a sense, we could say the crowd’s ability to see with their eyes prevented them from seeing with spiritual insight
What they could see didn’t impress them very much
Which is why they phrase their response in the form of a question, “This cannot be the Son of David, can he?”
What they saw with their eyes didn’t agree with what they perceived in the spirit, and in the end, they went with their eyes
Signs and wonders are certainly captivating, and God uses them from time to time to get our attention
But they cannot replace a knowledge of Him by faith in the testimony of His Word
And in many cases, signs can lead us away from the truth, especially when we are determined to walk by sight
Certainly, this is the pattern for the unbelieving world who, like this crowd, refuse to accept the testimony of the Word, preferring to believe in only what they see
But this same problem can persist in the life of believers, who though they have accepted Jesus by faith in the Word of God, nevertheless try to follow Christ by sight
Classically, this problem takes two forms: seeking experiences over truth, and placing greater trust in this world over the next
In the first case, we’re talking about believers who gravitate toward groups and individuals who offer spectacle and power
Sometimes, it’s (supposed) miracles or it’s church services with carefully orchestrated pageantry or individuals with powerful personas: these things captivate the believer and become their truth
They aren’t searching the scriptures for truth…they’re relying on sight and emotion…and the enemy easily manipulates these things to pull believers away from the truth
In the second case, we’re talking about centering our life goals on achievements in this world, rather than on positioning ourselves for the next
When we walk by sight, this world is the only thing real to us, because our eyes tell us it’s real
And certainly, it’s real for a time…but the Word of God says it won’t last forever
But walking by faith means devoting ourselves to the cause of the Kingdom
The Kingdom can’t be seen yet, but Scripture testifies that it is real and coming very soon
So, living by faith means placing greater emphasis on the reality of the world we cannot see, rather than the one we can
When you place your faith in Jesus, He restores your ability to perceive these spiritual truths, and He empowers you to live according to them
But we can only gain the benefit of these truths if we apply them
And applying them is a process of denying ourselves and yielding to the Spirit
That’s what Jesus asked of these men…that they believe in the Word of God
And that’s why this church was started, barely 11 months ago
Because we want to be a place where the people of God encounter the Word of God in a consistent and meaningful way
So that in time, as we’re exposed to spiritual truths that are often overlooked in other churches, we might grow in our walk of faith
And as we grow in faith, we are being prepared for a Kingdom to come
As we enter a new year, would you give some time to reflecting on how you’re walking through life?
Are you walking by faith, trusting in the testimony of God’s Word, or by sight, distracted by this world?
Perhaps you find a walk of faith difficult or impossible…
Maybe it’s because you don’t know the Jesus of the Bible
Or perhaps you know Jesus as Savior, but you don’t know much about His Word
In either case, if that’s you, then you’ve come to the right place…because in this place, we will teach you about Jesus and we will teach you His Word
Walk with us as we walk by faith with Jesus, and let’s all get ready for the Kingdom together