Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWelcome to a new VBVMI study through the book of Revelation, perhaps the most challenging study in the Bible
As we begin tonight, I’m sure it won’t surprise you to hear me say that we need to approach our study of this book very carefully
Certainly, every book of Scripture requires careful observation and systematic interpretation
But the study of Revelation requires even more rigor for reasons that should be obvious
The book of Revelation stirs up tremendous controversy, and we can find many conflicting interpretations of its meaning
Those differences of opinion may lead us to doubt whether we can find the truth in the midst of so much confusion
For that reason, many Christians avoid a study of this book at all
But those conflicting opinions and all the controversy is merely proof that the enemy is at work to keep us away from this truth
As we will see tonight, the Lord gave us the book of Revelation so that we would understand important things
Our God isn’t a God of confusion, so we should approach this book with an expectation that we can and will understand it
But at the same time, we need to acknowledge the Lord expects us to approach this book with preparation and care
And to explain what I mean, let me give you a simple analogy
Imagine you selected a large novel from the shelves of a book store, opened it for the first time but turned to the last chapter
And you began reading the final chapter…how much of the action would you be able to follow?
Wouldn’t you be thoroughly confused by what you read? And more importantly, wouldn’t you expect to be confused?
Of course you would, which is why you would never dream of reading a book that way (assuming you wanted to understand it)
That’s how you need to understand the book of Revelation…it’s the last chapter of a novel called “The Bible”
The Bible consists of sixty-six books which are like chapters in a story about Jesus
The story starts with Creation and the Fall
Then it moves through history, introducing characters and describing events that explain God’s plan of redemption
And in the final chapter (i.e., Revelation), all the loose ends are wrapped up and the story comes to a climactic conclusion
Because the Bible is truly one story, we can’t open the final book of the Bible expecting to understand it unless we have a good appreciation of what comes before
The book of Revelation relies heavily on imagery and symbols that are introduced in earlier books of the Bible
And the text is written assuming we are familiar with the Bible’s themes, storylines, and characters in the earlier 65 books
So if we don’t have that background, we will be lost
But I doubt most of us have done that background study yet, so how are we going to get through this study together? That’s where I come in
My job is to bring the background from the other 65 books into this study so we can decode the meaning of Revelation
This Revelation study has been described as a study of the entire Bible masquerading as a study of Revelation
But that’s the only way to understand this book
The second way we need to approach the book is with an appreciation for the rules of interpretation
Because rules protect us from ourselves…from our biases, blind spots and mistakes
That’s why I begin a study of Revelation differently than any other book study I conduct
I start with some ground rules for how to study apocalyptic literature like the kind represented in this book
So let’s begin with what not to do when studying this book
We need to appreciate that not everything we want to know will necessarily be available in every reading
The Lord is revealing the truth of this book to us progressively based on His purposes in our life
There are concepts in Scripture that build upon earlier concepts
And until you understand the earlier concept, the Lord may withhold a later concept
So don’t try to fill those gaps in knowledge by guessing or assuming or running with the first idea that comes to mind
That’s not a legitimate way to interpret the Bible…the truth of what the Bible says is not a matter of guessing or assuming
We either know what it says or we don’t, and it’s ok to say we don’t know
That’s better than guessing, because when we guess we think we know the truth and we stop looking for an answer
In reality, we’ve got it wrong but we don’t know it
But even worse, should the Lord choose to bring us the real answer someday, we don’t receive it
We reject this new information because we assume it’s wrong, since it didn’t agree with the answer we already have
We can avoid this entire problem by simply following rules of interpretation without exception
And if we can’t work out a solution, we leave the question unanswered and wait for another day
There aren’t many places where the answers will allude us but we will acknowledge them when they do
So what are guidelines we want to follow in interpreting Revelation (and every study)?
First, we will follow a basic rule of historical, grammatical hermeneutics
It’s called the Golden Rule, and it says that when the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, we seek no other sense
We don’t go searching for mysterious meanings when the plain meaning makes sense unless the context tells us to do otherwise
In other words, we don’t run wild in speculating on what the text might mean
We remain constrained by the text itself seeking to understand what the author actually meant
So we will interpret the text taking each word at its ordinary, usual meaning unless the text itself tells us to do otherwise
And just because sometimes that meaning will blow our minds doesn’t mean we reject it for something we prefer
We take it at face value and trust that with time and further study the text will prove to us how it is true
This rule tends to eliminate most errors in interpretation all by itself
And when we fail to respect this rule we end up with an over-spiritualized and incorrect interpretation
Secondly, we must recognize that symbols are always interpreted by Scripture itself
We never need to guess at the meaning of important symbols because the answers are in the Bible somewhere
And finding the meaning in Scripture is a matter of following three simple steps
First, we look for the symbol’s meaning in the immediate passage, and most often that’s where the answer is found
If we don’t find the answer in the passage, we go backwards in the book to find the answer
And if we don’t find an interpretation in the same book, we go backwards in the canon of Scripture to find it
So with that background, let’s dive into the first chapter of the book and get our bearings
The book of Revelation is actually a letter, and like any letter it has an author and an intended audience
But unlike any other letter in the Bible, this letter has a unique chain of custody
It begins in v.1 as the revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Greek word for revelation can also be translated “apocalypse"
It’s apocalyptic literature, a type of Scripture heavily dependent on symbols to explain future events
And no other letter in the New Testament is said to be the direct revelation of Jesus Christ
Furthermore, we hear this revelation passes through a remarkable chain of custody
It starts with God giving this Revelation to Him (meaning Jesus), which tell us that “God” refers to the Father
So the revelation we have in this book went from the Father to the Son
And the Son shows this revelation to His bond-servants
A bond-servant is the New Testament term for the followers of Jesus, and it literally means a slave
And between us and Jesus there were a couple more steps in this chain of custody…
The revelation goes from the Father to Jesus to His angel
The word angel literally means “messenger”, and that’s the primary role angels play in Scripture
The word angel is singular here, so we don’t know which angel is in view here
But as we study through the book, we will see angels featuring prominently as messengers
Finally, the angel(s) will communicate the details to John we’re told
John is the Apostle John, as church history records it
Since the text does not mention which John, then the logical assumption we make is that the Lord expected us to know
And the John most familiar to the early Church would have been the Apostle John
Why is this chain of custody so elaborate and specific? To encourage our trust in the extraordinary contents of the letter
Just as it is today, the early Church was inundated with false teaching – especially with teaching regarding the return of Jesus
After Jesus departed the earth the Church expected His quick return, so much was being said about that return
Some were saying it had already happened or was about to happen, while others were saying it would never happen
So here we have the definitive explanation of His return and all that happens before that moment
And to ensure that the Church accepted this testimony as true, we’re given the chain of custody to validate the contents
We can trust the author because it’s the Apostle John, who was called into service as an Apostle by Jesus
And we know John received it accurately, because it came from Jesus’ angel, who got it from Jesus, who got it from the Father
Then notice in v.1 we’re told that Jesus “shows” this revelation to His bond servants
By “show” the text means that the details of the events are played out before John’s eyes rather than explained in words
Furthermore, John says in v.3 that this letter is his testimony to all he “saw”
This is a fascinating detail, because it means the events aren’t explained…they are just displayed
And herein lies some of the reason that this book generates so much confusion
Jesus says “show” and John says “saw” because the details of this letter weren’t transmitted in a narrative form, as writing
They were communicated to the Apostle visually, so John related what he saw by describing the visions
John must put into words what he sees, though obviously he doesn’t understand what he’s seeing at times
And he didn’t try to interpret the meaning of the images for the most part
He just told us what he saw, and he leaves the interpretation of the meaning to the Holy Spirit
So as a result of this methodology, the description of events is clouded in mystery
Rather than explaining what will happen, the book leaves the reader to make sense of the meaning of what John saw
This also serves to obscure the meaning from those who aren’t intended to understand, the unbeliever
Finally, in v.3 John says that those who read and those who hear the words of this prophecy and heed the things written in it will be blessed by God
This is the only book of the Bible that contains a promise of specific blessing to a believer
It would seem the Lord knew we might be hesitant to study the book, and so He gives us added incentive to do so
To receive that blessing, John says we should read (or hear) the book and heed (or observe) it
To heed or observe the book means to take it to heart, accepting what is written as true and looking forward to what it foretells
But notice also what John does not say…he doesn’t say we must understand it in order to be blessed
Our understanding of the book will vary, and yet the blessing is equally available to all
We simply need to dive in, reading it and accepting it as true like all Scripture
The blessing is unspecified, but when the God of Heaven says He will bless you, don’t underestimate what that means
When God said He would bless Abraham, he exceeded all expectations
We should desire that blessing, because the whole point of it is to encourage our interest in studying this work
And with that opening, we now dive into the introduction of the revelation itself
The human author of the letter, as we heard earlier, is the Apostle John, but he acts as a secretary of sorts taking dictation from Jesus and sending it to us
He says in v.4 that he is writing to the seven church that are in Asia
This reference to seven Asian churches makes more sense once we get into Chapters 2 & 3
But we can begin to understand it now simply by observing the use of the number “7”
Numbers feature prominently in the book of Revelation, so we need to understand how we arrive at the meaning of numbers in the Bible
We’re not talking about a “bible code” or some other mystical manipulation of the text
We’re simply talking about careful observation…paying attention to how the Lord uses a particular number
For example, the Lord uses the number seven frequently in the Bible
And as we observe the way He uses it, we discover that the Lord has assigned a meaning to the number
The number seven represents a complete, perfect result
Just as the number “100%” represents the whole, so you can think of the number “7” in the Bible as God’s way of saying 100%
So John says this letter goes to “seven” churches, but we know there were far more than seven communities of believers in the world
And certainly the Lord wasn’t only interested in communicating to these seven communities
Jesus was speaking to the entire church throughout history
And so He chose seven churches to receive this letter to represent all of the church (100%)
Nevertheless, these particular seven Asian churches were important as well, and we will see why in the next two chapters
Next, notice the greeting John gives from all three members of the Godhead beginning with the Father Who “is, was, and is to come”
This refers to the eternal existence of God Who has always been and will always be
No matter how terrible the events of this book, they are merely moments in time
The God we worship is eternal and if He is always the same, then we can know that terrible events must give way to great things
Notice He repeats that statement in v.8, which is to emphasize not to get swept away in worry or fear over what you read here
The Seven Spirits before the throne of God
We know there is only one Spirit of God and the number seven means 100%
But we will address why we’re saying 100% of the Spirit when we get to Chapter 4
And then we have Jesus, Who is called the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth
These three descriptions refer to the three periods of Jesus’ ministry as the Second Person of the Godhead
Prior to His advent, Jesus was the One Who witnessed to the existence of God through the Creation and the word of God
As Paul says in Colossians 1
At His appearing, Jesus became the firstborn of the dead, having been the first to die and resurrect into a body of glory never to die again
As Paul goes on to say in Colossians
And following His Second Coming to earth, Jesus will rule the earth as king in a day to come
And this book tells us how we move from the second to the third period of history
And in fact, it shows us the Church’s part in that plan, as v.5-6 tells us
While we await, we are a kingdom of priests, who serve the lost world
We are the ones who have been released from our sins by the blood of Jesus
His death paid for our sin, so that we might be free to serve Him because we no longer worry about earning God’s approval
Instead, we now serve Him as priests of a Kingdom to come
Priest are intercessors, bridging a divide between people and God
So we are priests who intercede for the lost, representing Christ to them so that they might come to believe in Him
With that, John begins to relate his story to you…
The John of this letter was a John well known to the readers of the day in which this was written
We know that because John calls himself “your brother” and fellow partaker in the experiences of the early church
If this writer had been anyone other than John the Apostle, he certainly would have been more specific in his description
Because to simply say “John, your brother” immediately suggests the Apostle John and no other
Furthermore, John says he was imprisoned on a Mediterranean island of Patmos because of his testimony of faith in Jesus
That detail agrees with early church tradition that records John as having been exiled to this island by the Romans
John ministered in Ephesus, which was just a short distance from Patmos
So all data points to this being the Apostle John, and early Church fathers reported that this letter was written very late in the first century
Probably as late as 95 AD, which means it was the last work of the Bible chronologically
We know from the Gospels that John was probably the youngest disciple, because of his place at the Last Supper Passover table
So that means John was probably in his early 80s when he wrote the book
Early church fathers report that John was eventually freed from Patmos and allowed to return to Ephesus after Domitian died
If so, then we imagine he delivered this letter to the church when he returned to the mainland
Which is how we have a copy now
At that time, John says he was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, but in the Greek the phrase “Lord’s day” is written as an adjective, as in a lordy day
So when combining “in the Spirit” with a “lordy day” John seems to have been experiencing an especially spirit-filled day of prayer or otherwise
And it’s in that prayerful attitude of submission to the Spirit that he receives a special visitor
It starts with a voice behind Him, a voice like a trumpet
It must have startled him because imagine someone sneaking up behind you and blowing a trumpet at you!
Nevertheless, the loud trumpet conveyed speech that John understood, and the first words John heard were instructions to write
John hears he must write a book of what he “sees” and send it to the seven churches
Notice again, he records what he sees (not hears) and he sends it to “the” seven churches, not just to some churches
The seven churches named here are all in Asia Minor, present-day Turkey, but we will look at each in detail in Chapters 2 & 3
And now only at this point does John have a chance to turn around to see where this voice is coming from
It must have taken him a second or two to regain his senses after that trumpet blast and realize that this was really happening
And then as he turns, his mission to report what he “sees” begins with a remarkable vision of the One speaking
The first thing John notices is seven lampstands
The lampstands aren’t described in detail, but when the Bible mentions a lampstand absent any additional detail, we must assume a menorah
The seven branched lampstand that God instructed Israel to construct for the tabernacle is the only kind of lamp in the Bible
So if the Bible says lampstand and nothing more, we should assume what the Bible assumes
And there are seven of them, which is that perfect complete number again
So we know these objects are supposed to represent something to us, but what?
Remember our rule about interpreting symbols? Where do we look first? In the same context
So let’s wait to see if we get our answer here before we go searching elsewhere
Standing in the middle of the lampstands is a figure, and it’s clear He is the focus of the vision
The description begins with the phrase “one like a son of man”
That phrase clearly points us to Jesus, but in the context it simply means someone who looks human yet not exactly
And at first the figure looks very human…with a robe down to His feet and a girded sash around the waist
These details are reminiscent of a person of authority, particularly a priest or king
But the “not exactly” becomes clearer as we get to the description of the Person’s features
His hair is white as wool and like snow, while His eyes are like a flame of fire
Now there have been times when I could describe my wife as having eyes that looked like flames of fire, but this is different
And the description goes on to say feet that were like bronze in a furnace, red hot and glowing
And his voice was like the sound of a huge torrent of water rushing as in a canyon or over a waterfall
And the figure is holding seven stars in one hand and out of his mouth came a two-edged sword
And His face is shining as bright as the sun (imagine trying to look directly into the sun)
How do we interpret all these details? We follow our rules
First, we glance down the chapter and in v.20 we find that the objects in the vision are explained for us
Here’s a prime example of how symbols will be explained in context
The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the lampstands symbolize the seven churches
In speaking about angels, the writer of Hebrews says this
We know that seven means 100%, so the imagery here is easy to understand
The stars represent the angels serving all those in the church under Jesus’ control
And a lampstand represents illumination and the light of the truth reaching into the darkness
Certainly that’s the mission of the church generally, and each believer individually
We are to be the light of the world, and the light of the truth shines from within us
So Jesus walks among His whole church signifying His authority to oversee, minister and rule it from Heaven
But what about the details of Jesus’ appearance? There is no immediate explanation of these details so what do they mean?
As our rules require, we go back in the Bible looking for other examples to explain it to us
For example, we find this description in Daniel :
And again in Daniel:
So we see that John’s description is consistent with those of Daniel
Then we go to Isaiah and find several of these details brought together for us and explained
It’s clear from the passage that this is a description of Jesus, the shoot that springs from the stem of Jesse
And the Spirit will rest on Jesus, but notice the Spirit is mentioned seven times
And we remember that the seven Spirits of God were mentioned earlier in this passage of Revelation 1
And then we’re given explanations for details John gave us here
Jesus judges or discerns what is right and true by what He sees not by what He hears
True discernment rests on what may be known firsthand, through investigation and knowledge of the truth
Righteous judgments can’t rely merely on what is heard, because rumors and gossip are often if not always misleading
And Jesus will strike the earth with a rod from His mouth
That is, by what comes from His mouth He slays the wicked
And His righteousness and faithfulness are pictured by a belt around His waist girding Him
Finally, we go to the Psalms
The sound of many waters represents the unrivaled might and power of God through His word
God brought the universe into existence merely by the word of His power, so clearly it’s the ultimate power in the Universe
So putting all this together (plus summarizing other details) here’s what Jesus’ appearance says to John and to us
Jesus is glowing white symbolizing purity and holiness
His robe represents His role as priest and king and His sash represents faithfulness
His eyes of fire symbolize piercing discernment
His face shines like the sun, representing the light of truth and His pure holiness
His glowing bronze feet represent judgment, as in the way fire tests the quality of metals
And they also represent His bringing wrath against sin
So we have Christ appearing to John in a form that is consistent with God’s appearance elsewhere in the Bible
And the details remind us of God’s character traits, which is not surprising
But what’s most striking about Jesus’ appearance, however, is the way John responds to it
John says that as he saw these things, He fell at Jesus’ feet like a dead man
To fall like a dead man means to be completely immobilized, lifeless, we might say scared stiff
This response is not uncharacteristic of other men who have been brought into the presence of God
But we know John was with Jesus for three years, and they had a close relationship as John says in His Gospel
John hasn’t seen Jesus for 60 years, so we would expect their reunion moment to be a joyful scene
Instead, John is terrified and that tells us that Jesus’ appearance during the time of Gospels was a unique period of history
We’ve seen that before His incarnation Jesus appeared in the same way John describes here and it terrified humanity
And this vision is showing us that Jesus is now again to be seen in His glory
So the time Jesus spent as an ordinary man on earth was a unique time in which He appeared in an incredibly humble way, as Paul says
It’s easy to assume that the way Jesus appeared in His first coming is the way we will know Him when we see Him too
But Revelation 1 was given to us to remind us that the eternal Creator exists in a glorified form and that’s how we will know Him
He is to be worshipped and known for Who He is…and even someone like John felt the awesome presence of God and fell to His face
In this detail, we’re learning that every chapter in the book of Revelation contains a prophetic aspect
Even though the scene described here took place in the past (in the first century), nevertheless it still stands as prophecy even now
The image of Jesus exists into eternity and is prophetic because we do not as yet see Him in this way
Yet this is Jesus’ appearance now in Heaven and it will be His appearance as He returns to the Earth at His Second Coming
In fact, take a sneak peek at what Revelation says Jesus looks like at the very moment of His return to Earth
Here we find many of the same details again, confirming this is the Jesus we serve now and in the future
So take down your paintings of the blue eyed, blonde haired Jesus with the movie star good looks
Jesus is more than you can even imagine and it’s an awesome, fearful vision
In response to John’s fear, Jesus recognizes that John doesn’t recognize Jesus
Jesus says do not be afraid and then describes Himself
He says He is the first, the last, and the living One, the One Who was dead and is now alive forevermore
In other words, Jesus describes Himself not by temporal qualities (like His earthly incarnate identity) but by His eternal characteristics
He was God before He was man and He remains God even after His death and resurrection
So that’s His eternal identity even as we continue to celebrate His work on earth in dying for our sin
In fact, His earthly name Jesus (Yeshua) will not be His eternal name according to Revelation 19:12
So we end tonight looking at the task John is given by Jesus
John is to write what he sees according to a three part online Jesus gives John here
The outline moves from past tense to present tense to future tense
First, the things John had seen (meaning up to that moment)
Secondly, the things which are
Finally, the things that happen after the things that are
The first part of this outline seems easy enough, since Jesus speaks in the past tense even as He stands before John
And to that point, the only things that had already happened were the events of the scene in Chapter 1
So the things John saw must refer to the events of Jesus’ appearing to John, which we have just studied
So congratulations, you have just completed one third of the book of Revelation!
So the moment Jesus spoke these words, everything that happened prior to that moment are the things John saw (past tense)
And therefore, the things that “are” must be the things that come next in the book
But wouldn’t that mean that the things that “are” would be history for us now, 2,000 years later?
Wouldn’t they be the things that “were” for us today?
Not necessarily, because we have another anchor to consider in this outline
The third point in Jesus’ outline is the things that come after the things that are (the things after these things)
If we could determine where in John’s letter those later things began, then we would be able to divide the book into thirds
So we know Chapter 1 is the things John saw, and we know that Chapter 2 must begin the second part of the things that are
And if we scan forward in the book, we come to a telltale phrase at the start of Chapter 4
The phrase “after these things” conspicuously starts the fourth chapter
That strongly suggests that the letter’s final third begins at that point
And if that were true, then that would mean the second third fits in between, in Chapters 2 & 3
Reinforcing that conclusion is the uniqueness of those two chapters
Chapters 2 and 3 are seven letters written to the seven churches mentioned earlier
And after Chapter 3, the narrative changes dramatically to discussing marvelous things in heaven and dramatic events on earth
That strong change in the story following Chapter 3 supports the conclusion that this three-part outline corresponds to:
Chapter 1 is the things John saw
Chapter 2 & 3 are the things that are
And Chapters 4-22 are the things that happen after the things that are
We still have a mystery to solve as to how the letters to churches that existed 2,000 years ago can be the things that “are”
So next week we dive into part 2 and make sense of why those letters represent the things that “are”