Stephen ArmstrongAuthor
Stephen ArmstrongLast Sunday Christians remembered the resurrection of our Lord, and I hope your Easter Sunday celebration was a joyful reminder of the importance of Christ's death and His sacrifice as our Passover Lamb.
In my Easter Sunday message, I taught on the mystery of propitiation, the Bible's word for Christ's sacrificial atonement on our behalf. Propitiation is a weighty concept, but Easter is the perfect day of the year to contemplate Christ's death in our place and His righteousness appropriated by us through faith.
Over the years, I've fielded many questions about God's grace and Christ's propitiation, and so I decided to address a couple of those questions in my Easter message. First, I tackled the question of how Christ's death could substitute for our own. Why was God willing to accept His Son's death in place of our own, and how does Christ's willingness to go to the cross spare us from Hell?
Secondly, I explored why Christ wasn't required to spend an eternity in Hell. If He was a substitute for us, why did Jesus spend only three days in the grave?
I hope you agree these are important questions, and I can assure you the answers are worth our time and attention in study of Scripture. I pray you will take time to listen to my Easter 2012 message and share it with your family and friends. Propitiation is at the center of our Gospel, and it glorifies God every time we hear it preached.
Thank you for your continuing support for our teaching ministry, and may the Lord bless your devotion to His holy word.