Stephen ArmstrongAuthor
Stephen ArmstrongOur God is a God of resurrection. He brings dead things back to life.
Paula Fredriksen, a historian and professor of religion (though not a Christian), was asked the following question about the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection:
Dr. Fredriksen recognizes the key message of the resurrection accounts, that Jesus truly died and lived again. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to appreciate the implications of her own conclusion. What does it mean for us if Jesus truly died and came back to life as His disciples testified?
In calling the eyewitness accounts “traditions,” Dr. Fredriksen implies that the disciples’ accounts of Jesus' resurrection aren't trustworthy or believable. Her decision to dismiss these accounts out of hand is unfortunate, because the ramifications of the disciples' testimony – no matter how skeptical we may be – demand more thoughtful consideration.
Many men have laid claim to power over death, but their own deaths silenced those claims and revealed their deception. And among the few who have returned from death themselves (like Lazarus), none predicted their own resurrection in advance nor claimed to possess the power to repeat it.
Only Jesus demonstrated the power to resurrect the dead as He taught in the Galilee while also promising to raise Himself. Later, He proved Himself trustworthy with an empty tomb confirmed by eyewitnesses.
So who has the power to bring a dead body back to life? Even more, Who can accomplish that for Himself? Is it not the Creator alone? At the very least, the Creator must consent to such an act, which implies that He approves of the One Who receives such power. After all, would we expect the Creator to restore life to a person who misrepresented Himself as God? Surely not, and, therefore, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead validates His claims.
So let’s consider Jesus’ claims. Jesus said:
As we approach our annual celebration of Easter, the day we remember the resurrection of our Lord, pay attention to the claims of One Who possesses power over death. Note that He declared Himself to be God, to be our means to eternal life and our eventual return from the dead. Most importantly, He declared that He was prepared to forgive us of our sins by faith in His claims alone. Given His resurrection, we should pay close attention to Jesus' claims and then respond to Him in the only reasonable way. To quote Jesus again:
Our God is a God of resurrection. He brings dead things back to life. He can raise your soul to eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. He will one day raise your mortal body, and for those who confess Jesus as Lord, that will be a glorious day indeed. If you're ready to acknowledge Jesus' claims, then consider Paul's teaching: