Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur three-year study of Matthew is nearly complete, and out of the 1,071 verses found in this book, we are down to the final 20 verses
In these verses we study the third of three key truths that Paul said were the things of first importance for Christians
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul said these things all Christians must know are that Jesus died, was buried and three days later rose again
That simple but profound three-part story is everything to our Christian faith; it defines our faith
To this point in our study, we have studied the first two of these three parts of Jesus’ story: Jesus’ death and His burial
Therefore, today in Chapter 28, we move to the third part: His resurrection, which is really the key to everything in the Bible
Do you realize that if Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, nothing else in this book would matter?
As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15, if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our faith is useless because we have believed in a lie
So if Jesus’ death was the end of Him (as death is for every other person), then Jesus was no different than anyone else
But by returning to life, Jesus proved He was something else
Only God has the power over death…human beings do not possess that power
So if someone can bring His own dead body back to life, He must have the power of God
And if so, then what that Person says about obtaining eternal life matters
And that’s why we’ve studied this book in such detail for the better part of the last three years
So now it’s time to focus our attention on the resurrection moment as Matthew explains it, and that takes us to the beginning of Chapter 28 again
Last week we looked at just the first verse so we could understand conclusively what day of the week Jesus died
We learned that Jesus died on a Thursday, not on a Friday as tradition holds, and in the year 27 AD
All that was interesting, of course, but that is not the main point of this chapter, of course, nor even the main idea of verse 1
The point of v.1 – and the rest of this chapter – is that the impossible happened on that day
A dead body returned to life after three days, and walked out of the tomb alive again
As Jesus said, what is impossible for us is possible for God
So let’s understand how that happened
Repeating v.1 from last week, Matthew tells us that the two Mary’s (Magdalene and Jesus’ mother) came to the grave at daybreak on Sunday
Matthew names Mary of Magdalene specifically, because she will be critical to this part of the story
But notice how Matthew refers to Jesus’ mother merely as the other Mary
In fact, John and Mark both refer to this Mary as the mother of James, not the mother of Jesus
These are just examples of how the Bible consistently downplays the significance of Mary as Jesus’ earthly mother
Yes, Mary was a significant Bible character, no different than Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Peter or the Apostle Paul
And yes, she had the high honor of being chosen to carry the Messiah in her womb
But Mary’s importance stops at that point…Mary was no more than those things in God’s plan
Mary was just a sinner saved by grace and greatly honored by God’s favor to have an important role in Messiah’s first coming
But assigning Mary any greater theological significance than that is idolatry, and we can clearly see how the Bible avoids that here
Moving on, these women have come early on Sunday morning to finish the burial preparations for Jesus
They waited until the daybreak to leave the city in safety, but they probably left at earliest twilight, maybe 4 AM
They brought the spices they purchased the night before in the city after the end of the Sabbath on Saturday night
We have to ask what was going through these women’s minds…they saw the tomb sealed with the stone so they know it’s closed
That stone would have been far too heavy for these women to move on their own, so how did they expect to gain access to Jesus’ body?
Mark says that as they went, they wondered aloud who would move the stone away for them
Maybe they thought the Roman soldiers would unseal the tomb for them
It appears they go in blind faith hoping for a miracle of some sort
No one would have blamed these women if they had said it’s not worth going, it’s impossible, and then stayed home that day
Everyone would have understood and probably everyone would have agreed
In fact, I suspect some of the disciples may have tried to talk these women out of going to the grave that day
Maybe some thought “silly women” as they watched them running off to the tomb with spices before dawn
So from a human perspective, there was no reason to bother going and no reason to expect the tomb to be open
But still they went anyway…early in the morning and eagerly expecting to see Jesus’ body, though without a plan
And because they did go, they were privileged to become witnesses to the greatest miracle in history
That is the payoff for walking by faith…you get a chance to witness God doing something amazing, something impossible, through your obedience
If we limit our service to God to situations where we can see the path to success in advance, then we’re going to miss a lot of miracles
God tells you to start a ministry, but you say there’s no money, there’s no time, I don’t have the expertise or the ability
Remember when Moses tried to use those same excuses in Exodus 4…then God told Moses, I will take care of those things
God says go pray with that stranger on the park bench, but you say they will think I’m strange or that’s not going to help them
If we only pray for the things we think we can accomplish, then we never see what God might be prepared to accomplish
If we only go when the task seems doable, we’ll never be used by God to do the unthinkable
If we only go when it makes sense to us, then we won’t be there when God parts the Red Sea or feeds 5,000 or opens a tomb
And we’ll miss the point in all this…God doesn’t need us in the first place…He is inviting us to join in work He is going to do
God was going to raise Jesus on this day…with or without these women
So the only question was whether they were going to be there to see it happen
You may be the miracle for someone today, the one who showed up to join the work just as God did something no one expected
But you have to first be willing to walk in faith, to shut up that inner voice of reason, to ignore the critics
We don’t bring about miraculous outcomes merely by our involvement or even by wishing for God to do a miracle
But when He calls us to a certain path, one that appears impossible, remind yourself there may be a miracle waiting
These women didn’t have a way to open that tomb, but they expected God to provide a way, and He did it in a most unexpected and miraculous way
In v.2 Matthew tells us that before the women arrived, an earthquake took place during the night when Jesus resurrected
There was also an earthquake at the moment of Jesus’ death too
So God marked both Jesus’ death and resurrection in this way
Next, an angel descended specifically to move the stone aside, and then the angel hung around for a while hosting an open house at the tomb
The angel’s arrival scares the Roman guards nearly to death, and in fact they fall to the ground unconscious
So as the women arrive, they come upon this strange scene…tomb open, guards on the ground, angel waiting on the stone
At this point we need to consult the other Gospels for a better picture of what happened that morning, because Matthew has combined things
According to the other Gospels, the first person to visit the tomb was just Mary Magdalene who came by herself
When she arrived the tomb was already open, but she didn’t investigate further…she just ran back to tell the apostles
She assumed that the body of Jesus had been stolen and she wanted to report it to the men
Then a short time later the other Mary and Salome arrive and these two are the first to enter the empty tomb
This is the encounter that Matthew writes about next
The angel greets these two women with the standard angelic greeting, “Do not be afraid…”
He then informs the women that the Lord wasn’t in the grave because He had risen from the dead just as He promised
Then angel invites them to inspect the tomb, where they see the empty stone bench in the cave and the linen wrappings
Finally, the angels tells the women to report to the disciples telling them Jesus is going to Galilee where He will meet them
Jesus wanted His disciples to leave Jerusalem immediately to flee the Romans and the prying eyes of the Pharisees
Once up in the Galilee, Jesus and His disciples could meet and talk in safety and without worry of interruption
So while Mary and Salome are conducting the open house with the angel, Mary Magdalene is back in Jerusalem with the disciples
She’s trying to convince the men that she saw Jesus’ tomb open
But the men won’t believe her and they refuse to go look for themselves
In that culture and in that day, men viewed women as unreliable witnesses and didn’t trust their reports
Then a short time later, the other Mary and Salome return to the disciples to report their encounter with the angel at the tomb
Now with a second report of an empty tomb, Peter and John decide to check out the women’s story by going to the tomb
When Peter and John get to the tomb, they find it empty, with the linen wrappings by themselves, but no angel anywhere
So Peter and John return to the disciples’ hiding place in Jerusalem to confirm that the tomb was empty but still assuming Jesus was stolen
Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene decides to go back to the tomb a second time and when she does, she sees not one but two angels in the tomb
And then almost immediately, Mary turns around to see Jesus alive outside the tomb
She’s overjoyed to see Jesus alive and tries to embrace Him, but Jesus commands her not to touch Him
Instead, He tells her to report to the disciples and we assume He repeats His instructions for them to go to Galilee
It’s interesting that Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Lord and that fact argues for the authenticity of the Gospel accounts
If you were inventing the story of Jesus’ resurrection, you wouldn’t make your first eye witness in your story to be a woman
Given the cultural bias against women eye witnesses, this detail would make your story less believable, not more believable
The only reason someone would say a woman was the first eye witness to something so remarkable would be if it’s true
Moreover, the Lord’s choice to work through the women rather than the men is confirmation of something we saw last week
The women were a chain of custody proving the authenticity of Jesus’ claims of death, burial and resurrection
In fact, since these women were the only ones present throughout Jesus’ ordeal, they are the only ones who could testify
Because they stood by Jesus during His trials, they were now privileged to be present for His triumph as well
It almost seems as if Jesus was mocking the lack of faith among His male disciples and their continued lack of faith would bear out that choice
Twice these men received reports by women who saw the Lord’s tomb empty and who heard from angels
And now they’ve heard a report from a woman who saw and talked with Jesus alive
And if that weren’t enough, these men even saw the empty tomb for themselves
Yet still they wouldn’t believe that Jesus was resurrected, and they certainly weren’t heeding His instructions to go to Galilee
Simply put, because they didn’t believe in the resurrection, they weren’t going to follow Jesus much less obey Him
And on the one hand, we can sympathize with their response to these reports
If after three days you visited the grave of someone you buried and found it empty, what would you suppose?
Would you immediately suppose that the person returned to life and was walking around in perfect health, alive and well again?
Or would you would assume someone took the body?
On the other hand, they had strong eye witness reports from the women who they knew and trusted
Clearly, the women didn’t expect to find a resurrected Jesus either…they went carrying spices to embalm His body!
So they had no reason to lie, and the disciples had every reason to believe their reports and respond in faith
But they just couldn’t accept it, and I wonder if Jesus was training them for the future when they were sent out with the same message
One day these men would be the ones proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus to others…and dealing with doubters
Because the idea of a dead man returning to life is truly outside anyone’s expectations
And if you cannot accept the resurrection of Jesus, then you will not accept His commands…you will accept nothing at all
It just goes to show that resurrection is the key to the Gospel…if Jesus wasn’t raised, nothing else matters
And that’s what the Christian faith requires…at the heart of our faith is the belief in these testimonies
By faith in the word of God, we believe that Jesus’ resurrection is true, that He returned to life as He promised He would
And not only did Jesus resurrect…but we believe it’s going to happen to every single human being who has ever lived
One day soon, resurrection will be our experience too, and eventually it will be everyone’s experience
So let’s understand just what was involved in Jesus’ resurrection, that is, what happened to Jesus and to His physical body
And to do that we must first define what life and death are, according to the Bible
A living person consists of two parts, according to Scripture: we have a physical body and a spirit (or soul)
God fashioned the body of the first human being, Adam, from the dirt of the ground, literally from earth
God gave Adam a physical body because Adam was intended to live in a physical world
But at first, Adam’s physical body was lifeless…it was no more alive than the dirt from which it came
Before his body could be alive, he needed a spirit, so God breathed a living spirit/soul into Adam’s body and Adam came to life
Adam’s wife, Eve, came to life in a similar way…God made her body from Adam’s body and then gave her a living spirit as well
Thereafter, every human being has come into existence through procreation between a man and woman…flesh creating flesh
But God still makes the spirit for each child conceived through that union…we each receive a living spirit from the Giver of life
Death is just the opposite of that experience…it’s the separation of the body and the spirit
At death, our spirit leaves the body lifeless and immediately the body begins to disintegrate
But our spirit lives on, and where our spirit lives next depends on what we believed while we were alive
If the person believes Jesus was their Savior, then God counts their faith as righteousness and He welcomes their spirit into Heaven
A believer exists in Heaven as a spirit without a physical body while they await a future resurrection and the coming Kingdom
On the other hand, if the person dies without faith in Jesus, they forever remain in their sins so they can never enter into the presence of God
The unbeliever’s spirit descends into the heart of the earth away from God and held in a place of torment called Hades (Hell)
They too exist in spirit form only awaiting a future resurrection day and a judgment moment
So life is a spirit in a body while death is the separation of the spirit from the body, and therefore resurrection is the reuniting of spirit and body
Resurrection is not a spirit returning to life or regaining consciousness as some imagine it
A person’s spirit never ceases to exist and is always conscious
Resurrection returns a spirit to a body so that the person can live in the created world again
That’s what these women reported to the disciples…Jesus’ body was alive again, and it’s what the Bible says will happen to each of us
In fact, as Paul told us, the resurrection of Christ is of first importance because it’s the basis for our own hope
So even as Jesus’ resurrection was a miracle, He was just the first, and the hope of the Christian faith is that we will follow one day
But there are some important differences between what Jesus experienced in death and at His resurrection and what we will experience
First, Jesus’ Spirit took a different path in death than our spirit will take
In Matthew 12 Jesus told us where His Spirit would go:
When Jesus died, His Spirit would descend into the heart of the earth to a place called Sheol in the Old Testament
Sheol is a literal, physical place in the center of the planet that God created to hold the spirits of the dead for a time
Until the time of Jesus’ death, the spirit of every human being – whether believer or unbeliever – went down to Sheol at death
Even though believers and unbelievers went to the same place, there was a big difference in the quality of accommodations
Jesus tells us in Luke 16 that those spirits who were righteous by faith were held on one side of Sheol in a place of comfort
But those who died absent faith in Messiah were held on the other side of Sheol in torment (called Hades)
It makes sense that unbelievers are held in Sheol, but why did Old Testament saints go to Sheol too? Why didn’t they go to Heaven?
Even though Old Testament saints were saved by their faith, they couldn’t enter Heaven until Jesus’ blood sacrifice covered their sin
So until Jesus came, God held the spirits of Old Testament saints in the heart of the earth in comfort to await the Messiah’s appearing
So after He died, Jesus’ Spirit descended into Sheol so Jesus could address both groups of humanity…both the unbelievers and believers
The Bible tells us that Jesus first presents Himself to the unbelieving spirits held in the side of torment
In1 Peter 3:19 we’re told Jesus preached to the unbelieving spirits confirming the word of the prophets who foretold a Messiah
Jesus’ preaching was not intended to convert or to offer a second chance, but to convict them for their unbelief in God’s promises
Secondly, Paul says in Ephesians 4 Jesus then met with the Old Testament saints in Sheol introducing Himself as the Messiah they were expecting
They had died in faith not having received what was promised, but now they knew God’s promises were being fulfilled
Finally, the Old Testament saints could put a face and name to the Messiah they had longed to see one day
Then Paul says Jesus escorted the Old Testament saints into the Heavenly realm while leaving the unbelievers behind to suffer in Sheol
Obviously when we die, our experience will be different, primarily because Jesus has already paid the price for our sin and emptied Sheol
Therefore, there is no need for our spirit to spend time in a layover in Sheol after we die
Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 5 that the spirits of those born again by faith in Jesus Christ go immediately into God’s presence at death
And in Luke 16 Jesus says our spirit will be escorted by angels into the presence of God when we die
So our spirit’s experience of death is different than Jesus, and our dead body also goes through a different experience than Jesus’ body did
After our spirit leaves our body, our body becomes lifeless, and begins to decay because of sin
God placed the human body and all Creation under a curse after Adam sinned, saying from dust we came so to dust we will return
But when Jesus’ Spirit descended into Sheol, His body didn’t decay
The Bible testifies that Jesus’ body, though bloodied and disfigured, did not decay…it simply remained lifeless
Our body decays because of the curse, but since Jesus had no sin and wasn’t under the curse, His body didn’t decay
And that difference also explains why our resurrection will be different from Jesus’ resurrection
When Mary Magdalene visited the tomb for the second time, she reported seeing Jesus alive…the same Jesus she knew before
Jesus’ Spirit returned to the same body Jesus had before He died
His Spirit re-entered the body in the tomb, Jesus’ heart started beating, He took off His wrappings, stood up and walked out
Even the damage done to His body on the cross began to heal quickly, though not completely
That’s how Jesus resurrected, but that’s not how we resurrect…our spirit won’t return to our old body nor would we want it to do so
Our current body is corrupted by sin and under the curse, which is why it decays and turns to dust
The curse is also the reason our body gets sick, experiences pain and weakness, gets old, deteriorates and ultimately dies
Those are things we don’t want to experience after our resurrection, so we don’t want to go back into this body…once it does, it’s gone forever
When we resurrect, our Spirit will enter a new body, one created for eternity, one like Jesus’ body
The things we experience today in our present body won’t be a part of our life in the new body
We won’t experience sickness, weakness, aging or death itself because those things end when our corrupt body dies
So we join Jesus in resurrection though we receive a new body, and we will live with all resurrected saints in the promised Kingdom on earth
Imagine how different life will be for us in that coming time
Living in a world ruled by Jesus, so justice will be perfect
A world where our bodies are sinless and unable to die, so we live without fear of harm, violence, sickness, danger in any form
We will experience eternal peace and joy…it’s literally unimaginable but it’s real, and it’s coming
And it’s possible because Jesus went before us in death and in resurrection
And the same God Who brought Jesus’ dead body back to life is the One Who has promised to resurrect you too
If He can do it for Himself, He can surely do it for you
Do you believe that Jesus resurrected back to life as He promised He would? Then by your faith, God will fulfill His promises to you as well
But if you don’t believe these things, then the irony is you will still be resurrected one day
The Bible teaches that those who die without faith in Jesus are also resurrected in a future day
One day, the spirits of unbelievers are brought up from Hades, given new bodies, and then they stand for judgment
After judgment, they are convicted and thrown alive in the lake of fire to dwell in torment forever
So whether we believe in resurrection or not we will all one day experience it…the only difference is where we live for eternity
Better to believe in the promises of God than not
Better to believe that Jesus returned to life so that when we do too, we will live eternally with Him