Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTime is running out to get Jesus’ body in the tomb before sundown on the Passover
At 6 PM a new day begins in Jewish reckoning, the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread
The first and last days of Unleavened Bread are always High Sabbaths
And since Passover fell on a Thursday this year, the High Sabbath was followed by the weekly Sabbath in that year
That meant there would be two Sabbaths back-to-back which made it all the more important to get Jesus buried on Passover
Once that double Sabbath began, all work ceased until Sunday, including the work of preparing a body for burial
And Jesus’ friends could not bear the thought of leaving Jesus hanging exposed on the cross for that long
So they are searching desperately for a way to get Jesus off the cross, to prepare His body and bury it before sundown
Even the chance to bury Jesus before the end of the day was unusual, since most victims of crucifixion survived a day or longer
Eventually, the victim succumbed to shock, fatigue and ultimately suffocation
If that process went on too long for the Romans, they would hasten death by breaking the legs of the person
Without the use of their legs, the person could no longer push up to gain a breath, and suffocation would follow in minutes
But when Jesus died at 3 PM by giving up His spirit, it meant a Passover burial was possible…and it fulfilled Scripture
In Exodus 34, God told Israel that nothing of the Lamb could remain at the end of the Passover feast
The lamb was to be fully consumed by the family or else burned so that as the Passover ended, nothing of the lamb was left
That requirement pictured the body of Christ, the Lamb of God, buried out of sight before the end of Passover
So Jesus dies early enough on Passover to give opportunity for His disciples to arrange for His burial before the start of a Sabbath
But there are several hurdles standing in their way
First, there were very few disciples available to do the work and they were all women for the most part
Matthew and the other Gospels report that as Jesus dies, a few women looked on from a distance
Specifically three “Mary’s”: Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ mother Mary, and Mary, the mother of the apostle James the Lessor
Given the male-dominated culture of Jesus’ time, it was shameful that only female members of Jesus’ inner circle remained to help
And the absence of men stands in the way of burying Jesus before 6 PM
These few women did not have the physical strength to remove nails from the cross and lower a body by themselves
So if Jesus is to be buried before sundown, it will require at least one or two men to step forward to offer assistance
Secondly, the Romans had to give permission for family members to bury a crucified prisoner, and that was not easy
Romans preferred to let crucified prisoners rot on the cross for days or weeks because it reinforced the deterrent effect
So someone with political clout would be needed to convince Pilate to release the body that day
Finally, someone needed to secure a nearby place to bury Jesus, and that was probably the hardest problem to solve
Grave sites were owned by families, but an itinerant person like Jesus would have had no family burial site in Jerusalem
So someone with means would need to arrange for the purchase of a tomb, which is nearly impossible to do in such a short time
Each of these barriers were significant, but taken together they made the prospect of burying Jesus before 6 PM seem almost impossible
But of course, God was going to make sure His Son was placed in a tomb before sundown as planned
And the Lord solves all three problems with just one man
So as minutes tick away and the situation grows ever-more desperate for these women, a man finally steps forward
In v.57 Matthew says it was now evening, which refers to the final hour of daylight, so the start of the Sabbath was fast approaching
Jesus was still hanging on the cross, and the women were likely pleading for anyone to help them get Him down
There were few believing men in the vicinity who heard their pleas but hesitated to respond
If someone stepped forward, they would be exposed as a Jesus-sympathizer which was a great risk
There was real reason to fear what the Jewish leaders would do to such a person
Being known as a disciple of Jesus could result in persecution in various ways
A man’s family could be ostracized from Jewish society…he could lose everything: his livelihood, his home, his life
Which makes what happens next all the more remarkable…a rich man of great power and with much to lose steps forward to assist the women
The man is Joseph from Arimathea, the home of Samuel located 21 miles from Jerusalem
The other Gospel writers tell us that Joseph was a Pharisee and a member of the ruling Sanhedrin Counsel
And that he, along with fellow Pharisee Nicodemus, were secret disciples of Jesus on the Sanhedrin
Over the past couple of years, these men followed Jesus from a distance while remaining loyal Pharisees serving on the counsel
Perhaps they told themselves they could do more good for Jesus in their behind-the-scenes role than if they came out publicly
Perhaps they thought they could use their influence on the counsel to help Jesus in one way or another from time to time
If so, then they were trying to have their cake and eat it too…they tried to retain their positions of power and authority in this life…
While at the same time, being devoted to their Messiah and expecting Him to receive them warmly in the Kingdom
But Jesus told His disciples that they couldn’t have it all…we can’t seek unity with this world while also preparing for the next
Jesus summed it up this way:
Jesus said if our priority is “saving” this life, meaning preserving the status and wealth and comfort and achievements found in this life…
Then we are putting at risk those same things in the next life…we will lose our life in the sense of our eternal rewards
Because you can’t simultaneously work for the rewards of this life and the rewards of the next life
We have to pick one, so Jesus told us to be willing to lose this life when necessary to gain what He may have for us in the next
We gain the rewards of eternity by serving Jesus sacrificially now
Jesus always describes discipleship in this way, as an “either/or” proposition
Either we follow Jesus, or we chase after the world
Either we seek to please Jesus, or we seek the approval of men
Either we serve God or we serve wealth…you can’t serve both
Joseph and Nicodemus were good men – righteous men even – but until this moment, they were trying to have both
They wanted to remain on the Sanhedrin Counsel and with the approval of the other Pharisees and Sadducees…
While at the same time, they wanted credit for following a Messiah that the rest of the Counsel despised and wanted to kill
But there was literally no way they could have both…one allegiance would always win out over the other
Luke tells us in his Gospel that when the counsel convened on the night before Jesus died and voted to condemn Jesus, these two men were not there
Their faith in Jesus would not allow them to be party to a vote to condemn the Messiah to death
Mark tells us that when the Jewish counsel condemned Jesus, it was an unanimous decision
So had these two men been present, they could have voted against condemnation, and perhaps altered the outcome
That’s the challenge facing every disciple of Jesus…we are called out of the world by our faith, and yet we remain in the world for a time
So that presents a dilemma…which world will we serve? Do we serve the interests of this world or the interest of the Kingdom?
Serving this world means agreeing with the world, thinking like the world, approving what the world approves
It means conducting marriage and raising kids and following careers according to the values and priorities of the world
But Jesus said we must be willing to “lose” this world so we can serve the interests of the next, and that means making different decisions
And as we make different choices than the world makes, we will inevitably offend the world and the world will turn against us
Following Jesus may mean losing a few friends, losing promotions or your job…it may even mean losing your life
That’s the dilemma Jesus places in front of all His disciples…which is why Jesus asked us to count the cost of following Him
Matthew tells us Joseph was a rich man, so we would understand the great sacrifice he was making by stepping forward
He would likely lose his position on the counsel, his place in society, the respect of his peers, and his means of support
Joseph couldn’t know for sure, but it didn’t take a genius to understand that if you side with Jesus, it meant trouble
And as he does, Joseph also fulfills Scripture
Isaiah 53:9 says the Messiah dies among criminals and He is buried in a rich man’s tomb…
So now as Joesph and Nicodemus heard the pleas of the women, they recognize it was time to count the cost and to stand in the gap
So in v.58, Joseph steps forward and begins to solve the three challenges to burying Jesus before sundown
First, Joseph goes before Pilate and asks for permission to claim the body of Jesus and remove Him from the cross
Given how much the counsel fought with Pilate to crucify Jesus, Pilate would not have been inclined to release Jesus so easily
He was probably concerned that the Sanhedrin would return to him complaining that Jesus had been let go too easily
So it’s likely that the only person who could convince Pilate to release Jesus would be a member of the Sanhedrin Counsel like Joseph
So because a member of the Sanhedrin requested Jesus’ body, Pilate was willing to release Jesus for burial
And in v.59, Joseph returns to the cross, and with Nicodemus’ help, they remove Jesus from the cross
And then with the women’s help, the men prepare the body for burial, wrapping it quickly with linen but without embalming spices
Normally a body was prepared with embalming spices that helped dry the body over time
But with time running out and with no chance to buy the necessary spices, they are forced to use linen only
This was to be a temporary concession on their part
The women were planning to return to the tomb on Sunday after the double Sabbath to apply the spices
So with Joseph’s help, the women have claimed Jesus’ body and removed Him from the cross, which leaves only the final challenge of where to bury Him
In that day, burial was typically a two-step process
First, a body was wrapped and placed in a tomb, either a cave or a sarcophagus, where it would decompose over a few years
Later, the bones would be retrieved and placed in an ossuary for safekeeping in a home or for burial underground
Most people were entombed in caves shared by many other bodies but the wealthy could afford to purchase a private tomb
These tombs were multi-room affairs, with a low passage leading to separate rooms for different family members
They were hewn out of solid rock and sealed with a large rolling stone
Joseph being wealthy had recently completed construction on just such a tomb in a quarry close to the city
Carving a new cave out of rock was a labor-intensive business, so this cave would have been quite expensive to build
Some estimate it might have cost Joseph as much as $40,000 in today’s money
But with time running out and no other options, Joseph gives up his tomb so that Jesus could have a proper burial that day
Joseph stepped out of the shadows, exposing himself publicly as a follower of Jesus and made a significant sacrifice in the process
He most likely sacrificed his career, friends, and perhaps his security as well
To say nothing of the sacrifice of $40,000 in the form of that tomb
He traded things of this life for the rewards of the next just as Jesus said
But notice what he gained…first, by his faith in Jesus, Joseph traded death for life
Jesus took the penalty for Joseph’s sin, dying in his place, which is beautifully pictured by Jesus taking Joseph’s place in the tomb
What’s more, Joseph’s name is recorded in Scripture for all eternity, forever after known as the man who buried Jesus
Finally, Joseph even got his tomb back, because as it turned out Jesus only needed it for a few days
That’s the power of obedience…serve Jesus sacrificially and become a part of His story and be blessed in the end
We may not see our names in Scripture, but we will see ourselves making an impact for the Kingdom
And even if our worldly accomplishments seem impressive to us now, they won’t seem so impressive in the Kingdom
But the things you did to serve Jesus will never be forgotten, and in the Kingdom they will become crowns of glory
Then notice in v.61, Matthew once again mentions the women looking on as Jesus is buried
Matthew’s showing us how these women are acting as a chain of custody to authenticate the story of Jesus’ resurrection
In detective work, it’s important to maintain a chain of custody for all evidence, so that no one can question its authenticity
From the moment a piece of evidence is collected, the police must be able to prove how that evidence was handled
That chain of custody assures that the evidence is trustworthy
Without these women present, Jesus had no witnesses to testify concerning the most important moments of His ministry
Remember, Paul called those three things – death, burial, resurrection – of first importance for the Church
So we’re thankful these women were courageous enough to remain with Jesus after the men had run away
And because they did, they served as a chain of custody for Jesus’ body (more to follow)
These women were present from the moment Jesus died on the cross until the tomb was sealed
And as we’ll see in Chapter 28, they will be the first to visit the tomb on Sunday morning to find it empty
They could testify that Jesus did, in fact, die, spend three days in a tomb and resurrect
And ironically, Jesus’ enemies, the religious leaders, unintentionally added to the authenticity of their claims
On the first day of the Sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees made a special visit to Pilate
They had begun to worry that Jesus’ disciples might try to fake a resurrection by stealing the body
Had this happened, it would have been especially troublesome for the Sadducees, who were the majority party on the counsel
Sadducees were from the liberal wing of the political spectrum, and they didn’t believe in a literal resurrection
They believed that we die, we exist in spirit form only and will never occupy a body again
So if Jesus’ body disappeared and people claimed He was resurrected, it would undermine the Sadducees’ position
So they and the Pharisees demand that Pilate guard the tomb, and Pilate, weary from dealing with these men, agrees to give them guards
The religious leaders take the guards to the tomb, secure it with a seal of some kind, and station the guards there
Ironically, these men were worried about someone faking Jesus’ resurrection
But in the end, they only succeeded in making Jesus’ actual resurrection all the more believable
To end today’s lesson, we look at the first verse of Chapter 28, where we find our final proof to know that Jesus died on a Thursday, not Friday as tradition holds
The same women who were present when Jesus’ tomb was sealed are the first to return to the tomb after the double Sabbath on Sunday
Noice Matthew says they came to the tomb as it began to dawn on the first day of the week
The first day of the Jewish week is Sunday just as it still is today
Technically, the Sabbath ended at 6 PM the night before, but women didn’t venture outside the city walls at night
So they wait until shortly before dawn on Sunday, and then Mark tells us they visited the tomb to finish the job of embalming Jesus
Mark says they first had to buy spices, which they did after the Sabbath ended on Saturday night
When the weekly Sabbath ends on sundown Saturday evening, shops reopen and Jews go out for the evening shopping
So the women bought spices in the city Saturday night and then left the city early Sunday morning to visit the tomb
But when they arrive at the tomb at daybreak, they find it empty
We’ll study more about Jesus’ resurrection next week
But for now Matthew 28:1 gives us the final piece of data we need to fix the day of Jesus’ death with certainty
And not just the day of the week, but we can also fix the specific date in history when Jesus died
Since we now know that Jesus resurrected prior to daybreak on Sunday, let’s focus our timeline on the days of Thursday–Sunday
We know the day Jesus resurrected, but the Bible never tells us what day Jesus died…but he does give us the way to figure it out
In Matthew 12 Jesus gave us the math to use in calculating the day of His death
Jesus said He will spend three days and three nights in the grave, referring to periods of daylight and darkness
So let’s count periods of day and night, and to start let’s count from Friday, since Friday is traditionally considered the day of Jesus’ death
We don’t count Sunday’s daytime since the Gospels tell us Jesus’ grave was empty by daybreak
So counting the rest of the day and night periods between Friday and Sunday we find there are only two of each period
There is simply not enough time for Jesus’ prophecy to be true if Jesus died on a Friday
There are some creative counting methods used by scholars to get around this problem, but it’s completely unnecessary
The problem is of their own making…there is no reason to assume Jesus died on a Friday
There is no Scriptural reason to insist on a Friday death…it’s just tradition
If we move back one day to Thursday, sure enough the problem goes away and everything fits
Jesus died on a Thursday, and there are three periods of day and night between Thursday and before daybreak Sunday
Furthermore, the double-Sabbath created by the High Sabbath and Weekly Sabbath ensured the tomb remained undisturbed
God had designed the calendar on that year to ensure that no one would visit the tomb until Jesus was resurrected
This further ensured that the chain of custody was preserved
So now with the day of the week fixed by Scripture, it’s possible to calculate the exact day of Jesus’ death using other data in Scripture
We know Jesus born about 2 years before Herod died in 4 BC (Matthew 2:1; 13-16)
Luke tells us Jesus began His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23)
And by counting the number of Passovers in Jesus' ministry we know it lasted 3 years
Putting all that together, we can calculate that Jesus must have died in either AD 27 or 28
Since Jesus died on a Thursday, we consult astronomical tables to see if one of these years had Passover starting on Wednesday night
And sure enough, in AD 27 Passover began on a Wednesday night, April 9th
Which means Jesus died the next day, Thursday, April 10, AD 27
And interestingly, the 2,000 anniversary of His death will be April 22, 2027
Should we care about this detail? We should care about getting our interpretation of Scripture correct, and little details like this test our teachability
Are we willing to accept the Scripture over tradition and popular opinion?
And more importantly, are we willing to change our minds when the Bible challenges our prior understanding on any matter?
I have a saying I use a lot: I would rather know the truth than be “right”
Being right means stubbornly clinging to my ideas or opinions even when better information comes along
It means pridefully thinking I’m right every time I open my mouth because being wrong about anything is more than I can stand
I know that feeling too…I like being right…but I would rather know the truth than be right
And that means I would rather be corrected by someone who has the truth than to continue in my wrong beliefs
Because when I face Jesus, then everything that is true will be known and we will all see where we were wrong
And when I get to that moment, I want to be wrong about as few things as possible
So better to be shown that I’m wrong here and now so I can be right when I see Jesus