Stephen ArmstrongAuthor
Stephen ArmstrongRecent events remind us we live in a lost and dying world that desperately needs to know the truth of Christ and Him crucified.
A cultural revolution is rewriting the rules of right and wrong at a dizzying rate. Immorality is celebrated, piety is mocked and anything goes. As our social fabric frays, many Christians struggle with how to keep our message relevant while protecting our right to participate freely in the marketplace of ideas. For the first time, many fear persecution.
As a Christian ministry operating in the midst of this upheaval, it’s easy to lose focus. We could detour from teaching the Bible into timely political discourse or social commentary. We could dispense with book studies to examine the roots of these movements, to predict future outcomes and to offer possible antidotes. Certainly, we would have much to say on these matters, and I know we would say it with passion and conviction. And perhaps some in the culture might even listen.
But we won’t. We don’t need to. The Lord has already spoken, and His word is clear enough.
Our mission is to teach the word of God – methodically, unrelentingly, and consistently – and to do so for the reasons God ordained: to persuade the unbeliever to the truth of the Gospel and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. We will continue doing this because it’s the only solution for society’s ills.
Each new terrorist act, economic calamity or court decision only serves to strengthen our resolve to preach the word in season or out of season. As Jesus Himself taught:
Friends, if the world will not listen to the word of God, then we have nothing better we can offer. Teaching the word of God is the only thing that will rescue men and women from sin and rebellion and lead them to salvation at the cross of Jesus. The word of God is the power of God to those who are being saved, so a thousand volumes of political commentary cannot equal one verse of scripture. So we will preach the word.
I am sincerely thankful to all those who have chosen to favor this ministry with prayers and donations, and I assume they do so because they also agree with the importance of teaching scripture. They make it possible for us to reach millions with the word of God, and I assure them – and everyone – we will never deviate from that mission until the Lord returns or brings us home.
May the Lord return soon, and may He bless your devotion to His holy word.