
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re approaching the end of this important letter
The final chapter is before us, where the writer issues a series of exhortations
These exhortations are examples of how the church is to fulfill the writer’s instructions from Chapter 12:28-29
As we saw in Chapter 10, the writer adds another “let us” command
He asks that we render a life of service to God, as a show of gratitude for His love shown to us
This exhortation sounds very similar to Paul’s instructions in Romans 12
Throughout Scripture, Christians are commanded to establish our life’s priorities based upon a recognition that we owe God everything
That’s why the New Testament authors’ favorite Greek word to describe a Christian’s relationship to the Lord is doulos (slave)
Christ is our Master, and He commands our lives
And if we choose to live in obedience to Him, we will soon discover that His burden is light and our service to Him will be one of joy
But there’s no doubt that our relationship with Christ, in faith, brings certain obligations and expectations
These expectations set the standard by which the Lord will judge His people
Naturally, as those to be judged, we want to understand what those expectations are
Which is one of the reasons we have the Word of God, and in particular, the New Testament letters
Chapters like Hebrews 13 are important places to spend our time
Passages we must ponder and prayerfully reflect upon, so we will have incentive to live in a way that is pleasing to the Lord
So let’s first direct our full attention on the writer’s exhortations, beginning in v.1
As my introduction suggested, this chapter reads as a list of instructions
They are all loosely related to one another, in the sense that they are all self-sacrificial acts of Christian love, intended to show God gratitude for His sacrifice on our behalf
And v.1 serves as the topical sentence for the entire chapter
The love of the brethren is the overriding theme and goal of the writer’s instructions
We are called as a Body to love one another
The Greek word used is philadelphia, which means “brotherly love”
And not merely in the sense of showing affection or friendship to one another
But in the full sense of agape love: making sacrifices for one another as a means of serving Christ
When we serve a brother or sister in the Church Body, from God’s point of view, we are serving Him
So we must make our motive in all we do to love another believer
Let that love continue, the writer says
He uses the word “continue”, because this was the way of the Church in its beginning, and so it should always be
Our church body may not accomplish all the programs we desire
Not everything we attempt will be successful, at least not from our perspective
We may not grow as much as we like, or extend our influence as far as we hope
But those things are not the primary goal of our church
Our primary goal is to show the love of Christ, first to one another, and secondly, to the world
By this standard we will be measured
So what does showing love look like?
The writer offers examples
First, the writer says don’t neglect to show hospitality to strangers
In Greek, the writer’s instructions are even more specific
He uses the Greek word philoxenia, which literally means “showing love to a stranger”
So in v.1, the writer emphasized love for brothers, while in v.2, he emphasizes love for strangers
In that day and culture, showing love to a stranger was synonymous with offering a traveling stranger shelter in your home
That was a cultural expectation
It was considered an honor to host someone in your home
But as we learned earlier in this letter, persecution was increasingly common in the Church, especially among the Jewish believers
So as enemies increased, the Church began to withdraw from the culture
Where before, the Church would show love to strangers, opening their homes to anyone, now they were suspicious of strangers
They worried that strangers might be Jewish spies, who would report Christians to the authorities
Their fear of persecution led them to withhold their witness from strangers
The writer’s concerns here are not merely a matter of hospitality or kindness
The very mission of the Church lies in the balance
If we are so fearful or mistrusting of unbelievers that we withdraw from them, then we have abdicated our responsibilities as witnesses
Now, we better understand why the writer emphasized the need to fear God more than men
Persecution is a reality, and it always will be, in various forms
So we accept it as part of the deal we received with our salvation
We don’t invite it, but neither do we run from it, at least not when it requires we compromise our witness and service to God
For these believers, this meant opening their doors in love for strangers and taking the risk that this act of love could lead to persecution
If that happens, so be it, for it can only happen if the Lord permits it anyway
And He says in Scripture to rejoice, for your reward in Heaven is great when you are persecuted for His Name’s sake
Today, our culture is growing increasingly hostile to Christian teaching and Christian values
So as we open ourselves up to the unbelieving world, to strangers, we have a growing sense that their response will not be positive
Increasingly, we will be rejected and slandered
We will be misjudged (even as they accuse us of intolerance)
We will be persecuted
But we can’t let that lead us to withdraw from these “strangers”
We can’t let that become an excuse to hide away in compounds, huddled together and away from scrutiny
We aren’t supposed to wall ourselves off from the world, as Jesus said
By showing love for strangers, even in the face of persecution, we follow in Jesus’ footsteps
We place our trust in God to accomplish great things through our sacrifice
The writer cites the example of Abraham entertaining angels
This is a reference to Genesis 18-19, when the Lord and two angels appeared as traveling strangers at Abraham’s tent
Abraham willingly received the “men”, and as a result, he experienced a special encounter with God
The writer’s isn’t necessarily saying we should expect to entertain angels, as Abraham did, though this might be possible
His point is, that by showing love to strangers, we have opportunity to see God working in miraculous ways
We may influence a heart to change
We may witness miracles of one kind or another
Who knows how much God might be prepared to accomplish through us...if only we open our door to strangers?
Next, the writer asks the church to remember the prisoners and those who are mistreated
In both cases, he’s referring to believers who are enduring trials as a consequence of their faith and witness
When a member of the Body of Christ is suffering for their faith, the entire Body is to see itself as caught up in that suffering
As Paul said in 1 Corinthians
We don’t sympathize from a distance, saying to ourselves how unfortunate it is that our brother or sister is being persecuted
We say to ourselves, “we” are being persecuted
So therefore, we minister to them
We pray for and with them
We visit them in their distress and comfort them
We assure them they are not alone
And when it’s our turn to endure, they will do the same for us
And in this way, we give them strength to persevere in the face of these trials, so that their witness is made sure and the reward is complete
Next, the writer says our proper service to God requires living in sexual purity
The writer says Christians are to hold the institution of marriage in high honor
The Greek word for “honor” is timios, which means “precious” or “very costly”
Imagine the most valuable, most precious thing you possess
How would you treat that thing?
You would protect it, cherish it, honor it
To God, the institution of marriage is just such a thing, and therefore, if you want to serve your Lord well, you must cherish what He cherishes
And this requirement to cherish the institution of marriage must be cherished by all, the writer says
Not merely by those who are already enjoying the institution as God created it
But also by those who are not yet married
A married Christian couple is under obligation to God to honor marriage until death do you part
An unmarried Christian is under obligation to keep pure until the day he or she enters into a Christian marriage
And all Christians are to respect and honor the marriages of others, not violating that marriage by defiling the marriage bed
Notice, the writer calls out two different types of sins at the end of v.4
First, he says fornicators will be judged
Fornication is a concept largely lost in our society today
The Bible says any form of sexual activity conducted outside of marriage is a sin called “fornication”
Of course, our culture has become so accepting of sex apart from marriage, that it has become not only acceptable, but commonplace
In fact, the idea that sexual activity is dependent upon marriage is an absurd idea to most people today
But the Word of God has not changed, nor will it change, to suit our flesh’s sinful desires
So let’s be clear what “fornication” means in the context of honoring the institution of marriage
It mean taking something you do not have rights to take, according to God
It is never appropriate for a Christian to engage in sexual activity, which means any form of sexual arousal, outside of marriage
Christians may not live together prior to marriage
Christians may not view pornography, before or even after marriage, for this is defiling the marriage bed
And of course, this would cover any form of sexual activity, including homosexual activity, which is always sinful in any case
In a world that is increasingly holding marriage in contempt, and wishes to repurpose the institution to suit their sinful desires, it becomes all the more important for the Church to witness to the truth
This does not necessarily require that we become politically active on this issue
But it does require that our own lives reflect the truth of marriage
How hypocritical is it for Christians to cry against homosexual relationships, only to return home to have sex with their live-in boyfriend or girlfriend?
The writer says God will judge us for these things
Secondly, the writer says we must not participate in adultery
Adultery is the sin of violating the sanctity of another’s marriage vows
Of course, the obvious example is when a person engages in sexual activity with a married person who is not their spouse
This is always wrong, and it does grave damage to the witness of the Church
How many hearts have been broken in the Church when a marriage is violated in this way?
It’s even worse when this situation plays out publicly, as when a Church leader falls to this kind of sexual sin
But don’t forget that marriage vows last until death, so this command to respect the marriage bed continues, even after a legal divorce
As Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians, we must respect another’s marriage, even to the point of refusing to marry a divorced person
Once again, our culture reacts very negatively to the idea that “second chances” aren’t possible when it comes to marriage
But the Bible’s teaching is consistent and clear: only upon the death of a spouse are we released to marry again
Finally, the writer makes perhaps his most challenging demand of the church
In the Greek language, v.5 begins “Without covetousness behavior...”
Christians are not to tolerate, much less indulge in, covetousness
Coveting is not merely jealousy over someone else’s possession
The concept is broader than that
It means any sinful wanting
We can sinfully want for things, just in the way our desire for the world’s offerings consumes our attention and drives our passions
That’s why the opposite of coveting is contentment
Being content with what you have already
It’s the difference between “more” and “enough”
So often, we have enough, yet we tell ourselves we need more
And it’s in the pursuit of more, when we have enough, that we run the risk of compromising our character
Notice at the end of v.5, the writer quotes Deut. 31:6, where the Lord promises to Israel that He will never desert, nor forsake, His people
The writer is alluding to the sovereignty of God in assigning to each of us what we have
Since we know that the Lord will not forsake our needs, and will always care for His people, then we must think carefully about our station in life
God assigns to each of His children a provision adequate to our needs
That provision is a sign of His faithfulness to never forsake us
And our proper response to the Lord is contentment
As Paul writes:
Good Christian character recognizes that God’s provision is enough, so we should not devote inordinate time and effort to improving our financial or material status
For in doing so, we are potentially redirecting our energies away from more important and lasting pursuits
Like pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love and so on
It’s not that having wealth excludes such things
It’s about the opportunity cost
For example, a man looking at his week ahead could elect to spend more time at the job to earn more income, or spend more time in Bible study to deepen his relationship with Christ
There is only so much time in a day, so he can’t do more of both
One pursuit is based in a love of money
The other pursuit is based in a love for the Lord
One is driven by desires for more
One is reflective of contentment
One choice potentially leads to covetousness
The other leads to godliness
These same choices exists for mothers, children, students, single people, etc.
Obviously, the writer isn’t asking for Christians to forgo earning a living or supporting their families
He simply asks that we not strive to gain more than is essential, for in moving beyond the necessary, we distract ourselves from the true mission of the Church
And in the worst cases, our desire for more will lead us to compromising our character
Perhaps our love for money, or the comforts it brings, leads us to neglect our responsibilities to family or church
Perhaps we assume debts we can’t repay
Perhaps we break laws, cheat clients, betray the trust of those we love
We may be prone to doing these things, because we aren’t content to rely upon the Lord’s judgment for how much is best for us
And because we aren’t willing to patiently wait to receive our wealth in eternity
In v.6, the writer reminds us from the Psalms that the Lord is my helper, so we have nothing to fear from the world
If you feel insecure, and that insecurity drives you to hold off retirement one more year, or to put in just a few more hours at the job, ask yourself why do you hold such concern?
Will the Lord neglect your needs?
Will He forget you?
Hasn’t He promised you that He will meet those needs?
I wonder how often Christians miss the blessing of seeing the Lord “show up” in the way He promised, because we’ve robbed Him of that opportunity?
I’ve known men and women living on the mission field, who have learned to live in this promise on a daily basis
It’s amazing to hear their stories of how they encounter a need they couldn’t meet, but then God showed up in an unexpected way
Our service of gratitude to the Lord brings with it an expectation that we set aside our desire to pursue earthly wealth and the status and comfort it brings
We still work hard and provide for our needs, so that we will not be a burden on others
But we make our goal pursuing righteousness
Trust the Lord to determine our compensation, so to speak
And remain content in His provision
Test your heart...are you content? Or just convicted?
Or have you made the pursuit of the world too great a goal?
Is your character at risk?
Is the opportunity cost for your way of life so great that you are sacrificing eternal gain for earthly gain?
Let’s all consider these things carefully in the days to come