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Wesley LivingstonImpartido por
Wesley LivingstonIn our last session, we discussed the continued implementation of wisdom in the life of Solomon given to him by God.
And in wisdom we witnessed Solomon’s ability to disseminate responsibilities and roles to trustworthy men throughout the land.
The reality was, because of the vastness of the kingdom and the great number of people, it was too much for Solomon to handle alone.
Therefore, by way of wisdom, Solomon is able to hand off responsibility to establish a functional administration.
This dissemination of responsibility is similar to what Moses’ father-in-law mentioned to him regarding Moses’ responsibility in judging the people.
Jethro tells Moses to find trustworthy men to do the work so that the stress and responsibility doesn’t fall completely on his shoulders.
Furthermore, we were able to see the establishment of a centralized government in Israel.
Taxation and proper representation for the flourishment of the nation and kingdom was essential.
And along with that came a move away from tribalism to a more unified nation as a whole.
Tonight, we enter a significant portion of the Kings narrative as it has to deal with the building of the temple.
This would be the permanent dwelling by which the LORD would dwell among His people.
And as we will find, the effort to get this done was not easy and required the hands of many skilled laborers.
Our outline tonight is straight forward. We will see:
1. Solomon reaffirming his alliance to King Hiram (vv.1-12).
And if I were to tag our time in the text tonight, it would simply be: Preparation for the Temple.
With that being said, I invite you to meet me in 1 Kings 5 starting with verses 1-6.
1 Kings 5 transitions into the preparation period of the building of the Temple.
What we should note at this point in the text is that the preparation for the temple was something that began prior to Solomon’s reign as king.
If you recall in the later portion of the 2 Samuel narrative, I mentioned that David had the intention of building the temple himself.
However, because of David’s rule having been marked by much war, the Lord desired that His dwelling place be built during a time of shalom (peace). (1 Chronicles 28:3)
And having briefly reviewed 1 Chronicles 28, we discovered that David was given instructions by the Lord that Solomon would build the Temple instead.
Check out 1 Chronicles 28:5-7.
But prior to the Lord revealing this to David, we find that David was preparing for the building of the temple as if he would build it in his time.
And this becomes a quick yet interesting point in the narrative.
This demonstrates the leadership, stewardship of resources, and the diligence of David in preparation for what was to come.
And with any good leader should follow the necessity to prepare the next successor of leadership for their successful administration.
Along with this preparation of transition comes a prior political alliance with King Hiram of Tyre which forged a long-lasting friendship
Apparently, David and Hiram were good friends and discussed many things, one being the “building of a house”.
The Hebrew word for “house” here is ba’yit which can mean a dwelling, a king’s palace, or a temple.
And in this particular context, it refers to “a house for the Lord”.
This has always been the desire of the Lord. We find this desire expressed in Exodus 29:45-46. Check out the text:
This friendship between David and Hiram seems to have begun in 2 Samuel 5:11 where David received supplies from Hiram for the building of the Temple.
1 Chronicles 14 provides a bit more detail as its parallel text in 2 Samuel 5:11 mentions the building of “a house”.
So, when David receives word in 1 Chronicles 28 about not building the house, he does not cease preparation but continues in faith for his son Solomon to take on the project.
What could be assumed is that from the time of David’s reign to Solomon’s reign, that David has shared some details regarding his alliance with Hiram.
And along with those details were the mention of who was the major political alliance contributing materially for the building of the temple.
So it’s at this point in the narrative that 2 Chronicles 2:3 lets us know that Solomon actually sends word to King Hiram to re-commit and affirm their political alliance with Solomon now as king.
Check out how 2 Chronicles 2:3 reads:
At this point in Solomon’s rule, the timetable is set for the next phase of his administration – the building of the temple.
And if you notice, Solomon, in wisdom is following the instructions of the Lord to a “t”.
Remember, the Lord desired for the temple to be built during a “time of peace”.
And it’s in verse 4 that Solomon tells Hiram that Yahweh has given Israel “rest on every side”.
This period of rest deals with peace in and around the land – undisturbed from war and conflict.
Furthermore, Solomon mentions that there is neither adversary nor misfortune.
The word for adversary is “Sa-tan” or “the Satan”.
And the literal translation for “misfortune” is that there is no evil occurrence in the land.
This moment in history becomes a picture of sorts, because the absence of evil influence and the holding back of Satan sounds quite eschatological.
This picture becomes a foreshadow of what the period of the Millennium Kingdom will be like.
There will be a thousand years of rest and peace in the land.
No one will know what war looks like and there won’t be a need to learn about it.
The people will be dwelling securely in the land and all will be well because Christ will be reigning with justice throughout the world.
Another parallel that I would be remiss to mention is the parallel between King Solomon and the Greater Solomon, Jesus Christ.
In our immediate context we find that King Solomon has been given the task by Yahweh to build the temple where the Lord will dwell among His people.
And as we know, historically, this dwelling in the temple during Solomon’s day only lasts for a while, ultimately leading to the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in around 586-878 BC.
And this destruction comes as a means of judgement and discipline for Israel by the instrument nation of Babylon.
However, in a future day, there will be a rebuilding of the temple by a Greater Solomon, Jesus Christ in the Millennium Kingdom.
I want to bring your attention to two texts that point to this future moment.
The first that we will look at is Zechariah 6:12-13. Check it out:
The first thing that we should pay attention to is “a man whose name is Branch”
The Branch is a title which is always in reference to a future king from the lineage of David, meaning the Messiah – Jesus Christ.
And notice what Zechariah says Messiah would do in this future day.
It says, “He will build the temple of the Lord”. Not only will Jesus build the temple, but He will sit and rule on His throne (Davidic Throne).
Now, if that is not convincing enough as to who the man is check out verse 13.
The text mentions that He will be a priest on His throne and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices, meaning King and Priest.
Historically, we know that these two offices were never allowed to mix they have always been separate.
And whenever a king of Israel attempted both they would be immediately punished for it.
Yet, the text lets us know that in this future day, the Messiah will rule as both King and Priest.
It should begin to click how Jesus, being of the order of Melchizedek forever, is able to be both King and Priest.
And that there is no issue between those two offices being occupied by Messiah Himself.
Lastly, where Solomon’s reign of 40 years comes to an end, so does Israel’s ability to dwell securely and be at peace within the land.
And, in the Millennium Kingdom, there will be a thousand years of justice and peace throughout Jesus’ rule on the throne of David.
So Solomon’s rule becomes not just literal history in which we can go back and read about, but it speaks to this promising future day!
So with Solomon informing King Hiram about his intentions to continue in the plans of building the temple, he lays out a plan by which he intends to have buy-in from an old ally.
Solomon’s request is that King Hiram have his laborers prepare the cedars from Lebanon for the building of the temple.
The cedars of Lebanon were old trees made of beautiful wood excellent for construction purposes.
This type of wood was not prone to decay or insect infestation.
So this type of wood for what would be a modern-day masterpiece of a building was of premier quality.
Along with quality materials followed the recruitment and service of quality workers.
Solomon was aware of a very skilled people known as the Sidonians, a people north of Tyre, who were considered experts in the cutting of timber.
You could consider the Sidonians modern day master carpenters.
Let’s keep moving. Check out verses 7-12.
From this deliberation between King Solomon and King Hiram, it is observed by King Hiram the wisdom of King Solomon.
Because from this discussion came much rejoicing from the King Hiram who makes a profound declaration.
He says, “Blessed be the LORD (Yahweh) today, who has given to David a wise son over this great people.”
In other words, King Hiram recognizes who the giver of this great wisdom to the young king Solomon is.
It is none other than the God of Israel!
What a testimony of the goodness of God based upon how the stewards of God’s gifts and wisdom operate in obedience to the Lord.
What becomes even more profound is how a pagan King over a pagan nation can recognize and bless the true and living God based on the actions of the follower of Yahweh.
And herein lies a biblical principle that we find in the text:
Those who are followers of Christ should be able to stand out even amongst an unbelieving world.
Our actions and lives will either point people to a living Savior or cause them to question who we serve?
In any case, King Hiram receives these words from the King and responds positively to the request.
And King Hiram outlines for Solomon the trade route by which the materials will be delivered to him.
It’s in 2 Chronicles 2:16 that King Hiram mentions the route by which the wood would be sent for easy transportation to Jerusalem.
Check out the text:
It seems as if the King of Hiram is willing to do whatever is necessary for King Solomon to accomplish his project.
And at the same time, you see that the text insinuates a sense of reciprocity for the services in which King Hiram is providing King Solomon.
It’s the idea that I do this for you but I need you to do something for me as well.
So in return for these shipping and contracting services, King Hiram requests food for his royal household in which, according to verse 11, Solomon agrees to the terms.
And in this case, as Solomon puts in his request so the king of Tyre, fulfills said request.
This interaction is simply a means of exchange of services by which services are requested and bartering commences.
Notice the vast amount of goods that Solomon provided to King Hiram for his services:
1. 20,000 kors of wheat as food (38,053 barrels of wheat)
2. 20 kors of beaten oil (1,162 gallons of oil)
2 Chronicles mentions that in addition to what the writer of Kings provides was 20,000 kors of barley and 20,000 baths of wine (116,236 gallons).
And this is what King Solomon provided King Hiram, year after year.
Now think about these numbers over a period of time – these are a lot of resources, especially that of wine and grapes!
Yet, the fact that this is sustained year by year and doesn’t dip into the reserves of the Nation of Israel shows God’s sustaining hand and Israel’s surplus!
There seems to be this sense of proper stewardship of resources by Solomon.
Perhaps this is why the text mentions in verse 12 that, “The Lord gave wisdom to Solomon, just as He promised.”
The literal translation here would be, the Lord gave wisdom to Solomon according to the word of the Lord.
In other words, the promise keeping God of Israel was faithful, and is faithful, to His every word according to His promises.
Verse 12 rounds out by mentioning that there was peace between Hiram and Solomon and that the two of them made a covenant.
There are some people who will examine this text and take issue with two things in particular.
1) Why is Israel gaining wealth from other pagan Nations. Does this mean that they weren’t trusting in the Lord for their provision?
2) Was it wrong for Solomon to establish a Covenant with a Gentile Nation such as Tyre? Did God approve?
Let’s examine the first question. When looking at who is benefiting from what transaction, we come to see that Israel was actually blessing another Nation – Gentiles.
The deeper question that is to be asked is: Did God desire for Israel to be a Nation that blessed itself – solely for Jewish benefit?
The answer to that question is an emphatic – No!
God never intended for Israel to be a Nation of immense blessing to simply keep it to themselves.
Scripture outlines for us that God intended for Israel to be a Nation that blessed others; this includes Gentile Nations.
And we find this truth in Genesis 12:1-3. Check out the text:
This language suggests that the Lord would make an individual who was pulled out of paganism and from him would come a people blessed by God.
And that this people/nation would be used to be a blessing to the people of the world!
So most assuredly, we see God using Solomon as an instrument of blessing to this Gentile nation who in turn sees the greatness of Yahweh.
And just as Solomon was an instrument of blessing to Tyre as a Gentile nation, the Lord Jesus through His death, burial, and resurrection is a blessing to all who will place their faith in Him.
And the reality is, this principle should be evident within the Church today.
That the unbelieving world should be able to see the love of Christ displayed yet without the compromise of the truth of God!
That as the world sees how believers love one another that in turn the unbelieving world should scratch their heads as to say, what are we missing?
And the answer to that question is – You are missing the very one who has fashioned you in His image!
The second question to answer is: Was it wrong for Solomon to establish a covenant with Hiram?
The emphasis of the question involves matters of covenant contracts.
The word “covenant” is be’rit. And this can be a contract or an agreement.
The Abrahamic and Davidic covenants are contracts that the Lord has put into play.
And here in the text we find Solomon putting a contract together with Hiram, only this covenant is more of an agreement with outlined terms.
And in this case the terms are simple, “I purchase materials from you and pay your hired workers for a period of time and compensate them accordingly.”
This contract is not to say that Solomon joined in partnership with Hiram to build the temple.
Rather, Solomon entered into an agreement of contractual service.
Some have looked at this to say this is the believer being unequally yoked with non-believers. However, this does not apply contextually.
The reality is believers do business everyday with companies that are not “Christian” and vice versa.
We are simply engaging in business exchange with others for the purposes of services and this does not equate to “dirty money” or the like.
We simply see that Solomon’s exercised wisdom and discernment in his dealings with Hiram is based upon being a good businessman.
We’ll round out tonight with the last 6 verses, verses 13-18.
Lastly, we find that the magnitude of this labor force to begin the building process was immense.
Solomon, in total has nearly 183,300 men working in efforts of establishing the foundation of the Temple.
This was not a light task and the type of laborers provided were skilled in their own right.
Although I have not had the opportunity of visiting Israel, in pictures where the Temple Mount once stood remain some foundation stones and they are massive.
The skill and ability it took to carve out the stones and transport these materials to their destinations were incredible.
This massive building project was taken on through the workforce of non-Israelites who were individuals that remained in the country after the removal of Israel’s enemies out of the land.
And it is important to note that these individuals were not slaves.
So all in all we are seeing how the Lord is working through the wisdom of Solomon to build the permanent place in which He will dwell.
And in doing so, Solomon recruits the best of the best, even if it is outside of the Israelite people themselves.
Because the Lord has a very interesting way of using the most unlikely people, in this case a Gentile people, to accomplish the Lord’s purposes.
Solomon writes these words in Proverbs 16:7:
Let’s Pray.