Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongPaul’s discourse on liberty has lead him into offering correction to the Corinthians on how to conduct certain traditions and rituals within the bounds of Christian liberty
Specifically, there are two areas of beneficial Christian ritual that Paul expected the church to observe in keeping with the word of God
Last week we looked at the first of these rituals, that of rules for the wearing of head coverings
In the society of Paul’s day, the choice to wear or not wear a head covering conveyed a certain meaning
For a man to wear a head covering in church meant he rejected the idea he was under the authority of Christ
The head covering was a symbolic barrier between the man and Christ
So if a man chose to wear a hat knowing the cultural stigma, then he was choosing to bring shame to Christ, Paul said
Likewise, for a woman NOT to wear a head covering, she was communicating she was not submitted to her husband’s authority, for that’s how the culture interpreted such behavior
Her head covering was a symbol that she recognized she DID have an authority between her and Christ, that is her husband
So if she gave up her head covering, she was claiming to have equal authority with her husband, which brought shame to him
You may have noticed last week in v.10, Paul says the woman must remember her place of submission because of the angels
He’s reminding his readers of times in the past when a failure of a woman to be covered by the authority of her husband led her to be deceived by the angelic realm
Woman in the Garden, and the women on earth before the flood of Noah were victims of sinful angels who took advantage of women absent spiritual cover
Paul warns the church not to return to a state where women are without spiritual cover and vulnerable to the schemes of angels
The messages associated with head coverings were culturally determined, and therefore there was no way for the Corinthian church to avoid them or dispute them
Paul explained that since these rituals had their source in the Creation story itself, so their actions would either affirm or deny certain spiritual truths
The rituals declared that God created man as a reflection of His glory
That God created woman as a reflection of man’s glory
And the cultural practice of head coverings and of certain hair length were testimonies to these truths
Therefore, Paul urged the church to respect these traditions so that they may be seen as standing with the truth rather than contradicting them
As we ended last week, I wrapped up by stating that when a manmade ritual loses its intended message, then the ritual itself ceases to be important or necessary
Today, our society – including the church society itself – no longer associated the Creation account with the wearing of hats and scarfs
Generally, men and women don’t wear head coverings much anymore (apart from a sports caps or cowboy hats)
So when we see a man remove his hat walking into church, we interpret that as polite etiquette, rather than as a testimony to the order of Creation
If we see a woman without a head covering in church, we don’t gasp at her rude display
Therefore, we do not need to re-institute the head covering practices Paul outlines in order to be in compliance with Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 11
Instead, we must respect and honor the spiritual message of these bygone rituals as the Bible expects
We don’t resurrect the ritual; we look for the modern ways we can continue communicating the Biblical truth of headship
A wife can show respect for her husband’s authority in many other ways today
While a husband can likewise demonstrate leadership in the home and submission to Christ
When we do these things, we are obeying the intent of 1 Corinthians11
Ironically, it’s possible to reinstitute the behaviors of head coverings today without actually meeting the spirit of Paul’s instructions
He is asking us to maintain the tradition of living under headship and testifying to all that it represents in God’s plan for the family
God is not concerned with what we wear on our head if that tradition has lost its meaning
To do otherwise is to elevate ritual above message, which is always unhelpful and often dangerous
Moving on in the chapter, today we want to examine the second tradition Paul raises
Once again, the church is in danger of treating a certain tradition with too much liberty, which had the effect of damaging the spiritual message of the ritual
So Paul begins to introduce the problem in their practice in v.17
As Paul moves into v.17, he switches gears from the first half of the chapter
You remember in v.1 Paul began with a praise for this church
In the case of head coverings, it appears they had largely held to the traditions
Perhaps some men or women were questioning the tradition, which lead Paul to reinforce it
Nevertheless, Paul’s praise tells us that the church had largely held the line on the tradition of head coverings, which pleased the apostle
But now in v.17, Paul abruptly changes his tone to one of admonishing the church
He says in giving you this instruction, I do not praise you
He means in giving you the following instruction, I am not pleased with your behavior
So what follows to the end of the chapter is an admonishment for how they have approached perhaps the most significant Christian tradition: the Lord’s Supper
In fact, Paul says in their practice of this ritual, the church is coming together for the worse, not the better
The way the church was engaging in the Lord’s Supper was so contrary to the intentions of the Lord that they were actually making matters worse than if they never practiced it at all
Once again, Paul is referring to the meaning or message behind the ritual
Their behavior was sending a bad message rather than communicating the good message the Lord intended when He instituted the practice before His death
In v.18 Paul begins to outline what they’re doing wrong as they observe this meal
First some background…in ancient times, religious worship services usually included a lavish meal
The pagans and Jews incorporated a meal service into the worship meetings
So the practice of enjoying a meal together was already common in Jesus’ day
The Lord’s Supper was not unique in that respect
But of course, it communicates something very unique and important, so it must be observed in a way that fits that purpose
The religious meals could be quite elaborate and even excessive, especially in a pagan setting
The meal was the main event, and most worshippers attended the service primarily for the meal
Just as many of you come to church primarily for the donuts
If it were not for the meal, the service would probably not even happen
Furthermore, the worshippers were expected to contribute to the food of the meal, through the bringing of a sacrifice animal
Though the food was shared to a degree, it wasn’t a perfectly fair system
If a rich family brought a choice animal, they might set themselves apart from the rest of the crowd to ensure they ate the better meat
While a poor family who contributed something less would have a lessor meal
So this resulted in divisions within the worshippers that reflected a class system in the society
Paul’s comments suggest that the Corinthian church had begun to follow these societal traditions when they practiced the Lord’s Supper in the church
So in v.18 Paul says there are divisions reported among the people
This division is different than the one Paul mentioned in Chapters 1 & 2 of this letter
In the earlier case, the divisions were the result of a desire to gain status by association with various apostles
In this case, the division relates to the wealth and selfishness of the worshippers
The church had refashioned the Lord’s Supper into a meal like the kind practiced in the pagan temples
First, Paul says in v.19 that the church was maintaining divisions during the meal in order to make clear who was “approved” among them
Paul means that divisions were instituted by the wealthy so that their superior socioeconomic status would be evident to everyone in the body
They were setting themselves apart so they could eat the superior food they brought for themselves
And they were refusing to share that food with the poorer members of the congregation
Notice in v.22 Paul says they despise and shame those who have nothing
Apparently, some of the poorest believers would come to the gathering without any food
And so they had nothing to eat when the Lord’s Supper was practiced during the service
It was BYO bread and wine or have nothing
Therefore, Paul says they are coming together for reasons other than to observe the true meaning of the Lord’s Supper
They are coming together to show off, to enjoy a big meal, to get drunk, to have a party
These purposes have nothing in common with the purposes of observing the Lord’s Supper
The ritual Jesus gave the Church had a specific purpose and message, but when the ritual is distorted, then the message is distorted too
That’s why Paul said that the way they were practicing the ritual was doing more harm than good
It was sending a worldly message, not the message Jesus brought
It was testifying to ungodly, fleshly, sinful things
Imagine what an unbeliever living in Corinth might have taken away from watching the Christians practice the Lord’s Supper in exactly the same way that pagans practiced their meals?
They couldn’t have helped but think there was nothing new in the Christian message
In v.22 Paul asks rhetorically don’t they have homes where they can have their meals?
In other words, the church service is not intended as a restaurant experience
We are not supposed to take the ritual of the Lord’s Supper and equate it with a normal everyday meal opportunity
A church is not free to take the tradition of the Lord’s Supper and play with the form beyond what’s given
Unlike the tradition of wearing hats, this tradition was prescribed by Jesus in a certain form with a certain message
In the earlier example, the form of hat wearing to testify to headship arose out of human culture, but the message was timeless
But in this case, both the form and the message were prescribed by the Lord, so we do not have the latitude to change it beyond a few details
So Paul says he can’t praise the church in this case unlike in the example
No, in this case, he says he will not praise them
Which is to say, he is chastising them for their poor behavior
You may remember from an earlier lesson that we learned the meaning of the word admonish
It means the combination of a rebuke with correction
So as Paul has now offered the rebuke for their bad behavior, it’s time for him to offer a correction
Paul is now going to remind them of the proper observance of the Lord’s Supper tradition
First, Paul re-establishes that the model for this meal is prescribed both in form and in message
The Lord Himself gave Paul the form He expected His Church to observe as they obeyed His instructions
And Paul says he delivered that form to the church faithfully
It’s this statement that tells us we cannot change the form of this tradition
It makes no difference what happens in our culture over time
It makes no difference whether the culture understands what we’re doing
Since Jesus told us to do it this way, we must not change the form
So the Corinthians’ behavior amounted to sinning against the Lord Himself
And then Paul begins to relate what the Lord passed along to him
Remember this letter was written before any of the Gospel had been written to the Church
So this account preceded the writing of the Gospels’ accounts of the Last Supper moment
That makes this record so important to the early church, and it explains why Paul put these instructions in writing here
His account begins with the original setting where the ritual was established
It began on the night Jesus was betrayed, which means the night before He died
On that night, the Lord engaged in the Passover meal, and he did so for the benefit of those Who opposed Him, His enemies
We know this was a Passover meal
But Paul’s Greek audience probably didn’t give much attention to the Passover or even its significance
So Paul makes no attempt to explain that connection here
He’s more interested in outlining the reason the church is commanded to repeat this practice
The setting of the meal is central to how and why we practice it today
Jesus was preparing to die on the cross
He knew He would die, He knew how He would die, and He knew why He had to die
The apostles were largely oblivious to all these things
So Jesus used the occasion of the Passover meal, on the night before He became a sacrifice, to institute a ritual that would forever after explain His death
Therefore, the meaning and purpose in the Lord’s Supper is intimately connected to this moment, which means we can’t approach the ritual in a casual or disrespectful manner
We can’t honor the purpose and meaning of this ritual if we see it merely as an opportunity to eat dinner
The Corinthians’ practice had stripped the seriousness and importance out of the ritual, rendering it meaningless
Next, Paul relates the steps of the ritual, in keeping with the steps Jesus took on that first night
First, Jesus took the bread, blessed it and gave thanks
He took the bread from the Passover table
This step was not a step of the normal Passover
It marked a departure from the Jewish tradition
That tells us this was purposely an interruption of past things and the instituting of new things
Secondly, He announces the meaning of these symbols as they are used in this new ritual
The bread will forever after be a symbol of the body of the Messiah sacrificed on our behalf
And when we repeat this moment, we are doing it as a memorial of Christ’s death and sacrifice on our behalf
Like any memorial, we practice the ritual to ensure we never lose sight of the meaning of past events
Thirdly, Jesus interrupted the meal again to take a cup of wine from the table
And he creates another symbol by equating the wine to the blood Jesus will spill to forge the New Covenant
Like the writer of Hebrews teaches us, every covenant of God is formed through blood
And this most important of all covenants will be formed through the spilling of God’s own blood
We are commanded to drink of the fruit of the vine as a symbol of Jesus’ blood poured out on our behalf
Fourthly, Paul explains Jesus’ expectations for the frequency of this ritual
Unlike other rituals that are practiced only once, like water baptism, or practiced annually like the Passover, this ritual happens frequently and without a prescribed period
In vs.25-26 we are to conduct this ritual as often as we do
In other words, not by any set schedule
The church is free to establish for itself how often to observe this ritual
But it’s understood to be done routinely
Finally, Paul sets forth the message that Jesus wanted communicated by the practice
The message we proclaim is two-fold
We proclaim that Jesus died to free us from sin
The elements of the meal stand as reminders of His sacrificial death
Every time we conduct the meal, we declare bread to be representative of body and wine to be representative of the blood to remind us that a death was required for sin
Secondly, we proclaim that death did not conquer Jesus; Jesus conquers death
We are conducting this ritual as a temporary ordinance
It will not carry forth into the Kingdom after Jesus returns
Jesus says in v.26 that we are to observe this tradition until He returns
And so the message we are to convey as part of our observance is that Jesus is returning and we’re eagerly looking forward to that moment
In light of that message, we need to observe the meal with a balance of sober reflection and joy and anticipation
We should conduct the meal with a sour face and in a joyless mechanical fashion
That may be communicating death, but it certainly doesn’t reflect the hope and joy of a Christian’s anticipation for the Lord’s return
The point is to reflect on the need for a sacrifice coupled with a joy that the one and only sacrifice has been made
Now we have a hope that God’s grace makes possible
Let’s not slip into the mindset that assumes we must remove all joy from the Lord’s Supper
We just need to guard against letting our joy become indulgence as the Corinthians did
To end his correction, Paul now addresses how he wants the Corinthians to correct their behavior in the observance of the meal
Paul says if someone persists in dishonoring the ritual by an improper observance, they are guilty of a sin
The sin in this case is of dishonoring the memory of Christ’s death
Paul says we are guilty of the body and blood, which is a way of saying we are guilty of the very sin that Jesus died to save us from
He is not saying we bear some special guilt for putting Jesus to death
He’s emphasizing the sad irony of the person who would choose to sin in the course of remembering the sacrifice made for their sins
Nevertheless, this is a serious matter, as that person is testing the Lord’s patience as he or she sins against the specific instructions of the Lord
To prevent such a sin, Paul advises the church to consider their behavior, every person is to examine himself
The instruction to examine ourselves in conjunction with observing the Lord’s Supper is often taken out of this context
Paul means that we should ask ourselves if we’re keeping the right attitude regarding the meal itself
Do we hold the symbols in the proper perspective?
Do we maintain a respectful attitude throughout the meal?
Do we communicate a balanced message of remembering Christ’s death for sin and our hope in a future resurrection?
Paul did not mean we were supposed to take a moment and reflect on our sins in general
Or that if we participated in the Lord’s Supper with any unrepentant sin we were guilty of yet more sin
Jesus never instituted a step of confession of sin or even the step of us reflecting upon our sin
What sense would it make for us to reflect on our sins while observing a ritual that reminds us that the price has already been paid for our sins?
We have to guard against slipping into a mindset that says we must pay penance or show a contrite heart to be worthy of Christ’s sacrifice
That borders on a works' mentality
The gift of salvation came freely
We are memorializing the death that made that possible
Finally, Paul leaves the church with a warning for how the Lord may respond in discipline to any church body that does not observe this tradition properly
In v.29 Paul says that the one who fails to identify failings within the church body is risking judgment from the Lord
When Paul speaks of judging a body, he means the church body, not our physical bodies
In other words, if a church goes on practicing the Lord’s supper in the wrong way, that church body is in harm’s way
And in fact, Paul says that there was evidence in Corinth to indicate that the Lord had already begun to take disciplinary action against the church for their sins
There were members of the Corinthian church who were suffering weaknesses, sickness and even death
The Lord revealed to Paul through the Spirit that these cases of sickness and death were punishment brought by the Lord against the body for their sin against Him
In a sense, the church was harming the symbols of Jesus’ body, and so He brought a judgment of a similar kind against them
What a powerful lesson for any church!
We learn that the Lord is capable and willing to bring our physical bodies harm to discipline us for sin
If we test the Lord in any way, we may see Him take action in a physical realm to bring us into obedience
Or at the very least, the Lord is removing us from the earth to minimize the damage we might do against Him
Sobering stuff, isn’t it?
Paul says we can avoid receiving the Lord’s judgment if we rightly judge our own behaviors and keep them in line with the Lord’s commands
Otherwise, the Lord will judge us to ensure we stand out from the world’s condemnation
If the Lord let us continue in sin without a challenge, then the message of the church would be distorted in the world
To prevent that, the Lord will step in to stop the church’s bad behavior if necessary
To summarize his instructions, Paul says let’s come together in unity, not division, and for a message, not merely for a meal
Wait for each other so as to act in unity
Don’t come to eat the food out of hunger
Eat as a ritual of respect to Jesus’ death
Practice it in a way that avoids the Lord’s judgment
And if there were other details that needed addressing, Paul says he would correct them when he is present and can observe them firsthand