
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThrough the first ten verses of Chapter 12, Paul has begun patiently teaching the church about the nature and purpose of spiritual gifts
We’ve learned that spiritual gifts are a consequence of the salvation work accomplished by the Spirit
As we believe, we are equipped by the Spirit
He is present in us from the very moment of salvation
And He unites the body of Christ
Though there is one and the same Spirit working in all believers, nevertheless He manifests Himself in a variety of ways
There are a variety of ministries
Therefore, there are a variety of gifts in the body
The Spirit is working to assign gifts according to the Lord’s purposes
So we cannot assign greater worth to one member of the body over another based on spiritual gifting
Finally, all these gifts are given for the common good
No one receives a spiritual gift to “show off” or gain attention
We use our gifts so that the entire Body benefits
Gifts always draw attention to Christ and His work in the Body, never to us and our work
At the end of our last lesson, Paul listed nine gifts as examples of how the Lord can assign very different gifts and yet all come from the same Lord with an intended purpose
At the very end of the list we read v.11, which is where we pick up again this week
The same Spirit works all these things according to the will of God
Paul summarizes his list of examples by repeating his main point
The diversity of spiritual gifts are all the work of the same Spirit
In v.11, Paul says the gifts of the Spirit are always a “work” of the Spirit
We can’t create our own gifts, either through hard work or by asking God for it
God assigns to each believer the gift or gifts He wills, and we don’t get a choice in the matter
Our gifts are assigned by the Spirit, according to His will, and they are ours at the moment we become a believer
Neither can we create a gift through persistence or effort
By definition, the word gift means something given to us, not something we obtain in our own power
So I can’t earn a gift
Nor can I learn a gift
Such things are works of flesh
So even if we honed some talent or ability to perfection, it doesn’t become a gift
You’ll know a spiritual gift when you see it…because you’ll recognize you couldn’t mimic it no matter how hard you tried
On the other hand, we can develop or nurture our spiritual gifts
The Spirit who equips us also calls us to work with Him to develop our gift to its greatest effectiveness
As Paul counseled Timothy:
If gifted to teach, I must still apply myself to learning the word of God and delivering the teaching with polish
If gifted to pray, I must develop the discipline to solicit prayer requests and devote the time to prayer
If gifted to service, I must seek opportunities to become useful to others in the body
When we develop our gifts in these ways, we aren’t producing a gift out of nothing
Without the Spirit working in us, we might be able to mimic the behavior, but we’ll never produce the same results
For the good our gifts produce is always a product of the Spirit working in us
The gifted teacher sees things in scripture no one else sees
The gifted prayer warrior sees prayers answered more powerfully
The gifted servant continues serving long after the rest have lost energy or interest
And so on
From v.11, Paul now focuses his teaching to his main concern for what he’s heard has been happening in the church in Corinth, in the practice of spiritual gifts
Paul introduces what is perhaps his most famous analogy in all his letters: the analogy of a human body to the church, the body of Christ
In v.12 he begins with his premise: the human body is a single organism
Yet that one whole is constructed of many “members”
The word “members” is melos, which literally means parts
So the human body is made up of parts
But we don’t perceive our body as a collection of parts
We think of ourselves as a single person, a single body
And more to the point, we instinctively appreciate that all parts of our body are equally important to us and work in unison
There is no part of our body that we would choose to live without voluntarily
We might use some parts more often than others, but when a certain part is required, it becomes all important at that moment
Then in the second half of v.12, Paul draws the comparison to the body of Christ
Within the church, we find many individuals, each bearing a different spiritual gift as given by the Spirit
But this collection of individuals (or we could say parts) operates as a single body
The church is not one person, but everyone
That’s why Jesus said:
Jesus wasn’t saying that He isn’t present with a single believer
For more certainly Christ’s Spirit lives in each of us and will never leave us or forsake us
Rather, His point was that Christ’s body is represented by the assembling of the saints
So the collected presence of the church is a physical manifestation of Christ’s body on earth in these days while we await His personal return
This union of many into one is accomplished through our sharing of the one Spirit of God
As the Spirit indwells all of us, He becomes our connective tissue uniting the various members into a single organism
In v.13 Paul calls the collective indwelling of the Spirit “one baptism”
As Paul taught earlier, we have all received the same Spirit upon coming to faith
That indwelling is called the baptism of the Spirit
It’s called a baptism in the sense that by faith, we are immersed in the Spirit of God and cleansed by the blood of Christ
Notice again Paul emphasizes that all believers, no matter their origins or human circumstances, are unified by this common experience
Every believer receives the same Spirit, to the same degree and for a common purpose: to become part of the body of Christ
Also notice the tense of the verb Paul uses: he says we were “made” to drink of the one Spirit
We play no part in the coming of the Spirit and His power to equip us with gifts
We were made to receive the Spirit, and by His arrival came our entrance into a common body
Then in vs. 14-21, Paul moves to the second half of his analogy to illustrate the importance of every member of the body
He says the human body is many parts working together for the benefit of the body
The fact that a foot differs from a hand doesn’t mean it’s less a part of the body or less important
It’s not as though the hand is standard for who can be considered part of the human body or who can be considered useful
Furthermore, the foot doesn’t look at the hand and pout because it assumes that only hands are worthy to be counted part of the body
And Paul makes this point again with the example of the ear and the eye
Next Paul points out the absurdity of such attitudes
If a body could be designed with only one kind of part, it would be a hideous, unworkable, useless thing
If the ear got its way and it could become an eye, then where would the body be when it needed to hear something?
We need our hearing just as much as we need our eyesight, of course
And in some situations, we need hearing even more than eyesight
Then Paul moves to making the point from this analogy
In the body of Christ, the Lord has placed a diversity of members, each gifted just as He desired
It’s God’s wisdom that determines who gets what gift
And that wisdom ensures a distribution of gifting that suits His purposes
So we must not make it a goal to force everyone to exhibit the same spiritual gift, if that were even possible
In v.19 Paul makes the application of his analogy to the church
If everyone in the church were to have exactly the same spiritual gift, then what kind of body would result?
Imagine the conflict of everyone stepping over one another trying to serve the body in exactly the same way
Imagine all the needs that would go unmet as a result
Imagine the confusion
Imagine the uselessness
Just as the body needs a diversity of parts, so does the body of Christ
Every member of the body has a place and purpose, so no one member can turn to another and say they are more important or that the other is unnecessary
Just as our eye needs our hand and our head needs our feet to be a complete, functioning, useful body…
So it is in the body of Christ…we are all equally important and necessary if we are to be a body useful to Christ and to each other
In fact, Paul goes a step further and says that those members of our body who seem weaker are actually the most important to the body of Christ
Notice in v.22 Paul describes those who “seem” weaker
They seem weaker in the sense that they are in need of our particular spiritual gifting
From the perspective of the gifted teacher, a student in need of teaching seems to be the weaker one
To the gifted prayer warrior, the one in need of prayer can appear weaker
To the one gifted in service, the brother or sister in need of their care is the weaker
Obviously, this relationship cuts both ways
When someone in the church needs our particular form of spiritual gifting, we can say they are the weaker member of the body
But when we need another’s spiritual gifting, we become the weaker member
So in this context, weakness simply refers to a spiritual need within the body, a need others in the body have been gifted to satisfy
Paul says the weaker members of the body are necessary to the health of the body of Christ
This sounds contrary to our expectations
We naturally assume that the strongest churches would be those in which we find no weaker members with spiritual needs
Where everyone is self-sustaining and in no need of teaching, no need of prayer, no need of service, etc.
But this isn’t the truth; the strongest churches are those where many so- called weaker members reside
Notice again in v.23 Paul says these weaker members are those we deem as less honorable
They are not actually less honorable, but until we appreciate the true purpose of the church, we are likely to perceive them as less valuable
The weaker members of our body are the most valuable members in the church because the church exists to bestows honor upon them
How so? Because everything we do as a body gathered together is for the our weaker members
We honor the weaker when we serve them
We bestow honor upon them when we use our spiritual gifts to meet their spiritual needs
Paul says in v.23 that the body’s purpose is to make the less presentable members of the body into more presentable members
In other words, when I come to the gathering, I find my purpose in teaching those who need to be taught
If I’m to make good use of my teaching gift, I must have someone who needs my teaching
But if no one were the weaker in respect to teaching, then I would have no one to serve, and I would lose the chance to develop my gift
If I could not develop my gifting, I cannot receive the blessings the Lord holds out for those who serve
Nor can I myself grow spiritually, since my own spiritual growth is made possible through serving in my gifting
So the Lord is in the business of bestowing honor upon the “weaker” members by sending them stronger members to serve them in their need
Truly, the weaker members of any church body are the most important to the health of the body, for they give purpose to the body
We gather to pray for those who need prayer
We gather to serve those who need our service
We gather to encourage those who need encouragement
We gather so that our collective strengths may serve our collective weaknesses
Sometimes we’re the one who is less presentable and in need of strengthening
And at other times we are the one strengthening others
Collectively, we are all growing and being strengthened spiritually, which is the very purpose of the church
Paul says the various roles of service with their respective giftings exist in the church to serve and build up the body
And as the body is strengthened, we all attain to the unity of faith, to the knowledge of Christ, and to His full stature
We are all growing into all aspects of Christ as His living body on earth, fitted together according to the proper working of each individual part
In v.26 Paul says that as one suffers or rejoices, so do the rest, because our very existence on earth is so closely connected to one another
As Christians, we have been left to live on earth for a time so we may use our spiritual gifts to serve other Christians even as we are served by others
This is our very purpose of our earthly lives, while we await the Lord’s return
We now have our third principle for understanding spiritual gifts properly
First, we learned that spiritual gifts come by way of the Holy Spirit at the point of our salvation
Everyone received the same Spirit, in the same measure
No one gets more of the Spirit, and no gift in the body is more honorable or desirable
Secondly, Paul taught that the gifts in the body are assigned as God wills
We cannot decide for ourselves what spiritual gift we want
We should expect a diversity of gifts in the body, according to God’s purpose
And now we learn that the purpose of gifts is found in serving others who are in need of our particular spiritual strength
If no one needed our gift, then we cease having purpose in the body of Christ
So we can be assured there will always be someone in the body who needs what we can offer
Likewise, it would be absurd for everyone in the body to be gifted in the same way
It would be like a body made up of only hands or eyes or feet
A healthy body needs a diversity of parts working together
All three of these principles come to bear in the next part of this letter, as Paul begins to chastise the church for their abuses of spiritual gifts