Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOnward we go in the list of concerns Paul is addressing in Corinth
Last week, Paul demanded the church cease in judging unbelievers
Stop isolating themselves from the very people they were supposed to win over for Christ
Be in the world so they can represent Christ
But at the same time, they should be of the world
The church must judge itself and hold itself accountable so we won’t share in the sin of the world
Tolerating sin is self-destructive to the body of Christ
So while we can’t judge others, we must acknowledge and respond to unrepentant sin in the body of Christ
The discussion of judging within the church leads Paul into the third major issue in the church
Chloe reported to Paul that men within the church were settling personal disputes by taking one another to Greek courts
Essentially, one man would sue another over some concern
The word translated law is krino, in the middle voice in Greek
Krino is judge in Greek, and the middle voice would be translated “going before judgment”
So the Corinthian Christians were turning to Greek courts and Greek judges seeking relief
Paul opens this section with a series of rhetorical questions to get the church’s attention to the seriousness of this matter
In fact, Paul is going to use this technique throughout this chapter, often beginning his questions with the phrase “do you not know”
Here again, Paul’s style reveals his personal frustration at their immature behavior
By asking questions in this way, Paul is scolding them even as he teaches, which is admonishment
He had taught these things in one form or another, but apparently they went in one ear and out the other in this church
Clearly Paul is not happy that this church is seeking judgment from the pagan, unbelieving world in Corinth, but we need to read further to understand why this bothers Paul
Paul’s first “do you not know” question raises the topic of the next age
Paul says in a time to come, the Lord will allow the saints to judge the world
What time is Paul describing?
He’s referring to the coming Messianic or Millennial Kingdom, which will last for 1,000 years following Jesus’ Second Coming
That Kingdom will exist on the Earth as a very real, very complex world like the one we have today
Believers in Jesus Christ will join Christ in that world in resurrected, sinless, eternal bodies
We will live with Christ, Who will reign over this earthly world
And scripture says we will share in His reign, judging the world in which we live
We see this truth reflected in numerous other places in the New Testament
Jesus says in the seven letters to the church that the family of believers are designated by our faith as a kingdom of priests and rulers over the Kingdom to come
Jesus will grant us authority to rule even as the Father has granted Him all authority over the Earth
Notice Jesus says our authority doesn’t arrive until He has assumed His role as ruler over the nations
This moment arrives at His Second Coming when the Kingdom on earth is established, as Daniel teaches
Finally, Jesus says our authority in that Kingdom will be determined by our faithfulness in this time we serve Him
Our life on earth now is a “try-out” to demonstrate to Jesus that we are worthy of greater opportunity to serve Him in the Kingdom
Jesus taught this truth in a well-known parable
Furthermore, in v.3 Paul says we will one day judge even the fallen angels
Jude tells us that the angels (i.e., demons) who sinned in the days of Noah are held in chains until the day of judgment
Now we learn from Paul that the saints who have returned to earth with Jesus on that day will participate in that judgment of the world, including of angels
We don’t know much more about that moment, and I wonder why we would have anything to say in the judgment of demons
Perhaps we are made aware of the ways in which these demons conspired against us in our days on earth
If so, then perhaps we are given opportunity to pronounce judgment against those demons that brought harm to us
If my speculation is correct, then it would mean that though the Lord allows demons to impact our lives today, He is also planning for our opportunity to obtain justice in the future
Then in the second half of vs.2 & 3, Paul makes his application with two more rhetorical questions
In v2. he asks, if the Lord considers us capable of reigning over the world with Him then certainly we should be able to judge trifling matters among ourselves
Paul doesn’t mean that our concerns today aren’t serious or complicated at times
But by comparison, the kind of judgments we make today are insignificant compared to the level of authority and judgment we will possess in the Kingdom
And in the second half of v.3, Paul repeats the conclusion
If we are deemed by the Lord to be worthy of judging angelic beings, can’t we handle human matters?
Would an accomplished surgeon seek medical advice from a first-year medical student?
Would a professional basketball athlete get tips from high school players?
Now Paul is not suggesting that Christians are automatically more wise in legal matters than unbelievers, for we know there are unbelievers with much greater legal expertise
Paul is speaking about outcomes, not expertise
The body of Christ possesses God’s wisdom and has the benefit of the Spirit’s guidance
These qualities are superior to the world’s wisdom for the purpose of arriving at just and righteous outcomes
Christians may – and often will – judge matters very differently than the unbelieving world would
Not because we have greater legal expertise than they
But because we have different values and see matters with an eternal outlook
So these opening questions beg a central question: why would Christians hand over judgment of their disputes to people who do not share our values or outlook?
That’s the question Paul raises in the next set of verses
Paul’s question in v.4 is a little difficult to follow in our English translation
A better translation would be “Then when you have need for judgment in matters of this life, you select judges who have no standing in the church.”
Though the church will one day judge all matters of the eternal kingdom, for now it has reversed roles with the unbelieving world
The church selected Greek courts to be their judges, men who have no knowledge of, or relationship to, the church and to Christ
Under what circumstances would the church expect an unbeliever’s point of view to be preferable to the judgment of fellow believers?
The obvious answer is that the church body didn’t see anyone in the church who could exercise judgment with wisdom and fairness
Self-evidently, if the church was willing to seek outside judgment from men who didn’t know the Lord, didn’t know His word and didn’t have His Spirit, then they must have had a pretty low opinion of leaders and judges within the body
That’s the conclusion Paul comes to in v.5
He says he points out that this situation is to the shame of the church
Specifically, it’s shameful that there is not one among the church wise enough to handle these matters
The collective immaturity of this church was evidenced, once again, by their choices and actions
In this case, it was evidenced by brother willing to take brother before an unbeliever to settle a matter
So how far do we take Paul’s teaching? What obligations does the church have today when it comes to settling disputes?
Well, let’s be careful to separate the biblical principle Paul is teaching from the specific application he makes for Corinth
I see at least two principles at the center of Paul’s teaching
First, the church must seek to settle disputes within the family of God
We should not air our dirty laundry in front of the unbelieving world
Paul’s concern is not strictly one of maintaining an image, though our witness could be at risk
The real concern is whether the church is settling disputes according to the right standards
Our standards will be different than the unbelieving world
Therefore, our judgments must look different
If we seek counsel from unbelievers, we’re likely to be pulled farther from the Lord and His word by that counsel
The second principle is one of preparing for the kingdom responsibilities we will bear
Paul says it is to the shame of the church that they found no one in their ranks capable of exercising judgment over small matters
The church must take seriously our responsibility to make the most of the “minas” the Lord has assigned to us
So that in the judgment day we will be counted worthy of “ten cities” as Jesus assigns awards
These principle doesn’t automatically preclude using law courts when absolutely necessary
For example, if our dispute lies with an unbeliever, then clearly we must use regular law courts to settle the matter
We cannot expect an unbeliever to subject himself to the judgment of church leaders
And unfortunately there may also be times when we use a law court to settle disputes with a brother or sister
Probably the most common example would be a Christian couple going through a legal divorce
Ignoring the fact that divorce is wrong by itself, to conduct the divorce before an unbelieving judge adds sin on top of sin
Remember, Paul says when we take a believer to court rather than settling the matter in the church, such a situation is to our shame
We may win our case in court
But we may also be risking something far greater in the loss of heavenly reward because we took this course of action
It would be better to lose the earthly dispute to preserve our heavenly reward
Which is what Paul concludes
For these Corinthians, Paul says it was “already” a defeat to go to the unbelieving court
The word in Greek for defeat is hettema, which literally means loss
I think that is the better translation in this situation
Paul is saying you have already lost something when you take a believer into the world’s courtroom
That’s the difference between living with a worldly perspective and an eternal perspective
As Christians, we are told to consider the eternal implications for every decision we make
As we conduct ourselves in this age, think about the next
As we live with our wife or husband
As we raise our kids
As we spend our money, as we schedule our time
How are these decisions impacting the glory of the Lord, and therefore our judgment and inheritance?
When we make a decision to take a brother or sister to an unbelieving judge, we have made a decision with eternal implications
Paul says even if we win that case in the courtroom, there will be loss
Perhaps the dispute is over money, property, custody, or some other right we feel we are owed
Regardless of what we win for ourselves in this life, how will it compare to the eternal reward that could have been ours?
It’s hard to believe that whatever we could obtain in a human court would be worth the loss of what Jesus might award us
That’s why Paul says in v.7, why would we rather be wronged or defrauded?
If your brother or sister is determined to act sinfully against you, why would you fight them and join in that sin?
When Jesus was struck, he didn’t fight back
He was being wronged, but Jesus withheld His right to defend Himself because under the circumstances it would have resulted in the loss of His reward
The Father had commanded Him to submit to that abuse for the good of all creation
So Jesus preserved His eternal reward
Isaiah prophetically described Jesus’ situation
Is it too great a thing for Jesus to ask us to follow in His footsteps, to forgo some earthly gains if means pleasing the Father?
We’re conditioned by the unbelieving world to think we have a “right” to justice and to recompense, even with our brothers and sisters
We let our earthly needs and our pride and ego get in the way of godliness and charity and forgiveness and grace
According to scripture it’s better to lose your court case, even it means suffering financial loss, than that we would lose the Lord’s approval
So let’s summarize the practical implications of Paul’s teaching
First, the church should be the place we bring our disputes between believers
We live according to the decisions of the elders or other church leaders we entrust with these situations
Those decisions should be made with the wisdom of scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit
And we ought to abide by them
Secondly, if we find ourselves in a dispute with a believer who will not submit to the church, then we should prayerfully consider how to proceed
If we are taken to court by that believer, we have a choice to make
Do we believe participating in the proceedings comes at the risk of sinning according to Paul’s teaching here?
Sometimes, our participation is unavoidable, if we are subpoenaed to testify
In such cases, the decision has been taken out of our hands, and according to Romans 13 we must comply with the law
But so far as it depends upon us, we are to be at peace with all men
And according to Paul’s teaching in this chapter, we ought to refuse to defend our own interests in front of unbelievers
Let the believer acting against us take from us and live without
Your Father in Heaven will see your obedience and will reward you in the day
Like the Father did for His Son, Who bore far greater abuse on your behalf
You’ve heard me say at times in the past that we must live with eyes for eternity
Here’s an excellent example of what I mean by that phrase
Making everyday choices and decisions conscience of how our decisions impact our eternal future
Living aware of these relationships, aware of the Lord’s expectations, aware of our coming judgment
Placing higher value on the future we cannot see than on the present we do
Knowing that this world is passing away
And the Kingdom is right around the corner