Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we study part three of Paul’s teaching on liberty and its limits
As you know, this topic runs from Chapters 8-10 and began with the question of whether it was proper to eat meat sacrificed to idols
In the course of answering the question, Paul has embarked upon a discussion of the nature of Christian liberty
First, Paul taught in Chapter 8 that liberty must be exercised with love for others
Secondly, Paul pointed to himself as an example of one who forgoes liberty out of concern for others
Finally, Paul defended his decision to forgo receiving financial support against those who claimed it was proof he wasn’t an apostle
He argued that he still had a right to their support even as he refused it
Let’s pick up in Chapter 9 where Paul was explaining his refusal to accept support
As we saw last week, Paul made abundantly clear that those who proclaim the Gospel have an expectation to receive their living from the gospel
The minister who is devoted to proclaiming the Good News has every right to receive the support of those he serves
As Jesus Himself said when instructing the disciples:
Such were Paul and Barnabas, laborers serving God’s people and worthy of their wages
Nevertheless these men chose not to take advantage of this right in Corinth
Paul says he used none of these things
Notice the word things is plural, meaning he refused donations of support given on his behalf
Instead, Paul and Barnabas chose to work for their living instead
This is a meaningful and commendable choice on Paul’s part
He took upon himself added burden he didn’t have to take
It’s a great reminder to ministers today that forgoing financial support is an option we may take when circumstances warrant
But we do so only when it’s the better course for the sake of the Gospel
But as we learned last week, a minister’s choice in this matter has no bearing on our collective responsibility to offer support
We are not to muzzle the ox we depend upon for our spiritual nourishment
In Paul’s case, he made his decision for two reasons
First, by forgoing his personal liberty he was showing love for the church by avoiding placing a financial burden upon them
Paul alludes to this purpose in this chapter
But he explains it most clearly in another letter, 2 Corinthians
In that letter, Paul once again reminds the church of his choice to forgo support and says it was intended as a benefit for their sakes
Sarcastically, Paul asks the church to “forgive him” for not placing a financial burden upon them
Apparently his refusal to accept their support was interpreted by the church as an insult, as if Paul was treating them as inferior or poor by refusing support
Paul says they should have perceived it as a blessing
Because he was trying not to be a burden upon the church
There was a second reason Paul chose not to restrict his personal liberty in Corinth
In v.15 Paul says it would be better for him to die than to start receiving their support
Why was Paul so adamantly opposed to being paid for his ministry work in Corinth?
Paul answers saying that he didn’t want his boast to be made empty
The boast he’s speaking about is the claim that Paul served the church without receiving reward for his service
Had the church turned around now, as a result of Paul’s letter, to begin providing financial support, it would have made Paul’s boast empty
Paul didn’t want his reward on earth…he was looking for a heavenly reward
Paul explains that merely preaching the Gospel in Corinth was not a cause by itself for the Lord to reward him
Paul says he couldn’t expect the Lord to reward Him merely for spreading the Gospel because Paul was under compulsion to do so
When the Lord appeared to Paul on the road, the Lord commanded Paul to preach
Here’s how the Lord explained His plan for Paul
Paul was under compulsion to serve God
He might have refused, in the manner of Jonah
But woe to such a man, as Paul himself acknowledges
So how could Paul boast in what was already expected?
It would be like an employee bragging about showing up for work everyday
Or Ken bragging about showing up for church every Sunday
That’s already expected, so we can’t boast about it
In v.17 Paul says if he were preaching voluntarily, then he might have reason to brag and receive reward
But Paul was arrested on the road against his will, and he was assigned this mission of suffering and sacrifice against his will
Paul didn’t ask for these things, and he certainly didn’t want for them when he was still Saul persecuting Christians
Paul says the Lord entrusted Paul with a stewardship, a caretaker responsibility, to deliver the Gospel to the Gentiles
The Lord stepped into this life, changed him and gave him a new mission in life
So when Paul preached the message of the Gospel and suffered persecution, he was just doing what he was told
Nevertheless, Paul still wanted to have something to boast about when he stood before Christ to receive his judgment
And so that brings us to the second reason Paul determined not to receive financial support
In v.18 Paul says his reward will come from his decision to preach the Gospel at no charge
He set aside his liberty, choosing not to make full use of his right to receive support
And he did this to show love to the brethren and in the hope of being more effective in the ministry of the Gospel
Paul declares though he was free from all men
When he says he was free, he means he had the same liberty all men receive in knowing and following Christ
He was free from the restrictions of the Mosaic Law
He was free from the judgment of men concerning righteousness
He could make decisions about how to live without worry for how those decisions impacted his position before the Lord
Nevertheless, Paul voluntarily assumed additional certain burdens and restrictions to be as effective as possible in ministry
For example, Paul says when he was ministering among Jewish people, he assumed a lifestyle that was pleasing to the Jew
In assuming these restrictions, Paul voluntarily set aside some of his liberty
He made this choice to appease the Jews and create a cultural connection with them to improve his opportunity to present the Gospel
And around Gentiles, Paul adopted a different lifestyle, one that probably made Paul a little uncomfortable and may have even offended him a little
Here again, Paul was making lifestyle choices that restricted his liberty
But he made these decisions to win men to the Gospel, whether Jew or Gentile, whether strong men or weak men
Notice Paul makes clear that these choices weren’t a requirement…they were choices he made to earn reward
He says he wasn’t under the Law of Moses even when he lived like the Jews…it was his choice
And when he lived like a Gentile, he knew better than to think he was living without any law
He knew was always under the law of Christ
But he did these things for the sake of the Gospel and so that he may become a partaker in it
Obviously, Paul was already saved by his faith alone
So when he says he was working to become a partaker of the Gospel, he means he wished to share in the reward given to those who preach the Gospel
If we study Paul’s example carefully, we arrive at some basic principles for how we may set aside our own liberty with an eye toward our eternal reward
First, our attitude in life should be how can I accommodate another through self-restraint
So many Christians seem only interested in showing off their liberties
But we see Paul always looking for ways to restrain his freedom
So should we focus our attention on how we can restrain our freedoms rather than allowing them to rule us
Secondly, Paul restrained himself for specific purposes related to the Gospel
He was seeking to advance the purposes of the Gospel in love
Whether Paul moved left or right, front or back, he made every lifestyle decision with an eye toward how it impacted his effectiveness in ministry
Thirdly, Paul never placed undue emphasis on certain rules
Paul knew he wasn’t bound by the Mosaic Law, but he always remembered he was accountable to the Law of Christ
Likewise, we must be willing to adopt or cast off any rule of life if it helps us win souls for Christ while always obeying Christ’s commands
Any self-restriction not directly related to advancing the purpose of the Gospel is nothing more than self-righteousness
We can’t allow any restriction to become an end in itself
Do whatever you do for eternal purposes
Finally, we see how Paul used his self-sacrifice as opportunity for the Lord to bless him
Paul wasn’t the only man living under compulsion
We all have certain obligations, and we fulfill those expectations as a matter of duty
If we merely do what we are already commanded to do, then a reward isn’t in the cards
But when we decide voluntarily to use our life to serve the Lord, then we are working to gain reward
We can’t think that assembling at church regularly, saying our prayers at night, and staying out of trouble will gain us reward
Those things are expected, because we’ve been commanded in scripture to do those things
Reward comes from voluntary service to God, Paul says
And Paul ends this chapter on the topic of personal reward
This is the second time in this letter that Paul has turned the church’s questions to the issue of a Christian’s eternal reward
Paul uses an analogy of a sports competition to explain to the church in Corinth why every Christian has good reason to exercise self-control
Paul says every Christian is running in a great foot race
Our Christian walk of life is the race, to mix my metaphors
Every Christian is running, but Paul says only one receives the prize
Paul is make a comparison to the ancient Olympic games of Greece where runners competed for honor
There was no second or third place awarded in the Greek games
You had one winner and the rest were losers
So Paul commands the church to run your Christian race in such a way that you may win your race
As we continue to examine this analogy, we need to understand both the similarities and differences of the comparison
For example, in the Greek games, an athlete competes against other runners for a singular prize
But in the Christian race, we are not competing against other Christians but against ourselves
Our performance will be compared to what we might have done with the opportunities the Lord gives us
And Paul explained that our opportunities have been prepared by the Lord so that we might please Him
And Jesus Himself taught in Luke 12:48 that to whom much is given, much is expected
So we compete against our own opportunities
Secondly, in the Greek games, there was but one prize for each race, but in the Christian race, the prizes are endless
Remember earlier in Chapter 2 Paul said that no eye has seen nor ear heard nor could men even imagine all that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him
So don’t be jealous of another Christian who lives a life of excellence
Rather, we should celebrate their faithfulness and seek to emulate it
They have won their prize, and we may yet still win ours
And that’s Paul’s advice to this church and to us as well
In v.24 Paul says run your Christian race to win
Just like an athlete that disciplines his body during training so he will compete well, we must exercise self-discipline to please the Lord and earn our reward
If an athlete is willing to endure great physical pain to arrive at a perishable wreath, then certainly we can endure a loss of freedom to earn an imperishable reward
So Paul exercised sound judgment, careful strategy and enormous self-discipline to ensure he could win the contest
Using more sports analogies, Paul says he ran with specific goals, not aimlessly
He boxed so that he hit his target, he didn’t just beat at the air
Paul lived his life concerned with being disqualified from sharing in the rewards that he might otherwise receive for preaching the Gospel
Likewise, we must make strategic decisions about how to exercise our liberties
We must learn the lessons Paul has given us in these examples
We recognize that all of us have liberty to live in many ways, but we must consider each decision with an understanding that we are planning a race
That race has the opportunity to bring us reward or bring us loss
We must think strategically
We must be willing to exercise self-control
And all these things we do so that the purposes of the Gospel will be accomplished in our choices