Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAt the end of Chapter 9, Paul was discussing his two reasons for choosing to restrain his liberty at times
One reason was to demonstrate love for other Christians by not becoming a burden for them
Specifically, Paul refrained from taking financial support, though he had a right to expect it
He did so to avoid burdening the church
But Paul placed greater emphasis on his second reason for this decision
He argued that restricting his personal liberty was a strategy for increasing his effectiveness in ministry
And greater effectiveness would garner him even greater rewards from the Lord
So for Paul, restricting personal liberty was a means to an end
He could please his Lord all the more by making these personal sacrifices
And by pleasing the Lord, Paul knew he was earning something far more valuable than anything he set aside
Then toward the end of Chapter 9, Paul came to his central point on Christian liberty
Paul uses an arresting term
Paul says he does not wish to be disqualified
As we learned last week, he means disqualified from enjoying the benefits of serving Christ
Paul preaches to others that they should please the Lord and prepare for their judgment day
And he doesn’t want to risk a chance he would lose any potential for his own reward
He says we must discipline our bodies to ensure that positive outcome
The discipline Paul is talking about is that of denying our flesh, restricting our liberties, when necessary
And doing so purposefully to accommodate the needs of the Gospel
Like an athlete that must deny his body certain things while pushing it to perform so that he might take home the prize he desires
Simply put, it’s not enough that we have been given salvation
We must work out that salvation to the end that we please the Lord by our choices and decisions
We exercise self-control out of love for others, yes
But we also do so for our own eternal interests
And that was Paul’s focus
Furthermore, if we do not make a point of exercising self-discipline in restraining our liberty, then there’s a good chance our lack of self-restraint will eventually become sin
One day we’re enjoying our liberty by eating meat sacrificed to an idol
The next moment, we’ve become comfortable participating in the idol worship ceremony that precedes the meal
One moment we are enjoying watching PG-13 movies
The next moment…what will we be willing to accept?
Again, the problem isn’t that enjoying liberty is wrong
The issue is, are we spiritually mature enough to control these desires and even put them aside altogether when spiritual demands warrant?
Now as we enter Chapter 10, Paul moves to illustrating his concern using an example from the history of Israel
Paul often uses this phrase “For I do not want you to be unaware…” (theo agnoeo) to introduce a new thought as proof of an argument
And here’s Paul’s proof by way of example: the nation of Israel in the desert
The Israelites serve as a powerful example of how a failure to restrain sinful, fleshly desires can do destruction in one form or another
From their experiences, Paul will then make an application to the Corinthian church
Paul starts by drawing our attention to the fact that all these people shared a common set of experiences or knowledge
He says the Jewish fathers (or ancestors) were all under the cloud
A reference to seeing the physical manifestation of the angel of the Lord in the desert
They were under the cloud, because God used the cloud to shield the people from the desert sun during the day
It was evidence of God’s love, and mercy and kindness
Secondly, the people all passed through the sea
Going through the Red Sea proved God’s power to deliver us from enemies
As well as His power to destroy those who oppose Him
Thirdly, this group was baptized into Moses
Paul is using the word baptized in the sense of being baptized into one body
The entire nation experienced a type of baptism as it passed through the sea and entered into the covenant of Moses
Finally, the entire nation received powerful examples of Christ in the form of manna, the bread of life from Heaven and they drank from the rock that pictured Christ
So the nation of Israel in the desert can be seen as a picture or example of the believer individually
Just as that group experienced God’s mercy, deliverance, baptism, a covenant relationship, and communion with Christ, so does the individual believer today
While they received those things as shadows, we receive them in their full form
So then what more might we learn from their experience? Paul goes on
In a remarkable statement of providence, Paul says the Lord orchestrated the events of the 40 years in the desert so that His children could learn important lessons
We could probably consider this statement all by itself for an entire lesson
The people of Israel were brought out of Egypt in such a dramatic way and were ushered through 40 years of experiences for our sake
And for the sake of all believers who could benefit from learning of the experience
So what do we learn from studying Israel's period of wandering in the desert?
Paul says the central lesson for believers should be that we not crave evil things
Paul is not suggesting that this generation of Israel were all believers
On the contrary, scripture makes clear elsewhere that this generation of Israel was an unbelieving generation lacking faith
Nevertheless, the collective experience of the nation holds important lessons for the individual believer when it comes to self-restraint
In comparing their national experience in the desert to our personal experience in faith, Paul briefly mentions four moments in those forty years
First, he says don’t be idolaters as some in Israel had become
Paul is referencing Exodus 32:6
In that chapter the Israelites sit down to observe the Lord’s sacrifices in a congregational meal
We can easily see Paul’s reason for raising this example
The people wished to engage in a religious meal service
In the pagan traditions of Egypt, religious services involved elaborate meals and were often followed by sexual acts with prostitutes who served the worshippers
Sound familiar?
The pagan temples in Corinth operated in the same fashion
So Israel longed to eat and play, which is a euphemism for sexual immorality, but they lacked a spiritual leader to lead them in the ceremony
Moses was unaccounted for, so the nation enlisted Aaron and asked that he create an idol so they could party
It’s as if we were dying to have turkey and stuffing, so we demanded that someone invent a reason to celebrate Thanksgiving
Notice in v.5 Aaron declares tomorrow will be a feast
And then the people proceeded to party
Can you see Paul’s point in this example?
When we let our fleshly desires control us, they will eventually lead us into serious sin
What starts as a desire for food becomes a desire for sexual pleasure
And sexual sin became a cause for idolatry
It’s a slippery slope, so any time we give in to our flesh, we can’t be sure where it’s going to lead ultimately
The enemy is crafty
He knows our weaknesses
He will tempt our flesh in one capacity to get us comfortable with living in our flesh
Once we are practiced in allowing our flesh to rule our hearts, then he walks us further away from godliness
Before we know it, we’re giving in to serious sin
Paul uses three more examples to reinforce the same point, but each adds a new element to the pattern
In v. 8 Paul warns us of another time the Israelites were drawn into immorality
In Numbers 25 the Israelites followed after their sexual lusts to take daughters of Moab as wives
This was a sin in direct disobedience to the Lord’s commands
Notice how their disobedience began
Once again, the sin began with an invitation to sit and eat
Followed by an invitation to bow down and worship false gods
The Israelites were so desirous of the food and the women that there were willing to worship false gods to get what they wanted
In v.9 Paul reminds us of the episode of the serpents in Numbers 21
Once again, a fleshly desire ruled their hearts and led them to sin against the Lord
Prompting the judgment of the Lord
Finally, in v.10 Paul describes a moment from Numbers 11
If the pattern isn’t clear by now, then we’re not paying attention
Greedy, fleshly desires set a trap for the soul, and the fall inevitably came
Our liberties offer us limitless opportunities to enjoy the life God has granted us in Christ, but with great power comes great responsibility (to quote Marvel comics)
We must live in control of our fleshly desires
We must exercise sound and sober judgment concerning when and were to enjoy our liberties
And our enjoyment must be self-disciplined to ensure we don’t harm others or lead ourselves into spiritual ruin
The Spirit gives us everything we need to exercise that control, if only we’re willing to rest in Him instead of our flesh
But Paul makes clear our success depends on our willingness to endure the challenges that every athlete knows
No pain, no gain
These events came upon the unbelieving generation of Israel to teach all men an example, especially for those who have received the fullness of Messiah
If we think we’re so strong in our faith that we have nothing to fear in exercising our liberty, then take heed
The Israelites fell into temptation and sin time and time again
Despite seeing wondrous miracles of God in the desert, nevertheless they couldn’t stand against their own flesh
So only a fool believes he or she can stand easily in the face of temptation
The Corinthians were self-assured and confident
They believed they could enter the temples, eat the meat, enjoy the party and not get burned
But their confidence was a sign of immaturity not maturity
The mature Christian is the one who recognizes the danger of serving the flesh
The mature Christian stays far away from temptation
They recognize that every man is susceptible to a fall, just as Paul says in v.13
No man is immune to the power of the flesh
No one is strong enough to avoid a slip if they entertain their flesh’s desires
Sooner or later we’ll all end up regretting our lack of self-discipline
Paul says our defense is not cockiness but humility and reliance on the Spirit
Even as our flesh brings a temptation, the Lord is ever present giving us an escape, if only we will take it
That escape will come in a variety of ways
But whatever way it comes will require we take advantage of it
Peter echoes this truth with the example of Lot
Remember when God provided Lot an escape from the coming judgment, He sent angels to drag Lot and his family out of the city
But they deposited him outside the city yet still within danger of the destruction
Lot still had a choice to make…return to the city or run to the mountains
By taking him out of the city, the Lord moved him away from the point of temptation, providing him an escape
But Lot had to take advantage of the opportunity
So then Paul gives us the bottom line to all these examples
When we boil all this down, we end up with a simple rule of thumb
Flee from idolatry
Yes, we have liberty
And yes, we can enjoy in peace things that entrap and deceive the unbelieving world
But we can’t live foolishly thinking that such things have no power to deceive or entrap us too
Our flesh still lives for a time, and it has power to draw us away to idolatry
If we live in ignorance and without a healthy concern for our flesh, we will grow spiritually lazy
More and more, we’ll say yes to our flesh
And one thing will lead to another
The church in Corinth wanted Paul’s blessing to enjoy the pagan meat in the temples, because they assumed Christian liberty did away with the concerns of such things
But Paul reminds the church that liberty is not a defense to the power of the flesh to lead us astray
We must remember that the test of obedience and love is not how much we exercise our freedoms, but how well we keep those freedoms under control of the Spirit
Our best defense is a good offense
Flee immorality
When you see your flesh drawn by a weakness, then respond like an athlete who is training to win a race
Discipline that weakness
Train yourself in righteousness so that you might strengthen yourself against that temptation
Take whatever steps are necessary to steer clear of the fall you know is coming if you give in to your flesh
We often tell ourselves that our sin patterns are unavoidable or beyond our ability to control, but scripture tells us the truth
When we find ourselves corrupted by our flesh, our mistake was entertaining the early temptations
We said yes to our first desires of the flesh, which then led us to a place where we couldn’t say no any longer