Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we began the challenging discussion on trials and persecution
In a world attracted to a feel good kind of Christianity, Peter left us with a decidedly unpopular command concerning suffering for Christ
Thomas Constable (from Dallas Theological Seminary) offers a concise overview of Peter’s teaching when he says:
Does this teaching fit into our present church culture?
Are we prepared to suffer much less inviting it and praying for it?
For the privilege of suffering for the name of Christ?
What a challenging way to enter into the week of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection
A time of suffering in any group, including the church, places special importance on strong, Biblical leadership
When times get tough, the tough get going, but the weak fall away unless good leadership prepares the group and helps hold it together
In fact, I find God’s timing this morning to be so amazing
Here we are on Easter, and it was Christ’s resurrection that had the immediate effect of plunging the Apostles and the rest of Jesus’ disciples into confusion and disarray
The flock scattered and were in danger of disappearing altogether
Until the Good Shepherd stepped in to encourage the faithful
What happened to the eleven? They were supposed to step into the void and lead the church forward
But they faltered
And so it’s only natural that Peter would follow Chapter 4 with an exhortation to the leadership of the church to uphold their proper responsibilities in the face of persecution
With his final “therefore “ application, Peter sets his gaze squarely on the church’s leadership, and so will we this morning
Peter gives the elders of the church an exhortation (I exhort you)
An exhortation is more than merely encouragement or request
It is an appeal made based on a compelling argument or circumstance
We exhort someone when the necessity and sensibility of our appeal are self-evident
We beseech them to respond as they know they must
Peter doesn’t begin his last section of his letter as he might have
He doesn’t say “I command you as an apostle of Jesus Christ…”
He could have said that certainly
Instead, Peter makes his appeal on the basis of a shared experience and obligation
He refers to himself as a fellow elder, a fellow under-shepherd
Sumpresbuteros – only occurs here
Not a chief elder, but sum – meaning together
Peter was with them as an equal in this issue of suffering
He witnessed the suffering of our Lord, so he understands the road he’s asking the church to walk
He is also a partaker in the promised reward of sharing in Christ’s glory, so he has the same obligation to honor the Lord through obedience
In other words, Peter must be prepared to follow his own advice
And follow it, he did, all the way to an upside down cross as church tradition teaches
What Peter establishes in this opening verse is a Biblical standard we often see repeated in secular circles, but sadly it’s becoming less and less common in the church
The principle is, never ask someone to do something that you are not prepared to do yourself
Military commanders are taught this axiom of leadership
Successful parents adopt this viewpoint rather than “Do as I say rather than as I do”
Coaches live by this standard, because who will receive instruction from a coach who doesn’t model it in their own game?
This is the essence of Peter’s opening statement
He exhorts the church to follow his lead, to do as he does
He repeats this thought in verse 3
The leader is to prove to be an example to the flock
To actually live according to his own teaching
Peter never made his teaching or commands on the basis of absolute apostolic authority, though he could have done so
He preferred to lead by example and to model appropriate behavior in his own walk
This is the one true model for Biblical leadership
It is the antithesis of hypocrisy
Leadership that leads in action rather than in words alone
Our leaders should follow in Peter’s footsteps
For example, if leaders want to stress the importance of Bible study, then they can best do that through their own participation in congregational Bible studies
If leaders want to encourage their congregation in the regular practice of prayer, they will find no more effective means than to pray with the congregation
If a leader wants the congregation to give generously to the work of the church, then the leaders should be a model of generosity
Likewise, the principle often works in reverse
If the flock is suffering from various ills
Whether it be inappropriate gossip, or poor attendance at church functions or lack of compassion for the needy or a general hesitation to share the gospel with others, etc.
So often we need look no further than leadership to find the seeds of that concern
I think Peter makes his appeal here on the basis of a shared experience and obligation rather than on the basis of his apostolic authority because he believes he can make a stronger case based on his life example than he could merely by his title
There is a lesson in that for all of us, and especially for leaders
Our strength and usefulness as the Lord’s under-shepherds is directly proportionate to the success of our personal walk of obedience and humility
Then in verse 2 Peter continues his instruction by telling the leaders they…
Should shepherd the flock of God
Not under compulsion, but voluntarily
According to the will of God
Not for sordid gain
With eagerness
Not lording over those under their care
But living as example
In verses 1-3, there are a series of important principles for church leadership we need to understand
First, verse 1 says a leader is to be an elder
Now we have come to use that term as an office, but Peter is using the term more as a qualification than as an office
The literal meaning of the word is old man
In other words, Peter calls himself a fellow old man
And while the term is also used to describe an office or position
It also described one of the inherent qualifications for becoming an elder in the church
You must be an older man
This confirms what Paul teaches in his pastoral letters to Timothy and Titus when he describes leaders as men who have obtained to certain level of spiritual maturity
The Bible views age as a necessary – but not sufficient – component of wisdom and spiritual maturity
You can’t become spiritually mature overnight, so age is a necessity
You can’t fake age
But then not all those who are older will automatically have spiritual maturity either
The believer is expected to grow spiritually as they grow older physically
Also note that leaders are not called to a higher level of maturity than all believers in general
All believers should attain to the same degree of maturity
But only those who have actually done so should be called into leadership
And obtaining that maturity requires time in our walk and in our study
So leaders should generally come from the older and more mature members of a congregation
We should not elevate men into leadership positions too quickly or at too early an age
In verse 2 Peter then says the leaders must act as shepherds of the flock
The word for shepherd (poimaino) means to tend
To feed the sheep, to lead them and guide them to safe places
To guard them from danger
To keep them in order and moving together
This is the role of a leader of the Lord’s flock
It’s not a CEO
It’s not an administrator or dictator or commander
First and foremost, the role of an elder is as a shepherd, a pastor who cares for the flock
Which means the church isn’t ours
The leadership doesn’t have a right to their position nor should they expect their flock to place them on a pedestal
They should not lord over their flock, as Peter says in verse 3
Not an oppressive kind of leadership, but rather one done by setting the right example
It’s been said that a shepherd can’t drive the flock ahead, but must lead it from the front
Next, leaders must serve voluntarily
Now that may seem a bit odd, since we don’t typically see this happening today
But in some parts of the world there is a strong desire to draft people into leadership
Third world churches where women vastly outnumber men, we may see women pressing men into service as elders
Biblically, leaders must volunteer
But notice how that desire arises in the first place
Point 4: they serve by the will of God
A man who discovers a sincere desire to be an under-shepherd and to serve God’s people in a leadership role is showing evidence of God’s prompting
That’s why compulsion of any kind is strictly prohibited
We want to see a man earnestly desire to lead and serve God’s people because that desire is a reflection of God’s choice
God raises men up to lead in His church
And we should expect to see that desire evidenced in the voluntary desire of a godly man to serve in leadership
Next, the leader is not to find his source of desire in sordid gain
Sordid gain means a greedy, dishonest kind of gain
Serving because of a desire to turn that service into a source of personal material benefit
We should notice that Peter’s instructions were not that a man should not serve for gain
In other words, Peter didn’t prohibit being paid for service
To the contrary, a leader in the church has every reason to expect reasonable, fair payment for their devoted service to the church
This principle shows up time and again in the New Testament
It is to a congregation’s shame if they are unwilling to support those who look out for their spiritual needs
But the leader must never fall prey to love of money and seek to use God’s people in this way
Fundamentally, we’re talking about serving out of a love for the Lord and His people rather than to see what we can get out of it
Some rules of thumb we could use to guide us here are:
A leader who takes his income from the congregation should not enjoy a lifestyle substantially better than the congregation as a whole
His commitment to serve should not vary according to the level of compensation
His heart to serve and even his service itself should begin even before the compensation is available
Finally, the leader should be eager to serve
This goes hand in hand with everything we’ve already said, but it puts everything in perspective
And it offers something of a warning to leaders
If a leader wakes up one day and finds himself dreading his opportunity to serve
If the joy is gone, and the desire to serve is replaced with a compulsory obligation
If the privilege has become burden
Then that person has ceased to be a shepherd and should step down
They are no less an elder
After all, they are still old and presumably are still spiritually mature
So their qualifications are still there
But they should no longer carry the responsibilities of the job
And give them over to someone who is eager for the opportunity to serve God’s people
These are the essential characteristics you want to seek in your leader
And particularly if the aim is to raise strong, healthy sheep
Sheep who are themselves being prepared to stand in the day of their testing
And likewise in our day, good leadership is essential to a healthy and strong church
And the reward to leaders themselves is found not only in the health of the congregation, but in true eternal reward
Leaders who have been faithful in their calling can be assured that at the moment they stand before Christ, the Chief Shepherd, they will receive reward
Peter calls this reward the crown of glory, and it’s unfading
Meaning it’s eternal
It’s a reward that comes at the moment we see Jesus and it lasts forevermore
The word for crown is stephanos, which is the word from which we get the name Stephen
It’s one of two words for crown used in the New Testament, the other being diadem
Diadem refers to the kind of crown that only royalty may wear
A crown you inherit, a crown you cannot earn but must have bestowed upon you
This is not the kind of crown we’re talking about here
This is a crown that is earned and awarded based on performance
This was the kind of crown awarded to Olympic athletes at the end of a race
Paul uses this word in describing a different kind of award he expects to receive
These aren’t metaphors for salvation
The context and usage are completely different
We’re talking about the rewards earned by believers for their works done in faith following salvation (laid up)
Awards that are not given until the appearing of Christ
Faithful leaders can look forward to the day when they may receive a crown for their service
Now I know not everyone in here is a leader or even interested in becoming one
So in case you were tempted to tune out a little at this point, Peter catches the rest of us in the next few verses
Because good leadership can achieve virtually nothing without good followers
Peter begins with younger men, those not old enough to be elders yet, your duty is to obey your elders
And actually, the word in Greek means younger ones, so it is speaking of everyone; men and women
We all obey our elders
The church is fundamentally not a democracy
The scriptures tells us we are slaves to Christ, not volunteers
And those appointed over us should receive our obedience as they seek to obey Christ
As the book of Hebrews says:
We owe our leaders a cooperative, loving, submitted spirit so that we can help them in the difficult tasks they carry on our behalf
And in fact, as Hebrews says, when we resist them, we only hurt ourselves
Peter connects our obedience to our elders as an issue of humility and submission to God Himself
Peter has come back once again to emphasize that our willingness to submit and to obey is really an issue of sovereignty
If we fully appreciate the unbound, unquestioned authority that God possesses in working out all things according to the counsel of His good and perfect will
Then when circumstances come upon us, whether good or bad
And when leaders direct us in ways we may not understand much less agree with
We won’t fight back, or complain or retreat
We won’t quietly slip out the back door and find a new congregation where they do things the way we like
We will prayerfully seek to know God’s will and accept that His will is at work through our leadership
So long as that leadership conducts itself according to scripture and adheres to the doctrines and principles found therein
We can then confidently cast ourselves on God
All our cares, anxieties and worries
Like a sheep trusting its Shepherd to take it home safely
But then we do need to be prepared ourselves
We aren’t merely passengers on a cruise ship while our elders make the beds, and wash the dishes
Rather, we are on a warship, and it’s all hands on deck
Our corporate responsibilities are:
First be sober, on alert
My translation adds sober in spirit, but I think Peter is making a general statement about our state of mind as well as our spiritual countenance
We all need to get serious about this war we are engaged in
Serving in the kingdom of Christ is serious business
And it begins even now as we serve Him in this world
We don’t just pass time here waiting until we die and then eternity begins
It began the day you were saved, and now you’re on the clock
Because our enemy hasn’t stopped his work
The devil, Peter says, is prowling like a lion
When Peter says “your adversary”, Peter emphasizes that the devil is our personal enemy
He knows us in that way
And he sees us as prey
To be devoured
How does a shepherd protect the flock from a roaring lion?
First, you have everyone in a group, because there is safety in numbers
Secondly, the shepherd and the sheep are alert and ready for the attack
And when the attack comes, the flock resists the enemy
Our success in this battle comes from three steps
Be alert and ready for these attacks – not asleep at the wheel, blissfully ignorant
Secondly, be active in resisting the enemy – take steps in preparation: Bible study, prayer
Finally, place your trust in the One who is able to make you stand in the face of these attacks
He will perfect you, confirm you, strengthen you, and establish you
Even when the attacks mean the end of your life
Because, no matter how long they last or what the outcome may be, in the end you will see the glory promised to believers
To Him be dominion, forever
Peter closes with a few personal notes which we will read to conclude the letter
You know, when we began this letter, I mentioned how ironic it was, in a sense, that Peter would be the one to write this letter
He was the man who betrayed Jesus in a time of testing
He was the one Jesus said that Satan had asked permission to sift along with the other disciples
And he was the one who cracked under the pressure of Christ’s persecution
Yet Jesus restored him
And then set him on a course to restore his brothers
And in this letter, Peter seeks to do the same for all the saints including for us today
That we would be prepared for that day of trial, for a day of suffering potentially, but a day we may stand rather than fail