Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongGenerally, when considering what gets people through the door of a church on any given Sunday, trials, persecution and suffering would not be high on the list
More than likely the message plays to our flesh and tickles our ears
Let’s think back to how Peter began this chapter:
So how do we make our purpose to suffer for Christ?
So why is this passage not popular in churches today?
Whilst Christians in Saudi Arabia or Iran would easily relate to a sermon topic on suffering or persecution
Not relevant in churches in the West
Peter is writing to a group about to be killed for their faith
Burnt at the stake
Or taken to the coliseum to be eaten by lions
He’s not talking about suffering a mild annoyance or rejection
But it’s a good thing that the church today (at least in the USA) is not suffering in that same way
In this passage, Peter teaches a number of principles associated with suffering
First, in verse 12 Peter says the Christian should not be surprised when we encounter trials
Persecution or physical abuse or even martyrdom should not be a surprise to us
He even adds a hint of sarcasm here when he says that it is not as if some strange thing is happening when these trials come upon us
We know he is addressing this to Christians by the clear way he introduces the section
He calls his readers Beloved
And he says they should not be surprised by the trials among them
And to be more specific, they are fiery trials
This is an interesting word in Greek
The word is purosis, which means burning to refine or purify
The word seems to describe not only the purpose of the trial – to purify and refine them
But also to describe the very nature of the trial
These were events that were ongoing
They were among these believers already
And since we know of Nero’s persecution of Christians in Peter’s day by burning them at the stake or on poles
Then it seems reasonable to conclude that his choice of words may have been intended to invoke a thought of those events
How can Peter say this?
Don’t act surprised if people want to burn you at the stake for your belief?
Don’t act like something strange is happening
What does acting surprised mean?
How would you act if the government began to break down your front door and drag you off to prison or to the death row for your faith?
Would you be surprised?
Of course you would
In part, you would be surprised because it would be so unexpected in a culture with so many protections for individual rights
It would seem so surprising because we live in a country where the rule of law is so firmly established
Because we live in a culture that is largely pluralistic toward religion, where men have great freedom to practice their own religious faith
Do you realize I just described not only the United States, but also the Roman Empire
The Romans observed an extensive system of law that provided for many protections of individual liberty and for the rule of law
Roman citizens and even subjects of the realm were protected from abuses of power and false accusation
And although the Caesar’s power was virtually unchecked, the local administrators were required to follow law and order in prosecuting criminals
Furthermore, the Roman culture took a pluralistic view of religion
To be more accurate, Roman religious culture practices syncretism which is the blending of religions into a single worldview
In that kind of culture, it would have been very surprising to see a sudden uprising against an otherwise peaceful and law abiding group of citizens in the way Nero orchestrated events against the Christians
No doubt they were surprised, and you and I need to appreciate that they were no less surprised than we would be if a soldier burst through our door right now
So Peter is talking to us right now, and he’s saying don’t be surprised by a fiery ordeal, acting as if it’s a strange thing
Persecution is not a strange thing but rather a common thing, at least when viewed from the perspective of history
And even today, many Christians around the world experience immense persecution
Persecution is not unusual
The second principle Peter teaches in verse 13 is that suffering means we are identifying with Christ in His suffering
And that such an identification includes the opportunity to suffer with Him in His glory
Said another way, if we have been targeted by the enemy for such treatment, it is proof that he sees us as his enemy
And if the devil acknowledges us as his enemy, then it is further encouragement for us to know we are a child of God
And as such, we will have not only the privilege of suffering as Christ did
But we will also share in His glory, for our suffering is nothing more than a brief prelude to an eternal glory
It’s much like childbirth, in the sense that if a woman must share in the pain of the experience
Then at least she can take comfort in the knowing that her pain is brief
And once it ends, she will experience the joy of a new child
And that joy will stay with her the rest of her life, or at least until the child is two
This is how it is for us as we suffer in trials
We have the blessing of an assurance of a coming glory with Christ and a chance to share in His joy
Peter confirms the blessedness of persecution in verse 14 with his third point
He says that when we are reviled for Jesus’ sake, we are blessed
The word for reviled literally means insulted verbally
So when people insult us because we believe in Christ, consider it a blessing
And Peter clarifies what he means by that paradoxical truth by explaining that the Spirit of Glory and of God rest upon us
What does it mean that we have the Holy Spirit rest on us and in us?
Consider the following scripture verses
When we have the Spirit, we are made the children of God
And that Spirit not only makes us a child of God, it testifies that we are a child of God
And when the Spirit rests upon us, it is the Spirit of Glory, the Shechinah glory of God shining to the world through our lives
And when the world sees that glory, and that we are children of God, the enemy is enraged and rejects us just as it rejected Christ
And as Peter just said, we can consider ourselves blessed when we are persecuted because it becomes additional confirmation that we are His children
Now in case any of us or any of Peter’s readers were tempted to take this rule and reverse it
Peter quickly adds verse 15
He says we should make sure we are suffering as a murderer, thief, evildoer, or a troublesome meddler
Well I was doing pretty good there until he mentioned that last one
And actually that last word just means a general troublemaker
Allotriepiskopos – one who meddles in things that are alien to his calling
You see, we can’t take this principle and reverse it
Even though a believer can take encouragement in suffering for Christ as proof of their faith
Not all suffering is proof of our faith, and therefore not all suffering is a blessing
Suffering for doing the wrong thing is suffering we deserve and we can take no pleasure in it
And we certainly shouldn’t seek after it
But following this aside, Peter returns to conclude his point in verse 16
If anyone suffers as a Christian, he should not be ashamed but glorify God
The irony of this verse is found in the way Peter uses the term Christian
It’s actually a rare term in New Testament writing
It’s only found here and twice in the New Testament
In general it’s not a complimentary term in Peter’s day
It is a derogatory term used by unbelievers to describe Christians
It means a little Christ, and in that sense it is intended to identify believers with an executed criminal, but only less significant still
That’s why Peter says that we should not be ashamed at the title, because in his day believers were often ashamed to be identified with Christ in that way
Don’t be ashamed to be identified closely with your Lord, even when your enemies use such terms to insult you
Rather count it as reason to glorify God
Imagine how this would have played out in their experience
Imagine men and women walking to synagogue to worship their Messiah
And as they pass through the city streets, their Jewish family and friends turn on them and mock them calling them Christian
Which literally means a Christ follower, a little Christ
And where before the sound of those words might have wounded their pride and hurt their feelings
Now they remember Peter’s words and glorify God
Thanking God that they might be blessed to be counted among those who know the Lord
Verse 17 introduces Peter’s next principle of suffering
The word “for” at the beginning of this section alerts us that there is a conclusion or application to be made
For judgment begins with the household of God
Who is this household?
Peter says it is us
It begins first with us
What does that mean?
Don’t believers escape judgment?
Peter has said already that we are to identify with Christ in our suffering for His name’s sake
But our suffering is intended for our benefit, to refine us
And to appreciate what Christ went through for our sake so we may identify with Him
But for the unbeliever, who may escape suffering there is a time appointed for their judgment which they cannot escape
At the same time that our suffering will end forever
Peter is putting these two in context
Our suffering may be short, for a time, and for good purpose
And does not compare with the eternal suffering of the unbeliever
Paul describes this same principle in his letter to the church in Thessalonica
Their faith was greatly enlarged and their love for one another grew
Why? Because of their perseverance and faith in the midst of persecutions
And then Paul says it is only just for God to repay those who persecute the church with afflictions
Which is why in verse 19 Peter can make his profound conclusion
Those of us who have been ordained to suffer for doing what’s right
For believing in Christ
For being a child of God
For showing His light in this dark world
If we are appointed to suffer for those good reasons, then we must also be prepared to trust God to know what’s He’s doing in the process
We entrust our souls to this God and we don’t second guess His judgment
We don’t demand answers to the difficult questions of life before we obey
We don’t question God’s motives when we witness suffering nor do we waive in our trust that He is at work on His throne bringing all things to good for the sake of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose
Rather, we trust and we obey and we rejoice
Are you prepared to do this? You may be called to do it sooner than you ever imagined