Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAt the beginning of our study, I explained that the book of Acts has many features that provide structure and divide the book into clearly identifiable parts or sections
Without reviewing all those divisions again, let me point out one such division taking place here as we leave Chapter 7 and enter Chapter 8
To this point in the story of Acts, the message of the Gospel has been preached exclusively to the Jews in Jerusalem
Peter has led this charge together with John
And now these early believers are experiencing the beginning of persecution from the very same Jews who were offered the message of hope
God always intended that the message of the Gospel would be delivered to Jews first, since “salvation is of the Jews” as Jesus says in John 4
Paul reiterates this priority in Romans 1:16
After the death of Stephen, persecution of Christians in Jerusalem began a new phase
The trial and stoning of Stephen was a turning point, and the event itself was somewhat unusual
The Jews lacked the power of the sword under Roman authority, so stoning Stephen could have resulted in the participants being charged with murder under Roman law
The fact that so many were willing to engage in the stoning indicates that they were operating under different rules at the time
One explanation is that the Roman Senate had removed the right for Jewish execution under all circumstances except one
Offenses against the Temple could be punished by death in Israel
This was the charge against Stephen
Another explanation is that this event occurred during a short window in AD 36 between the departure of Pilate and the arrival of his replacement, when Roman rule wasn’t present in the city
But as the city saw and heard of the stoning of a Christian, the attitude of the city toward the new movement changed dramatically
Jews within the city turned on the believing Jews, particularly the Hellenistic Jews, the group to which Stephen belonged
Essentially, the Jewish population had heard the testimony of Stephen at his public trial and had rejected it soundly
And for the most part, the rest of the city followed suit in that rejection
Where before the people of Jerusalem were flocking to the church in great number, now they turned away out of fear or disapproval
So naturally, this changed the nature of ministry in the early church
First, it moved the disciples outward from the city to safer areas of Palestine and the diaspora
Secondly, it caused the disciples to direct their message to non-Jewish audiences who were not already opposed to the message
God was justified in moving the Gospel away from the Jews and toward a Gentile audience on the basis of the sign of Jonah
When Jesus declared that the Jewish nation had rejected Him and lost their opportunity to receive him (in Luke 13:34-35), he told the Pharisees that the nation would only receive the “sign of Jonah” henceforth (see Matthew 12)
The sign of Jonah is the sign of a resurrection
Jesus’ own resurrection was the fulfillment of that sign, and here we see that sign repeated through Stephen’s testimony of that resurrection
As Stephen testified in the trial concerning Jesus and His resurrection, the crowd rejected that testimony
Rather than receiving the sign of resurrection, they stoned the messenger
The Lord will again give Israel the sign of resurrection in the last days during Tribulation
The two witnesses will undergo a visible resurrection following their deaths
And this resurrection will be a sign to that future generation of Israel of the truth of the two witnesses’ testimony concerning Jesus
Of course, that future generation of Israel will also reject the sign in the moment it will be given
Now since the nation of Israel has rejected the sign of resurrection given in Stephen’s testimony, the gospel will move away from them and to a new people group: the Samaritans
But first, we begin Chapter 8 with three verses to bridge us into the rest of the chapter
Saul approved of what he saw happening to Stephen
The Greek word for hearty agreement means that Paul didn’t instigate the action against Stephen, but he liked it and decided to make it his own cause
So Saul becomes a self-appointed vigilante to find and eliminate the Jewish Christians
Many disciples leave the city and go into Samaria
But the apostles, we’re told, remain behind in the city
This fact becomes important later in Chapter 8
Stephen we’re told is buried by devout Jewish men who mourn his death
The Jewish customs and rabbinical law forbid public lamentations for anyone who was put to death by stoning
So Luke’s mention of these lamentations seemed intended to reflect that not all Jews within the city were in agreement with the verdict and execution of Stephen
This statement stands in contrast with Saul’s hearty agreement
We can’t help but notice that Saul has become the catalyst God is using to move the Gospel outward from Jerusalem
It’s likely that had persecution never come to the early church, the leaders may have never ventured far from the city in preaching the Gospel
They certainly wouldn’t have considered going outside Judea
And the fact that the Apostles aren’t willing to leave even now that persecution has begun indicates their reluctance to move outward
Consider this interesting fact: Saul later becomes Paul, the man credited to be the single greatest evangelist in the history of church
God used Paul’s ministry to preach the gospel to Gentiles in many new places and explain the full doctrines of the church
And yet here we see Saul – who has not yet come to faith himself – being used by God in exactly the same way!
Saul is responsible for moving the Gospel outwardly from Jerusalem
Perhaps Paul was thinking of this very irony when he wrote Romans 8:28:
Now we move forward looking at a second one of the early deacons
First we had Stephen, now we have Philip, and notice Luke’s connecting verse:
Rather, Luke emphasizes the work of the Spirit and power and importance of God’s word in building the Church
Here’s one of those moments when Luke pauses to make clear that the instrument God uses to move His church outward from Jerusalem is the preaching of His word
Had the disciples merely scattered without preaching the word, perhaps instead trying to persuade men with human wisdom
The scattering would have accomplished nothing
The Greek word for scattered is diaspeiro, which is the same word used for the scattering of seed on a field
It may cause you to remember the parable of the sower and the seed, where the spread of the Gospel is compared to the scattering of seed
This scattering led to many important changes in the early church
For example, the Gospels were written because of this movement away from Jerusalem
While the church was largely centered in Jerusalem with the apostles nearby, no one had need of a written Gospel account
And questions regarding Jesus’ teaching or the events of His ministry were handled in person during church services or in one-on-one questioning
Once the saints began to spread out into Judea and beyond, the need for a written record became obvious
Since the early church was mostly Jewish, the first Gospel account was written by the Apostle Matthew so that a Jewish audience could understand how Jesus was the Messiah
Later, other apostles write their Gospel accounts to serve different, non-Jewish audiences
Secondly, the apostles began to write letters to newly founded churches to encourage and instruct new believers in the absence of personal visits
As with the Gospel, the earliest epistles were the Jewish epistles (James, I & II Peter, Hebrews, and Jude) written to the dispersed Jewish believers
Third, church leadership was decentralized as local, non-apostolic leaders were established in each city to steward their congregations
Finally, formal doctrines and creeds of the Christian faith belief emerged from out of the apostles’ writings
These doctrines bound the dispersed congregations together in spirit, and to contend with false teaching whenever it emerged
Against that backdrop, we begin the story of Philip now
Philip goes down to the city of Samaria
Samaria was not actually a city in Philip's day, but rather a region directly north of Jerusalem
Luke says Philip went “down” because any direction away from the Temple mount is considered “down” to a Jew
This reference is one reason some believe Luke may have been Jewish rather than Gentile
Secondly, Luke says the “city” of Samaria to indicate some population center within the region, not to mean a specific city called Samaria
In the Greek, Luke says that Philip was continuously preaching or proclaiming Christ to the people in Samaria
In other words, Philip was preaching to Samaritans
Samaritans were an interesting group historically
In a sense we could say they were neither entirely Jewish nor entirely Gentile
They were a people who descended from Jews who escaped the Assyrian captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and remained in the land
While living in the land, they began to inter-marry with the surrounding Gentile peoples
When the Jews were led back into the land by Zerubbabel after the Babylonian captivity, they encountered these halfbreed Jews still living in Samaria
The returning Jews no longer regarded these descendants of the Northern Kingdom to be true Jews
And they were correct: Samaritans aren’t Jews any longer
In defiance to the returning Jews, the Samaritans tried to recreate their Jewish heritage in a counterfeit manner
They created a distorted version of the Mosaic Law and built their own temple and established their own priesthood and worship
Meanwhile, they became bitter enemies with the Jews
Jews hated Samaritans even more than other Gentiles because they were impostors pretending to be Jewish
You can see this rivalry throughout the Gospel accounts
The woman at the well in John 4 is a classic example
As the Gospel moves outward from Jerusalem, we said earlier in the study that it will move through three distinct phases
First it goes to the Jews in Jerusalem
Secondly, it moves out of Judea and into Samaria and to Samaritans
Lastly, it reaches Greek Gentiles across the entire world
Since Samaritans are simply a unique group of Gentiles, why are they given a unique status in the progression of the Gospel?
The reason is connected to their historic role as impostors of the Jewish faith
The Samaritans had made a practice of counterfeiting everything of significance within Jewish religious practice
With each counterfeit, the Samaritans reinforced the notion that they were the true practitioners of the Jewish faith and the rightful heirs to the promise given to Abraham
Now that the long-awaited Jewish Messiah had come in fulfillment of that promise, it was likely that the Samaritans might concoct another counterfeit
They might propose the arrival of their own ”messiah” and complicate the spread of the Gospel among the citizens of Judea and Samaria
At this early vulnerable stage of growth, the Lord saw fit to bring Samaritans into the church rather than compete with their false message
With each new movement of the church, we are going to see a repeating of the pattern that was established in the beginning
When the church first arrived to Jews, the message of the Gospel was accompanied by:
Signs & miracles
Power over the demonic realm
The delayed indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Large numbers of converts in a brief time
Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised to see that pattern repeat when the Gospel first arrives for this new group in Samaria
Interestingly, the signs are performed by a delegate of the Apostles rather than by an Apostle personally
Because the Apostles had not yet understood the necessity of moving beyond a Jewish audience in spreading the Gospel
This issue comes to a head in Acts 10–11
Looking at the text, Philip preaches and the crowds respond
Specifically, the crowds were of “one accord” or one mind in their response
In contrast to the resistance seen in Jerusalem, here the crowds were uniformly receiving the Gospel message
This is similar to the way the crowd in Jerusalem received the Gospel at Pentecost and immediately following
Naturally, their attention was directed on Philip because he was performing miraculous signs accomplished by the Spirit in confirmation of the truth of his message
So the signs were used to attract attention for Philip’s message
And the message was received in part out of a recognition that it came by the power of God
At this point we’re introduced to a new character, Simon
Simon the magician is a curious and often debated fellow
His may be the first religious charlatan to infiltrate the Christian church
If there had been cable TV, “prayer cloths,” and toll-free donation phone lines in this day, Simon probably would have been the first to employ them
Luke says he was performing magic, astonishing the people, and claiming to be someone great
In fact the people were calling Simon, the Great Power of God
It’s interesting to see right from the beginning how Luke juxtaposes Simon and Phillip
Phillip is astonishing the people, as is Simon
But Phillip’s work is the result of God’s power
While Simon’s work is the result of magic, dark arts
Real power, but demonic
Simon’s work is intended to make himself look powerful and important before the people – and it was working
While Phillip’s work causes the people to rejoice and give God glory
Based on Philip’s preaching, the church has been established in this place and is starting to grow
And the re-emergence of miracles for the sake of the Samaritans was intended to affirm the truth of Philip’s teaching in the same way that it did in Jerusalem
The Holy Spirit is not yet seen to indwell the new believers though
Why does the arrival of the Spirit wait under these circumstances?
In the case of Jerusalem, the Spirit’s arrival was delayed until a certain day in order to fulfill the Feast of Pentecost
Here the delay is different
The primary purpose for a delay here was to make an impression on a different audience – the apostles themselves
Keep in mind that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the mark of faith
So it served as a powerful sign to anyone of where true faith was present
Now speaking of powerful signs, Simon has a pretty good thing going here
Within his community he is the leading spiritual attraction
And like the Pharisees in Jerusalem, anything that contends with his prominence is a threat
So the arrival of a competitor wielding even greater power bothers Simon greatly
Simon, we’re told, is so impressed by Philip that he “believes” and submits to water baptism
Even after the baptism, he continues to follow Philip around “observing” the miracles
The word for observing is theoreo, which carries the sense of studying or examining something
Simon was following Philip out of professional curiosity
It causes us to wonder about what Luke means when he says “believes”
Could Simon have made a confession without actually accepting the Gospel truly?
The news of Philip’s ministry soon reached the apostles in Jerusalem, and of course they were surprised to hear of it
Peter and John are not assigned the duty of going to Samaria and investigating this news
The fact that they go at all tells us how concerned they were by this news
Don’t read v.14 and v.15 together too quickly
If you do, it will sound as if the purpose of their travel to Samaria was to lay on hands, as if that was the expected function of the Apostles
This isn’t the proper reading
They came to investigate and validate that the Samaritans were actually being called into the truth faith
Rather than simply mimicking the Jews once again
Once they arrived, then they performed these activities in response to the faith they found
The apostles were an important part of this event, because their presence validated their experience
It also confirmed again that Peter had the keys to the Kingdom
And he was now enlisted to recognize the expansion of the church beyond Jews and the entry of Samaritans into the Kingdom by faith
This is why the baptism of the Holy Spirit had not yet occurred
Peter is always involved in the first faith experience for every new group (Jew, Samaritan, Gentile) because he held the “keys” according to Jesus direction
This also ensured that Peter was able to personally witness God’s work through the Spirit and understand himself that these new groups were joining the church
Finally, John is included here as well, perhaps because of his early desire to destroy the Samaritans when they rejected Jesus during the Gospel account
After this moment, John is never mentioned again in the book of Acts