Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongBackground on the letter
Written by Paul while in house arrest in Rome
To a small community located between Ephesus and Hierapolis
It is widely considered to be written to the least important city to which any of Paul’s epistles were addressed
But the topics of the letter are some of the most important
Paul never visited the city himself
He did visit nearby Ephesus where he met a man named Epaphras who came to faith under Paul’s teaching
Epaphrus was from Colossae
So when Epaphrus returned to Colossae, he brought the gospel and founded the Colossian church
Now as Paul sits in Rome awaiting trial, he has time to receive visitors and write letters
Apparently, Paul is visited by Epaphrus (or perhaps he receives a letter from him)
Epaphrus shares with Paul that the church he was leading was battling against a long list of threats
There were false teachers undermining the person and pre-eminence of Christ
They were introducing man-made philosophies in place of sound Christian doctrines
They were battling increasing legalism from Judaism and other forms of ritualism
They were being told to venerate angels
The church was being taught by false teachers that they must not eat certain foods or observe certain festivals
Do these kind of threats to the integrity of the church sound familiar?
Some of us may have been in churches that were very legalistic, handing out rules and judgment left and right
If so, then this letter was written to you
We’ve all heard about the movement in some churches toward a kind of new age self-help appeal where “self” is key to rising above it all
This letter was written to us
So in response to what he hears from Epaphrus, Pauls writes this letter to this small church he’s never visited
As a side note, Paul sent this letter to Colossae with two travelers: Onesimus and Tychicus
You may remember Onesimus (the runaway slave who belonged to Philemon)
When Onesimus became a believer while in prison with Paul in Rome, Paul convinced him he should return to his master Philemon
To help Onesimus’ return go a little easier, Paul sent a letter with Onesimus we call the Letter to Philemon
Since Onesimus and Tychicus would need to travel through Ephesus to reach Colossae, Paul took advantage of the opportunity to send them with a letter for Ephesus too
So these two men delivered the letters to the Colossians, Philemon and the Ephesians
The other letter Paul wrote while in this period of captivity was Philippians
So Paul has a difficult task here
First, he must establish some credibility with this church that has never seen him before
Meanwhile, it’s under the influence of false teachers who won’t like what Paul has to say
Secondly, he must contend with serious issues that are weakening the church yet do so without crushing their spirit
Finally, Paul wants to redirect them toward the basics, the essentials of their faith so that the false teachers can’t regroup and re-gain an audience
Those opening verses consist of two sentences, which is why I read to verse 8
The opening salutation, which we all know is a common feature in Paul’s letters, always fulfills a purpose in Paul’s writing
His purpose here is given by a couple of clues
First, Paul commonly referred to himself as an apostle in his letters, though not always
When he did, he was careful to mention that he was appointed an Apostle by Christ
Here he says by the will of God
So what is an apostle?
The word means “messenger sent by God”
But can just anyone be appointed an apostle?
Scripturally, what is the definition of who could be an apostle?
Jesus personally selected them
But how can Paul be an apostle in light of the fact that Jesus was dead before Paul became a believer?
Let’s point out the difference first between disciple and apostle
Disciple means a follower
All of us, those who believe in the Gospel, are disciples of Christ
An apostle, was a position Christ gave to certain disciples
It's a calling out of a larger group to create a smaller sub-group that He gives a special office to
You can look at it this way: All are disciples, but not all are apostles
The apostles were appointed by Christ through a personal moment in His presence
Yes we know that one among Him was a “devil”
But Judas was never a true disciple – he never believed
Jesus preserved Judas’ as an unbeliever in the group for the purpose of fulfilling a role in His betrayal
But when looking at the roles of the apostles in the Millennial Kingdom in ruling over the 12 tribes of Israel, 11 apostles and 12 tribes doesn’t quite add up
If you’ve ever wondered who the 12th apostle was, here’s your answer
In Acts 1 you hear about Matthias being selected by lot, but he doesn't fit our definition
In fact it is Paul (Saul of Tarsus, we learn in Acts 9)
The apostle to the Gentiles
But people contend his claim because he wasn’t there when Christ walked the earth
So time and time again Paul re-iterates that he was an apostle
To gain the church’s respect for what he’s about to say
Let’s look at the next series of verses
Paul has a sincere and serious purpose behind these statements
(v3) We thank God (father of Jesus Christ)
Heard of your faith (in Jesus Christ)
Your love for saints
Intentional repetition of name and position of Christ
(v5) You have a hope for eternal reward
You learned of this hope when you heard the gospel
Which has come to you (as it has the whole world)
Examples of what we have to look forward to in the Millennial Kingdom
Imagine it’s like if you had an old junker car, but knew that in 6 months time upon your Graduation your parents were gifting you with a new car
How much car and concern would you give that old junker?
I bet you wouldn’t even wash it
Much less spend unnecessary money on it
What we are waiting for in our mind is that future vehicle – that's the promise you've been given, and that's the thing you truly want
Likewise, let's not invest in the things of this world that will burn up anyway
Paul continues in the text encouraging them they are not alone in this knowledge
(v6) And it is bearing fruit (as in the world)
From the day you understood the gospel of grace in truth
(v7) And Epaphrus told you the same thing I did
He told us of your love in the Spirit
Do you see what Paul is doing here? The false teachers are probably already starting to squirm a little
Up front, Paul begins to emphasize that Jesus is key to everything
Jesus is pre-eminent, the Son of God, the object of our faith and the word of truth
We’ll see Paul go after the false teachers on the issue of Jesus in the rest of the first chapter
Then Paul says you have love for one another as you should
The theme of caring for one another will re-emerge later as well
Paul tells them that their hope lies in an eternal reward located in heaven
That’s also going to come up again later
Then finally, Paul brilliantly builds this pattern of reminding them of what they believed and what positive effect it had in their lives together with the fact that their experience was not unique
They believed the same gospel the world believed
Which contrasts with the style of false teachers
Paul continues on, but now he begins to focus in on his first issue for this church
Paul says we, meaning Paul & Timothy, leading some to speculate Timothy might have acted like a ghost writer for Paul
So, “we” are praying that God would fill them with a knowledge of God’s will and all spiritual wisdom
This is apparently what the church sought
They wanted spiritual knowledge
Influenced by early stages of Gnosticism
Gnostics taught you were believed by what you knew
Selective, only for certain people
We see examples of this in Mormonism and Scientology
But they sought knowledge from the wrong places
They had false teachers leading them astray
Because they sought something new, different, special
Today, we see people doing the same thing
We see people seeking spiritual wisdom in a million places
Oprah and Dr. Phil
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Even Christian authors’ best sellers
Or a friend
These things in themselves are not evil, but as Christians, where should we go first for the wisdom we seek?
God’s word!
The bigger picture isn't to block out any other source of knowledge in the world, but to filter it through the lens of Scripture
And to do that requires us to know what is in this book
To not know leave us prey to whatever might capture our attention
In the movies we see the guy with the black hat and the white hat, and we can easily identify bad guy/good guy
But if the devil came at us with a tail, horns and pitchfork, essentially revealing himself for who he really was, he’d stand no chance in capturing our attention
Instead, he puts the white hat on to deceive us
So what does Paul to move this church towards?
The phrase “spoken to us in His Son” means several things
He has spoken through what Christ said
In what He did as He lived
And in the revelation that Christ has given through the apostles’ writings in the New Testament
He has given us all we need to know in these last days – there is no other source
Revelation warns that if anyone changes or adds to scripture, they are to be judged harshly
Paul is saying that where you want to go for your knowledge is where you got it from – from Christ himself
Paul addresses probably the most commonly discussed principle of the NT for believers
He wants to draw a clear connection between knowledge of spiritual matters and the fruit that knowledge produced in terms of their behavior
What you know has everything to do with what you do
Jesus spoke of this idea of fruit
Here we see a basic principle at work in our lives in two ways…
First for discerning false teachers:
Get to know them first
If what you see in their life doesn't align – listen to their speech, look at their priorities, how they raise their kids, what they do with their time, how they treat their spouse
If you don’t see fruit reflected in their life, why would you care what they say?
The second, which we will cover more next week, is the key if we want to have more fruit in our lives
True knowledge of God – Who He is and His will for our lives, as revealed in His Scriptures
Like a marriage, if we want it to grow stronger we need to spend time together
Similarly, we don't become more Christ-life unless our time in the word is a preeminent part of our week