Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOften an epistle doesn’t have the same study appeal as some of the other books of the Bible, but this is where our faith gets into the trenches
It's about studying the real life of the body of Christ – and the constant issues of faith
The problem of the Collosae church was they were being incorrectly taught what it means to be a Christian
Paul is now in the midst of defending this faith, from afar, to a group he'd never met
Let’s back up in the chapter to begin with our context
Before this, Paul was teaching on one principle point: Add nothing to what they had received in the beginning
As you were saved, so continue
Remember that a simple childlike faith was enough in the beginning to give us the joy and assurance of a new life in Christ
Having nothing to show in the moment except the freedom of having been freed from a life of sin
Why would we believe someone who tells us that now more is necessary?
That if works didn’t make you right with Christ, how can they keep you right with Christ?
But the behavior and attitude of the Collosae church in what they were being taught and were willing to accept, brought this into question
He says in verse 7 we are to be rooted in Him, built up by Him, established in our faith
Rooted means that we were planted by His power in our faith
Build up means anything we achieve in our walk is accomplished by Christ’s work in us
Established is bebbaioo, meaning secure – in our faith
And then in verse 8 Paul makes the comparison that sets up the rest of the chapter
The word captive can make us think of a cult, something that wants to take us away from the mainstream – held captive by false teaching
But first let's think about the context of Collosae
It is evident that there were false teachers in that church, that wanted people to believe there were additions to Christ
They brought deceptive human philosophy dependent on traditions and worldly principles
Paul warns that either we follow that kind of teaching or we depend on Christ alone
In the verses that follow, Paul explains what each side represents
But he reverses the order and talks first about what it means to depend on Christ
Followed by a description of what are additions, the human philosophies that were corrupting the Church
Verses 9-15 are a concise description of what it means to depend on Christ
Paul begins by describing the salvation process as it is accomplished by Christ’s work
All of the work required for us to be saved is done by Christ
Paul begins with a play on words
Christ is God in bodily form – and He is all God (the fullness)
The word for fullness (pleroma) comes from the root Greek word pleroo
Used in verse 10 meaning complete
So Christ was completely God in physical form
Just as Christ was completely God, we are made complete in Christ
There is nothing more to be added to Christ to make us complete before God
An unbeliever has no prospect of spending eternity in God's presence, only eternal judgment
To make sure an individual does not end up in Hell, there are several things that need to be “fixed" – of which Christ fixes all of them
The first way we are complete in Christ is that He has dominion over all rule and authority
The authority Paul is talking about here is the rule of the enemy and his forces over fallen man
When Adam fell, he placed fallen man under the authority of the enemy
Consequently, we shared in the judgment reserved for Satan
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes that we are all born as "sons of disobedience”
Born in the nature of Adam, we inherit his condition and the judgment on the world
Only by faith in Christ do we move to under His authority
We no longer share in the enemy’s future, we are now “sons of God"
Consequently, we no longer fear death
For an unbeliever, this is as good as it gets – after death is gets worse
For a believer, this is as bad as it gets – at death it gets better
So the first way Christ has made us complete, is that He has taken done away the fear of death and our dominion under the enemy
Secondly, the believer is complete in Christ by having undergone a spiritual circumcision in Christ – not of human hands
A circumcision of the heart by the Holy Spirit
Paul makes an interesting comment at this point in verse 11
Christ has removed the body of flesh
Paul seems to be referring to the eventual replacing of our sinful body with our new body
In other words, just as physical circumcision removed a part of the flesh, the circumcision of the heart means that God will remove all our flesh
So that it may be replaced with a new body upon our resurrection
So we are complete in the sense that nothing else is needed to ensure we escape the corruption of the sinful body
Third, our sinful nature itself has likewise been dispensed with, having been buried with Christ
Our spiritual burial is pictured by our water baptism
And our new spiritual awakening was brought about by God’s hand (verse 12) in the same way that God’s power raised Christ from the dead
So, in those three ways we are complete in Christ
We have nothing more we need to do to escape the enemy, to remove the sinful flesh or to receive a new spirit
You can see where Paul is leading here, right? You can’t add anything to something that’s complete, can you?
Now Paul really turns up the pressure
He reminds the Colossians that all of this was done on their behalf even before they knew it was happening
While they were still dead in their trespasses
The word for dead, nekros, literally means a dead body – a corpse
They were literally a walking corpse
They had no life without God
Just as it is impossible for a human being on their own to decide they want to believe in God, a dead body cannot choose to raise itself
God made the Colossian church alive in Christ
Paul then says, while they were yet still uncircumcised in the flesh
Refers to their sinful nature, the sin nature of the flesh
They were not only sinning (transgressions), but they had a sin nature that left them dead to God
At that point, God forgave us for our transgressions
All our sins for all our lives were instantly and permanently forgiven in the moment we were saved
We are complete in that forgiveness
There is nothing we need nor anything we can do to add to that forgiveness
Next, He cancelled our debt
The word for cancelled in Greek literally means smearing away the impression made in wax
Creates the picture of making the decree against you no longer valid
In Paul’s time, when a prisoner was crucified, they would take the charges against the accused and nail them to the cross
Jesus’ accusation was King of the Jews
But our debts were nailed to the cross at the same time
So Christ’s execution paid our debt under the Law
There is nothing more to pay, no more debt to erase
Finally, Paul says this is why those rulers and authorities have been disarmed against Christians
The demonic realm has nothing left to accuse of before God
Whatever accusation the enemy might use, God turns around and answers him that debt has already been paid
Now, what does it mean to be taken captive by empty, human philosophies? We read examples of that in the next verses:
Now Paul moves to the issue of human philosophies and human traditions
The first word to note is the opening – Therefore
If the audience had accepted what Paul’s taught up to verse 15, they need to be prepared to accept the necessary logical consequences of it
Because we are complete in Christ (v 8)
Because we know there is nothing more we need to do to accomplish salvation
Then we should know these things
Paul starts with saying, let no one act as your judge
Men can only be our judge in these ways if we allow them
The first example is food & drink
In the day of this letter, the issue was mainly one of Jewish dietary restrictions
Men who wanted to bring the church back under the rules of the law
Particularly odd when Collosae was a Greek church who did not originally hold to these laws
Judaizers followed Paul from city to city trying to convince new Christians to live under the Jewish dietary laws
But there was also considerable debate over eating meat sacrificed to idols
Today we see it as a restriction to avoid meat
In Paul’s day, meat was a luxury, so it could be avoided fairly easily
Most meat was given to gods even before it was sold in shops, so eating meat often meant risking eating meat sacrificed to idols
The concern is for our witness to our neighbor
There is nothing the Bible prohibits us from eating (spiritually speaking)
Let's be clear, that it is not unlawful to set up restrictions of our own making
But it is wrong to try and transfer those convictions to somebody else
That is legalism
So when are corporate rules something we should follow?
So long as they are not being applied as a means of establishing or maintaining salvation
The rule itself is irrelevant, the meaning and purpose behind it is what's important
The second issue was with festivals
In the time of the church it would have been the annual 7 Jewish festivals observed on the calendar
Today, Halloween can be a festival which individuals may be convicted on differently
If we are living according to the Holy Spirit, there will be things we feel comfortable doing/not doing but it will be because of what God has taught you – not because of what someone is trying to impose upon you
And in all of this decision making we have the Word as our guide
The final issue was the Sabbath, and particularly which day to observe (Sat or Sun)
The Sabbath was given to the Jews as a picture of Christ – work, but then rest
But where the shadow was incomplete is that you had to go back to work, our rest was not permanent
A shadow is useless once the real thing has arrived
Now if we rest in Christ, we are at rest perpetually
So are we to keep the Sabbath? Only if God leads us that way, but not as a requirement of Scripture
In v.17 Paul is making the comparison that once the real thing (Christ) appears, we ignore the shadow
If we continue to pay attention to the shadow – restricting foods, festivals, keeping the Sabbath – then we disrespect the truth, the thing it pointed us to
This is the real freedom we have in Christ
We no longer have a list of rules to keep in order to be holy
We are made holy by Christ's work (in terms of salvation)
Now we have an obligation to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and grow more in our behavior so it catches up with our position before God
This is the work of sanctification