Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongPaul is moving away from a discussion of what we shouldn’t be doing, to one on what we should be doing
This list came as a result of the false teachers levying their own set of (incorrect) do’s and don’t’s
Things based in works
But first, Paul reminds them of who they are
Who you think you are affects how you behave
You are a child of the King, chosen of God, set apart for great things
We then learn gratitude through receiving something we didn’t deserve
So act accordingly:
Compassion (Gk. splanchna oiktirmou) shows sensitivity to those suffering and in need
Kindness (chrestotes) manifests itself in a sweet disposition and thoughtful interpersonal dealings
Humility (tapeinophrosyne) means having a realistic view of oneself, thinking lowly of ourselves because we are so
Gentleness (prautes) means not behaving harshly, arrogantly, or self-assertively but with consideration for others
Patience (makrothymia) is the quality of being long-suffering, self-restraining
Then he expands on what patience looks like in the Christian walk:
Forbearing (anechomenoi) means putting up with others and enduring discomfort
Forgiving (charizomenoi) involves not holding a grudge or grievance
We could ask ourselves, does our life mirror this list?
Paul is speaking of agape love, a unique form in contrast to the world’s love
Absent the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to show agape love
The expectation is that we would love in the manner that God loves
The world forgives conditionally
We forgive those who forgive us
Those who earn our forgiveness
Those who deserve forgiveness
And forgiveness is special, valuable commodity
If you hurt me, or offend me too many times, then I have the right to limit or withdraw my forgiveness
But we are to forgive like the Lord did
First, we forgive them before they stop offending us
When God was taking action to forgive us, in that moment we were still enemies of Him
So even while the offense is ongoing, our forgiveness needs to begin
Secondly, He forgave those who were undeserving
God’s forgiveness was extended in the form of His perfect just Son dying for the unjust
God forgave those who deserved punishment
Do we extend forgiveness to those who truly deserve our anger, or do we only forgive those who are innocent?
Finally, do we demand performance for forgiveness?
Conditional forgiveness
God extended His grace to us, not based on our works
But will we forgive one who is not grateful for it, doesn’t change their behavior?
The neighbor who keeps parking over your drive
The kid who keeps throwing things at your house
Then Paul culminates his description of the Christian formula for living with the ultimate measure whether we are living up to God’s expectations
Paul continues in his instruction defining the Christian lifestyle with 5 commands or imperatives
Previously he has been talking about the traits of a Christian walk
Now we move to the actions that put those traits into practice
First, put on love
In the Greek it literally means love brings the group to perfection
The thought is that the love of God is most clearly understood and experienced in a group setting
One individual cannot demonstrate God’s love in its fullness
We need someone to forgive, have compassion on, show grace, mercy and kindness towards
Argues for the need to work in the body of Christ
After love, Paul says let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
Paul frequently expresses peace in his letters
It echoes the Jewish greeting shalom
It means well-being and contentment
And this was a command to the church, not simply the individual
The church should not be ruled by personal ambition, material desires, or any other selfish desire
Instead we should have contentment in what God has provided
Then at the end of verse 15 (repeated at the end of 16 and 17) is to be thankful
You cannot be at peace unless you are constantly reminding yourself of all that God has given you already
And the need to be thankful
Here is where peace and contentment fit
If you are wanting something you don’t have, it’s hard to be thankful for what you do have
But as sinners who deserve none of what God gives us, saved from judgment and condemnation, thankfulness is the natural result
People who carry a thankful attitude in everything are the most pleasant and approachable people
They give rise to questions about why they are so thankful and hopeful
Which leads to an opportunity for a witness
Then in 16 and 17, probably the most concise statement of how the corporate Christian life should be carried out
The word of Christ is to dwell in every Christian
This is the only use of the Greek term logos christos – the word of Christ, the teachings of Christ
We’re not talking about the word of God as Paul describes in Romans 10:17 – the word about Christ, meaning salvation
The focus is more on Christ’s literal instruction to us dwelling within us
The word dwell reminds us of the difference between the owner of a house and a visitor
If someone passes through your house, they are only a visitor
They will never be mistaken for the master of the house
But the one who sets up residence in your home and never leaves, then they are clearly the master of the home
Likewise, if the Word of God is given its proper place in your heart, a constant presence in your daily life, then it will truly be the master of your body
Better than treating the Bible simply as a reference book
The Bible needs to be center place - reading it even when we don’t have a question or problem to solve!
Studying the word should be like breathing or eating
And that word is to be used to teach and to admonish
To build up the good and tear down the wrong in our lives
Paul sums it up this way:
Whatever you do, do in the name of Jesus
In the Eastern thinking, The name always embodied the character of the individual
The name was the perfect representation of the person
So by speaking something in the name of Christ we invoke His person, nature and authority
As His ambassador, we carry His reputation with us
So are we sullying His name by our words and actions?
To those who put on agape love, peace and contentment with the life God has given, and exercises thankfulness in all things, and allows God’s word to set up residence in their heart…
That person is walking in a way that will reflect glory upon the name of Christ
What a stark contrast to the commands of the false teachers!
The false teachers wanted the congregation to focus on the here and now, the temporal
They had to perform works of their own to please God
They couldn’t be content or at peace
They had to worry and work to please God
That led to a life of discontentment and worry
They taught that some rules were preferred, festivals, Sabbaths, food, drink
Which led to judgment of others, enforcing those rules
That led to disunity and unwillingness to accept others or to defer to others’ wishes
Ultimately, it was made possible because of a lack of appreciation of God’s word and a lack of thankfulness for the grace that God had bestowed upon them
Now Paul teaches the opposite of all those things
What a liberating message
And just to make sure that they understand how this liberty in Christ looks in practice, Paul finishes Chapter 3 with a few specific examples
Now each of these examples could be a Sunday preaching on its own, but I will cover them somewhat in passing, allowing you to study them on your own later
Each group Paul mentions is called to be self-sacrificial, loving, content and loving in light of their circumstances
No one is more or less obligated to the Christian walk, but their individual circumstances dictate the way in which they exhibit their Christian walk
A wife demonstrates the Christian walk most clearly when she submits to the authority of her husband
Likewise, a husband shows Christian walk by showing love to his wife, love that is agape – serving
Just as Ephesians tells us how Christ loved the church, and gave everything up for her
Ephesians also teaches not that the husband demands submission, but that the woman gives submission
If you have to ask for it, is evidence it is not being given
Notice submission is not conditional
Should women only submit to their husbands when they’re doing the right thing?
Should men only love their wives when they’re being submissive?
Children show their Christian walk most clearly by obedience to parents
Likewise, a father shows a Christian walk by not making their obedience a weight around their necks, where obedience is met with harshness or unfairness or indifference
An important corollary, a parent who will not demand respect and obedience from their children is dishonoring the Lord through their children
But parents should not achieve this by compromising their own walk, but rather do it in an encouraging and scripture-driven way
To slaves, Paul says serve your master out of a sincere desire to please the Lord, not merely because you have no choice
Even a slave can present a witness of his faith by showing love and patience and contentment
We don’t need to use words to witness and show others what makes us different
Then Paul sums up his examples
What we do we don’t do because of someone else
The praises of men are not what we seek
When we make decisions about what we do based on what men will say, we will inevitably make wrong choices
We will make choices depending on how it is received by others
Or we will intentionally do the wrong thing because we don’t feel the other person deserves the right thing
Or the other person has done something to offend us, so we feel the right to retaliate
When we work for the Lord, our decisions will always be based on what He expects
And His holiness, and His worth and what He deserves
And that standard will always drive us to the right place
And don’t worry about men’s rewards, because God has your back – eternal rewards you can work towards
And don’t worry about those who deserve punishment, God has that in control too
As Paul wraps up the letter, he makes mention of how the church should respond to the world at large
Up to now, he’s focused on how they live with one another
But now, he speaks about how to treat the world
First, be devoted to prayer
The word devoted means ceaselessly active
And be alert in it
This means looking for needs, paying attention to where you can engage in prayer for the needs of God’s work
And carry an attitude of thanksgiving into the prayer, not one of sorrow or anger or disappointment
And in those prayers, Paul specifically says remember him and his companions to have success in carrying the Gospel
Paul asks the church to use wisdom to make the most of every opportunity God gives them
Paul is saying that the church’s purpose as Christ’s ambassadors is to use every opportunity to tell the foreigners around us about the home we have in heaven
And to accomplish this, let your speech be seasoned with grace
This is two concepts together
First, speak graciously, building relationships and drawing people toward us through genuine expressions of love and friendship
Second, bring God’s grace into your conversations, not hesitating to speak of your faith and God’s impact in your life
Season your talk with what God is doing in your life, which might prompt discussion with those God has opened their ears to hear
Paul uses this list to continue to build credibility, remind them of relationships they share in these men
Tychicus was a beloved member of the Colossian church
Paul sent him to relay additional information not in the letter and to encourage the church
Onesimus went with Tychicus delivering the letter to Ephesus, Laodicea and Colossae
Aristarchus was from Thessalonica (Acts 20) and had ministered with Paul in Ephesus before accompanying Paul to Rome
Paul says he was a fellow prisoner, but the word in Greek is unusual and literally meant prisoner of war
Some believe Paul was using it as a play on words
Paul was a prisoner of Caesar, but Aristarchus was a fellow prisoner in the spiritual battle that they were fighting
Barnabas and Mark are mentioned
They were cousins
This is the Mark that wrote the gospel
Mark had failed Paul earlier in Pamphylia having deserted Paul there
Paul didn’t want Mark to accompany them, and it caused a split between Paul and Barnabas
Now it appears they are all reunited in Rome
Encouragement that disappointments and disagreements in ministry aren’t the last word
Jesus Justus is a unique mention
Together with Mark and Barnabas, they are the only Jews (circumcision) to accompany Paul to Rome
This would have added emphasis to Paul’s teaching that all men – Greek or Jew – are one in Christ
Paul mentions Epaphras
He commends him for prayers and concern for the church
He’s not meddling, he’s concerned
Luke was there
Between Luke, Paul and Mark, these three men have written two gospels, the book of Acts, and 13 letters of the New Testament
60% of the NT
Demas was there with Paul
But we hear later in 2 Timothy 4 that he turned against Paul
Finally, greetings to
Laodicea, to the church in the house of Nympha
Probably a house church in that city
There were no church buildings until at least the third century
The church met in homes or public places longer than the United States has been in existence
Don’t ever think that a church begins with a building or even needs one
Paul refers to a letter written to Laodicea, but obviously not part of the Biblical record, and therefore not inspired for inclusion in God’s word
Archippus seems to be the son of Philemon and perhaps the leader of the Colossian church
Paul’s statement would then be a statement of correction to a leader who has failed in his responsibilities in this church
A leader must take hold of their responsibility to lead God’s people
Finally, Paul says he wrote this letter in his own hand
Likely, that sentence was the only one he wrote, to authenticate the letter
So to sum up the letter:
We are all soldiers working together serving the same Lord
The church isn’t a club or a pastime or a social event
But because we are ambassadors of Christ and are called to a life that mirrors Him
And there are eternal consequences for how we carry it out
We must not allow false teachers to draw us off from the purpose God has set in front of us