Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongEzekiel
Ezekiel - Lesson 3
Chapter 3:12-27
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Last week in Ezekiel I taught on our mission to speak the truth of God’s word in love
We’re studying Ezekiel’s commissioning in Chapters 1-3
In the second half of Chapter 2 and the first half of Chapter 3, the Lord commanded Ezekiel to go and speak to the rebellious people of Israel in exile in Babylon
The Lord told Ezekiel to be obedient to this calling regardless of whether Israel listened to him or not
He warned Ezekiel that Israel would respond harshly to his prophecies
Nevertheless, Ezekiel was to speak boldly, without holding back the truth
And he was to keep himself above reproach, obeying all the Lord told him
In these things, Ezekiel becomes an example for all God’s people
Though we aren’t prophets, we still have a call to reach a lost and dying world with the truth
And though we haven’t received a vision of God on His throne, we have received something even more precious
We have the full counsel of the Word of God and we have the Spirit of God living in us
So by way of Ezekiel’s example, we too are called to speak the truth in love even though we know the world won’t approve
Now we’re ready to conclude this section of Ezekiel, considering the personal cost of speaking the truth for God
As we begin let’s remember Jesus’ words about the personal cost of following Him
Luke 14:27 “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:28 “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?
Luke 14:29 “Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him,
Luke 14:30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
Following Jesus as His disciple brings a personal cost
We must pick up our own cross, as Jesus said, which means to be prepared to sacrifice everything, even our own lives, in service to Him
And to illustrate what He means, Jesus asks who would undertake the effort and cost to build a tower before determining if he had enough funds to complete the project?
Would you begin to build a pool in your backyard without asking for an estimate first?
How foolish would that be? You could end up with a pit in the ground and no pool when you ran out of money
So why would you embark on following Jesus without at least considering what it will cost to do so?
If we’re not willing to look foolish in front of our neighbors when we construct a pool…
Then why risk humiliation before the Living God when we agree to serve Him?
We must appreciate the costs so that we will be prepared to accept them
That’s the challenge facing Ezekiel this morning
He’s received a call from God, one that will bring significant costs
So let’s see how Ezekiel responds to this burden
Ezek. 3:12 Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard a great rumbling sound behind me, “Blessed be the glory of the Lord in His place.”
Ezek. 3:13 And I heard the sound of the wings of the living beings touching one another and the sound of the wheels beside them, even a great rumbling sound.
Ezek. 3:14 So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away; and I went embittered in the rage of my spirit, and the hand of the Lord was strong on me.
Ezek. 3:15 Then I came to the exiles who lived beside the river Chebar at Tel-abib, and I sat there seven days where they were living, causing consternation among them.
Ezekiel says that as the Lord stopped speaking to Him, he was lifted up by the Spirit
He’s taken away from the throne of God and transported back to the exiles in Babylon
He’s transported by the Spirit
And he hears the cherubim making great noise as they move behind him
It appears Ezekiel can no longer see these creatures, but merely hears them moving behind him
Amidst the great sounds of rumbling, Ezekiel hears a voice declare “Blessed be the glory of the Lord in His place”
The mention of God’s glory reminds us that these sounds and visions are manifestations of the Shechinah glory of God
The word Shechinah means dwelling, and refers to the presence of God dwelling among men
The Shechinah glory makes frequent appearances in the Old Testament, most commonly in the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle
This is Ezekiel’s first exposure to the Shechinah glory of God, which is ironic because he was training to be a priest
A priest would have been among a privileged few in Israel to regularly come near the glory of God in the Holy Place
In exile, Ezekiel will never serve as a priest in the tabernacle
Yet now he receives an even greater appreciation of God’s glory while in Babylon
Remember, you may have your eye on a certain ministry or mission, but God may redirect you
Redirection in ministry isn’t a sign of failure or reason to pout…it means God has something better waiting for you
Then in v.14, we have Ezekiel’s first reaction to everything he’s heard and seen
It says he was embittered in the rage of his spirit
As a result of his remarkable encounter with God, Ezekiel is wrestling with two conflicting emotions inside himself
He has bitterness and he has a rage in his Spirit
In Hebrew, the word rage could be translated literally as heat
You could say he felt heat in his spirit
And who could blame him…he’s had an audience with the Living God
He’s seen the glory of God and the awesome majesty of His cherubim and of the throne
Have you ever had the opportunity to meet a childhood hero or favorite musician or celebrity?
When people finally meet someone they idolize, they usually walk away from that encounter feeling flushed, exhilarated, jubilant
In part, I think that’s what Ezekiel must have been feeling
Only we need to magnify the effect by about a million fold
Ezekiel’s spirit is hot having come so close to the glory of God
Yet on the other hand, he’s also embittered
He’s probably feeling bitterness because he knows how little regard his countrymen have for the glory of God
He’s just experienced the sweetness of the word of the Lord and the awesomeness of His majesty
And now back among his people in Tel Aviv, Ezekiel sees on full display the depravity and idolatry and indifference of Israel for this great God Who has made them His people
Therefore, he knows the terrible things that must come against them for their sin
And he grows bitter
It reminds us that prophecy is a double-edged sword
On the one hand it’s sweet to know God’s purposes in advance
That’s why the scroll was sweet in Ezekiel’s mouth
John has a similar experience later in Revelation 10
Rev. 10:9 So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. And he said to me, “Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”
Rev. 10:10 I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter.
Like Ezekiel, John found the word of prophecy sweet in his mouth
But when the content of God’s word hit home, it left him bitter
It’s not God’s word that causes us to feel bitter; God’s word is always sweet as we said
But we become bitter as we understand that the word of God brings wrath against sinful hearts, in the day of judgment
So it’s Israel’s hard heart that leaves the prophet feeling bitter
In an instant, Ezekiel realizes that the hearts of his Israel are too hard to be turned even by the severe warnings of God
And so the outcome will be a disaster, which is a bitter thought indeed
So you may identify with Ezekiel in his bitterness and rage in his spirit
Having come to know the grace of God in Jesus Christ, you want everyone to understand and appreciate what you understand about God
You’ll feel excitement to share the Lord and His word
You burn with desire in your spirit for everyone to give Christ the glory He deserves
We feel like one of those disciples on the road to Emmaus after encountering Jesus
Luke 24:31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him; and He vanished from their sight.
Luke 24:32 They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:33 And they got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found gathered together the eleven and those who were with them,
Luke 24:34 saying, “The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon.”
That’s the right response to a revelation of the holy God
That’s the “heat” Ezekiel felt in his spirit
But at the same time we may also feel a growing bitterness
The closer you get to the glory of God, the more intolerant and even bitter you will become toward sin and those who approve it
The better we know God, the more we respond to sin as He does
After you experience the awesome majesty of God, you’ll recoil at the vanity of human beings
If you understand the righteous judgment of God, then you’ll shudder contemplating the destiny of the unrepentant sinner
Once you know the wisdom of God in His word, you’ll lose patience for the foolishness of human wisdom
Once you have the perfection and holiness of God living in you, you begin to hate sin – especially your own
Even more, we can feel sadness when we see how the world just doesn’t get it
We see unbelievers who sin with impunity, without regard for their eternal future
Yet we know judgment is only a heartbeat away
And our hearts hurt to see our fellow believers wasting their time on earth caught up in sinful or selfish pursuits
We want them to live out their faith so they may receive a full reward
When we see these things, we may feel angry, bitter and even vengeful
That’s the bitterness Ezekiel feels
He knows his people are turning their backs on the glory of the Lord
And he knows what’s coming for them
We could label this bitter feeling as righteous anger, but if it’s going to remain righteous, we have to put it to work in the right way
We can’t let our resentment over another’s sin lead us to judge them harshly or to refrain from serving them with the truth
Have you ever felt that instinct…to refrain from sharing the Gospel because you don’t feel someone deserves to be saved?
You’re so bitter against them that you secretly look forward to them receiving God’s wrath, so you withhold the good news
As if we have control over their salvation in any case…we don’t…read Jonah again
Now I doubt most of us would admit to thinking this way about someone else, but I suspect we all know the feeling
Obviously, it’s an unloving, sinful response and it’s exactly the opposite of what Jesus did
He experienced the ugliness of humanity in a way none of us will ever know, thankfully
The world spit in the face of God Himself…it’s hard to do worse than that
And yet He showed no bitterness toward that sin
Rather He said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”
We need to adopt that same thought…forgive them Father because they don’t know what they’re doing
Moreover, that was you and I before the Gospel came into our hearts
Or at least that’s who we would have become apart from the grace of God
So how can we look down our noses at someone else who is dead in their sins and needs to know the love of God?
That’s why we’ve been given the indwelling of His Spirit…so that we can know God and offer that to others
That’s the challenge Ezekiel faces at this point…to share the glory of God that touched him with an undeserving people who will likely reject it
So let’s see how he gets started with that mission
In v.15 it says Ezekiel came back to sit among the exiles in Tel Aviv
And he sits there for a week “causing consternation among them”
The Septuagint translates this verse this way:
Ezek. 3:15 Then I passed through the air and came into the captivity, and went round them that dwelt by the river of Chobar who were there; and I sat there seven days, conversant in the midst of them.
The Septuagint (LXX) translation says Ezekiel was conversing as he sat among the people and the NASB says he was causing consternation
I suspect he was explaining what he saw and heard during his encounter with the Lord
So he’s trying to communicate to these people, but he’s getting ahead of the Lord
Because at this point, Ezekiel has not been given a specific message to deliver to the people
God has not yet said “Thus saith the Lord” to Ezekiel
So what is Ezekiel sharing? He can only be sharing his personal experience seeing the glory of God
And by what he shared, he confuses the people or at least he’s freaking them out (as we would say today)
He’s causing consternation and astonishment, because he’s speaking about mysterious and frightening things
Obviously, this isn’t going to fix a rebellious heart
So after seven days of this going on, the Lord is ready to begin giving Ezekiel a word for the people
Ezek. 3:16 At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Ezek. 3:17 “Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me.
Ezek. 3:18 “When I say to the wicked, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.
Ezek. 3:19 “Yet if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered yourself.
Ezek. 3:20 “Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.
Ezek. 3:21 “However, if you have warned the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; and you have delivered yourself.”
Now after the seven days Ezekiel receives his first word from the Lord
Notice this time there is no vision, no creatures darting about, doing wheelies and the like
It’s just the word of the Lord
And though we don’t know how this communication took place, Ezekiel is confident he heard from the Lord
First in v.17 the Lord tells Ezekiel he will serve as a watchman for Israel
A watchman was a guard who walked along the top of the walls of a city
He kept a lookout for threats headed toward the city
The job of a watchman was NOT to fight the threat
His job was to issue a warning to the people so they could respond properly in defense of the city
So Ezekiel’s job is to warn the people of Israel so they may act accordingly
Ezekiel isn’t supposed to act on his own or try to take matters into his own hands
He will simply relay the warnings God gives him
Now of course being a good watchman requires that we relay our information completely, accurately and in a timely fashion
What would we think of a watchman who only gave us half the story…a partial warning?
Or a watchman that slept on duty?
We wouldn’t think that watchman was doing his job at all
Furthermore, it’s in the watchman’s own best interest to speak accurately, because if he fails to warn the people, he dies too
So a poor watchman puts his own life at risk as well as those of the city when he fails at his task
And so it would be for Ezekiel too, the Lord says
In v.18 the Lord warns Ezekiel that whenever God issues a warning to the wicked, Ezekiel will be held responsible for what he does next
If he fails to deliver the message to the wicked as the Lord commands, then both the wicked and the watchman will die
Conversely, the Lords says in v.19 that if Ezekiel is obedient, he will be preserved regardless of what the wicked do with his warning
Here again, the point is that a watchman is only accountable for giving the warning, not whether his warning is heeded
And just to show that the Lord is evenhanded and is not a respecter or persons, He tells Ezekiel in vs.20-21 that this process will work the same way for the righteous who fall into sin
If a righteous man falls into sin, then God will warn that man to change his ways
If he heeds the warnings, he will live longer on earth
If he fails to heed the warning, he will be consigned to an early death
God will place a stumbling block before him to cause his death
But regardless of the man’s response, if Ezekiel is obedient, he will not be caught up in the punishment
On the other hand, if Ezekiel fails to warn the righteous man, Ezekiel will die with him
To be clear, in both cases the judgment God is talking about is an earthly judgment of a physical nature
The Lord isn’t speaking about eternal judgment of the soul
A person’s eternal judgment is determined by faith alone, not by their works whether good or bad
Notice that even though the Lord made a distinction between the wicked (unbelievers) and the righteous (believers) in His instructions…
Still both groups suffered the same fate if they failed to heed the warning: an early death
That tells us the Lord is talking about consequences for disobeying the Old Covenant, not eternal consequences for failing to believe
Whether you were a believer or unbeliever in Israel, you were still bound to the terms of the Old Covenant
So God’s people must heed His warnings or else the Lord would end their lives prematurely as punishment
What happened to them after they died depended on the heart of each person
The unbelieving (wicked) experience the second death
While believing (righteous) go into eternal life
But notice also in v.20 that in the case of the righteous, their righteous deeds will not be remembered either
So a believer who fell into sin and ignored God’s warnings not only died sooner, but also risked losing eternal reward
So now we understand the personal cost for Ezekiel serving the Living God as a watchman
He could not look away from the approaching danger or fail to speak it to Israel
Nor was Ezekiel supposed to worry about the outcome once he spoke the word
He must obey the Lord and leave the result to the Lord
Which means he had to conform his behavior and lifestyle to ensure obedience to this calling
Sitting among the exiles conversing about his visions wasn’t a part of Ezekiel’s job description
He had been talking too much and it wasn’t helping the situation
Ezekiel was to speak only when the Lord commanded,
And he also was to remain silent when the Lord wasn’t speaking through him
That may not seem like much of a cost for this man, but let the implications of this requirement sink in for a moment
Ezekiel is no longer free to interact with his countrymen in the way he preferred
He was constrained by God to a very specific and very restrictive lifestyle, one that made him a more effective prophet
But it also came at great personal cost
We see the full extent of this burden in the last passage from this chapter
Ezek. 3:22 The hand of the Lord was on me there, and He said to me, “Get up, go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you.”
Ezek. 3:23 So I got up and went out to the plain; and behold, the glory of the Lord was standing there, like the glory which I saw by the river Chebar, and I fell on my face.
Ezek. 3:24 The Spirit then entered me and made me stand on my feet, and He spoke with me and said to me, “Go, shut yourself up in your house.
Ezek. 3:25 “As for you, son of man, they will put ropes on you and bind you with them so that you cannot go out among them.
Ezek. 3:26 “Moreover, I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be mute and cannot be a man who rebukes them, for they are a rebellious house.
Ezek. 3:27 “But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you will say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God.’ He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house.
These are the final instructions the Lord gives Ezekiel in preparation to receive his first prophecy which begins in Chapter 4
Ezekiel says the hand of the Lord was on him there by the river
Earlier in v.14 he also said that the hand of the Lord was strong on him
He is being comforted, strengthened, and prepared for his mission, because he will need the Lord’s strength
Next, he’s told to go away from the camp to receive the word of the Lord
Why does the Lord send Ezekiel away to receive the word?
After all, the Lord is already speaking to Ezekiel here now?
I think the answer relates to what’s happened already and to what will follow in this chapter
Earlier, Ezekiel sat for a week in Tel Aviv in conversation with the exiles
He probably told them bad things were coming, that the Lord was preparing judgment, and that they needed to repent
He shared his own thoughts, his own wisdom, not God’s wisdom
So now that the Lord is ready for Ezekiel to begin speaking to the people, He doesn’t want His words to be confused as just more conversation
To correct this problem, the Lord does two things
First, he directs Ezekiel to get out of town for a while
He will receive his instructions from a nearby plain or uninhabited area
Then when Ezekiel returns to the people, they will see him as one coming with a message from God
Rather than merely someone spouting off his own opinions
The Lord commonly takes His prophets away before bringing them back with a word
Moses went to Midian and later he climbed Mt Sinai multiple times so that he could come to the people with a word from the Lord
The Lord sent Amos from the southern kingdom to the northern kingdom to bring the word of the Lord to a evil king
He drove John the Baptist into the wilderness and then brought him back to declare the time for the Messiah was at hand
The Lord led Saul into Arabia before bringing him back to the church as the apostle Paul
He even sent Jesus into Egypt as a child and later sent Him into the wilderness, so that He could return to begin His ministry
So the Lord separates His prophets from among the people to mark the delivery of something new and special
The Lord sends Ezekiel to a plain
And there he encounters the Shechinah glory of God and hears a word from the Lord
Now his words and the word of the Lord can be distinguished
Secondly, the Lord makes sure Ezekiel won’t create this same confusion in the future
In v.24 the Lord tells Ezekiel to live under house arrest
He was to stay in his home and not spend time among the people
This probably accomplished two things
First, Ezekiel was no longer in a position to lead a normal life, to interact with the people of Israel and to speak of his own accord
From this point forward, the only time the people hear Ezekiel speak will be when the Lord speaks through him
Notice in v.27 the Lord says that only when the Lord speaks to Ezekiel may he then open his mouth and speak to the people
This will ensure that the people recognize that everything Ezekiel says from this point forward is from the Lord
They will soon come to understand that when Ezekiel speaks, they should listen
But there is a second reason for this isolation
The Lord is protecting Ezekiel from the people and even from himself
The people of Israel were immersed in sinful practices of one kind or another
So that if Ezekiel lived among them in a normal fashion, it would be very difficult for him to fully separate himself from their practices
Associating too closely with them would likely compromise his walk and his witness
Remember the Lord told Ezekiel he must live according to the word he would share with Israel
Since Israel is so corrupt, there was no safe harbor from sin among them…except to remain in one’s own house
In v.25 the Lord says that Israel will put ropes on him and bind him so that he cannot go out among them
There is no evidence in the record of Ezekiel that this event happens to Ezekiel literally
So it’s best understood as figurative speech
The Lord is saying that the sins of the people have forced God to bind up Ezekiel in his home
The evil of Israel has tied Ezekiel’s hands, so to speak, leaving Ezekiel with no option except to isolate himself to prevent defilement
So the Lord’s instruction protects Ezekiel from the sin of the people
Finally, this isolation will protect Ezekiel from himself
The Lord says in v.26 He is going to make Ezekiel mute should Ezekiel decide to speak on his own again
Ezekiel has already shown a propensity to talk without permission, so we can assume he will be tempted to speak again in the future
Then at the end of v.26 the Lord says he will not allow Ezekiel’s tongue to rebuke a man, because they are rebellious
God knew that Israel was rebellious, so rebellious in fact that it was unreasonable to expect Ezekiel to remain silent on his own
Even the most heartless person would have wanted to warn Israel of the things God was prepared to bring upon them
So God said He places Ezekiel in his home and prevents him from speaking to ensure that Ezekiel’s words are God’s words only
In the end, Ezekiel was called to be a watchman, a faithful deliverer of God’s warnings to Israel
And he was to let the chips fall where they will
The Lord ends saying let him who hears, hear, and let him who refuses, refuse
The outcome is not our responsibility…we are merely the messenger
This was the personal cost Ezekiel paid to be a prophet of God…he had to isolate himself from God’s people
What does serving God cost you? It will always cost something…
Less time for what we want, more time for what He wants
Let us make the sacrifices that demonstrate faith