
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn all of Paul’s letters, there is no more passionate defense of the Gospel than the letter to the Galatians
Galatia describes not a city but a region in present-day Southern Turkey
This region was a place Paul traveled during all three of his missionary journeys
In fact, traveling through Galatia was required when headed to Greece or Rome from Judea
Among the cities of Galatia Paul visited in the book of Acts were Antioch, Derbe, Lystra and Iconium
Paul probably wrote this letter shortly after his first missionary journey and probably just after the Council of Jerusalem in AD 49, making it one of Paul’s earlier letters
You may remember that the Council of Jerusalem was a meeting of Peter and Paul, among others, to resolve how the Jewish church and Gentile church were to coexist
In the earliest days of the church, Christians were Jewish and Samaritan
But after Paul began his ministry, the church quickly became Gentile
This caused significant friction leading to some compromises intended to ease the integration of Gentiles
That experience was an important moment in church history, and we’ll see why in Chapter 2 of this letter
After each missionary trip through the region, Paul would return to either Jerusalem or to his home base in Antioch of Syria
And that’s probably where Paul was when he wrote this letter
While there, Paul hears that Jews who claimed to be Christian were moving throughout the region of Galatia spreading false teaching
We call these men Judaizers, because the core of their message was that a Gentile must become a Jew to be saved
Furthermore, they said that even after one receives Christ, a Gentile must continue in observing the Law of Moses
Like the Gnostics (which we studied in Jude’s and John’s letters), this teaching had the potential to corrupt the church and undermine the spread of the Gospel
Naturally, Paul was concerned for the wellbeing of his children in faith, so he writes this letter to counter those false teachers
Galatians is a relatively simple letter
Its focus is to defend the true Gospel of grace
More specifically, Paul writes to accomplish three goals:
First, to defend his authority in the face of the attacks by these false teachers
Secondly, to defend salvation by grace through faith alone
Finally, to encourage Galatian believers to stand firm in the truth they had received by Paul’s instruction
Right away, we see Paul introducing his themes in his salutation
Paul’s salutation follows very conventional Greek practice in the day
Letters in this day began with a certain pattern
Like we begin with “Dear…” or “To Whom It May Concern…”
First, there was a statement of the writer’s identity
Secondly, the audience of the letter was identified
Finally, a statement of greeting was offered (often just the word “greeting”)
Paul identifies himself as Paul, the apostle
This introduces Paul’s first purpose in writing the letter
He is defending his apostolic authority
Most of his letters include a statement of his apostleship, and there is a good reason why Paul often begins his letter this way
No apostle saw his authority questioned more than Paul
The twelve apostles were unique in having served Jesus while in the flesh
Paul never had the privilege
Furthermore, Paul was well known as the man who persecuted the church during its early years
The first Christian martyr fell at Paul’s feet
So Paul’s adversaries took every opportunity to cast doubt on his authority to teach doctrine
Lastly, Paul’s teaching on the meaning of the Gospel and fundamental doctrines of the faith were far beyond what other apostles were teaching in the day
Paul was given knowledge to share with the church that no other apostle received, including those who accompanied Jesus
So his critics made a case that his position of authority was one he took upon himself or which other men granted him
And they said Paul’s ideas were so far beyond anyone else’s teaching
Even the apostle Peter acknowledged that Paul was in a league of his own when it came to revealing God’s word, when Peter said:
So as Paul begins the greetings in most of his letters, he takes extra effort to remind his audiences that his apostleship was no less authentic than any other
Paul was appointed to his position as an apostle by Christ personally, he says
Which is the way every apostle gained his office
The criteria to be an apostle is that you have been appointed by Christ in person and called by Him to be His apostle
The twelve received that calling before Jesus died
And Paul received it after Jesus was resurrected
And Paul was sent by God the Father and the Son with the message he delivered
If we accept that Paul was called by Jesus personally
And if he was sent by God to bring a message
Then we must also accept that his message is consistent with God’s will
I suspect that the book of Acts is in the canon largely to validate Paul’s calling and teaching
Much in the same way that Jesus’ ministry is explained and validated in the four Gospels
Paul’s ministry is explained and validated by the record of Acts
The next thing Paul introduces in his salutation in vs.3-4 is a defense of the Gospel of grace
He states that we are saved from our sins by Christ giving Himself for us
Simply put, we were saved by grace, God’s unmerited favor
And that grace gave us peace with God, Paul says
And that grace came as a matter of the will of God
This is the salvation Paul preached everywhere
Salvation is a matter of God’s grace alone and nothing else
If someone claims that any work is required for salvation, they have changed the message and distorted the gospel
Men receive grace, men receive peace, men receive salvation
Men do not earn it
Men do not retain it
Men do not even ask for it
Finally, Paul introduces his final theme that Christians are to stand firm in the peace that comes from the true gospel
In vs4-5 Paul says that the true Gospel also rescues us from the evil of this present age
When we receive the Gospel, we are born again
That spiritual change separates us from the sin of the world, the deadness of the world, the ignorance of the world
We are set apart from that evil even as we live around it
Secondly, we are set apart in our future destiny
We are rescued from the judgment this world will experience
We will not share in that fate
Now notice, if God’s grace has rescued us from the world around us and from the judgment to come, then what more is required than grace?
That’s Paul’s point
The Gospel of grace grants us everything we need for our life both now and to come
It is the source of our sanctification and justification
Nothing else is required
So having reminded the church of what it means to receive the Gospel, Paul then lobs a cannonball across their bow…
Paul opens with a rebuke asking how they departed so quickly from the truth he delivered
He says he’s amazed, which is the Greek word thaumazo
It means to marvel or wonder
Paul simply can’t believe they have changed their view of the Gospel so easily
Notice Paul says the church is deserting Christ
Paul will speak in these terms at several points in this letter
To abandon the Gospel is to abandon Christ
They are abandoning the One Who called them by grace
Where are they turning?
Paul says they are turning to a different Gospel
And to be clear, Paul adds that a different Gospel is really not another gospel
The word gospel in Greek means glad tidings or good news
So Paul says a different Gospel is not good news at all
In all our studies of false teaching in the Jude and John letters, we’ve noted time and again that false teachers always attack at the heart of the faith
They bring an alternative preaching or Gospel
Whereas the true apostles made the Gospel the center of all their preaching, false teachers make some other point their focus
Instead of salvation from hell, they offer salvation from poverty
Instead of repairing a dead spirit, they want to repair our physical bodies
They substitute a different outcome for the one the true Gospel offers
They aren’t preaching that we become saved by faith in Jesus Christ and then the Lord may choose to bless us with wealth, health, etc.
They set aside the issue of sin and the need for eternal salvation altogether and move to other topics
And any message that substitutes for the true Gospel is a false Gospel
So when we use the word “Gospel,” what truth are we describing?
Can we all describe in a few sentences what the Gospel really is?
Shouldn’t every Christian be able to explain the Gospel succinctly?
Otherwise, we are ripe for someone to convince us that the Gospel is something other than what it truly is
After all, Paul was amazed how quickly they abandoned the Gospel in Galatia
Proving that it’s easy to succumb to a false message if we are not continually reminded of the truth
Therefore, we have to know what the Gospel is before we can know what it isn’t
In short, the Gospel is the message of salvation, the good news that men may be forgiven of their sins and reconciled to God
It is a message centered on the Person and work of Jesus Christ
And it comes in two distinct parts
First, the Gospel message begins with repentance from dead works
Repentance is a work that God Himself accomplishes in the hearts of those He saves
This godly repentance leads a person to a turn away from a life apart from God
To turn from the sin of unbelief
To acknowledge the need for salvation
Elsewhere Paul teaches this repentance is a product of God’s will
Secondly, the Gospel proclaims we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ which is also given to us by grace
We believe and confess Jesus is Lord, that He died to pay the debt for our sin
And He was resurrected to demonstrate His power over death
Elsewhere Paul explains that this faith is also a product of God’s grace
So by God’s grace, we are brought to our knees in recognition of our sin before God
Yet by that same grace we are made to stand by faith in the righteousness of Christ
This is the true Gospel…nothing more, nothing less
Everything else we learn in God’s word is connected in some way to furthering this message
But nothing in God’s word changes the Gospel or adds to it
We can’t add water baptism, tongues, prayers, circumcision, ceremonies, denominational membership, etc.
Sometimes you will see churches claiming to teach “the full gospel” which is a warning sign that they are distorting the Gospel
We can’t look outside the Bible to find new information to compliment or change this truth
And we can’t look backward into the Old Testament and find extra obligations to add to this truth
The Gnostics were looking outside the Bible for knowledge to add to the Gospel
While the Judaizers were returning to the Old Testament to add obligations to the Gospel
Paul says that these churches in Galatia were being disturbed by men who wanted to distort the Gospel in this way
The Judaizers fully intended to change Paul’s message; this wasn’t an accident or misunderstanding
The word for distort literally means to twist or turn around
They were manipulating the message to move it in a different direction
Remember, false teachers are unbelievers who do not understand the very things they are presuming to teach
They claimed that what Paul taught the churches wasn’t complete
When the church heard this message, it disturbed them
It not only confused the believers concerning the true Gospel, but it also left them doubting everything else Paul taught
If Paul was wrong on the Gospel, then what value could there be in anything Paul says?
But Paul draws a hard line between himself and them
He says if anyone offers a different message than the one Paul preached – even if it is an angel – then they are to be accursed
The word accursed means damnable, as in going to Hell
Paul says by definition if someone holds to a different Gospel, that one has been reserved for judgment
Notice that even if an angelic being appears with this other Gospel, then that angel is to be considered accursed
What is another word for an accursed angel? Demon
An angel declaring a Gospel other than the one Paul delivered is to be understood to be a demon, Paul says
We know that the Mormon faith begins with a story of an “angel” delivering a different Gospel than the one Paul delivered
And there are other traditions that rely on stories of angels or supernatural beings
And we are expected to give additional credence to supernatural messengers
But the Bible says we give them no credit when they try to change the Gospel message
And let’s not overlook Paul’s choice to repeat this statement twice
I can’t think of any other time when Paul repeats himself in this way
Of all the things Paul said in the New Testament, he reserved his strongest statement to condemn preaching false Gospels
The rest of the first chapter is devoted to Paul providing background on how he came to know the truth and share it with this church
Paul wants this church to have full confidence that he is speaking with the authority of the Lord
Paul begins his defense with a simple question: was his purpose in preaching to please men and gain their favor?
Paul is arguing to the Galatians that his motives in preaching were pure
Men who tell lies do so for some self-interest or motive
They want to gain something with their lies that the truth couldn’t gain them on its own
So if Paul was lying to the Galatians, he asks what possible motive would he have had in preaching a lie?
Paul says, did my preaching win the favor of men?
When Paul taught throughout Galatia and Asia Minor, he was pursued by Jews and persecuted at every step
He was thrown out of synagogues
Chased out of town by Roman soldiers enlisted by Jewish leaders
He was poorly clothed, hungry, thirsty, and treated like scum according to 1 Corinthians 4
So he had no incentive to lie, cause it didn’t make his life easier
If he had wanted to please men, he said he would not be a slave of Christ
Since Paul’s motive in preaching wasn’t to gain men’s favor, Paul explains how he came to preach his message
Before we consider how Paul received his revelation, let’s consider that statement for a moment
Paul heard the Gospel preached to him not by the mouth of a man but by Jesus Christ Himself
Paul says the Gospel was not preached to him by a man
Yet we have the story of Stephen in Acts 7
In Acts 7, Stephen is confronted by the Pharisees and an angry Jewish mob, which claims he was preaching heresy
In his defense, Stephen presents the beautifully detailed summary of how the Old Testament preaches Christ from the beginning
At the end of his speech, he declared
At this point, Stephen’s declarations drive the Jewish crowd to attack him and stone him to death, even as Stephen prays for their forgiveness
As all this takes place, a Pharisee stands watching and approving the event
That Pharisee is described in v.58
So the man who would become the apostle Paul is listening to the Gospel preached by a man named Stephen
Yet having heard it, Paul nevertheless approves Stephen’s stoning
At the beginning of Chapter 8 in Acts, we read this
As Paul heard the Gospel preached by Stephen, he not only didn’t believe it, but it only caused Paul to act in greater opposition to the message
Paul demonstrates in his own life a spiritual truth of the Gospel of grace
Paul says the Gospel wasn’t preached to him a man, but by Jesus
Yet we know Stephen preached in his hearing
Paul is demonstrating that the Gospel is a matter of grace
Until the Lord determines to grant us repentance and the gift of faith, the message literally bounces off our hard heart
It may even cause us to react in anger as it assaults our pride and self-righteousness
But when the day comes for salvation, the call of the Gospel is met with repentance and faith by the will of God
So now Paul gives his testimony of how he came to be an apostle, which is his first defense against his accusers
At several points, Paul gives his personal testimony in the book of Acts, and we have the full story in Acts 9, but none offer the details Paul supplies here
First, Paul reminds the church of his former life as Saul, the Pharisee
He lived a life according to the manner of Judaism
Notice that Paul speaks of living a life in Judaism as a past tense
He isn’t saying he was no longer a Jew, but rather he was no longer living a life of Judaism
His point is that a true Jew moves to follow the Lord as the Lord reveals more truth
So when the Gospel was revealed in Jesus Christ, a true Jew would leave behind the old ways of Judaism to follow Christ
Being a good Jew is not following the Law of Moses; being a good Jew is following the Lord
And until Paul knew the truth, he was living according to a distorted and manufactured lifestyle called Judaism
He was an unbelieving Jew
Consequently, he tried to destroy the very thing that was from God even as he supposed he was a man following God
This is the classic state of mind of every religious unbeliever
Religious unbelievers are convinced they have the truth even as they oppose Christianity, which is religious truth
Their zealousness will often lead them to become persecutors of true believers
Just as we see in Islam today or Catholicism during the Reformation or among the Roman pagans and Jews of Paul’s day
Paul’s point in reminding the church of his former state is to make clear that Paul would have been the last person to naturally choose to begin preaching the Gospel
Paul’s former life is itself a testimony to the power of God
No one who knew the old Saul could ever imagine that he could become a strong advocate for the Gospel in any form
It goes to the issue of credibility
Paul traded in a position of honor and power within Jewish culture to preach a message he formerly hated
Notice in v.14 that Paul says his life in Judaism was going smashingly well
He was advancing beyond his peers and had everything to lose by turning his back on that way of life
He was selected to carry the letters to arrest Christians in Damascus, which was a choice assignment
Additionally, Paul presumably would have been the first person to advocate for Gentile Christians to pursue a Jewish way of life were it necessary, since Paul himself was an expert in that life
But he advocated for ancestral traditions, not for the Gospel
Paul’s past demonstrates the power of the Gospel to change hearts and lives
Paul proves no one is beyond God’s reach
There is no human explanation for Paul’s switch…it was a miracle as it is every time a person comes to faith
But at the same time, the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing
Leaving us to conclude that salvation is a work of God alone
My own personal background shares some of these elements
While I was never a zealous religious person, I was quick to defend my family traditions in Catholicism
I didn’t know what I was talking about, but I would still defend the Catholic tradition in the face of Christian attacks
It took a miracle of God in the Gospel to open my eyes and show me the truth
The next part of Paul’s story reflects how grace works, starting with the plan and will of God to save a person
Paul says in v.15 that the Lord had set Paul apart from his mother’s womb
The word set apart is aphorizo, meaning to set a boundary around
Paul was marked out by God from birth to fill a certain role in God’s providence
Paul is saying that his mission to serve Christ was something God assigned to Paul from the beginning of his life
In fact, we might say as was said to Pharaoh, that the Lord raised him up for this very purpose
Or as Jesus said to Nathaniel:
We have all been set apart in this same way, according to Paul again in his letter to Ephesus
All believers are marked out for the call to faith that comes one day
We are predestined by God to be adopted by Him through faith in Jesus
And these things happen according to the will of God
This is what Paul is saying to the church in Galatia
Paul was set apart and then on an appointed day he was called by grace
That call was the call of the Gospel, only in Paul’s case that presentation of the Gospel was made by none less than Jesus Himself
Notice Paul says the Lord revealed the Son “in” Paul not “to“ Paul
Paul’s point is that the revelation of the truth of Jesus is made in our hearts by the power of the Spirit
It is not made as an argument we process intellectually and then receive as we might receive instruction in math
Salvation is an inside out process rather than an outside in process
Then Paul says in v.16 that God directed Paul to preach to the Gentiles
Luke describes Paul’s commissioning by Christ this way
Paul’s testimony reflects Jesus’ own words
Paul was God’s chosen instrument to preach to Gentiles and suffer in the process
Paul’s life is unique in many ways, but his experience of being called to faith and appointed to serve Christ is NOT unique
Every Christian is called into faith so we may serve Christ
Paul says in Romans 12 we are to present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices to God
Paul’s service was unique, but service to God is the call for every Christian
Now Paul turns to the question of his training and knowledge…how did Paul come to know what he shared with the churches?
Paul begins at the end of v.16 by saying he didn’t immediately consult with men
Paul uses the phrase “flesh and blood” to make clear that he did not receive his training from human beings
Paul was traveling in north Judea when he was saved
But he says his first destination was not to meet the other apostles in Jerusalem
In fact, had he arrived there first, he likely would have not been received given his recent history
Instead, Paul goes to Arabia
Arabia refers to the vast desert wilderness southeast of Israel
Modern day Saudi Arabia
We don’t know exactly what he was doing in Arabia, but we can assume he was being retrained by the Lord Himself
We get a hint of that time by something Paul explained to the church in Corinth, when he wrote in the third person speaking of himself
Once again, Paul’s experience is unique, but it still serves as a useful pattern for every believer
When a person comes to faith in Christ, the most important first step that person can take in their walk is to study God’s word
To “go away” and spend time learning the faith God has given them
To build a solid foundation of doctrine and understanding
If we do that, we will be so much better prepared to serve Christ
If we neglect this step, we will step out in arrogance and ignorance and be more harm than good in many cases
So Paul was called by God and prepared and trained by God, and then Paul says he talked to virtually no one else before he began preaching the Gospel to Gentiles
Only after first returning to Damascus and ministering for three years did Paul eventually go to Jerusalem to meet Peter
He went there simply to become acquainted with Peter, not to be trained by him
They spent only 15 days together – not enough time for Paul to have been trained by Peter in any case
Other than Peter, Paul only met James, the leader of the church in Jerusalem
So he had virtually no exposure to the men who learned from Christ
From there Paul went directly into Asia Minor to preach
As Paul entered into those regions, he was such an unknown commodity that men only knew of his past
When Paul arrived, they assumed he was a man coming to kill Christians
So naturally, when he preached the Gospel instead it was a shock
His point in all this was to demonstrate that his ministry as an apostle was not a product of men, not even the other apostles
He is not part of a vast conspiracy to deliver a lie to the churches in Galatia
He was not an apostle wannabe that left Jerusalem for better prospects
He was an apostle before meeting Peter or James
So his authority did not extend from those entities
Paul was a man called, trained and commissioned directly by God
Paul ends by emphasizing that his past as a persecutor of the church and as a man saved by Christ and trained by God was a part of God’s plan to bring glory to His name
The miraculous nature of his turn around was part of the storyline
Consider the encouragement it must have been to a young and persecuted church to hear that the man who previously persecuted the church was now an apostle for Christ?
Moreover, he did not arrive at that place because he was threatened or because other men persuaded him
From beginning to end, the entire process came at the hand of God
So the message to the church was clear
If God can act in this way to convert a man like Paul and put him to use for the sake of the Gospel, then the church is in good hands
Men could understand that Jesus was caring for His church
And Paul was making clear that his role was one God authored, God directed and God instructed
As Paul moved into ministry in this way, he soon found himself correcting even other apostles to ensure they were all teaching and preaching the Gospel accurately
Next time we’ll move into Chapter 2 as Paul explains how he has defended the true Gospel from the beginning