Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn the opening chapter of Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia, he began a defense against attacks leveled by false teachers
Paul’s teaching of the Gospel differed dramatically from these false teachers
Paul taught a Gospel of salvation by grace through faith alone
The false teachers taught a false gospel of salvation by the works of the Law
So for the Christians in Galatia, the issue came down to a question of credibility
Specifically, who should they believe? Who truly spoke for God? Paul or the false teachers?
While Paul had been with the Galatians, he gave his testimony and demonstrated his power as an apostle
But now that he was gone and living in Ephesus, false teachers took advantage of his absence to disturb and confuse the Galatians
Specifically, the false teachers cited Paul’s sudden appearance on the scene as an apostle years after Jesus’ death and resurrection
They pointed to his prior life as a persecutor of the church
And by these things, they attempted to discredit Paul’s authority and teaching, suggesting he was not a true apostle
Naturally, before Paul can defend the proper view of the Gospel, he needed to remind the church of his authority as an apostle
In Chapter 1 Paul recounted how he came to faith and to his office as an apostle
He emphasized that he was not a product of men or even of the other apostles
Most importantly, Paul’s knowledge of scripture and his understanding of the mysteries of God came to him without the agency of men but by Christ directly
So as we leave Chapter 1 and enter Chapter 2, Paul is still in the process of defending his authority, but his focus is shifting
While in Chapter 1 Paul defended the source of his apostolic office and knowledge, now Paul defends his message
The central disagreement with the false teachers was over the question of Jewish prominence in God’s plan of salvation
Paul called himself the apostle to the Gentiles, the man called to bring the Gospel to the world outside Israel
Paul himself acknowledged the Gospel must go to Jews first before the Lord moved the message outward to the nations
But the Judaizers went a step too far in holding that God only saves Jews, and therefore Paul’s message of salvation for the Gentiles was a lie
So Paul uses this chapter to defend his version of the Gospel – which was that God was at work saving Gentiles now
Furthermore, Paul defends that this Gospel didn’t require that Gentiles live like Jews to receive God’s mercy
On the contrary, the Jewish lifestyle saved no one in the first place – not even a Jew
And to demonstrate that his Gospel was the true Gospel, Paul points to his interactions with the foremost Jewish apostles in the church: James, Peter and John
If these men approved and agreed with Paul’s version of the Gospel, then surely Paul’s Gospel was the true Gospel
Fourteen years passed between Paul’s first visit to Jerusalem to see the apostles and his second visit
This is a remarkably long time between visits, especially for a Jew like Paul
That interval all by itself says something about Paul’s attitude of believers keeping the Jewish law
Every Jewish male was expected to make the trip to worship in Jerusalem on at least three occasions each year
But having come to faith in Christ and commissioned to preach to Gentiles, Paul evidently saw no reason for him to continue visiting the temple
This change in behavior by itself support’s Paul’s view that a life of Judaism under the Law was no longer required for the believer
So why did Paul come back to Jerusalem on this occasion? It was for the council of Jerusalem described in Acts 15
Paul was living in Antioch at this time, ministering with Barnabas
One of Paul’s converts was a Gentile named Titus
And in Acts 15 we read this about Paul’s visit to Jerusalem:
Notice Paul’s visit was prompted by men teaching that Gentiles must become Jewish to participate in the Church
This teaching may have been coming from false teachers or by misinformed believers who didn’t understand grace
In any case Paul is sent with Barnabas to Jerusalem to confer with the leaders of the Jewish church
The hope was that a common understanding would emerge to guide both the Jewish and the Gentile churches
As we see, Peter agreed with Paul and Barnabas that the Jewish requirements of the Law were not a requirement for believers, especially for Gentile believers
In fact Peter says that Israel’s own fathers could not bear the yoke of the Law
So it was folly for a Jew to think that they were ever “keeping” the Law
The best they accomplished was to try and fail to keep the Law
So all the people kept silent in agreement, having listened to Paul and Barnabas telling of God moving among the Gentiles
The point of this report was to show the Jewish church that God was in fact bringing Gentiles to faith
And if the Lord is working in this way, then it fell to the Jewish leaders and members of the church in Jerusalem to acknowledge God’s work and accept it despite their natural prejudices
So moving back to Galatians, Paul says in v.2 that he received a vision that confirmed for him the need to go down to Jerusalem
We don’t know the vision Paul received, but it motivated him to go, in combination with the church’s request
Why does Paul mention the vision here?
I think Paul is saying to the churches in Galatia that he only agreed to make the trip to Jerusalem because the Lord made it clear he should go
Otherwise, Paul would have stayed in Antioch and continued to teach as he was called
The point being that Paul was never dependent on the Jewish apostles for his direction or for his message
Paul knew the message he had been given and he was certain of it
The ones preaching the wrong message were those telling the church they must be Jewish to be saved
But because of the vision, Paul goes up to Jerusalem to meet with the council
Barnabas goes with Paul because he was a fellow apostle and the church sent both together
But why did Paul take Titus?
He took Titus as a test of sorts
Notice Paul says he approached the leaders in private, that is away from the church body as a whole, to learn what they were teaching
Paul wanted to know if the Jewish leaders of the Jewish church were preaching the same Gospel of grace that Paul was teaching
Paul hadn’t been in Jerusalem for fourteen years, yet he knew that Judaizers had been coming down from Jerusalem to deceive the churches in Asia Minor
So he must have wondered what the apostles in Jerusalem were teaching their flock
Had the Jewish church in Jerusalem moved in the direction of the Judaizers?
Were Gentiles rejected unless they agreed to take on a Jewish lifestyle?
Was circumcision being made a requirement?
So Paul takes with him a young, Gentile convert named Titus
Titus was not circumcised, as would be natural for a Greek man
Paul knew that traditionally, Jews would not associate with uncircumcised Gentiles
They would not eat with them
They would not welcome them into their homes
Knowing this, Paul invites Titus along as a test to see how the Jewish leaders react to Titus’ presence in the meeting
The test is whether the Jewish leaders will receive Titus as they might any Jewish believer
It’s important to remember that the Gospel had only seen its first mass Gentile conversion a few years earlier
So the church is still largely Jewish, and the thought that God was inviting Gentiles into the family of God was not only a new concept…
It was an offensive concept for many Jewish believers
With Titus at his side, Paul would immediately know whether the Jewish apostles had understood and embraced the true Gospel of grace or not
Notice Paul says he wondered if he had been running in vain
He means he wondered if he had been preaching a different Gospel than the rest of the Apostles
Notice Paul says in v.5 that he used Titus as a test because of the false brethren, unbelievers masquerading as believers, who had joined the gathering in Antioch
These men were the cause for Paul’s concern, because they claimed to have come from the church in Jerusalem
These false brethren came in secretly, sneaking in to spy on the church, Paul says
We remember from our studies in Jude and John that false teachers join the body in this way, secretly and without announcing themselves
Paul says they entered to spy on the church’s liberty
They were investigating or searching to find Jewish Christians trying to live outside the constraints of Jewish law
If they found such a person, then they intended to bring that person back under bondage
They probably used intimidation, threats or other forms of peer pressure to require compliance with the Law
But notice Paul says what they observed was Christian liberty
These spies were observing what liberty looks like
They were observing a lifestyle apart from living under the Law
Of course, they were false brethren, so they didn’t understand liberty
They only knew legalism
But Paul did understand Christian liberty, perhaps better than any other Apostle, perhaps better than any other man on earth in his day
So Paul says he did not yield to these men, not even for an hour
Today, we would say not even for a minute
Perhaps this reflects the way our culture operates at a quicker pace?
Backing up to verse 3, Paul reports on the outcome of his test
Titus was not required to be circumcised
Paul says “not even” Titus to emphasize the seriousness of this test
If ever there was a moment when we might expect the Jewish leaders to require a Gentile to be circumcised, it would be this group in this kind of moment
Nevertheless, the Jewish leaders made no attempt to enforce Jewish rules on this Gentile believer
They accepted the man as he was, saved by grace
This event all by itself contradicts the teaching of the Judaizers
If the Jewish leaders of the Jerusalem church were willing to accept an uncircumcised Gentile believer, then certainly circumcision wasn’t required for salvation
Paul is demonstrating to his audience that his message was consistent with the one preached by the apostles in Jerusalem
This conference in Jerusalem produced a very positive outcome for Paul and the church
His message was validated, and his view of grace was supported by the apostles
So Paul then explains what happened as he departed Jerusalem
Paul says that the men of high reputation, the apostles in Jerusalem, contributed nothing to Paul’s message of the Gospel
On the contrary, Paul confirmed that he had been entrusted by Christ with the very same Gospel that Christ delivered to Peter and the rest of the church
Paul’s mission was to take that truth to the Gentile, the uncircumcised
While Peter was entrusted with the mission of taking the Gospel to the Jewish people
Notice that James was the leader of the Jewish church
But Paul compares himself to Peter, not James
Peter was the great evangelist of the Jewish people in his day
So Paul compares himself to Peter because they shared a similar mission to different audiences
And Paul adds that the same Lord who made Peter’s ministry successful among stubborn and unbelieving Jews was making Paul successful among an ignorant Gentile people
More importantly, the meeting convinced James, Peter and John that Paul was, in fact, moving in the Spirit and delivering the gospel
Paul calls them pillars, which literally means the tallest poles
These men were the three tallest standing men in the early church
Here we see that even among the twelve, some stood taller
And we see that reflected in the Gospel, as these men are mentioned so much more
And both wrote Gospels (Peter was the author of Mark’s Gospel)
Remember, Paul has spent virtually no time with these men except to meet with Peter and James for a few days
They knew very little of Paul and what he preached
Suspicions probably ran deep
But now Paul and the other apostles were of one mind
So they shake hands and agree to support each other as they all worked for Christ
The only thing these men ask of Paul was that he remember the poor Jewish believers suffering in Jerusalem
Jewish believers in the city of Jerusalem were ill-treated and had little to show for their labors
Their Jewish families rejected them and other Jews wouldn’t do business with them
That left the Jewish believers in the city dependent on support from other churches in the Diaspora
The apostles apparently feared that Paul’s focus on the Gentiles might lead him to turn his back on Jewish believers
But Paul says that was the furthest thing from his mind
He was zealous for the Jewish people and hoped to see them converted
And he certainly wanted to see them supported in Jerusalem
We often see Paul in his letters asking churches in Macedonia and Greece to support the Jewish believers in Jerusalem
Paul has illustrated that his authority is from Christ alone
His salvation and commission was from Christ
His instruction was from Christ
The message He delivered was equal to the gospel Christ gave the Jewish church
But now Paul goes a step further
He illustrates his leadership role was equal to the most prominent apostle in the church
After persecution broke out in Jerusalem, Peter could no longer stay in the city
Eventually he made his way up to Antioch to be with Paul
The church in Antioch, like most churches of the day, were a mixture of Jew and Gentile believers
So when Peter arrived, he was immediately confronted with how to live in a mixed culture
Paul relates this story of Peter’s hypocrisy in that moment
Initially, Peter had no concern living with and eating with Gentile believers
The reference to eating likely also included eating the communion meal together
Peter knew grace as Paul taught, and he agreed that the barriers between Jew and Greek had been torn down by Jesus’ sacrifice
But there came a day when a delegation of leaders sent by James from the church in Jerusalem came to Antioch to visit Peter
When these prominent men arrived, Peter withdrew from fellowship with the Gentiles
He did this fearing the judgment of the “party of the circumcised”
Apparently, this group included some of those who were still intent on making Gentiles become Jewish first
These men refused to fellowship with Gentile believers, including in the communion meal
Peter feared this group, Paul says
Peter stopped eating with Gentiles and joined this Jewish crowd to seek their approval
We can wonder what Peter would fear from these men
But this pattern is sadly consistent with Peter’s entire testimony
He is well known as a man who succumbed to pressure
Paul says this was hypocrisy
Hypocrisy is acting in ways contrary to one’s stated belief or conviction
Peter held a conviction that grace permitted the breaking down of the barrier between the Jew and Gentile
That barrier is the Law itself, and it was now gone
Because of Peter’s hypocrisy, he drew others away with him into sin
Barnabas followed Peter’s lead as did the rest of the Jewish believers in the church
What a powerful reminder of the responsibility to model behavior in keeping with doctrine
When we lead lives different than our teaching or beliefs, we are potentially guilty of leading others into sin
Of setting stumbling blocks for others
Peter was doing that here
So why does Paul choose to relate this embarrassing detail about Peter?
Might this even be considered gossip?
The answer is no, because Paul’s relating an account without intent to shame Peter or hurt Peter
Paul’s point is much more important and entirely appropriate
Paul wants to use this example to discredit the Judaizers
Paul is relating this story about Peter because Peter was the most popular apostle among the Judaizers
They saw Peter’s willingness to conform to their rules as evidence he endorsed their views and they were on the right track
So Paul wanted to demonstrate that the Judaizers’ favorite patron apostle (so to speak) was wrong in his behavior
His support was not evidence that the Judaizers had the right view of the Gospel
Peter’s behavior was merely hypocrisy on his part
More importantly, Paul had the authority to stand up to Peter on this matter
He relates how he responded to Peter’s hypocrisy:
Paul chooses to issue a public rebuke of Peter
We might wonder why Paul didn’t choose to rebuke Peter in private
The answer is probably two-fold
First, Peter and Paul had already conferred privately in Jerusalem on this very issue and come to an agreement
So the time for private counsel had passed
Secondly, the nature of Peter’s offense and the nature of Peter’s role as leader made the entire affair very public and damaging
So Paul likely felt that the best way to correct the situation was to make Peter’s rebuke public
Paul calls Peter out in front of the entire assembly, perhaps during communion where the Jews has segregated themselves for the meal
And Paul gives this passionate defense of grace
Different Bibles see Paul’s speech running different lengths
Some see only v.14 as Paul’s words to Peter
Others see the speech running all the way to the end of the chapter
I think the natural reading has Paul’s quote ending in v.14
Paul delivers a stinging question
He asks Peter why he likes to live as Gentiles but then expects Gentiles to live like Jews?
Paul is exposing Peter’s hypocrisy, of course
Everyone in that church remembers Peter’s behavior before these leaders of Jerusalem showed up
They remember he ate freely with them
And now they see him by his action pressuring his Jewish brethren to withdraw from Gentiles
So Paul asks Peter how can you have your matzah and eat it too?
Paul doesn’t explain what happens next, but we must assume his challenge was effective or else why would he mention it in his letter?
We wonder how Peter felt when he heard those words from Paul?
He probably felt like he did after he heard that cock crow the morning of Passover
He probably felt the way he did after Jesus rebuked him in the garden for cutting off the slave’s ear
He probably felt the same way he did when Jesus called him Satan
He felt convicted
We don’t know how he responded in the moment, but I’m sure the end result was a sigh of relief from among the Jewish believers
It’s important to note that Paul is defending Jewish believers in Antioch
They were the ones suffering by Peter’s hypocrisy
Had it been allowed to continue unchecked, they would have been pressured to return to living under the Law, which is a tremendous burden
Seeing Paul working to defend them and to end Peter’s hypocrisy, we must conclude that Paul didn’t want Peter to rob Jews of their newly found liberty
We need to make that connection because there are some in the church working to reimpose a burden of Law on the believer
Ironically, that new movement is directed towards the Gentiles, since there simply aren’t many Jewish believers in the church
This new messianic movement in the church (usually) understands that salvation is by faith alone and not by works of Law
But they have their own subtle distortion believing that believers are obligated to keep the Law as a matter of sanctification
That it pleases God when Gentile believers place themselves under the Law given to Israel
If this were a correct view, then how would we explain Paul’s defense of the Jewish believer here?
Paul criticizes Peter for moving back under Jewish Law
And his critique is very specific: Peter is leading other Jews into hypocrisy by returning to restrictions under Law and custom
If living under those restrictions was a requirement for believers – both Jew and Gentile – then Paul would have had no basis for his critique of Peter at this moment
The critique would have come at the earlier moment when Peter was living like a Gentile
Not now when Peter returns to living like a Jew
Clearly, it was Peter’s return to Jewish living that triggered Paul’s rebuke
Paul then proceeds to explain to the Galatian church the error of Peter’s thinking
Speaking of himself and the other Jewish apostles, Paul says “we” are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles
Paul is speaking from the perspective of a believer born a Jew
To a Jew, the term Gentile and sinner were synonymous
Paul is not saying that all Gentiles sin and Jews never sin
He means that Jews were God’s people by a covenant of Law
While Gentiles were excluded from this relationship because they were not submitted to God’s Law
But even though Jews had this position of privilege, nevertheless it did not produce righteousness nor salvation
In v.16 Paul gives a succinct presentation of the Gospel itself
A man – even a natural born Jew – is not justified by works of Law
To be justified is the word acquitted in Greek
It means to be declared not guilty of an offense
So we are acquitted by God for our sin, not by works of Law
Said another way, we cannot do anything to earn our acquittal on our judgment day
We cannot keep rules, perform penance, make restitution or sweep mistakes under the rug and hope for a good outcome
Sin leaves us convicted and no work on our part can erase that guilt
And certainly Jewish attempts to keep the law does nothing to achieve righteousness
But what works cannot achieve, Jesus did through His perfect life and sacrificial death
And by faith in that sacrifice, we are justified alone
For no flesh, meaning no sinful man, can ever be justified by works of the Law
Paul says that even though he and the other apostles were Jews, they did not rest on their works of Law to save them
They knew they needed Christ, so they rested in their faith and not in their works for salvation
So if a Jew recognized this, how much more so should a Gentile realize this truth being without Law in the first place?
Next Paul points out a contradiction between the Judaizers and the Gospel itself
In v.17 Paul asks if setting aside the Law is a sin as the Judaizers teach, what does this say about Christ when His Gospel teaches us to sin?
The Gospel says we cannot be justified by Law so we must seek justification another way
But the Judaizers said that setting aside the Law of Moses promotes sinful behavior in Christians
So we would be saying that Christ is a minister of sin!
We are saying that Christ was preaching a Gospel that promoted sinful behavior
Paul says may it never be said
Paul turns the table on the Judaizers and says that to turn back to living under the Law after receiving justification from Christ is sin
That behavior confuses the testimony of the Gospel
It suggests that certain works are still required, and this does tremendous damage to the doctrine of Christology
That is the truth of Christ
What He did for us
The Bible teaches that Christ freed us from the Law by accomplishing it on our behalf
To return to a life lived under that covenant denies an element of Christology
Paul could live apart from the Law because he knew he had died to the Law
He says that through the Law he died to the Law
He means that the Law itself provided Paul’s escape from the Law
The Law required a death for sin, which Jesus paid for Paul and all believers
Once the payment for death has been made, we are no longer under that Law
It no longer has jurisdiction over us
Its penalty has been paid, the Law’s requirements have been fulfilled
And then we move under a new Law
Paul says that he was crucified in Christ
Spiritually speaking, Paul’s old self was put to death with Christ on the cross
Christ was Paul’s representative in that moment
The Father is willing to consider Jesus’ death in Paul’s place because of Paul’s faith in that sacrifice
Likewise, Paul says that the life he leads now is one guided by Christ living in him by His Spirit
So Paul says he is now free to live for God
The liberty we enjoy in Christ is, first and foremost, a freedom to serve God unconstrained by tradition, custom and legal restrictions
Nothing stands in our way
Not food, not calendar, not festivals, not associations
We are free to serve Him
Not in sin, but in joy
Paul sums up saying those preaching a return to the Law are advocating that the grace of God is void and ineffective
If after we receive the grace of God in Christ we still must keep the Law, then of what worth was God’s grace?
Works were always a possibility, so of what benefit was God’s grace added on top?
If there were even one other way to become righteous, then it stands to reason that the Father would have pointed us in that direction
He certainly wouldn’t have put His only Son to death needlessly, as Paul says
So as the chapter ends, Paul has defended his apostolic authority to preach a Gospel that matches the Gospel of Jewish apostles
And his authority is equal to any other apostle, including Peter
And his teaching is consistent with logic and doctrine
Meanwhile, those who oppose Him teach without apostolic authority
They are teaching a Gospel that contradicts the one Paul received from Christ personally
And it contradicts with Peter, their favorite apostle
And it contradicts logic and doctrine
With that, Paul is ready to address the Galatians’ willingness to be sucked into such false teaching