
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we’ve moved through the story of Abram, we’ve been counting two lists
We’ve been watching for the seven times Abram hears from God
So with each time we can see Abram’s growth in light of the Lord’s grace
And we’ve been counting the twelve times Abram’s faith is challenged
Twelve crises that test Abram and grow him as a man of faith
Today in Chapter 14 we see Abram face two more challenges
His nephew Lot is still causing trouble for Abram
Further consequence for having been brought along against God’s instructions
Yet God will use this as an opportunity to show grace to Abram
This is the only chapter in Abram’s story where God is not shown speaking to Abram
Yet God is represented in the story, in a man who is both king and priest
And the story begins with the first military campaign described in the Bible
We’re introduced to numerous people and locations
The names of these kings are the first names recorded in the Bible in a language other than Hebrew
Here we see the effect of the scattering at Babylon
And further proof that the first language was Hebrew
A total of nine kings are mentioned, four northern kings invading to conquer five in the south
The four in the north come from Shinar, Ellasar, Elam and Goiim
Shinar is Mesopotamia, northern and eastern Babylon
Ellasar was the leading tribe in southern Babylon
Elam is western Babylon
And Goiim is a word that simply means nations
So interestingly we have the nations, led by the kings of Babylon, invading the Promised land
And they attack five kings
All five are located in a small area at the southern end of the Dead Sea called the Valley of Siddim
Moses calls it the Salt Sea, but we now call it the Dead Sea
Moses tells us that these five kings in the south had served the kings of the north as vassals
Though we have no other details, we can suppose that these southern kings had either been conquered at an early time or had received their kingdoms from the northern kings
And that relationship required the southern kings to pay tribute (taxes) to the northern kingdoms
But after 12 years, the southern kingdoms tired of that relationship
So in the thirteenth year they rebelled
So after the year of rebellion, the kings of the north decided to show their power
The leader of the group is the king Chedorlaomer, the Big Cheese
The invading force comes down the East side of the Jordan river, in present-day Jordan
As they proceed south, they attack any city that might come to aid the southern kings
This is a very smart strategy, eliminating the defenses and allies of the southern kings
Next they defeat the ancient Hamites, called Zuzim, just east of the Jordon
Leaving the land unoccupied for Lot’s descendants, the Ammonites, to later possess
Further south they defeat Emim just east of Jericho
The place where Lot’s other family, the Moabites, settle
Next, they defeat the Horites
This becomes the land where Esau later settles to form the Edomites
Finally they reach as far south as El Paran, in the Sinai
This is the future home of Ishmael, Abram’s other son
These kings moved southward, protected behind the eastern side of the Trans-Jordan mountain range, to hide their approach while eliminating allies for the southern kings
But do you notice that as they go on their rampage, God is using their advance to clear land for future members of Abram’s family to occupy the land?
Here is a perfect example of God turning all things to good for His purposes and for the good of those who love Him
Next, they turn at the Gulf Of Aqaba and begin to fight northward toward the heart of Canaan and the rebellious kings south of the Dead Sea
First they swing out west into the wilderness of Zin in the southern Negev to defeat the Amalekites and Amorites
Finally they come upon the kings of the south in the valley of Siddim, approaching from the southwest
This is the opposite from where they would have been expected to approach
The southern kings are caught off guard and come out into the valley to meet the attacking force
They have probably heard about the exploits of the invading force, but without allies, they are forced to face the army with only what forces they have between them
The location for the battle is the valley at the southern end of the Dead Sea
This valley was known then, and today, as a place of natural tar or bitumen (asphalt) pits
Similar to La Brea tar pits
This is the material used to bind the bricks of the Tower of Babel
The battle was a rout and the kings of Sodom and Gommorah fled, but fell into the pits
They would have been stuck and slowly sank into the tar
The remaining three kings fled into the mountains
The conquering army did what all winning armies do in this situation
They rape, pillage and plunder
The goal is to eliminate these city states and make a statement to remaining vassals not to repeat this mistake
They remove all the animals, food stores and subjects of the city
With the intent to take them back to Babylon
And one of those subjects was our man Lot
Interestingly, we’re told in v.12 that Lot is now living in the city of Sodom
Last time we heard from Lot, he was still living in tents outside the city of Lot (13:12)
Now he’s thrown the tent aside and made a home in this wicked city
Lot and Abram form a powerful contrast in this story
Abram we know as the man of faith, a righteous man who lived by faith
He purposely remained outside cities, living in tents
Showing his faith in God’s promises by forsaking any compromise with the world
Lot, his nephew, is a man scripture tells us who was also a man of faith, a man who knew the living God and was counted righteous by faith
Peter tells us that Lot was a righteous man living in a city of sin
Lot made very different choices than did his uncle Abram
He decided to adopt a lifestyle that mirrored the world around him
He is led by his eyes
He is attracted by what the world values
And yet Scripture tells us that Lot was oppressed by what he saw in Sodom
The word oppress in Greek is kataponeo, which literally means worn down
Lot was worn down by his exposure to the world of Sodom
And as he was worn down, he made compromise after compromise
We’ll study Lot more in Chapter 19
When Abram disobeyed God’s instructions to leave Lot behind, he sets several wheels in motion
Disobedience would create consequences for both Abram and Lot
But God’s promises to Abram are assured because of God’s faithfulness, not Abram’s
So God is also working to use Abram’s mistake to God’s good purposes
And one way God uses Lot in this story is as a picture of future events in the life of Israel and the world
Lot is a picture of a carnal, disobedient follower of the living God, particularly the Gentile follower of God
He is brought into the land because of a promise of God to Abram
And his entry is made possible because of the disobedience of God’s chosen
In Lot’s case, he entered the Promised Land because God’s chosen Abram disobeyed the word
Yet God turned that disobedience into grace for Lot
As a picture, Lot represents Gentile believers who are able to share in the promises of Abram because of the disobedience of Israel in rejecting the Messiah
But now that Lot has been given grace to enter the land, he is living in harmony with the world, rather than living apart from it
And he begins to picture the consequences when the people of God do not follow Him fully
Suddenly, Lot finds himself in captivity headed to Babylon
It’s no coincidence that the attacking army is made up of forces from Babylon
We see a wonderful picture of how the enemy is always attacking, seeking to destroy and carry away God’s people
And Lot is going down with the ship, because he chose to align himself with the people of Sodom rather than remain outside in his tent
Just as in a future day when God sends Babylon to remove a rebellious Israel from the land as punishment for their faithlessness
Lot serves as that picture for God’s purposes in teaching us today
Now there is a second half to this picture, the story of God’s faithfulness to His children despite our faithlessness
A man who escaped from the fighting makes his way to Abram, the Hebrew
This is the first time Abram is identified in Scripture as a Hebrew
In the OT, this term is used as an ethinic designation, meaning the surrounding people had come to see Abram as someone different from them
Abram’s lifestyle and testimony caused him to stand apart so much that the people of Canaan had come to see Abram as his own ethnic group within the culture
They named him a Hebrew, taken from his ancestor’s name Eber
Can you see the contrast between him and Lot strengthening in this story?
Lot isn’t known as Lot the Hebrew; he’s known as Lot the Sodomite
But he’s also known as the family member of Abram
This explains why the refugee would even think to seek out Abram and tell him the story of the defeat of Sodom
Lot has probably told people in the city that he was a relative of Abram
And the refugee concludes that his only hope of seeing this invading army destroyed was to enlist Abram’s involvement
And since Abram had no interest in Sodom, the refugee's only hope would be to appeal to his connection to Lot
This tells us something about Abram and Lot
First, it tells us that Abram has truly become rich and mighty in the land
God’s promise to bless Abram in the land seems clear
Secondly, it tells us that Lot tried to maintain his status as a relative of Abram while still trying to be adopted by the world of Sodom
Clearly, this refugee had come to know of Lot’s connection to Abram, which means that Lot allowed that information be known
Lot probably liked the status of being the nephew of the rich, aloof Hebrew
We also know Lot was a righteous man tormented by the sin of Sodom, so he probably reminded the Sodomites of Abram to some degree
And yet Lot was clearly working to be accepted by the world of Sodom
Again, we’ll see that even more clearly in Chapter 19
But for now it’s enough for us to remember that we can’t have it both ways
If we are saved by faith, then we must live by that faith
And if we try to live with one foot in the world and one foot in following God, we will eventually do the “splits”
We will become a man unstable in all his ways, James says
Lot’s allowed his eye to pull him away from serving his Master
And yet he couldn’t walk so far that God left him
Leaving him split between two worlds
The city of Sodom never accepted Lot as one of their own, because Lot refused to sin in the way that Sodom sinned
And yet Lot wasn’t successful in walking with God and so he suffered the consequences that come upon the sinful world
In my experience, the most miserable person you’ll ever meet is a believer who is determined to live a worldly life – like Lot
When an unbeliever sins, he or she will experience consequences in one form or another
But because they lack a relationship with God and personal knowledge of God’s expectations, they can remain largely guilt-free in their pursuit of sin
They actually “enjoy” their sin
Though they may suffer consequences in one form or another (and certainly in eternity), in the meantime they enjoy it
But when a believer sins, they experience both the consequences of sin PLUS the guilt of a conscience convicted by the Spirit
They can sin but they can’t really enjoy it in the same way that the unbelieving world does
Even the most hardened believer is still going to experience the convicting work of the Spirit
This difference is by God’s design, of course
We are convicted by the Spirit as discipline
In fact, that is one of the ways we are marked as different than the world
And God brings us conviction so that we might see the error of our ways and conform to the will of God, becoming sanctified over time
Speaking of conviction, I suspect we may all feel a little conviction as we reflect on the difference between Abram’s lifestyle and Lot’s lifestyle
Abram lived a life of faith that led the peoples of Canaan to call him a Hebrew, a man set apart from the world around him
And the world knew Lot was related to Abram
But they also knew Lot was a stranger trying to live as one of them
How would the world describe us?
Do they see us as someone living a life according to a different course, a different path
Not putting our faith and trust in what the world values
Not walking according to the drumbeat of worldly values, like Abram
Would they describe us with titles like Americans, Texans, UT fans, marathon runners, software engineers, teachers, etc.
Or would they describes us like Abram
People so different from the world they need a different name…Christians
Or maybe the world sees us as the world saw Lot
They have come to know we are related to the God of Abram
We have some relationship with religion, with Christianity
And in times of trouble, they might think to benefit from that association
But in our day-to-day life, they see us as simply another person trying to make our way in the world, according to the world’s rules
We seem to want what the world wants, we value what the world values
We seek for the same things and get caught up in the same troubles and disappointments
Who are we? Abram or Lot?