
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe last saw Woman at a pivotal moment in human history
She encountered evil in the form of a snake
The snake was indwelled by Satan
And he brought Woman a challenge
Did God really say that they couldn’t eat from any tree in the Garden?
Last time we said we were going to study this interaction carefully to note the way sin works in our life
First, we noted that the enemy is the Father of Lies
Notice here that his opening statement is a lie
How appropriate that Satan’s first recorded words was a lie
Secondly, we noted that Satan’s attack is directed at God’s word
The enemy knows where the power of God resides in His creation
It’s with His word
So Satan attacks at that point
He causes us to question and doubt God’s word or become confused or distracted
In today’s world, Satan seems determined to undermine God’s word in all these ways
The Bible is attacked from all sides in the world
And in the church, it’s also under attack
And that attack is neglect
Third, we noticed that Satan’s charge was that God is holding Woman back from joy and freedom
In v.1 he suggests that God has restricted every tree from Woman
Even if that had been true, it wouldn’t be cause to doubt or impugn God
But Satan is appealing to pride here
He wants Woman to imagine how much better things could be if she went her own way rather than remain within God’s law
As we remember, Woman didn’t fall for the bait, at least not yet
She responds by correcting the snake and agreeing with God’s word, but she doesn’t get the story quite right
She added some things and forgot other things
The sum effect of her answer was to leave an opening for Satan to pry open
Furthermore, her own uncertainty concerning God’s word left her vulnerable to Satan’s guile
So now Satan goes in for the kill
Satan directly challenges the truth of God’s word
In Step 1, Satan set forth a proposition that was a lie and used it to attack God’s word
In Step 2 the woman lacked the knowledge and confidence in God’s word to refute the enemy’s scheme
Now in Step 3, the enemy proposes an alternative path that he suggests will arrive at a greater benefit than God’s way
He says you surely will not die
This is a direct contradiction of God’s word and offers no compromise
Woman is presented with a clear alternative to accepting God’s word in faith
Satan goes on to explain that the effect of eating will be having eyes opened
And this new awareness will make Woman like God Himself
She will know good and evil
Satan is implying that there is more to her existence than God has provided
In other words, God and His word are not sufficient
If she goes outside God’s instructions, she can have an even greater existence
One that rivals God’s
Like most lies, it involves a partial truth
If she eats of the tree, her eyes will be opened
She will be more like God, in that she will now better understand what it means to be good
The lie is that she will also be less like God in that she will now know evil
Though God knows about evil, as He knows everything, He has no first-hand experience in evil
Satan is proposing that sin has no consequences
And even more, that disobeying God’s word will bring a great, better experience
That when we choose our own desires over God’s commands, we will not suffer loss, but rather experience gain
This is the first and greatest lie
Let’s step back for a moment and consider sin’s pattern
Sin is a disregard of God’s will and His word and a reliance on our own ways and desires
Sin is facilitated by a weak knowledge of God’s word and can be easily twisted by the Enemy to ensure we arrive at a distorted understanding (i.e., a lie)
Examples are easy to find:
Money is the root of all evil
God helps those who help themselves
Prosperity Gospel
All roads lead to Heaven
As unbelievers, we were completely captive to the enemy’s lies and knew nothing else
But even as Christians we can naively follow the enemy’s half truths when we allow this pattern to repeat
When we live in a state of ignorance concerning God’s word
And when we come to believe that making our own rules will arrive at a better result than the ones God has given us
We come to believe that sin has no consequences and can be better than obedience
In time, the lie will be seen for what it is, but at what personal cost?
If we wait to cease sinning until we finally see the negative consequences of our sin it will be too late
We will have incurred even greater penalty
Like the person who ignores the warnings of smoking only to discover one day that they have lung cancer
Woman’s cost is about to be paid...
With the Enemy pulling her strings, Woman’s prideful spirit begins to pull her toward sin
And the process begins with one simple word
Woman saw the tree was “good” for food
But God already had declared it to be bad…not food
And this fact doesn’t change anything
We know the tree was a fruit tree, so taking notice that the tree had good food didn’t add any new information for Woman
Looking at the language a little more closely
Woman saw that the food was a “delight”
This is the Hebrew word taavah – intense longing
And desirable to make one wise (gain insight)
Chamad – covet
Woman is giving us a powerful example of how sin works in all of us
Almost invariably, it begins with the eye, what we see
We see something that leads to a longing and coveting and desire
Not every sin is connected to the eye or what we see – but I challenge you to think of one
If we include the things we can see in our mind’s eye, then it gets very hard to think of a sin that doesn’t involve seeing and the desire it brings
Woman is falling prey to this trap
She is letting her sight and her lusts direct her rather than God’s word
Seeing leads to temptation, and temptation leads to desire and lust which precedes and leads to sin
Temptation is not sin (Jesus was tempted in all things)
But giving into temptation is sin
In Woman’s case, her lust is for the suggestion Satan planted into her mind
She notices that the tree was desirable to make one wise
How would she come to the conclusion that this fruit would make her wise?
Only that she accepted the enemy’s story
This tree would make her know what God knew, or so Satan said
The next step in the chain began
Once lust was conceived, it grew like a child in this womb
And that growing will almost inevitably lead to a birth
And the birthing process begins with touching
Woman grabs the fruit
I wonder if she paused before she ate?
Remember, she had remembered that God told her not to touch the fruit or she would die
That wasn’t an accurate quote, but now that she has touched and not died, I wonder if she began to doubt God’s word even more?
Woman’s poor memory of God’s word is actually an accomplice now in drawing her closer to sin
After all, if touching didn’t result in death, why would eating, she might have wondered?
I see this pattern very frequently today
I often encounter Christians who are troubled by contradictions in God’s word
They have misunderstood a verse or passage of Scripture, and as a result they have come to believe it contradicts another passage in Scripture
In reality, the two passages are not contradictory, but because their understanding is incomplete, they see the problem with God’s word rather than with themselves
As a result, they begin to lose confidence in the literal truth of all that God’s word says
The enemy is only too willing to oblige in this process, feeding the doubt and offering alternative “truths”
Finally, Woman sins by eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
God said she would die, but obviously Woman was still breathing
She didn’t die at this moment, at least not physically
Adam will physically live for 930 years after eating!
And yet we know she died at that very moment in the sense of dying spiritually
She ceased to be holy and innocent and pure
She lost the ability to fellowship with God
But from her limited perspective, nothing much has changed
Now she must truly feel that God’s word is untrustworthy
God said that eating of the tree would result in death, but she sensed no change
God was not present in the Garden at this moment, so Woman has not experienced the conviction that comes with God’s holiness
That will happen shortly
But for now, she senses no change in herself as a result of eating the fruit
Except for one…
She notices that after she ate from the fruit, she felt less connection with Adam
Suddenly, she feels oddly distanced from him
And instinctively, she feels the urge to share the fruit with him
In fact, it’s the very next thing she wants to do
When we live in sin, we will seek out others to share that sin with us
Misery loves company, and so does sin
When we live in sin, we are a bad influence, and not just because we set a bad example
The very nature of sin is that it spreads
It’s a disease that moves from host to host, and when we indulge in sin, we will often feel like sharing it with others
If someone close to us hasn’t made the same mistake, we will want them to join us to minimize our own conviction
And to validate our choices, to affirm we are right to do what we do
In Woman’s case, she would have felt an immediate distancing from Adam who was not yet a sinner
And she would have needed to share her sin with Adam to draw him to her side
We need to recognize the danger in our sin isn’t limited to ourselves
Finally, in one of the strangest and most disturbing lines in the entire Bible, we’re told that she gave it to her husband with her and he ate
Adam was with her, and when he was offered the fruit, he ate
No discussion, no debate
He just complied
There is some debate over whether Adam was present or not
I think the text makes that clear
He was “with her”
There seems little reason to include that detail unless it was intended to explain where Adam was at the time
In truth, it doesn’t matter
Whether he was there throughout the conversation or showed up only after Satan left, the Bible makes clear what role he played
Adam chose to eat without any deception
Adam can’t use the serpent’s deception as an excuse, no matter where he was at the time
Scripture says his reason for eating had nothing to do with the serpent’s arguments
What’s more, Adam didn’t protest like Woman did
He doesn’t try to quote God’s word
He seems completely willing to disobey
But who’s credited with the fall?
We might assume it would be Woman, since she ate first
But Scripture doesn’t seem to place any importance on the order
Instead, it lays the sin of mankind at the feet of Adam
Or Romans 5:12 which we quoted above
Adam (one man) brought about the fall
Look at the next verse
Only after Adam ate were “both” their eyes opened
His eating produced the sin that brought down mankind
Why wasn’t Woman credited with the fall?
According to the verse we read, deception was a legitimate defense
She was deceived by Satan into eating the fruit
Her own lust and sinful desire was the ultimate mechanism to bring her to sin, but the entire process was instigated by Satan
Had Satan not played his crucial role, we can fairly assume Woman wouldn’t have sinned
Why was deception a legitimate defense? Woman was innocent
She didn’t know evil, she was an innocent
Woman COULD be deceived in the full sense of that word
She could be led to think she was acting in an appropriate way
Can we use Satan’s deception as a legitimate defense as well?
After the fall, we have no defense because we are born into sin
We are not innocent
We don’t live a single day without sin, so we stand condemned regardless of what we do
Only by faith can we be rescued
So if the fall of mankind must happen through Adam, why did Satan begin with Woman rather than going to Man from the beginning?
We might assume that Satan attacked the easy target?
But in reality, he attacked the harder target
Woman believed God’s word and tried to defend it
Satan had to use deception to get her to act against God’s word
But Adam was ready and willing to eat that fruit
It’s as if Satan knew that Adam was going to be the easy one, but he had to work on Woman
If this is Adam’s fault, why was Woman put outside the Garden too?
It sounds like her action was not a sin, but rather the result of deception
Doesn’t that mean she gets a free pass?
Perhaps, but since Adam ate too, it didn’t matter
Woman was guilty of sin because Adam ate
His sin brought sin to Woman as well (her eyes were opened after he ate)
How does Adam’s sin open Woman’s eyes?
Well, here we see God’s wisdom in creating Woman in such an unique way
Woman was created from Adam’s flesh rather than from the ground
So now as Adam sinned, he brought sin to his flesh
And Woman being of one flesh with Adam experienced that sin with him
His eating brought both of them down
We can now look back at God’s decision to create Woman in this unique way as a form of grace, knowing where events were leading
He knows that one day Adam will sin, and He doesn’t want one person inside the garden and another outside
So He creates in a way that will ensure that both go together
There is one final outcome from the eating of the fruit
After, they knew they were naked and made effort to cloth themselves
First, what does it mean that they knew they were naked?
We talked about nakedness meaning vulnerability and shame
Now we see more clearly that with sin comes a sense of exposure, or vulnerability
Of the need to cover up and conceal ourselves
The feeling is so strong, they feel the need to create clothing
Not for weather protection or because of civil standards
It’s inherently a reaction to our sinful nature – before God
It’s a visible evidence that God has implanted in us a conscious
We instinctively recognize our unholiness before God
And their sin also meant they lost their transparency between one another
All the communication problems and difficulties talking in a marriage trace back to sin
Won’t it be wonderful to have relationships in our new bodies that don’t suffer from sin and the lack of transparency?