Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob and Pharaoh stand face to face at the beginning of Chapter 47
The most powerful world political leader and the world’s pre-eminent patriarch united for a time by the will and hand of God
For now the two are allies
Each has need for the other
Pharaoh wants to keep Joseph close by and he likes the idea of more Semites shoring up his power
Jacob needs a place to wait out the famine and beyond, and staying in Pharaoh’s good graces is key to his family’s prosperity
Or so it would seem at this moment
The Lord has already laid out the plan to Jacob’s forefathers
Israel goes into Egypt for a time, to protect the people from themselves
They incubate in a foreign land where they will be isolated, set apart and prevented from intermarriage
And when the time is right, they will be brought back into the land, in keeping with God’s promises
If you want to learn that story, listen to the Exodus study
But for now, the two powerful men engage in a moment of political dance, testing each other to know whether they can coexist
Last week, we saw Jacob bless Pharaoh
And we noted this was a reversal of what the world would have expected in that moment
Since the lessor is always blessed by the greater, the audience in Pharaoh’s court would have expected the king to bless Jacob
But we know Jacob knew he was the greater spiritually, so he took it upon himself to bless Pharaoh
Pharaoh is no doubt surprised by Jacob’s assumption of a higher position, so he takes the conversation in a new direction
Pharaoh’s next question to Jacob sounds a bit odd for our day
We don’t expect someone to ask our age, especially in a first-time meeting
But in ancient times, age mattered in a different way
It was a badge of honor and authority
The older was always honored above the younger
Therefore, Pharaoh’s question is an attempt to assess Jacob’s honor and make sense of Jacob’s decision to bless Pharaoh
Jacob responds with an equally odd answer
First he answers the question directly: Jacob is 130 years old
Jacob adds that his years have been few and unpleasant, nor have they equalled the years of his fathers
As we said last week, Jacob will live another 17 years in Egypt, so he’s not exactly on death’s doorstep
Nevertheless, his statement seems to acknowledge that he expects that his life will not extend as long as his forefathers
Remember that Abraham was 125 when he fathered Isaac
And Isaac lived to 180
And beyond the length of his life, Jacob says his years have been unpleasant
The Hebrew word for unpleasant is ra, which is the common word for evil
Jacob could have meant that his years were hard and difficult
He has struggled his whole life – even in the womb he
struggled with his brother
He schemed unnecessarily to receive his blessing
Fled the family and never saw his mother again
Worked as an indentured servant for Laban for 20 years while suffering betrayal at his hands
Suffered the indignation of his sons’ shameful conduct in Canaan
Suffered the loss of his wife, and the loss of his favored son
By contrast, Jacob’s father and grandfather received the promised land, were blessed with much wealth and a life of few cares
They both were able to live out their years in Canaan and die there in peace
While Jacob has spent many years outside the promised land, on the run and afraid, and now he will die in Egypt
So it could indeed be said that Jacob had an unpleasant life compared to his fathers
But the word ra could be a reference to his own behavior – a life marked so much by sinful disobedience
Because we know Jacob brought so much of his hardships upon himself
Scripture testifies that Jacob’s life was hard because he often chose to be defined by his mistakes rather than his triumphs
We first met Jacob struggling in the womb with his brother
He schemed and contended against his father, against his brother, his uncle, his neighbors, his sons, and most of all the Lord
So Jacob is making a statement concerning his sinfulness in comparison to the lives of his forefathers
This second interpretation fits the context of the moment far better
Remember, Jacob’s conversation with Pharaoh turned when Jacob chose to bless Pharaoh
Immediately, Pharaoh begins to size up Jacob, to understand why Jacob presumed to possess the greater honor
So Pharaoh asks Jacob his age
Perhaps Jacob was much older than Pharaoh realized
For had Jacob been 175 or even 200 years old (which was still within reach in those days), then Pharaoh might have reason to understand Jacob’s claim to honor
But in response, Jacob put aside any claims to worldly honor
Jacob says he is relatively young for this day…only 130
Furthermore, he obtained to less honor than his fathers, who outlived him and demonstrated a life more worthy of honor
This is not false modesty on Jacob’s part…it’s truth spoken in humility
Jacob does not possess a personal history that reflects honor upon himself
And his testimony is certainly not the source of his ability to extend a blessing to Pharaoh
Jacob is claiming no honor for himself, but instead he’s projecting the honor that has been bestowed upon him by the word of God
Jacob is the man given the one and only inheritance offered by the living God
No other man, no other family carried that promise in his day
Long after Pharaoh and his people have perished, Jacob and all the children of God will live and reign in glory with Christ
John Nelson Darby once wrote:
And Jesus speaking to His disciples said this
It may fall to us in God’s sovereign will to stand before powerful men and women
Like Jacob, perhaps we might be called before a king or president
Or perhaps a company boss or school principal
And in that moment, we will have an opportunity to bring a blessing, as we learned last week
But it also matters how we convey that blessing
We come in humility, recognizing we bring nothing special in and of ourselves
Our power is not like their power
We do not pretend we have earned our worth or honor
We do not bless others on account of our own accomplishments, especially our spiritual accomplishments
Instead, we speak like Jacob
We discount our worth
We acknowledge God has used greater men and women than us
We are not especially wise, nor powerful, nor noble, to quote Paul
We are simply vessels
But at the same time, we do not go into those moments absent power and honor
We come in the name of Jesus Christ, and we bring His Spirit
Notice that Jacob combined two things together
He delivered a blessing to Pharaoh, a spiritual honor that told Pharaoh Jacob had power and authority that even Pharaoh lacked
And yet, Jacob delivered it in personal humility, without taking upon himself undue personal honor
He honored the Lord, he didn’t try to rob him of His glory
This is the call we have been given as well, the command to go out with the Gospel of grace
Preaching in humility knowing we are sinners saved by the very same grace we offer to others
As James says
And so the meeting ends, and we’re told Jacob goes out from the presence of Pharaoh to settle in Goshen, just as Joseph intended
In Hebrew, the phrase “went out from…” conveys a sense of permanence
In other words, this was likely the one and only time Jacob and Pharaoh met
Once again, this demonstrates that the plan to keep Israel separate worked well
From there, the family settles in and receives the best of the land
Joseph remains in power and ensures that the family is taken care of in Rameses
By the way, this mention of Rameses bothers some Biblical critics, since the Pharaoh Rameses didn’t come to power until long after Israel had left Egypt in the Exodus
Historians assume that Rameses was named after the Pharaoh Rameses, but it’s equally possible that the region lent its name to the Pharaoh
The name simply means “the Sun God created it”
Having settled his family in the land, Joseph returns to running the country in the midst of a famine
In v.13, Moses begins to tell the story of how the famine impacted the economy of Egypt and the surrounding nations, particularly Canaan
To tell this story, Moses takes a step back from the narrative of Jacob and Joseph, and begins again at the beginning
So v.13 actually backs up to the beginning of the seven year famine
And from there, we learn of how the entire seven year period affected the nations
In the first stage, the famine brought families inside and outside Egypt to Pharaoh seeking relief
Everyone has exhausted their personal grain stores
The farmland is barren, no one is planting much less harvesting
People are watching their families starve, but they hear that Egypt has grain in abundance
We remember that the Lord had revealed to Pharaoh seven years earlier through Joseph that there was a coming famine
So they needed to store up for seven years and those seven years of plenty produced so much grain that they couldn’t count it all
Now that storage is ready to be shared with the people
Imagine how much grain must be stored if it is going to feed Egypt and the rest of the Middle East for seven years?
When the time comes to feed the people, Joseph doesn’t give hand outs…he demands a price for Egypt’s grain
Initially, Joseph requires payment in cash
And the money is funneled into the treasury of Egypt
So the famine quickly begins to enrich Pharaoh’s government
After a year, the famine exhausted everyone’s savings, both in Egypt and Canaan
Remember, the cash economy was driven by farming, so with no farming taking place, the cash supply dried up
Still, the people must eat, so they continue coming to Joseph for grain
And Joseph is still demanding a payment, so the people begin to barter with livestock
They say sensibly that their lives are worth more than livestock
Within another year, the nation of Egypt owned virtually all the livestock of the Middle East
Egypt’s power and wealth has reached unprecedented heights
After another year, everyone has traded all the livestock, but the famine continues, so they sell their land and their personal liberty for grain
Once again, the bargain makes sense
After all, isn’t their personal survival worth more than their land and even their personal liberty?
So Joseph began to buy up all the land of the region for Pharaoh and to relocate men into Pharaoh’s cities as slaves to the nation
They are positioned from one border of Egypt to the other
Furthermore, Joseph institutes a system by which the people pay Pharaoh for their grain through their labors, in the form of a 20% tax
Only the land devoted to the priests of Egypt were excluded from the indentured servitude
At this point, you may be tempted to second guess Joseph’s actions in all this
Why did he demand so much payment for the grain of Egypt?
Shouldn’t he have given it away in a more charitable fashion to the people?
Why demand so much from them?
Well, there are three reasons why Joseph acts in this way
First, this is the honorable and expected way to handle need in Joseph’s day
The ancient world understood far better than our culture does today that it is only right to expect people to pay their own way with whatever they have
To give them food for nothing while they still had the means to pay a fair price was considered wrong
Joseph ensures that the people keep their dignity and honor even as they may be deprived of their possessions
Secondly, it’s smart conservation of his resources
By demanding the people trade their livestock, he relieves them of a burden they couldn’t afford to keep
Livestock need grain too, but the people have none
Eventually, they would have begun to eat the farm animals before they died of starvation
Then everyone would have lost
Instead, the animals are preserved in prosperous Egypt
And the people are free of the burden to feed them
Thirdly, Joseph is practicing smart economic theory
If Joseph had simply opened up the storehouses for free, there would have been no hesitation on the part of the people to exhaust the supplies quickly
When something is free and highly desirable, it won’t last long
If the food in our grocery stores were suddenly free, how long before the shelves were bare?
If we charged the right fair price, things will sell, but at a manageable pace, so the resource is enough for everyone
Each of these reasons show us that Joseph is acting in a responsible & wise way to manage Egypt’s resources while treating the people with dignity
Even the slavery was an acceptable response to the circumstances
We think of slavery with disgust, and rightly so given our history with its practice
But slavery in this context is very different
It is voluntary, it is economically driven and it comes with very different conditions
Think of it as a job you can’t afford to quit
One where you are owned by your boss, and you work for him to pay off a debt
I guess it’s a lot like working in corporate America today
Joseph is doing everything the Lord expected, and he’s doing it in his usual excellent and obedient fashion
By the time the famine ends, Egypt is by far the richest country in the world
Later, much of this wealth will come to Israel, as they grow in the land and when they plunder the land upon their Exodus
All wealth belongs to the Lord
It merely passes through men’s hands for a time
Doing whatever God intended for it to accomplish
As you know, Joseph pictures Jesus in so many ways, and here we see yet another of those pictures
When we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we place our trust and reliance in Him as our Righteousness, our Provider and our Lord
But as we each entered into a relationship by faith, we came pulling a wagon full of the things we’ve accumulated in this world
And for many of us, that wagon carried some very impressive things
A huge savings account, with investments in a hundred places
Lots of property with houses, cars, various trinkets
A life of achievements, degrees, awards, promotions, fame
Lots of followers on Facebook and Twitter
Perhaps a testimony of beauty, brains, strength, pedigree, eloquence, sophistication
All of these were a currency in our lives
They could buy us attention, respect, ego, self-worth, independence
When we needed a favor, we dipped into our wagon and made a withdrawal
These were the things we valued and held dear
And then came Christ, our Lord and Master who offered us the one thing we didn’t have but desperately needed, the daily bread of His Spirit living in us
Our relationship with Christ was a gift, one that is not dependent on our works, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come without a price
To receive the blessings and rewards of this new relationship, both in this life and beyond, our Master makes demands
He wants us to give up our wagon, those sources of personal wealth and power and self-worth from our life prior to faith
We are called to be bondservants, willingly and joyfully sacrificing even our liberty to serve the Good and Loving Master
Forsaking the world to receive the best He offers: eternal life and that abundantly
Just as Joseph took the worthless things the people possessed in exchange for giving them life