Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe story of Jacob enters the final section today
And this section will bring his story to a close
This is the story of Jacob in Egypt
He and his family will ride out the rest of the famine in security in Egypt
They were invited into the land by Pharaoh, and Joseph has a plan for where they must live
He has decided they should live in Goshen
We’ve learned in past weeks why Jacob’s family needs to reside in Goshen
It’s great farming land, very fertile
And it keeps Israel separated from the rest of Egypt
Joseph understood that the Lord brought Jacob’s family into Egypt so they could grow into the nation He intended them to be
That growth must happen away from the temptation to join with other people
For God’s people were to be a separate nation, without ties to other nations
So he determined that his father’s family must live in Goshen
But Joseph’s plan goes deeper than merely separating Israel physically from the Egyptians
He needs to devise a couple of additional details to help ensure his people are properly separated from the Egyptians
First, he must find a way to get Pharaoh to agree to his plan
Secondly, Joseph needs to give Egyptians reason to leave the Israelites alone
And Joseph has a plan
As the family departs, Jacob assigns Judah to lead the family into Egypt
We could say that the tribe of Judah will be the first of Israel to enter Egypt
But actually, Judah is the second tribe to enter
Joseph was the first to enter so many years earlier
But now as all Israel enter, it will be Judah who will lead them
We can assume Jacob selected Judah because of his emerging role as the leader among his brothers
We know he is the seed promise holder in the family, which means his tribe will eventually bear the Messiah Who reigns
Jacob’s decision to place Judah in the lead created a remarkable prophetic picture of Christ, one even the Jewish rabbis detected, though they didn’t fully understand it
The Jewish Midrash, which is the rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament, said that v.28 tells us that Joseph will receive the kingdom before Judah
What the rabbis meant was that the suffering, dying Messiah, pictured by Joseph, would come to Israel first
And this would be followed by a second coming by the conquering, reigning Messiah who rules over the world
The rabbis studying the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah noticed that the scriptures spoke of two kinds of Messiahs
There would be one who died for the sins of the Jewish people
This Messiah would be mistreated and killed
The rabbis understood that Joseph was a picture of this Messiah
Joseph had the birthright over his brothers, yet he was mistreated
He was left for dead
And then Joseph came into Egypt first, which pictures the Messiah coming into the world
And the rabbis also understood that the tribe of Judah was the family holding the seed promise
So Judah pictures the Messiah leading His people as King
And after the suffering dying Messiah arrived in the world, then the ruling Messiah would follow
Even in Jesus’ first coming, the rabbis still thought they should have been looking for two different Messiahs Who would come in succession, first the fulfillment of Joseph and the second the fulfillment of Judah
They called the first the Prophet, since prophets were always mistreated and usually killed
They called the second Messiah, the Anointed One, which is written Christ in the Greek language
You can see this clearly in the way the Jewish leaders interrogated John the Baptist
Obviously, we see this picture much more clearly than the rabbis ever did
We know that Joseph and Judah are picturing the Messiah, but they picture the same Messiah
Instead of two different Messiahs, we know that God had in mind One Messiah with two different comings
The first coming of Christ was the fulfillment of Joseph, the suffering dying Prophet
While the second coming of Christ will be the fulfillment of Judah’s promise of a ruling King
So as Jacob’s family enters Egypt behind Judah, they create a picture of the nation of Israel following after their King at His Second Coming
They enter the world represented by Egypt
And they come to subdue that world and receive the best it has to offer
Though the nation suffers for a time in this land, they eventually leave conquerers having plundered Egypt
Joseph takes his chariot and rides from the capital of Egypt to meet his father as they arrive in Goshen
Goshen is located in the northern most part of Egypt
As the family entered into the land, they would have come into Goshen first
Joseph rides out to meet them there so they won’t travel farther into Egypt
This will be their home for several generations
What follows next is one of the most powerful moments in all scripture
After twenty-two years, father and son are reunited
Joseph falls on his father’s neck, they embrace and cry together for a long time
The air must have been thick with emotion, not only Joseph’s and Jacob’s, but also the other brothers’
They couldn’t have watched this reunion without considering their own roles
Jacob tells Joseph that now he can die in peace, having seen Joseph’s face again
Jacob is 130 years at this old, and though he may feel near death, he was speaking in hyperbole
It was an expression of happiness and thankfulness
In fact, Jacob will live another 17 years in Egypt
And now Joseph explains his plan to keep the people of Israel separated
Joseph’s plan is to leave his family in Goshen in northern Egypt
Then he will go to Pharaoh and explain that the family is now settled in Goshen
Joseph also plans to casually mention that they are staying in Goshen because they are sheepherders that need grazing land
And then Pharaoh will call for Joseph’s family to present themselves before Pharaoh
When they get the word that Pharaoh and Joseph are waiting for them in Memphis, they are to come Pharaoh
When Pharaoh asks Jacob’s occupation, Jacob must say he is and always has been a keeper of flocks
This is the only thing the people of Israel know how to do
And therefore, it will be the only thing they will ever do
Joseph’s purpose in these instructions becomes clear in the end
Egyptians were shepherd-phobic, as we might say today
They literally loathed sheepherders
So Joseph’s plan was to gently lead Pharaoh in the direction Joseph wanted him to go
Pharaoh needed to endorse the plan for Israel to live in Goshen
The easiest way to accomplish that goal was to lead Pharaoh to loathe Jacob’s family
We’re watching God at work to keep His people separate form the Egyptians, and this principle continues to work in God’s people today
God has always called for His people to remain unstained by the world, distinct and unique among mankind
This is a command for both the nation of Israel and to the Church
We must forever maintain a degree of separation from the world to suit God’s purposes
Paul reminded the Corinthian church that they have become a temple of God, by virtue of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
And as God’s people, they must observe a separation from the world
The Law created that separation for Israel, by establishing ritualistic clean and unclean distinctions
The idea was simple: if God is among us, then it becomes our duty to abstain from things that are contrary to God’s perfection and holiness
Don’t drag the Lord’s Spirit into unclean experiences through your personal sin
But Christians can take Joseph’s example and Paul’s command and run too far, in the wrong direction, and thereby miss God’s purposes
God isn’t asking us to remove ourselves from the world
Notice that Jacob’s family entered Egypt, which was God’s intent
They came into Egypt, yet even so they remained separate from the people
Likewise, we’re called to be in the world but not of the world
Jesus prayed to the Father for exactly that balance in the Church
Jesus acknowledged that His disciples were not of the world, because our faith makes us citizens of a heavenly kingdom
Yet for a time they remained in the world with a mission to testify to Jesus and the Gospel
Jesus says He sends us into the world, just as Jacob was called into Egypt
Which is why Jesus clarifies that He did not want the Father to remove His disciples from the Earth
So we shouldn’t strive to remove ourselves from the world entirely
We must be in it to impact it
So what does it look like when we’re in the world but not of the world?
First, we must seek to fulfill the mission Christ gave His Church
We must associate with those who need to hear the truth
We must have unbelieving neighbors, associates, even friends
We must visit places where unbelievers gather, work, play and go to school
We must go into Egypt, as it were, so that we may influence their understanding
Nevertheless, we must remain separate within those places we go
We cannot share in their sin or participate in their world in such a way that it defiles us and pollutes our message and witness
We must remain distinct even as we move and live among them
We cannot hope to influence the world by our difference if we choose to blend in too much
Have you ever told someone at work or school that you were a Christian and they were surprised to learn that?
That’s a warning sign that should convict us
We are called to be salt and light in a dark world
Secondly, our difference must be based on the truth of God’s word
Notice Jesus said in John 17 that we would be kept from the world by being sanctified in the truth of God’s word
The word sanctify means to be set apart for holy purposes
Therefore, the church achieves its separation from the world by holding to the truth of God’s word
We may attend the same schools, but while they hold to the enemy’s lies of Evolution, we hold to the truth of Creation in Genesis
We are in their world, but we remain distinct by virtue of God’s sanctifying truth
We don’t create separation in our own, fleshly way
We don’t become judgmental, sourpusses looking down our noses at sinners
Instead, we remember we were once sinners too, so we display grace and mercy
We don’t live in isolated compounds, dress in weird ways, drawing attention to ourselves through outward appearances and making other people feel unnecessarily uncomfortable in the process
Instead, we remember Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors, laughing, drinking and enjoying Himself
We make sure that the word of God living in us creates that distinction so that our message is different, not our appearance
Finally, when we do these things, a few will follow as the Lord appoints, but we shouldn’t be surprised when most hate us because of our message
Joseph ensured that Pharaoh left Israel separated and distinct within Egypt
But notice he achieved this end by calling Pharaoh’s attention to something loathsome
This is the pattern throughout scripture
In John 17:14 Jesus said that the world will hate Jesus’ disciples because they hated Him first
So we follow Jacob’s example when we enter the world willingly while remaining distinct
We live among those who God intends to influence
But we don’t allow that influence to defile us
We maintain our distinction through a strict adherence to the word of God, and a lifestyle that reflects that belief
Not by artificial attempts to show off our differences
And as we live a sanctified life, we expect we will receive some into faith while the rest hate us just as the world hated God Himself
Then after hearing Jacob’s story, the Pharaoh reacts exactly as Joseph had hoped
He welcomes the family to settle in the land of Goshen
Furthermore, the Pharaoh invites Jacob’s family to assume care for Pharaoh’s herds
The Pharaoh probably assumed that if Joseph’s oversight had blessed the nation, then his family might also bless him in their care of his herds
And he was probably right
At this point, Joseph brings Jacob before Pharaoh for a formal moment
And in that moment, Jacob bestows a blessing on Pharaoh
This is significant because of who blesses whom
Hebrews explains that the one who bestows a blessing on another is always the greater, spiritually speaking
So Jacob’s movement to bless Pharaoh rather than the other way around reflects his awareness that he had something to offer Pharaoh
His blessing was a prophetic word from the Lord
This Pharaoh was indeed blessed by the presence of Israel in the land
This is exactly what the Lord intended when he brought His people into Egypt
The Jewish people would benefit from their time in Egypt
And while they sojourned in the land, they would likewise become a blessing to those they lived among
Even though Jacob’s family was small, virtually powerless, nevertheless they could by God’s power bring a blessing to Pharaoh and the nation of Egypt
Consider that pattern as you strive to serve God in this world
The Lord has left you in this world, as Jesus said, to accomplish a mission
You are not wise or mighty by the world’s standards
You will be despised at times and you will always remain separate
But you have been left in the world for a time to be blessed and to be a blessing to the world
You and I are blessed to be in the world because we have opportunity to serve our Lord
To please Him by our obedience
To earn our eternal reward
To grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
And we are a blessing to a lost and dying world by our witness and our message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ
We exist in this world for a time to serve as Christ’s ambassadors
So make every day a day we rub elbows with the citizens of this foreign nation
Speak the truth of Christ, demonstrate His love, allow others to experience our joy and hope
And invite them to immigrate into our heavenly kingdom