Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we begin our 103rd lesson in our Genesis study, a study of Chapter 46
Joseph has summoned his father, Jacob, to leave the land of Canaan and enter Egypt, in keeping with God’s promise to Abraham
We still have five years of famine remaining
And these years of famine will force Jacob’s family to live in the land for a time
The number 5 in scripture is a number associated with God’s grace
And certainly the five years spent in Egypt will be grace to Jacob and his family
They will live in Goshen, a land that will supply the people of Israel richly even during a period of worldwide famine
And five years is just long enough for the people to establish a home in Egypt, one they will not leave for four generations
But leaving the land is not easy for Jacob, especially since his last time spent outside the promised land was a difficult time
So as we’ll see today, the Lord moves in Jacob’s heart to reassure him that leaving was the right thing to do
Finally, as the family leaves, we’ll read through an inventory of the family of Jacob as they leave the land
Once again we notice that Moses is addressing Jacob as Israel, reminding us that Jacob’s actions reflect a movement of faith in God’s promises
Israel sets out to bring all he had to Egypt
Jacob is departing from a location in central Canaan and headed south
And the southern most settlement in Canaan was Beersheba
This was the last town you encountered on your way to Egypt
And as Jacob reaches Beersheba, he hesitates
Before he steps outside the land, Jacob wants to know that leaving the land was the right thing to do
Jacob initiates the conversation with the Lord through a moment of sacrifice
This means Jacob took uncut rocks and boulders and piled them up to form an altar
Remember that altars are always places of sacrifice
Then he would have taken a young goat and slit the throat and drained the blood
He likely sanctified the altar with the spilled blood of the sacrifice
Then he built a fire on the altar and burned the meat and fat of the goat as a pleasing aroma to the Lord
A sacrifice is always required before sinful men may commune with the holy, perfect living God
The Bible teaches us that our sin is an ever-present barrier to our relationship with the Lord
It makes us an enemy of God, and we cannot please Him much less make requests of Him while we stand in a state of enmity with Him
But when an innocent takes our place in receiving God’s judgment, the wrath of the Lord is appeased (also know as propitiation)
And we can approach the Lord with our worship and petitions
Today, we have a never-ending relationship with the Lord because Jesus Christ became an innocent sacrifice in our place for our sin
God’s wrath for our sin was placed on Christ, so that now we can be at peace with God
And no additional sacrifice is required so we can approach boldly before the Lord at all times
In Jacob’s day, the world was still waiting for Christ’s sacrifice
So God made temporary atonement available through sacrifices of an innocent animal
And here we see Jacob making a temporary sacrifice so that he can approach the Lord with his doubts
In a way, it’s a curious thing how Jacob hesitates to leave Canaan
The land is dry, and dead for lack of water in the drought
The people are hostile and corrupt
His family has been seeking relief
And now he’s learned that his favorite son is alive and well in Egypt
You might think that Jacob would be running to get to Egypt
Why is Jacob so hesitant to leave the Promised Land?
Remember, this is the land God gave to his grandfather and his father
This is the inheritance every Jewish man since Abraham has longed to receive
The Lord’s promise to provide the Promised Land to Israel has always been THE measure of faith and the ultimate reward for belief and obedience
Jacob had worked for nearly 20 years for the opportunity to return to Canaan when he fled Esau
So it’s only too natural for Jacob to cling to the life he knew, believing he had obtained what God promised
For the same reason we may hold on too long or too tight to things God has given us or to a direction in life He’s asked us to walk at some point in our past
A possession, a relationship, a lifestyle, a job, a past time, a church…whatever it is, it’s something the Lord gave and we gladly received
But now the time to let go has come, and we face a new test of obedience
Sometimes, we disobey the Lord by rejecting the opportunities and blessings He brings to us because we prefer to do our own thing
Or like Jacob, we’ve grown comfortable with the plan
And we think we understand where it’s all going
But sometimes, we disobey the Lord by not letting go of something He’s told us to leave behind, or when we won’t change direction in our life when He calls us to something new
Some of the greatest tragedies in Scripture and in life come from failing to let go of the things God has given us
Saul wouldn’t recognize that his time as Israel’s king was to end – so his pride brought him down
Jonah got to spend some quality time with a large fish because he wouldn’t turn when God gave him direction to preach good news to his hated enemies
And here we see the Lord asking Jacob to give up his presence in the land because it suited the Lord’s purposes
God’s pattern in scripture routinely works this way, giving and taking away, to test us and reveal our hearts, while serving His eternal purposes
Can there be a better example than Job?
God gave him everything a man might want
Wealth, family, health, reputation, power
Then in a moment, the Lord permitted Satan to take it all away
Job had praised the Lord when he had everything, so the test was would Job see God differently when it was all gone?
And after Job passed the test, he got it all back again
In the end, this is a question of following God
He is the master, and we are the slaves
He leads and we follow, He gives and we receive gladly, and He takes and we praise Him nevertheless
When we try to hold on to those things that God has determined should be removed from our life, we are replacing His sovereignty with our own
And that’s not the real tragedy…the real tragedy comes should we succeed
Because if we persist in resisting His will, we will only succeed in being distracted by our selfish pursuits, serving ourselves instead of God
And we’ll be sidelined in God’s on-going work around us
If Jacob were to cling to the Promised Land rather than going to Egypt, he would have been left with a dusty, polluted, corrupt land without God’s blessing and provision, and he would die there
At least for a moment, Jacob toyed with this idea
But in the end, he did something important, something in keeping with “Israel” rather than “Jacob”
Jacob calls upon the Lord seeking a confirmation for what to do
I really like what Jacob does here, and not simply for his willingness to seek confirmation in what to do
This thing I like is WHO Jacob asks
He goes directly to the Lord and waits for his answer
That’s not fashionable today, even in the church
It’s a feature of human experience to be faced with dilemmas and choices that leaves us pondering what should we do, and we often seek advice
Of course, we know in the world there are industries devoted to telling people what to do or where to go
Psychic hotlines, TV psychologists on talk shows, online advice columns, endless Internet discussion forums, etc.
But this trend is also evident in the church
We have books, radio programs, podcasts, family, friends, home groups, etc.
And every one of these sources can be (and often is) used by the Lord to guide us
But none of these can substitute for seeking the Lord’s counsel
Whether in personal prayer or His word
These are the two direct sources of revelation the Church has to guide us, and they must always be in agreement
The Lord will never contradict His own word
Seek the Lord, wait for His answer, and then do what you sense Him telling you
Trust that He is capable of cutting through the noise and bringing you clarity when you need it
In response to his doubts, the Lord appears to Jacob for the sixth time
The answer comes in the night, as a vision we’re told
Apparently Jacob had camped here and waited for a response from the Lord
And when the response came, it was “Jacob, Jacob”
The Lord calls to him with his old name, indicating that Jacob was living in the flesh again, at least for a moment
The Lord identifies Himself as the God of Jacob’s father, Isaac, who had died ten years earlier
Calling Himself the God of Isaac, a man who was dead, proves that these men would one day be resurrected and return to the land
Isaac was dead, yet the Lord continues to speak of Isaac as alive and still a follower of the living God
As Jesus said to the Pharisees
So even the way the Lord identifies Himself, He’s already working to reassure Jacob that this departure will not be the end of his time in the land
On the other hand, this will be the last time Jacob sees the promised land this side of Heaven
Jacob is going to die in Egypt
And this is what the Lord intends
The Lord assures Jacob he will become a great nation while in Egypt
He will not be assimilated into the Egyptian people, which was Jacob’s primary concern
Instead, Israel will prosper and incubate within the land for a season
And they will never lose their identity while living in the land
But in the end, Jacob will die, and Joseph will close his eyes
After that death, Jacob will be entombed in Egypt
But he will not remain there
The Lord promises Jacob will be brought up out of Egypt
This happens in two ways
First, in Genesis 50 we learn that after Jacob died, Joseph took his body back to Canaan to bury him in the family tomb
Secondly, the Lord is speaking of the future inheritance Jacob receives when he is resurrected and enters the Kingdom
Like his fathers before him, Jacob understood that his permanent inheritance was yet to be revealed
So the Lord is promising Jacob that one day he will live again in the land God gave him
But he needed to wait for that day
So having been assured that leaving Egypt was the right thing to do, Jacob continues down into Egypt
With that confirmation, Jacob enters into Egypt, and with him comes his entire family we’re told
What follows next is a partial census of the family of Jacob
Not all members of his household are called out specifically
Mostly, it’s a record of the sons and grandsons of Jacob
But a few women are mentioned as well
At the end we get the count of all of them
Let’s read through the list
First, as we consider all these names, remember it’s only been 39 years since Jacob left Laban’s household with four wives and eleven sons in tow
Now just 39 years later we see how large his family has become
Clearly, the Lord is blessing Israel even now, moving toward becoming a large nation
And in this list we find a few interesting nuggets
First, notice that the sons of Judah include mention of the two dead sons, Er and Onan
They are not included in the count of Jacob’s family, but they are listed here for the record
The other two sons of Judah are the twins from Tamar
Perez is the son holding the seed promise, which will move to one of his sons
Secondly, notice that besides Judah, another son of Jacob took a wife from the Canaanites, Simeon
This reminds us of why the family needed to leave Canaan for a while
The temptation to marry into the Canaanite culture was too great
So the Lord knew He had to move them into Egypt
Until they were strong enough to resist assimilation
And when they returned to the land, they would be strong enough to defeat the inhabitants of the land
The Shaulites do not appear in the record of scripture, suggesting they fall under curse of Canaan and disappear
Third, it’s interesting that Benjamin has 10 sons, since at this time Benjamin was only 25 years old
The likely answer for how he could have so many so quickly was that he took multiple wives like Jacob
Just as Jacob fathered many sons in only a few years, so could Benjamin do the same
Lastly, consider the grand totals given at the end
All those who are Jacob’s descendants who came from Egypt were 66
This description excludes Jacob, all the wives, and those already in Egypt
That counts arrives at 66
But then we’re told the entire household that entered into Egypt was 70 people
The extra four are found by including Jacob, Joseph (who was already in Egypt)
And it also includes Joseph’s two sons
Later in Acts 7 we hear Stephen give a count of 75 for Jacob’s household in Egypt
Stephen’s count includes Joseph’s five grandsons, which were born after Jacob entered the land
Why are these specific counts given to us in the story of Jacob and Joseph?
Who cares how many entered the land?
We have two answers
First, when the nation leaves the land in the Exodus, we’re told that just the men above the age of 20 add up to over 600,000!
In only three generations after they enter, the family will have grown exponentially
They become one of the most numerous nations on earth, all while in slavery
This count helps us see how small and vulnerable they are as they enter Egypt
Under normal circumstances, we would certainly expect them to be assimilated into Egyptian culture
Instead they leave as a mighty people
There is only one explanation for that outcome…
Which leads us to the second reason this count is important
The number seventy in scripture is a number packed with meaning
It comes up over and over again in scripture
Each time, the number is intended to communicate a certain meaning
It means the Lord’s sovereign purpose accomplished through the works of men
We can see this meaning evident in many of the examples where the Lord chose seventy of something
When Joseph dies, Egypt will mourn for seventy days
Moses will be given seventy elders over Israel
The Lord selected seventy elders to prophesy in the wilderness
Seventy years were appointed for Israel to be captive outside the land
Later when the Hebrew text was translated to Greek, the work was done by seventy leaders of Israel
And the ruling Sanhedrin counsel of Israel was seventy men
These numbers are an accurate, literal count – they are not merely symbolic
But the Lord determined these events so that they would result in a count of seventy so He could send us a message at the same time
God is in control, and this departure of Canaan is His plan at work
Just as He is the answer to the question how did Israel grow so much while in Exodus
The Lord is sovereignly working to bring about exactly what He purposes and what He promised
Even in this early stage of the process we see His signature in the number seventy
Jacob isn’t taking chances with his inheritance
He’s ensuring it
Israel isn’t in danger of being swallowed up by Egypt
The nation will one day leave with the best that Egypt has to offer
God’s plan isn’t at risk
It’s going exactly according to plan
Next week we’ll look at Jacob’s encounter with Pharaoh and move into Chapter 47