Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we watched as Jacob experienced a sad and shameful episode in his family
His daughter is assaulted by the local prince, and Jacob’s family is asked to join the local pagan culture as a way of compromising over the dispute
We watched as Jacob’s life-long struggle to demonstrate moral leadership within his family has caught up with him, in the actions of his sons
Sons who, out of revenge, deceive, murder, plunder and enslave the local people
And in the end, all Jacob can think about is his own misfortune at being made a pariah among the local tribes
Remember, at the beginning of Chapter 34 we learned that Jacob had put down roots here in Shechem
Shechem was to be his home, Jacob was done wandering, he hoped
Now his sons’ actions put him in danger again
And the newly taken slave families bring with them the sinful pagan influences of their culture
Now in Chapter 35, Jacob begins the chapter fleeing for safety according to God’s word
The chapter continues with God confirming his covenant and ends with Him fulfilling His promises
This is the fourth appearance of the Lord to Jacob
Jacob is commanded to leave Shechem for Bethel, to build an altar in Bethel, and to make Bethel his home for a time
Notice God says to dwell in Bethel
Jacob had made Shechem a place of dwelling, but God wants Jacob to move away from the now empty town
Perhaps God wanted to remove Jacob’s family from the temptation of settling into the city, since it was now vacant
In fact, we have evidence that Jacob had intended to make the land around Shechem his permanent place in the land
At the end of Chapter 33, Jacob spent 100 pieces of money to buy the land he occupied
And he has now lived in Shechem for 10 years since returning from Haran
This was a degree of investment in the land that exceeded anything his forefathers had done
According to the promise God gave Abraham, He intended Jacob’s family to wander in the land of Canaan and in the land of Egypt for 400 years
He didn’t want them to put down roots and blend into the local culture
So now Jacob’s circumstances have made it impossible for his family to remain in one place for long
They are pariahs in the land of Canaan
They must remain separate from everyone, since they carry a reputation of the massacre in Shechem
I wonder what he would have done in response to God’s command to leave if he weren’t so hated by the local population?
Would he have obeyed a command to leave in a situation where everything was perfect?
God is more than willing to make our circumstances uncomfortable to the point we feel forced to make a change
God wants us forever moving in this world, whether physically or spiritually or both
So we won’t try to put roots down into a world where we can’t find common ground
Speaking personally, my own moves or changes in location have usually been preceded by circumstances that made staying unattractive
When God wants our obedience, He often stacks the deck of our life circumstances in His favor
When we encounter that stacked deck and ignore the obvious trying to beat the odds, so to speak, then the time we spend in denial will only make the inevitable adjustment all the more painful
Even more remarkable is God’s ability to work through Jacob’s own mistakes to produce God’s desired outcome
The need to move was prompted by the sins of Jacob and his sons
God wasn’t the author of that sin, but it plays directly into God’s purpose by serving as the fulcrum to dislodge Jacob from his comfort in the land
The more we study God in the scripture the more amazing are His ways, His ability to ensure His purposes are met
In particular, I’m continually amazed at God’s ability to turn our sins into vehicles by which He drives us into obedience
Doesn’t it warm your heart and bring awe to your mind to know you serve a God who can make so many details in life – even the regrettable ones produced by our own hands – lead to His glory?
As Jacob departs Shechem, he tells his household to dispose of all idols and to purify and change garments
Remember as Jacob’s family absorbed the women and children of Shechem, these families brought idol worship with them into Israel
These idols must be purged from Israel
Moreover, the sons of Israel must also come before the Lord seeking forgiveness for the sin of murder in the city
This is why the Lord orders Jacob to build an altar
An altar is specifically a place of sacrifice, where sin is acknowledged and blood is spilled to ritually atone for sin
God intends Jacob’s family to make sacrifices to Him, in seeking to be cleansed for their sins in Shechem
Animal sacrifice doesn’t actually atone for sin by the ritual
Like water baptism, it pictures a spiritual truth that God forgives sin through the application of blood
When Jesus provided His own blood as a sacrifice on the cross, He was atoning for all sin
This is why today churches should not have altars
Altars are a place of sacrifice but now that Jesus has atoned for our sin, no more sacrifice is required
So Jacob orders his household to purify themselves
This command refers to ritual washing, which is an act picturing a repentant heart seeking forgiveness
Furthermore, they are to change their garments
This declaration is likely happening on the same day, or the day after, the murder in Shechem
Their clothes may have still carried bloody marks from the massacre
So they needed to be changed
God says change your garments as a part of purifying yourself
This act also pictures our new walk with Christ having come to repentance and faith
Paul tells us to “put on Christ” after we come to faith
Jacob’s family knows God, but it’s time they begin to walk in Him
Not only do the slaves have idols, but it’s likely that the sons of
Jacob took a few for themselves as well
In v.2 we’re told Jacob spoke to his household and all that were with him
The household refers to his natural born family
And those that were with him refers to the foreigners who have joined with them
The corrupting influence of the surrounding peoples had already begun to take its toll among Jacob’s family
But Jacob has turned a corner in his own life
Though he still has a long way to go, he realizes that he again finds himself in need of God’s protection
And he knows from experience how God does protect him, even mentioning it in v.3
This is a big step for Jacob
He is afraid of imminent attack, but rather than make his own scheme, he responds first in obedience and secondly in loyalty
This is a good sign
Interestingly, Jacob hides the pagan gods under a tree
Perhaps Jacob wanted to make a point to God and his family that these idols were forever dead to Jacob’s family, as pictured through a burial
I believe there may have been a more practical reason
Perhaps Jacob knew that if he didn’t bury them, his family would have secretly returned for them before they departed
Jacob has clearly become wiser about the importance of obedience and holiness
He will forever contend with sons’ disobedience
This is a consequence he can’t avoid
But he seems determined to follow the Lord’s commands from here forward
Finally, we read in v.5 that the Lord was faithful to produce such fear among the peoples that Jacob was protected in his flight
Jacob has returned to an important place in the life of his family: Bethel
This was the place where Jacob stopped in his flight from Esau
He saw the ladder of angels ascending and descending to Heaven at this point
He heard the Lord promise to keep him and bless him
He learned of the covenant from God for the first time
It’s been 30 years since Jacob last heard from God here
Jacob’s first act upon returning is to build the altar God commanded and he names the altar “God of Bethel”
And at this moment Jacob’s obedience is complete and God’s promise is fulfilled
Remember that when God appeared to Jacob in Bethel 30 years ago that God promised:
And in response Jacob said”
Then when it was time for Jacob to leave Laban ‘s home and return, God appeared to Jacob with this reminder:
The Lord reminds Jacob that he should return to Bethel where he set up an altar and made his vow
In this place, Jacob would see God’s faithfulness
But until this moment, Jacob has been delaying obedience
And because his obedience was delayed, so was God’s blessing and fulfillment of His promise
God’s faithfulness was never in doubt, but the timing was connected to Jacob’s obedience
Ultimately, God pressed Jacob to obey by allowing Jacob’s sin to become the motivation for Jacob to complete his journey back to Bethel
Why did Jacob delay ten years in moving to Bethel?
We can only guess, but it seems that the cares and pleasures and concerns of the world intruded, and left Jacob without sufficient cause to seek for God
Now Jacob has reason and so he obeys
I wonder if Jacob could possibly have realized how much time would pass, how much sorrow and grief he would experience, between the time he received the promise and the time he would see it fulfilled
God’s will will be done, and we will be conformed to God’s purposes one way or another
We can be conformed the easy way or the hard way
The easy way is to listen to the word of God and live according to it
The hard way is to pretend God isn’t listening and God won’t care, until we force Him to act against us
For us, the hard way can be really, really hard
And as if to emphasize the trials and grief that came to Jacob for his life of disobedience, the family experiences yet another death; Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse
Remember that Rebekah is Jacob’s mother, the one who cared so much for Jacob
Deborah is Rebekah’s wet nurse, a woman who has produced milk after the birth of one of her own children
A wet nurse is a necessity for a woman who had several children by another woman, as Rebekah did through her concubine
Deborah is first mentioned by name here, but she was mentioned earlier in Genesis 24
In Genesis 24:59 we’re told of Rebekah taking her nurse when she leaves her home to join with Isaac
She would have lived with Rebekah and Isaac until the death of Rebekah
The Bible never tells us when she joined Jacob’s household
But the mention of Deborah’s death at this point in the story is intended to communicate to the reader that Rebekah is no longer alive
Rebekah probably died while Jacob was in Haran and Deborah joined him there
Having been with Jacob ever since, she now dies at age 180
Why is it important for us to see that Rebekah is gone?
Because the Lord wants us to recognize that the sin of Jacob’s deception impacted everyone, including Rebekah
She participated in the deception of her husband
And as a result, she lost her favored son
And she died before Jacob ever returned to see her
The sadness of Jacob and his family losing Deborah is reflected in the name of the oak, which means “oak of weeping”
I wonder if Jacob’s mourning over Deborah filled the void in his heart for his inability to be with his mother when she died
This would be appropriate since Deborah would have been a surrogate for his mother when Jacob nursed
So in some ways, Jacob mourns for Deborah like he would have mourned for his mother
God appears for the fifth time in his life and the second time since Jacob has returned to the land
God pronounces a blessing upon Jacob
And this isn’t just any blessing of course
This is THE blessing that was given to Abraham
This is the seed promise, the inheritance that God created for Abraham and his descendants
We know the blessing well by now
The changing of a name to indicate Jacob has become part of God’s covenant
The new name of Israel refers to Jacob’s partnership with the Lord
And Jacob will bring forth a company of nations
And kings will come forth from Jacob
Furthermore Jacob’s descendants will inherit the land one day
But that day will await for the Kingdom of Christ
The promise as spoken here, is a little different than it’s been in past times
Jacob is promised a company of nations
This is a different promise than the one Abraham received
To Abraham, the Lord said he would be a father of many nations
This referred to the Arab states that came from Ishmael
But Jacob will be a father of a company
The Hebrew word for company implies a collection of the same
We know this refers to the tribes of Israel
Ironically, this is the blessing that Jacob has long sought from the Lord
This is the blessing Jacob schemed to get from Isaac
This is the blessing Jacob demanded of God when he wrestled
This is the very thing Jacob has always worked to obtain
But in all that we’ve seen happen, God has never before given the blessing to Jacob
This is the first time we’ve seen God deliver Jacob with the blessing of the seed promise that Jacob so desperately wanted
You may be thinking that surely God delivered this promise in one of the four earlier moments when He appeared to Jacob
But if we look at each of those earlier moments carefully, we find only promises to bless Jacob in the future
When Jacob returned to the land and to Bethel
When he obeyed the voice of the Lord
Then he would be blessed
In all these years since, Jacob has yet to complete every step of obedience
Only in this moment has he finally returned to Bethel as required, sacrificed and tithed
Notice we see him setting up the pillar
And anointing it with oils and a drink offering
These are symbols of tithing
Only now has Jacob completed all that God asked
Abraham experienced a similar moment
Only after Abraham had obeyed the voice of the Lord when he took Isaac to the mountain for the sacrifice, only then did the Lord deliver the blessing completely
Blessing follows obedience
Relationship is established on the basis of faith in God’s promises but the blessing of that relationship await obedience
God has the power to compel our obedience and He will use our sin and its consequences, if necessary, to create that outcome
But in the wise words of Samuel: