Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob’s children are grown and living with their father in the land of Canaan
They are parties to a covenant with the living God, a covenant which promises they will inherit this land
When Israel leaves the land of Egypt and enters the promise land under Joshua, the nation will experience a degree of ownership in the land
But even that moment isn’t the complete fulfillment of the Lord’s promises, which await for the Kingdom’s arrival upon the Second Coming of Christ
So in the meantime, the Lord is working to build a nation
To fulfill their purpose in God’s eternal plan, the nation that comes from Jacob must remain separate from the world around them
They cannot lose the distinction God created by separating Abraham from his people
The seed promise of the Messiah will find its fulfillment in the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
But the family of Jacob are as sinful as any other family on earth
And should they be left to their own instincts, there would be no hope for this family to fulfill their mission
Making matters worse, Jacob is a flawed patriarch, incapable it seems of conquering his deceptive character
And those character flaws have trickled down to his sons
So the story of Jacob includes moments like the one we’re studying in Chapter 34
Low points in the family’s history where their sin erupts into a crisis that threatens to undo God’s work, by bringing an end to the family God requires for His divine mission
We’re going to see a total of three such crises in Jacob’s family history
One occurs here in Chapter 34, another in Chapter 37 and the third in Chapter 38
Each of these crises follows a similar pattern
Jacob’s sons acting in sin make foolish and destructive choices that place the future of the family at risk
Then Jacob is an absentee father, taking no meaningful action to correct his sons’ behavior
But the Lord steps in to turn the circumstances to good thereby maintaining the integrity and sanctity of Jacob’s family and ensuring His eternal purposes are met
All of these situations are important because they have an impact on the inheritance and the seed promise of the covenant
Today we finish the first of those three crises
In the first half of Genesis 34 the daughter of Jacob has ventured into the local Canaanite culture in Shechem seeking friendship
Her poor judgment led to an opportunity for evil to take advantage of her
She was raped, kidnapped and now her captors are negotiating to keep her
Jacob allows his sons to conduct the negotiation
But the terms offered to the sons would result in an even greater tragedy for Jacob: intermarriage with the condemned world
While Jacob seems not to object at all, the sons say they will intermarry but only after the men of Shechem agree to be circumcised
But this was just a deception on their part
(Jacob’s) sons’ deception is working
The city leaders say the words seemed reasonable
They return to the city, and Shechem is more than eager to submit to the procedure
And we’re told he was the most respected member of his father’s household
So the city was inclined to listen to his counsel
When the father and son stand in the city gate, they are holding an official meeting, soliciting the men to agree to this covenant with Jacob’s family
The prince lists three advantages to this covenant
Jacob’s family is friendly with the city
They will have opportunity to marry the daughters of Jacob’s family
And they will gain control of their livestock and property
The only condition for the men would be circumcision
This was no small concession
In an age without anaesthetics or the sharpest of knives, the procedure would be very painful, both in the moment and over the course of several days
Still it was a short term sacrifice for a long term benefit
If we take a closer look at Shechem’s arguments in favor of the relationship, we’ll find a pattern that God’s people encounter regularly
First, the opportunity for a relationship rests with the family of Jacob
They were showing a willingness to be “friendly” with the Canaanites
This word is shalem, which means devoted or complete
Only after God’s people suggested a willingness to be devoted to the city and to become complete with them could the rest follow
Secondly, the men sought to intermarry so they could absorb the family of Jacob into the Canaanite culture
The added population would strengthen the city within the land
Remember, the family of Jacob was roughly equal in size and power as the city of Shechem
Yet no one is suggesting that Jacob would absorb Shechem
Instead, the family of Jacob will become part of the city
Finally, the end result for the world was earthly gain
They would benefit materially through the relationship
Meanwhile Jacob would have lost a far greater eternal reward
Hamor and Shechem’s statements perfectly summarize how God’s children suffer when they compromise with the world
First, it begins when we make the choice to make friends with the world
And we’re not talking about merely being neighborly,
We’re talking about becoming devoted and committed to living our lives according to the world’s rules, expectations and values
The world remains forever willing to accept us into their way of life
The choice is ours, not theirs
And Scripture teaches us not to unite with the world, but rather we are to remain separate and distinct
Secondly, if we make the mistake of such a union, be forewarned: we won’t sanctify the world, the world will absorb us
God alone has the power to change hearts, and though He works through relationships to bring about faith, He’s told us not to build relationships that compromise our walk
So we’re only fooling ourselves when we establish worldly relationships
Those relationships won’t bring spiritual fruit
Our sinful compromise can’t create holiness in others, especially when we’re living like they do
When our distinction is lost, so is our witness
Finally, whatever earthly benefits we accrue by these relationships with the world, we stand to lose far more in the eternal
Time and time again we’ve all seen believers make this devil’s bargain
They seek the approval and acceptance by a falling and ungodly world, and as they win that approval, they forfeit godliness and a sanctified life
On judgment day, when everything is made known, their loss will be evident
As it turns out in Chapter 34, Israel’s offer to unite with the city was not genuine
It was merely a deception, and the deception has worked
In v.24 we’re told that the men of the city agree to become circumcised
The procedure was painful, like any cutting of skin would be
But given the sensitive location of the body, the pain intensifies for the next several days as the body tries to heal
At about the third day, the men would have been in great discomfort
They would probably be suffering mild fevers from infections
They were probably sleep deprived from several nights of little rest
And this situation was exactly what Jacob’s sons expected
Two of Dinah’s brothers, Simeon and Levi, entered the city on the third day and began to kill every male in the city
This was probably somewhere in the range of 50 to 100 men
As v.25 says, they had a tactical advantage in the fight because of the pain of the men
The pain would have weakened them enough to ensure that Jacob’s sons had the advantage in the battle
From their own experience in practicing circumcision, they must have known what to expect
So their deception has played out exactly as they expected
When they reached the King’s home, they killed both he and his son who had raped Dinah
Then they set their sister free
But freeing their sister wasn’t enough
The sons then began to loot the entire city
The looting was payback, we’re told, for the rape of Dinah
They took all the livestock of the city
They took all the children and all the wives of the city
The people of Shechem became servants of Jacob’s family
The brothers have essentially wiped Shechem off the map
The city was essentially gone and all that it contained was now part of Jacob’s caravan
What caused the two sons to respond in this way?
The clue comes in their relationship to Dinah
Dinah is the daughter of Jacob and Leah
And Simeon and Levi are sons of Leah as well
They are the full brothers of Dinah
And they know their mother is the unloved woman in Jacob’s life
Likewise, they remember that as the family met Esau, Jacob had demonstrated that Rachel and Joseph were most valuable
While Leah and her children were more expendable
To top it off, when Dinah was kidnapped and raped, the best their father could do was agree to negotiate a price for her
Jacob gave no effort to defend her honor or his family’s honor
He made no demands of Hamor
And he gave no thought to the covenant God had given him
Jacob seemed only concerned about how to avoid confrontation
It’s obvious that years of Jacob’s favoritism for Rachel and her son has boiled over into this rage
While their actions were wrong, beginning with the deception, we might at least find some sympathy for how they felt
Still, they have stepped well beyond what was appropriate and reasonable
They have murdered an entire city of men
And they have brought an entire city of idolators and pagan worshippers into the family of Jacob
While they will be absorbed into the family of Jacob, they will bring trouble
Secondly, they have dealt treacherously with a city state in the land
Other city states are going to learn of this deception and defeat
And when the news gets around, the other city states are likely to take action to defend themselves
They might band together to wage war against Jacob
At the very least, they won’t be willing to trade or work with Jacob
Jacob has exactly these concerns
Jacob’s first and only concern in the entire matter is how he will be perceived in the land
He knows that his sons’ treachery will make his family a pariah from this point forward
And this is precisely the good outcome God is at work to establish
God has used the sin of Shechem, Simeon and Levi to address the wrongs against Israel and to ensure His plan is met
The injustice against Dinah has been paid out, albeit in excessive ways
The Lord’s promise to curse those who make themselves enemies of Israel has been kept
And God kept it by using the sin of two sons
God didn’t author their sin, but He made good use of it
Because in addition to avenging Dinah, this action will ensure the nation has strong incentive to remain separate and distinct in the land
Furthermore, the extreme nature of the city’s destruction ensures that no other city state will dare attack Jacob’s family
They will be a feared people, further ensuring their isolation
After hearing their father’s protest, the sons respond with indignation
They ask if it would be better that their sister be treated as a harlot?
It’s important to notice they call Dinah “our sister” rather than addressing her as Jacob’s daughter
They defended her because they knew Jacob wouldn’t
These sons are guilty of their sinful actions, but the seeds for their evil fruit were planted by Jacob decades earlier
When Jacob was practicing deception, he was teaching his sons to deceive
When Jacob was treating his first wife unjustly, he was breeding malice and revenge in his sons’ hearts
When Jacob was sidestepping his responsibilities to settle the jealous disputes between his wives, he was teaching his sons that they had to take matters into their own hands
When Jacob was fighting against God rather than resting in the Lord’s promises, he taught his sons to live in their flesh rather than relying on God’s power
So Jacob’s first crisis begins with his children’s desire to make friends with the Canaanites and it ends with a city destroyed and his family alienated from the Canaanite people
God turns the crisis to good by ensuring His people remain separate
And yet he also holds the two sons accountable for their terrible sin
You may remember I said last week that the events of this chapter have an impact on the Messiah’s arrival, which is why Dinah is recorded in the story of Jacob
Simeon and Levi are second and third in line to be the patriarch after Jacob
Because of this sin, Jacob will withhold a blessing on them upon his death bed
Later, we’ll see Reuben, the first born, will also sin against his father and lose his blessing
Therefore, because Simeon and Levi were denied an inheritance in the family, they also forfeit the chance to be the family bringing the seed promise of the Messiah
That promise will eventually fall to the fourth son in line