Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob has returned to the land and settled near Shechem, a place his father and grandfather often occupied
The first act in the story of his life revolved around his relationship with his brother Esau
It began with the conflict over the birthright and Jacob’s deception of his father and brother, leading to a division in the family
God used Jacob’s sin to divide the two brothers, so that the child of the seed promise and the child of flesh would be separated
Just as God did between Isaac and Ishmael
Then it became a story of Jacob’s struggle outside the land, which was the consequence for his sin
During that struggle he gains wives and children
And he contends with Laban
Finally, the story ended with a reconciliation of sorts with Esau
They depart on good terms, so that the threat of Esau against Jacob no longer exists
Thus allowing Jacob to reenter the land
Through this first act, the key messages were that God was patient and faithful while working to grow Jacob’s faith and dependence on the Lord
Meanwhile, Jacob was self-centered and deceptive
Leading God to wrestle with Jacob to bring him a new understanding of God’s power and authority in his life
With the first act coming to conclusion and Jacob settled in the land again, the next part of his life story begins
This second part still centers on Jacob’s weaknesses, but the focus in the story shifts slightly
Instead of learning about Jacob’s failings, now we begin to understand the consequences of Jacob’s sin
In particular, we come to understand that his sins of deception, impatience, and self-centeredness have combined to yield a family of sons who share his weaknesses
So that the consequences of Jacob’s sin begin to play out in the sin of his children
Reminding us that sometimes the consequences for sin wait many years to blossom
But in Genesis 30:21 we learned that one of the children born to Leah was a daughter Dinah
In the Bible, women rarely receive mention in the genealogies of the Bible
This pattern does not mean women are valued less to God
It merely reflects the Biblical and cultural emphasis on men determining family identities
The story of Genesis, and the Bible as a whole, is a story ultimately about the Messiah
About where and when He comes to save us from sin
And the line of Messiah is traced through the seed of men, according to Scripture
Though it ultimately ends with the seed of woman - a virgin birth
Therefore, it serves little purpose for the writers of scripture to note all the women born along this path to Messiah unless they play a role in determining the line of the Messiah
Like Ruth
So the mention of Dinah in Genesis 30 was an early indication that she would play a role in determining the line of the Messiah, and she does
Genesis 34 tells us how Dinah made that contribution
In v.1 we’re told that Dinah went to visit the daughters of the land
The land is Canaan, of course, and the occupants of the land are the ungodly Canaanite people
Jacob, like his fathers before him, had chosen to settle outside the cities of Canaan because he understood that he was to remain apart from these cursed people
Jacob was looking into the future in faith for the inheritance God promised him
But he has not been effective in teaching that viewpoint among his children
Here we see evidence of that weakness
Dinah goes out to make friends with the daughters of the land
She is a young girl, probably 14-16 yrs, seeking friendship with the locals living in the nearby town of Shechem
We haven’t heard much about Shechem up to this point, except in Genesis 12 when we learned how Abraham first came into the land
At that time we learned that Shechem was a place of the Canaanites
The Canaanites were a dreadfully sinful and wicked people
They were idolators, of course, who practiced child sacrifice, ritual prostitution and sodomy
They showed little regard for human life and virtue
Clearly, this is the kind of culture that Jacob should have warned his children to avoid at all costs, especially since God had declared they were cursed and were to be displaced by Abraham’s decendants
Instead Dinah tries to make friends with them
One of the sons of the king of Shechem takes notice of Dinah
He takes her by force and rapes her
There were few offenses in the ancient east more egregious than rape
It defiled the woman, stole her honor and brought shame to her family
Rape was punishable by death in virtually every culture until the past century
After raping the girl, the prince of Shechem keeps Dinah prisoner in his home for a time
He becomes attracted to her and begins to desire her as his wife
Perhaps his first interest in her was merely as a sexual conquest
But now he wants her
Since the prince couldn’t keep her forever, he decides he can make her a legitimate wife
This is the kind of hubris common to rich and powerful people
When someone has unchecked power, sinful flesh has no natural constraints
In one moment, the prince could commit a terrible crime against this woman and her family
And the next moment, he assumes he can cause this family to bow to his will and consent to a wedding
Remember this, should you ever wish for great power or wealth
Should God chose to grant your desire, it might be a sign that God wishes to curse you rather than bless you
Now word reaches Jacob
Jacob hears about the prince and his daughter
Jacob hears she had been defiled
The word for defiled is “unclean” indicating that Dinah was no longer suitable for marriage
At the time Jacob hears this, his sons were in the field
Jacob stays silent initially
By “silent” the Bible means he made no decision concerning how to respond
He wanted to have the counsel of his sons, which would have been customary
We remember already we’ve seen brothers negotiating marriage arrangements for sisters
The king of Shechem has come to Jacob to negotiate for the marriage of the prince with Dinah
Meanwhile, the brothers hear of their sister’s plight, and they rush in from the field
The brothers are incensed over their sister’s treatment
They declare this is a disgraceful thing in Israel
This is the first time in the Bible that the family of Jacob is collectively called Israel
The family has taken on a national identity under the new name of their father
The national identity is partly the reason for their strong reaction
It was bad enough that their sister was defiled
But the action is an act of war
Canaan was populated by city states
Each settlement was its own power, ruled by a king
We’ve already seen the king of Gerar
Now we see the king of Shechem
Israel was a nomadic group of people living among the city states
Israel was large and powerful, probably as powerful as many city states themselves
In that regard, Jacob would have been considered a king of his family
Therefore, the actions of the prince amounted to an act of war of one city state against another
So the brothers are intent on defending their sister’s honor and in defending the family name of Israel
To do otherwise would be a sign of weakness and a risk of greater conflict
Hamor approaches the marriage negotiation as if there was nothing amiss
He says my son wants to marry your daughter
In fact, let’s intermarry in general
He proposes that the two cultures should become one
Why does the king make this offer?
Besides trying to win Dinah for his son, the king see economic advantage to this deal
Jacob’s family wealth would be a great boost to the city’s stature and power
Obviously this arrangement would be a serious departure from God’s plan for Israel
The land will one day belong to Israel, but they were not to obtain it through compromise with the cursed Canaanites
Instead, Israel was to remain a separate people wandering in the land until God gave them an inheritance
There is simply no way Jacob could consider this offer
Notice Hamor doesn’t directly acknowledge the rape or his son’s defiling of Dinah
But in a tacit admission of guilt, he offers unusually generous terms
First, he waives the right for a dowry that usually accompanied with the bride
You see that in the first half of v.12
The English reads incorrectly in my version
It should read “ask me never so much...”
It means he wouldn’t ask for a dowry
Secondly, Hamor offers to pay whatever bride price Jacob wanted
Name your price, he says
While these terms sound good, in reality they are increasing Dinah’s shame
By not following the normal process of expecting a dowry and negotiating in earnest to obtain a bride price, he is treating her like a prostitute
He is diminishing her even further
So now Jacob faces a decision of how to respond to this situation
On the one hand, he has an opportunity to put the episode behind him through compromise
He could name a high price for Dinah, which would have helped restore some sense of honor to his daughter
The higher the bride price, the greater the honor for the bride
Still, no price can erase the shame suffered by the family
Plus he would have had a serious increase in wealth
And if Jacob agrees, he would gain access to the city’s wealth and the opportunity to own land and settle down in the region
On the other hand, a Canaanite nation has committed a terrible act against his family
His daughter has been shamed and expects her family to come to her defense
Secondly, they want to go a step further and corrupt the entire family by intermarriage
But if Jacob takes up arms against the king, he risks his entire family being wiped out
Plus, any conflict would put his peaceful existence in the land at risk
As was customary, Jacob leaves it to his sons to take the lead in the negotiations
In v.13, Moses tells us that Jacob’s sons intended to deceive Hamor and revenge their sister’s treatment
While their desire to defend their sister and the family honor is justified, everything they do after this point is wrong
Notice where it begins...they deceive
This is the Jacob family tradition
You can bet these sons live and think much like their father
And Jacob’s penchant for relying on deception to solve his problems is reflected in his boys’ thinking
In fact, it’s likely that Jacob himself doesn’t even realize that they intend to deceive Hamor
This itself tells us something about Jacob
He appears satisfied with the possibility of his sons marrying Dinah off to this family
It’s a sad commentary on Jacob that he is willing to overlook his daughter in this time of need
And he was willing to stand by and permit such a serious compromise with the local Canaanites
Jacob has raised a family that is marked by his own nature and weakness of character
The most common lie our sin feeds us is either that no one will get hurt or at worst, it only hurts us
The reality is that sin often has far-reaching and long-lasting consequences
We are too limited in our ability to see the power of sin so we underestimate it’s power in our life and in others'
Jacob could never have imagined how his tendency to deceive would become an influence on how his sons think
It’s appropriate that this chapter makes absolutely no mention of God, one of the few in Genesis without such a reference
Clearly, God’s presence is simply not a factor in this family’s decision-making
The Lord has promised to bless and keep this family
He has assured Jacob of an inheritance
He has shown Himself ready and willing to protect Jacob in the face of greater enemies
Yet neither Jacob nor his sons give even a moment’s thought to the Lord
Yet God is certainly present in this story, despite the family’s unwillingness to acknowledge His presence
God is working to turn the sin of this family to good for His purpose, in keeping with His covenants
As a result of this deception, God will bring judgment against those who pursue justice beyond what was proper
Meanwhile, He will vindicate Dinah’s honor and bring about her freedom
And the Lord will use these circumstances to ensure Jacob’s protection for the rest of his life in Canaan
Once again the Lord will remain faithful despite Israel’s shameless faithfulness and the sin of the family
How often do you think the nation of Israel took encouragement in reading these accounts knowing their collective unfaithfulness?
If God could take Jacob and his family and still make a nation out of their sinfulness, then certainly Gould would remain faithful against later periods of Israel’s sin
We can say much the same thing about our life in faith with Christ
We aren’t perfect either
Some of us are better than Jacob but some are worse
Just as Chapter 34 is absent God, we have periods of life that is absent God
He’s not found in our thoughts or actions
He fades into the background as our flesh takes center stage
Still, God doesn’t disappear and He continues to work things to good for those who love Him
But in the meantime, remember that sin has a long reach
It taints our future as much as it stains our past
Our children will mirror our weaknesses
Our daily choices to sin will eventually accumulate a wealth of consequences we can’t even anticipate
Consequences to our health, our emotional well-being
Our reputation, our relationships
God will remain faithful to His promises for our eternal destiny
But turning things to good doesn’t mean taking away consequences to sin
The best way for us to avoid the consequences of our sin is simply to turn from that sin in the first place