Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s a new dawn for Jacob
He’s encountered the Lord in a powerful way
Hand-to-hand combat between the Angel of the Lord and Jacob
Not a test of strength...a test of wills, one in which the Lord was determined to show Jacob the folly of striving against God
After an entire night of struggle, the Lord struck Jacob with a supernaturally strong blow, placing his hip out of joint
And Jacob got the point
Jacob demanded a blessing, and a blessing was exactly what the Lord had planned in the first place
So now Jacob, or Israel, as the Lord called him, is ready to move forward with a new understanding of what it means to be in covenant with the living God
There is still the issue of Esau
Esau’s arrival has been the event propelling Jacob’s fear
In fact, fear of Esau created the opportunity for the Lord to pressure Jacob into the moment of blessing
Is yet another example of the Lord turning all things to good for His elect, including turning Jacob’s struggle with Esau into a cause for discipling Jacob
So now Jacob moves toward the meeting with his brother
And as we read last week, the journey continued appropriately enough as dawn breaks
A new Jacob greets a new day
But the new Jacob will still do battle from time to time with the old Jacob, as we’ll soon see
As Jacob crossed the river to join his family, Esau arrives
As promised, Esau is accompanied with 400 men
The news that Esau was bringing such a large contingent triggered Jacob’s worries in the first place
So as Jacob sees this large force approach, he’s still not sure what will happen
Earlier, Jacob divided his family in an attempt to save at least some of them from Esau’s attack
Now we learn how that division was done
Jacob placed the two concubines in the foremost part of his family, Bilhah and Zilpah
Together with the maids, he included their children
Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher
Next he placed Leah and her children
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zubulun
Finally, Jacob placed Rachel and Joseph at the back
Do Jacob’s actions leave any doubt concerning his feelings toward his family members?
Clearly he placed the most expendable members of his family in the front ranks
And he placed the most valuable members of his family in the rear ranks
Rachel has always been the wife he loved
And now we see that Joseph is the favored son, though he was the youngest
Don’t you think the rest of Jacob’s family got the point as well?
As they walked toward an uncertain encounter with Jacob’s estranged brother, they look around and take note of where Jacob has positioned everyone
The handmaids see that they will be first to die should a battle ensure
Leah can see that she is clearly less valuable to Jacob than Rachel
And likewise, her children count for less
Finally, all eleven sons must have been keenly aware of where their father’s affections centered
By custom the youngest son would have been the least worthy of honor
But Jacob has placed the younger in highest regard
These distinctions sow seeds for tremendous jealousy and hatred within Jacob’s family
And the irony is that Jacob himself was the unfavored child though God had directed Isaac to grant Jacob preference
Now Jacob seems to be repeating that mistake
The ramifications of this behavior will be a serious rift in Jacob’s sons
And the effect will nearly crush Jacob himself
Remember last week I noted that Jacob’s new name comes and goes in the narrative of Genesis
Unlike Abram, who never used his old name again, Jacob’s old name is still commonly used in the story
Occasionally, we hear Moses uses Jacob’s new name of Israel
When he does, it’s an indication of Jacob walking with the Lord in some way
But for the most part, we continue to call him Jacob
And the use of that name suggests the old nature of the man is still at work in his life
As Esau and Jacob meet, he bows seven times to meet Esau
Once again, Jacob is suggesting that he and Esau have assumed roles opposite those prescribed by Isaac’s blessing
Jacob is bowing to Esau as if Esau were the patriarch
But Jacob was granted that role and can’t give it back
Jacob is still relying on deception, in a subtle way
He is using the deception of flattery
He is granting Esau a title and privilege that isn’t accurate in an attempt to win his favor
That’s what flattery is...dishonesty
Christopher James Gilbert said:
Jacob is using false, flattering words to curry favor with Esau
Jacob’s trust and dependence upon the Lord is still weak, and in stressful moments, Jacob can’t seem to help relying on the old tactics of deception and dishonesty
• Now we reach the moment that the narrative has been leading us to for nearly two chapters
Esau finally sees Jacob bowing on the ground, and he runs to Jacob, embracing him and kissing him
The two men weep together, probably for very different reasons
Esau seems sincerely happy to see Jacob again after 20 years apart
Whatever animosity existed earlier has long since been forgotten
His tears are tears of joy and happiness
Jacob, on the other hand, is probably shocked and a bit mystified over his brother’s reaction
He assumed he was moments away from death by the sword, and now his enemy is hugging him and kissing him
I suspect Jacob’s tears are tears of relief and thankfulness
The question for us to answer is what does Jacob learn from Esau’s response
Does Jacob credit his own tactics or God’s blessing?
Remember, Jacob sent a caravan of animals and servants ahead of him to greet Esau as he arrived
This lavish gift was intended to buy peace with Esau
Was that the cause of Esau’s friendly arrival?
Or was this entire outcome God’s doing?
Before we get the answer, there is the matter of introductions
Esau asks who are all these people with Jacob?
By the question, it’s apparent that Esau didn’t expect Jacob to return married, much less with a complete entourage following him
Jacob tells him these are the family God has graciously given Jacob
There’s an answer that reflects the heart of someone who knows the Lord is working in his life
So one by one, Jacob’s family meets Esau
But notice what each does
Each wife and child bows down before Esau
The act of bowing was an acknowledgment of authority
And since Jacob had bowed to Esau, the family of Jacob was obligated to do the same
No one in Jacob’s household held more stature than Jacob himself, so if Jacob bowed, all must bow
Here again we have a problem in Jacob’s approach to Esau
According to God, Jacob is the superior and should have been the one receiving Esau’s patronage
And in eternal terms, the Edomites will be servants of Israel, not the other way around
Now Esau raises the question of Jacob’s gift
Esau asks a rather humorous question
What did you mean by sending all that company to meet me?
Esau, we now learn, didn’t know what to make of the odd greeting Jacob prepared
Instead of appeasing Esau and winning him over, the gifts simply confused Esau
Esau never imagined they were gifts, since he had no reason to expect such a gift
From Esau’s perspective, they were brothers, not enemies
Jacob had only succeeded in outsmarting himself
He thought he was making a sacrifice to reconcile himself with an enemy
In the end, his sacrifice wasn’t even accepted as such
It was pointless and did nothing to gain an advantage for Jacob
Clearly, we now see that Jacob’s tricks amounted to nothing in protecting him and his family
God had already addressed the issue in Esau’s heart
Before Jacob’s schemes and plans, God had already put a plan in place to heal the wound and make Jacob’s worthless gesture unnecessary
In the relationship between Jacob and Esau, we can draw a comparison to the Gospel, and the reconciliation God has prepared for us through Christ on the cross
Like Jacob, we were once enemies with God Himself, made such by our sin nature
In our conscience, we had an instinctive appreciation for a coming judgment day, a day of reckoning when God would settle our debt
And since we were enemies of God by our sin against Him, we had little hope of surviving that encounter
As a result, many people thought to make preparations to appease God’s wrath and earn his favor when they face judgment
We may have begun to perform works of one kind or another in the hope God would accept our gifts of sacrifice
Those sacrifices were the best we could offer, since we couldn’t go back and erase the past
Perhaps those gifts came in the form of religious service or personal sacrifice or good works
But just like Jacob, those gifts were useless
Because God has already solved the problem
He gave His only Son as a sacrifice in our place
And having offered that perfect solution, God will accept nothing less in payment for our sin
Like Esau, God declines our offer and tells us it was unhelpful
In fact, our gifts of service and sacrifice were of no value
If our relationship with God is to be repaired, it can only come from God’s sacrifice on our behalf
So here’s Jacob hearing that his gift did nothing for Esau, nevertheless Jacob insists that Esau accept it anyway
What’s Jacob’s purpose in pursuing the gift at this point?
If it didn’t serve a purpose in appeasing Esau, then what good does it do to give it?
In fact, Esau says he has “plenty”
The word in Hebrew for plenty is rab, which means an abundance or enough
Esau is at least as rich as Jacob at this point
These gifts aren’t increasing Esau’s wealth
Jacob gives his reason in vs.10-11
First, Jacob says he sees the face of God in Esau’s welcome
Only the night before, Jacob had seen God’s face in the form of the Angel of the Lord
And that encounter had delivered to Jacob the realization that he had been fighting against God, instead of letting God fight for Jacob
Now Jacob sees the Lord’s face, so to speak, in the way Esau welcomed Jacob
Secondly, Jacob says that God has dealt graciously with Jacob
Jacob knows that he has offended God in many ways and many situations
Despite all Jacob’s flaws and offenses, God has remained faithful, protecting and blessing Jacob
This is the definition of grace: unmerited favor
Finally, Jacob says he has plenty as well
The Hebrew word for plenty here is different than the earlier one
This word is kol, and it means all things
Jacob feels he has everything, so that even the loss of this gift means nothing to him
In practical terms, Jacob meant that he had received the land of Canaan and a full household and continual supply from the Lord
So Esau takes the gift at the insistence of Jacob
Here we see the new Jacob shining through
Where before he wanted to give a gift to solve his own problem, now he wants to give a gift in honor of the Lord’s work on his behalf
Same gift, but very different purpose and a different heart in the giver
Once again, this relationship gives us a picture of our response to God’s work in the Gospel
Once we have recognized the work of God on our behalf, our entire attitude toward our gifts change
Where before we might have been inclined to give God gifts of service or sacrifice hoping to appease his anger, now we give out of a new heart
We give our gifts and sacrifices in thank, recognizing that we too have witnessed God in our life
We’ve come to know God in the face of Christ
We’ve watched the Lord give us grace
And we’ve come to understand the depth of our riches in Christ, the eternal inheritance that awaits
And knowing all these things, we freely and joyfully give back whatever we can in gratitude for God’s work
This is the heart of Jacob with Esau
But having made peace with Esau, Jacob also recognizes that they are on different paths with different futures
Esau is so happy about the reunion that he assumes Jacob will bring his family to live with him in Seir
Seir is the mountainous region of Edom, the land where Esau’s descendants settled outside Canaan
Jacob knows that God has promised him a different land
And like his father before him, Jacob intends to wait for that inheritance
So Jacob has no interest in going to Seir
Instead of addressing the issue directly, Jacob decides not to spoil the moment
He uses the excuse of a tired family as his reason for not following
Interestingly, Jacob still gives the impression he would follow Esau, albeit more slowly
At that point, Esau offers to leave men behind to escort Jacob back to Esau’s land
Jacob, again, politely declines the offer
We have to read between the lines a little to know what’s truly happening, but it would have been clear to Esau
Esau understands that Jacob isn’t coming to Seir
Jacob’s excuse is the thinnest of reasons not to follow
And when Esau offers to at least leave some men to guide Jacob, it was a test of Jacob’s sincerity
Jacob’s refusal told Esau clearly that Jacob had no interest in going to Seir
By declining in this polite way, Jacob avoided offending Esau
And so Jacob moves westward while Esau returns south to Edom
Jacob first camps in Succoth, a place just east of the Jordon
He stays there long enough to build a home and tents for the animals
This was probably 1-2 years
We’re not sure why he decides to stay there for that long, but it gains the name Succoth (which means tents or booths)
Later he moves into the land to Shechem, the place his forefathers have frequented
But notice again he doesn’t move into the city
Like Abraham and Isaac, Jacob remains a wanderer, proof that he knew and accepted God’s promise of a future inheritance in the land
In fact, Jacob buys a small plot of land to accommodate his family
The fact that Jacob buys land in the place that God has already told Jacob He would give him proves that Jacob understood that grant would come in a later time
Specifically, it shows that Jacob looked forward to an eternal inheritance in the land
And on that land he set up an altar called El-elohe-Israel
Meaning the mighty God of Israel
How Jacob must have rejoiced to be back in the land, safe
But Jacob’s story has only finished Act I...