Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe are nearing the end of the toledot, or genealogy, of Isaac
We’ve been focused on Jacob for so long you may have lost track that we’ve been studying the toledat of Isaac
Each of the patriarch’s families take a turn under the spotlight in Genesis
And that spotlight ends when the patriarch dies
Isaac’s life is about to come to an end, and when it does, our story will shift to the family of Jacob, particularly Judah and Joseph
Before we reach the moment of Isaac’s death, we have one more tragedy to study
Last week we heard of Deborah’s death, Rebekah’s nurse
It provided an opportunity for Jacob to mourn his mother’s death by proxy
Now we learn of an even more traumatic death for Jacob
Last week Moses told us that Jacob finally received the blessing of the covenant
In the Lord’s earlier appearance, Jacob had received the Lord’s promise to bless him with the inheritance
But the Lord had yet to consummate that promise with the blessing itself
Now that Jacob has obeyed the Lord’s instructions and kept his vow, he receives the blessing of the covenant
His obedience was made complete by Jacob’s movement to Bethel as God commanded
God told Jacob to dwell there last week
But apparently the time has come to wander again, because Jacob has set out for Ephrath
Ephrath is the former name of the town of Bethlehem
In v.16 we’re told they are still some distance away from Ephrath, when Rachel goes into labor
Just the news that Rachel is pregnant is a surprise
Jacob is likely over 100 years old at this point
Rachel hasn’t been pregnant for 15 years, and we remember that she was the last one to give birth in Jacob’s family
So this pregnancy must have been a big surprise
But it was also dangerous for a woman of her age to carry a child
And since she was Jacob’s favorite, he is no doubt concerned for her on this trip
We remember that back when she was warring with Leah over the affections of her husband, Rachel declared that she would die if she didn’t have a child
Those prophetic words are coming back to her now
Because as she goes into labor, things begin to go wrong
She suffers severe labor we’re told
Likely the labor caused internal bleeding and she bled to death even shortly after the child was born
The text says Rachel could feel her soul departing her body
This is a sensation that those who have come close to bleeding to death have reported
In Rachel’s case, there would be no resuscitation
As she lays dying, she chooses a name for her son
This has been the pattern for all Jacob’s sons
The women were naming the children and often using the names to make a jab at the other wife
We noted then that Jacob would normally name the sons
But he seemed disinterested and unable to lead within his family
Rachel names her son Ben-oni, which means son of sorrow
Rachel knows she is mortally injured
How painful it must be for a mother to experience the joy of bringing a son into the world only to know that she wouldn’t be there to enjoy him
But how comforting for believers to know that such a separation is only temporary
After Rachel dies, Jacob decides to rename the child
This is certainly his prerogative as patriarch
What’s unusual is that Jacob has never before shown an interest in naming any son
But for obvious reasons, Jacob feels a greater attraction to this boy
He is the last son born to his favorite wife
And any time Jacob sees this son, he will remember the loss of Rachel
So Jacob names his son Benjamin, which means son of my right hand
The right hand position in the eastern culture was considered the highest place of honor
In fact, this is still a matter of protocol in the military
When two soldiers walk side by side, the highest ranking individual always walks on the right side of any group or column
Jacob names Benjamin with a name that tells everyone in the family that he will be a special child in Jacob’s heart
Jacob mourns for Rachel and buries her at the place where she died
The text says Rachel was buried on the road to Bethlehem, while they were still a distance away from the town
In 1 Samuel 10:2 this location is in the area that later belonged to the tribe of Benjamin
This makes sense that the tribe would receive as its inheritance the land in which their father was born
In fact, Benjamin is the only son born in the land
Later in Jeremiah 31:15, we’re told that Rachel was buried near Ramah, which is in Benjamin
This location has been lost to us today, though the gravestone was standing in Moses’ day and lasted until at least Jeremiah’s day
That means the stone stood for 1,300 years or more after Rachel died
This is a testimony to the kind of grave that Jacob built for his wife
Doubtless it was a large grave stone, something capable of standing and being preserved for so long
And ever since, men have recognized the importance of giving their wives a big rock, so to speak
Today there is a tourist location south of Bethlehem that claims to be the burial place of Rachel
This is nothing but folklore
Ramah is located north of Bethlehem
Another example of how tradition often replaces Biblical truth given enough time and enough Biblical illiteracy
Now the twelve sons of Israel are alive and the family is complete
With the next generation in place, it’s time for Moses to address the outstanding question of where the seed promise moves next
We know it’s been promised to Jacob and the Lord has confirmed that Jacob was to carry the promise forward
But with Isaac still alive, that promise has yet to transfer, and that time is almost here
Once Isaac dies and the toledat of his life is complete, the same question will shift to Jacob
Who will inherit the seed promise in Jacob’s famliy
This is a much more interesting and complicated question
In the case of Abraham and Isaac, the question was much simpler
There were only two sons, so one was in and one was out
But with Jacob, we have twelve sons from two different mothers
Remember the children of the slave women were considered to have come from their master
So how will God decide who receives the Lord’s promise?
Remember the patriarch’s estate included an inheritance of his property and the inheritance of the Lord’s seed promise
The Lord decided where His promise would go in the family
And the son with the birthright also held the privilege of receiving a double portion of the estate and the right to be patriarch in the family
To help answer that question, Moses records one more short story about the behavior of one of Jacob’s sons, Reuben
Jacob and his family eventually end up moving to a region just outside the town of Bethlehem
Once again, Jacob remains a wanderer in the land, rather than set up a home in the town of Bethlehem
The tower of Eder refers to a watchtower set up in the wilderness just east of Bethlehem
These towers were erected to help shepherds watch for thieves moving among their flocks
The fact that Jacob’s location is identified with a tower is evidence that he has remained outside the city of Bethlehem
While in this place, Reuben, Jacob’s first born son, decides to lay with Rachel’s maid, Bilhah
This is a disturbing comment seemingly inserted without connection to the rest of the story
But it has tremendous meaning
A man’s concubine was neither a wife nor a slave, but somewhere in between
While Rachel lived, she was a surrogate mother for a barren wife
Now that Rachel was gone, she continued to be considered Jacob’s property and had a status of wife, although with diminished importance
Bilhah was mother to two of Reuben’s younger brothers, Dan and Naphtali
It seems unlikely that this was a case of rape or mere lust
Bilhah was at least 30 years his senior
And the timing of the event, following Rachel’s death, suggests he waited until after his mother died to make this move against his father
In that culture, to take another man’s wife was a way of challenging his authority and power
It was a form a conquest over him
Reuben seems to be contesting his father’s control of the family
Reuben was over 30 by now and perhaps he was impatient in waiting for the inheritance
Perhaps he simply assumed he could do what he pleased since the maid would one day be his
Being the first born, Reuben held the birthright, or so he expected
This relationship constitutes a terrible injustice against Jacob
Reuben’s action was similar to the prodigal son, taking his inheritance before his father was dead
It reminds us of a young Jacob, dishonoring his father in order to obtain a birthright he expected would be his
The most important part of the entire verse are the words “Israel heard of it.”
Moses’ focus in Genesis is always birthright and the seed promise, and where this promise goes in each generation
Notice Moses uses the name “Israel” and not Jacob
That change in name is always a reference to the godly man, being led by the Spirit
Here we see the Lord influencing Israel to know of Reuben’s actions
In the last verses of this chapter, we will reach the point of Isaac’s death and we face the question of where the birthright goes next
We eventually get that answer when Jacob hands out his blessings on his children from his deathbed
Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Israel will skip over Reuben for the birthright and the seed promise
And we now have the crucial piece of information explaining why Reuben does not receive the birthright
Because Reuben dishonors his father
Finally, as we end Chapter 35, Moses gives us a moment to reflect on the relationship between Isaac and his son Jacob
When the two last saw one another, Jacob was deceiving his father in an attempt to gain the blessing God had promised to him
While Isaac was choosing to ignore the Lord in trying to place the blessing (and with it the seed promise) on the wrong son
Nearly 40 years has passed, and from scripture it seems clear that Jacob has never returned home nor seen his father since that time
Now begins to close the chapter of Isaac’s life, first by showing the faithfulness of God
Moses lists Jacob’s family of sons, the nation of Israel, the nation of future kings and nations
The nation through which the world would be blessed
The fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac and now Jacob
Secondly, God shows us a reunion of sorts between father and son
Jacob arrives in Mamre 12 years before his father dies
Mamre is the place that Abraham and Isaac have sojourned or wandered
The reason for Jacob’s return was in preparation to receive his father’s estate upon his father’s death
This is the fulfillment of the seed promise as given to Jacob and of God’s faithfulness to Jacob’s vow
Jacob left 30 years earlier with only a staff and he returns with a large family, with wealth, and now the promise of God is his
And when he left, he made a vow to the Lord asking to be returned safely to his father’s house
God has now seen this promise to conclusion
With this final step, Isaac’s life story comes to an end
In a sense, each patriarch exists in the story to connect the dots between the prior patriarch and the next patriarch
Once that connection has been made, the story comes to its natural conclusion
Isaac’s story was relatively simple
In fact, you can remember Isaac more for how he is connected to his father and son than for anything he did himself
Isaac was the son nearly sacrificed by his father, and Isaac was the father deceived by his son
Jacob’s story won’t end until his death in Chapter 49, but after his father dies, our attention will shift to his sons – and one son in particular; Joseph
The first born of each of Jacob’s wives may contend for the birthright and the seed promise
The first born of Leah is now Judah, since Reuben, Simeon and Levi have been disqualified
The first born of Rachel is Joseph
Both play instrumental roles in fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham in Genesis 15