Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we begin Chapter 4, Adam and Eve begin their life outside the garden as a married couple
At first, life isn’t too bad
Adam and Eve had the beginnings of a great marriage
He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married and she didn't have to hear about how well his mother cooked
No in-laws, no siblings, no noisy neighbors
Though they are under a curse, the full effect of that curse won’t be apparent for many centuries
But in case we were tempted to think that the sin of the garden didn’t have an immediate effect on mankind, God gives us the events of Chapter 4
The chapter opens with Adam and Eve having their first child
Adam and Eve have relations
This is unlikely the first time Adam and Eve had been together in this way
The reference to one flesh in Chapter 2 suggests that the marriage was consummated from the start
But here they conceive and a child is born
With no prior experience with child birth, it must have been both a scary and awesome moment
The first time one human being gave life to another
Eve, the mother of the living, is witness for the first time to what God’s promise will mean for her and all women
The first baby is born, and we wonder a little at how they would have understood to care for him
They name him Cain (Kaian) which comes from the Hebrew root kin, which means to give form to, or give shape
Then Eve adds that interesting phrase at the end
The Hebrew in the last part of this verse is very important to understanding it’s meaning
In Hebrew, that verse only says “I have received boy: Jehovah”
Translators have struggled to make sense of this statement, usually placing other words in the verse to create a different meaning
But the meaning is exactly as Moses stated
Eve has announced that she has given birth to God in the form of a boy child
Remember God had promised Eve that she would bring a child who would crush Satan
And so as this child is born, Eve is overjoyed in the birth moment and imagines she will have the privilege to birth the promised Messiah
This is a natural assumption
How was Eve to understand that it would be millennia before the Messiah arrived
Before long, a second boy arrives
To put this verse in perspective with the prior verse, we need to look at it in Hebrew as well
The name Abel in Hebrew is habel
Which means vapor
It can also be spelled habal which means vanity
We can see two meanings in his name
First, we can see a prophetic meaning in that Abel was fleeting like a vapor
Secondly, we see Eve’s realization that she was wrong about Cain
By now Cain is probably a toddler and Eve noticed that her “Messiah” was going through the terrible twos
This can’t be God, she realized at some point
Then she realized that the birth of Cain wasn’t a one time event
She will birth many children who will carry on that pattern
She might have thought that the birth process was merely intended to produce the Messiah
So when Eve has a second boy, she has learned her lesson
She declared that it was vanity on her part to assume she was giving birth to the Messiah
And she names her second son Abel (vanity) to remind herself that she had been vain when she made her declaration concerning Cain
God often frustrates men by not choosing the one we assume should be chosen
Moses begins a pattern here that will continue throughout the book of Genesis
The line of Messiah is in God’s choosing, not man’s
And he will continually make distinctions between the two children to emphasize that fact
Abel becomes a keeper of flocks while Cain farms (Incorrectly switched in the audio)
We can understand the need for farming, but what were the flocks for?
Since the eating of meat was not yet permitted, we assume the flocks produced milk
And as we’ll see now, they also served a purpose in worship
In the course of time…
Moses emphasizes that what happens next is according to the natural course of events
It suggests an inevitability arising from the Fall in the Garden
Here is a story on the consequences of sin in the world
Cain and Abel brought an offering to God
Sacrifices were already an understood necessity
God had at some point revealed to Cain and Abel the necessity for atonement
This is before the Law of Moses, but God’s Law has always been in place
Moses was merely the one privileged to reveal it in the way God delivered it
So Cain and Abel are directed to approach God with these sacrifices
Notice that God and man are still in a relationship though now it’s a different relationship
Where before God and man worked and lived together in the Garden
Now man is seen approaching God with payments and an atoning sacrifice in an effort to appease God’s wrath for sin
Obviously, the relationship between God and man has been injured through sin
And these two boys are caught up in this problem, though they had nothing to do with the original sin in the Garden
Each man brings a different offering and gains a different result with God (we need to look closely at this)
Our first clue to understanding what happens is in noticing that Cain brings a grain offering
Just as in the Law that was provided through Moses, God commanded grain offering, and Cain is giving his offering here
But under God’s Law, the grain sacrifice was a tithe offering
We know the Law had not been given in its full form at this point
But God would have instructed these men in a way similar to what He gave Moses
Our second clue is that Abel brings an animal sacrifice, specifically a first-born animal that has already been killed and its fat was being burned
This is the second major type of sacrifice
Animal sacrifices were atonement for sin offerings
Our third clue is found in the Hebrew at the beginning of v.4
The Hebrew is limited to a few words, leaving room for interpretation
The Hebrew is Habel gam bo, which is “Abel also brought”
It likely means Abel brought grain like Cain and also brought an animal sacrifice
Abel seems to understand the need to honor God with tithes and to bring atonement for his own sin
But Cain is limiting his actions to tithing only
We see confirmation of this interpretation in the book of Hebrews
Abel is said to have presented gifts (plural)
The next clue is found in how God responds to Cain & Abel
God has regard for Abel, not for Cain
In Hebrew, give regard is shaah = paid attention
Another way to say it is He made His face to shine upon Abel’s sacrifice
But God doesn’t have regard for Cain’s sacrifice
In Hebrew, it’s the same word (shaah) but with a negative in front
Why did God see the two sacrifices differently, since both types were commanded under the Law?
Was Abel’s contribution better in some way?
Some have speculated that the cause for God responding so differently was in the nature of the sacrifices themselves
Maybe blood vs no blood
Maybe fruit (off) the ground vs firstlings
That Abel also tithed like Cain, but Cain didn’t bring an animal sacrifice like Abel
First consider some scripture
Scripture teaches that sacrifice is made necessary by our sin
But God is more interested in our obedience so that it doesn’t require sacrifice in the first place
More importantly, in speaking about Cain and Abel, John says that the key difference between the two was that the actions of one were evil and the other righteous
John’s commentary teaches us that there was something unrighteous in Cain’s actions and something righteous in Abel’s
God is condemning Cain’s sacrifice because it was made with an unbelieving heart
Cain is not interested in knowing God or in loyalty, and Hosea said
Abel’s actions, on the other hand, reflect faith
What kind of faith are we talking about in their cases?
Specifically, Cain is not believing in the promises of God concerning the need for atonement
Cain doesn’t accept the reality of sin and the fact that an atonement is necessary
He is acting purely out of pride and self-righteousness
And God will not accept much less be pleased by Cain’s tithe offering unless it comes with faith in God’s promises
Without faith, it’s impossible to please God
How can we know that Cain’s lack of faith is the cause for God’s displeasure?
Look at what follows…
These two verses offer one of the more inscrutable statements in all scripture
Many have tried and failed to make sense of these words, especially in light of the context
In fact, many interpretations (and many translations) of this verse are nonsensical
We are going to learn them properly this morning
We should note in passing that this is the first mention in the Bible of anger
Cain expressed anger against God because God does not accept Cain’s sacrifice
We’re left feeling that Cain arrived before God so that he could receive praise for his tithe
When the praise didn’t come, it angered him
First, God asks why are you angry? Why are you disappointed?
Why does God ask this question?
It’s clearly rhetorical, but it begs a question…why wouldn’t Cain be angry about God’s rejection?
Then looking at v.7 God says if you (Cain) do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?
But in Hebrew, most of those words aren’t there
In Hebrew, the verse reads: do well, be raised up
Now God’s question starts to make more sense
God says to Cain why are you angry that I gave regard for Abel’s animal sacrifice?
Animal sacrifices are for sin
Since you didn’t bring an animal sacrifice, you must not have felt you needed atonement (i.e., you don’t think you have sin)
So why would you be angry with Me for giving regard to your brother’s sacrifice if you don’t even need to sacrifice?
If you do well (have no sin), you will be raised up (resurrected)
Then we reach the toughest part of the statement
“If you do well, sin is crouching at the door...”
Not doing well here is the opposite from the earlier statement
Doing well = not sinning, so not doing well must mean sinning
If you sin, then sin is crouching at the door?
This statement makes no sense
At the very least, it’s redundant
The word for sin is chattah, which is usually translated “sin offering”
You can see a similar application in Greek in 2 Cor 5:21
Jesus, Who knew no sin, became a sin offering on our behalf
He didn’t become sin, but rather a sin offering is implied in that verse
In Cain’s case, God is saying if you sin, then a sin offering is…
The English translation says “crouching”
How does that word make sense here?
Sin is waiting to get me? It’s already got me
Sin is ready to tempt me? God said when Cain sins, it will be crouching (temptation has already happened)
There is no way to fit the word crouching into this context
The word in Hebrew means lying down, but it’s almost always used to described a four-legged animal lying on the ground
Like a goat or sheep laying down
Next, the word door is properly translated doorway
Finally, we look at the end of verse 7
The end of the sentence is only two words in Hebrew: teshuqah, mashal
Teshuqah means desire and it occurs only here and in Gen 3 (a woman’s desire for her husband) and Song of Solomon
This is the only time of the three, where the interpreters have assumed a negative connotation
It should have remained positive
Mashal means a master or ruler
What does this image evoke?
It reminds us of Passover, when God places the blood of a the lamb over the door of the homes of Israel
This is God’s proclamation of the Gospel to Cain in the form of a promise to provide a sacrifice in the doorway for sin
If Cain is without sin, he’ll be raised up without an animal sacrifice needed
But if he sins, an animal sin offering will be lying in the doorway
God tells Cain to have a desire for that master or King (i.e., Christ)
The solution to Cain’s anger and dejection is to accept Christ