Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe drop back into the story of Cain and Abel after God has instructed Cain to seek the sacrifice offered him to atone for his sin
But as we will see today, Cain doesn’t take that offer
And in fact, Cain goes further in the opposite direction, indulging his sinful flesh
In understanding what transpired, we face another lost in translation challenge
The opening phrase of verse 8 reads “Cain said to Abel his brother…”
There is something missing
Most modern English translations have tried to make it read as if this phrase stands alone (i.e., unconnected to the rest of the verse)
But the earliest surviving Hebrew, Greek and Latin texts all state this verse as:
“Cain said to Abel his brother, let’s go out into the field.”
The NET Bible has also chosen to render it this way
This better translations conveys Cain’s premeditation, as Cain convinced his brother to go to a remote place before committing murder
Cain must have had a large enough extended family at this point that he had reason to need privacy, and fear retribution
So Cain commits the first murder in the Bible, the full depravity of the human heart on display from the very beginning
All the sin required for us to do the very worst things in life existed from the time of the second man
The condition of the world is not the result of a worsening of the human condition that leads to things like murder
It has always been a part of the human heart
We should also notice the conscience at work as well
Why did Cain feel the need to lure his brother into a remote place?
There can be no other explanation than that Cain felt guilt over his crime even before he committed it
And he was protecting himself from discovery – evidence of a conscience
What was the basis of Cain’s anger at Abel?
Simply, a hatred of those who gain God’s approval
As Jesus warned:
When Cain murdered Abel, scripture tells us it was the most ungodly man living destroying the most godly
The first believing son persecuted by the first unbelieving son
The spiritual son of the first murderer, Satan, rising up against the first prophet, Abel – first among many to be persecuted
The pattern continues unabated today
Now we have the second time God has confronted man after a sinful act
Verse 9 is one of the most sarcastic and disrespectful statements spoken to God recorded in the Bible
God gives Cain the same opportunity for repentance that He offered Adam and Eve in the Garden
And instead of responding with confession, Cain offers this remarkably blunt response
In fact, this is the first human lie in history
Clearly, there is no repentance nor remorse in his heart
But don’t miss the grace of God on display in these early chapters of Genesis
Despite watching mankind turn away from Him, disobey Him, disrespect Him, nevertheless God maintains a patient forbearance with all of it
And as a result of the first murder, we also see in v.10 the first burial referenced
That’s the meaning of the phrase “from the ground”
And the earth “opening” its mouth to receive Abel
In this case, the burial was done out of the need to cover up a mistake, not out of respect for the body
God then responds to Cain’s insolence with a statement of judgment
God says, look what you have done (in the form of a question)
And that Abel’s blood cries to God from the ground
God is aware of injustice and of the affliction of His children by faith
Abel’s blood cries out to God for vengeance and God acts in the due course of time
The punishment God delivers to Cain sounds similar to Adam’s but is actually quite different (and it’s unique to Cain alone)
God says “you” are cursed from the ground
While Adam’s sin resulted in a curse against the ground
Now the ground itself becomes evidence against Cain and brings a curse upon him
In Hebrew, the sense is that the ground has been Cain’s prosecutor and jury, convicting Cain of his sin
And the verdict that the ground demands is death
So God pronounces a curse on Cain
Remember, a curse is a permanent judgment of damnation
There is no recovery possible for Cain
Furthermore, God declares that the earth will no longer give its produce to Cain
He is no longer a farmer who stays in one place
Instead, Cain will wander the earth and scrounge for his living
The word for vagrant is nua, which means to shake in fear or to stagger, to walk to and fro
To wander is nud, which is similar in meaning but with an emphasis on grieving and mourning
He will forever wander the earth in fear and grieving
More importantly, Cain must live out his days away from the rest of his family and from God Himself
At this point in the history of humanity, Cain can expect to be alone for the most part
More importantly, Cain is being banished from God’s presence on the earth
It’s obvious that God has maintained some kind of presence among men on earth even after the Fall in the Garden
Cain and Abel sacrificed to God
Later we’ll see that other men in Adam’s family knew God and even walked with Him
So Cain’s banishment means he is leaving the community where God is frequently visiting in some form
Cain’s removal from God’s presence is a remarkable picture of what we know happens to all unbelievers in eternity
They are eternally separated from God’s presence as they feel the weight of their sins
This is the cursed outcome of every unbeliever
Notice that according to this analogy, the unbeliever isn’t annihilated
Cain’s existence didn’t come to an end
He continued on but apart from God, in an existence of suffering
Similarly, the unbeliever under judgment is also subjected to a continuing existence apart from God
Cain’s story is a Biblical picture of how unbelievers are going to be judged one day
They will appear before God
And He will test their work, but they won’t have an answer for His questioning
And in the end, their deeds will be found lacking, and they will receive punishment in eternal separation from God
And as an unbeliever, Cain pictures the eternal through the experiences of his earthly life
The Bible declares that Cain was an evil person who had no faith in God
And this is why he finds no forgiveness
But if we are ever tempted to think that someone may be converted to faith through some convincing display of God, remember Cain
Cain knew God
He spoke with God, He talked to God
Yet he didn’t accept the gospel
He didn’t submit his will to God’s
An encounter with God or a powerful religious experience cannot create faith
Hebrews tells us that God is the author and perfecter of our faith
He is also the perfect judge of all who oppose Him
Cain reacts with regret and sorrow, and a complaint
Cain seems to understand the significance of God’s judgment
In literal Hebrew, Cain declared or said that his iniquity (or crime) was too great to be lifted or forgiven
He may not be talking about his punishment, but rather his offense
He recognizes he won’t find mercy from God
Don’t be misled by what you see in Cain here
This is worldly sorrow, not godly repentance
Only God can produce true spiritual repentance, and it leads to a faithful response to God’s word
In 2 Cor. Paul explains the difference to his readers as encouragement
They had been chastised by Paul and felt sorrow, but Paul says this was good sorrow, because it led them to lead a more godly life
No such godly response is taking place here
Instead, Cain is simply showing regret over his circumstances
Cain now argues his case before God
He says he is being…
Driven from the face of the ground
Banished from the farming of the land – his way of life
Made a wanderer
These are simple restatements of God’s words
But then Cain adds that this existence will leave him vulnerable to attack
Moving around puts at him risk from those who would harm him
The irony here is that what Cain himself started, he is now concerned about receiving
The first murderer fears being murdered
What he sows, he now fears reaping
And who might threaten Cain?
Reasonable projections of population growth arrive at a likelihood that there were 20-30 thousand people on earth by the time Abel died
All of these people are relatives, and since Cain is the first to murder, the prospect of retaliation is on Cain’s mind
So God responds to Cain’s concern with a measure of grace
God is bringing some protection to Cain
God declares that anyone who takes vengeance on Cain for Abel will receive a seven-fold (meaning divinely complete) vengeance on his own family
Then to be sure that this promise was trustworthy, God gave Cain a sign that he could remember
The typical reading is that a mark was put on Cain, but the word for sign is oth – a sign like that given to Noah
More likely, God simply gave Cain something that he knew meant that he could trust God’s promise
Why does God protect Cain?
Ultimately, Cain stands as a witness against lawlessness for many generations
Secondly, God has not instituted earthly punishment for sin
There is no government or laws to constrain men’s behavior
So God is merely controlling sin more than protecting Cain
Cain is no longer in the presence of the Lord
And so he goes east of Eden
East is always a picture of where the unrighteous go (Babylon)
West is always a picture of righteousness and the Kingdom
This is a common motif in the Bible
Mesopotamia is in the East
Israel is in the West
Abraham was called out from the East and sent to the West
Isaac’s bride Rebekah, who pictures the Church, is called out from the East and meets her husband in the West
Ishmael and Esau leave the West and go East
Cain lands in Nod, which could mean wanderer in Hebrew (similar to nud)
This shows fulfillment of prophecy
In v. 17 we hear that Cain has a wife, and at this point, a question everyone asks is – where did Cain get his wife?
In fact, this question is one of the first places critics of Scripture will go to suggest the Bible is untrustworthy
How can Cain have a wife?
But the answer is so easy, even children can answer it correctly
His sister! (Or likely some other female relative, a niece perhaps)
Can this be appropriate?
First, consider that our hesitation to accept this answer is conditioned on modern standards and mores
We understand today that incestual relationships are unhealthy
They produce defective (disabled) babies – DNA is a problem when you bring together parents with closely matched genes and those defects pass down to the child
Secondly, God Himself outlawed incest in the Mosaic Law
Prior to this time, brother-sister marriages were not unlawful, although they were uncommon
Take Abraham, who married his half-sister
In the beginning, the need for brother-sister marriages was obvious, and God permitted it
But initially such marriages were not unhealthy because the DNA of Adam was perfect, as he was created perfectly
The curse on the Earth introduced the wearing down of the human genome and the introduction of genetic defects - albeit over many generations
Later, after DNA errors began to build up, God outlawed such marriages to protect families from the problems bad DNA would cause
This is a classic example of wrongly interpreting scripture with a modern viewpoint
Today we have been conditioned to see incest as bad and harmful, and therefore it is outlawed - rightly so
But in Cain’s day, there was no prohibition and no medical concerns with the practice
And it was essential to growing the population of men on Earth