Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur focus as we ended last week was the covenant between God and Noah
The covenant was a one-way, suzerainty covenant God decreed to Noah and all Creation
The terms created a new dispensation or period of God’s grace ruling over sinful men
Included in the terms was the allowance that men could eat animals for food
While animals for their part were changed by the covenant to now have the fear of men
Also, men would now rule over each other with the authority to shed a man’s blood as penalty for taking life
Meanwhile, Noah’s family would again fill the earth as Adam did once before
God took upon Himself one term
That He would never again destroy the Earth with water
Leaving open the right to destroy the Earth in other ways
The covenant depends only on God’s faithfulness, and so long as God remains faithful to His term, the rest of the covenant will remain in effect as well
The Noahic Covenant begins a new dispensation in God’s plan for mankind, one that lasts until God’s call of Abraham and the patriarchs
Like all covenants, this agreement came with certain features to help set the agreement apart and mark its establishment
This morning as we finish Chapter 9, we’ll see one of those markers
And we also want to consider a question: what did the Flood ultimately accomplish on Earth?
It came in response to the extreme nature of man’s sin on Earth, but what did the Flood achieve toward that end?
Covenants usually include certain features to help mark or denote the covenant’s existence and remind the parties to observe its terms
Some Bible covenants highlight these features more clearly while other examples given in Scripture skip over the details
Rest assured that every covenant included at least a few common, basic elements
One of the those basic elements was a sign or token
Signs could be compared to a receipt or a signature
When I drop off my dry-cleaning at the cleaners, I have entered into a contract with that business
The terms of the contract are simple and mostly unspoken
The cleaners will clean my clothes without ruining them and I will pay their advertised fee
When I leave my clothes at the counter, the clerk will hand me a receipt for the clothes
This receipt is a sign of our contract
Every time I look at that receipt, I see visible proof of our contract
I also see a reminder to pick up my clothes!
The sign is not the same thing as the agreement itself
For example, if I were to lose my receipt, the contract is still in effect
The receipt was merely a representation of the contract, not its substance
Likewise, covenants use signs to remind the parties that an agreement existed between them
It wasn’t the substance of the covenant, but it pointed to it
And these signs served the same purpose as signatures on modern contracts
The parties respected the sign of a covenant as a solemn guarantee from the other party
We can see this in another example, when Abraham receives his covenant and when Israel receives the Law
These covenants also had signs
Abraham’s sign was circumcision
Israel’s sign was the Sabbath Day
Both circumcision and the weekly Sabbath were reminders given to mark their respective covenants
Now in v.12, the Lord declares the sign for the Noahic covenant will be a rainbow
In keeping with the nature of the covenant itself, the Lord selected an appropriate sign to communicate to every member of Creation
Signs should share certain characteristics if they are to mark a covenant properly
First, a sign should last as long as the terms of the covenant itself
It does no good if the chosen sign disappears before the covenant itself runs its course
Secondly, the sign should be visible to every party of the covenant, so that all who participate can see the reminder and understand its meaning
Finally, a sign must stand out from the normal everyday
It serves no purpose to select as a sign something that doesn’t draw attention to itself
If we select an everyday normal event as a sign, then it cannot communicate that something new has come into existence
The rainbow meets these requirements perfectly
The rainbow is everlasting
As long as the Earth remains and water falls from the atmosphere, rainbows will exist
The rainbow is universal
Every continent, every location on Earth sees rainbows
Every person and even every animal has opportunity to see this sign, and by God’s word understand its meaning
Finally, the rainbow is uniquely associated with the end of a rain storm and the appearance of the sun
Since we know the arrival of rain was the cause of the Flood
And the promise of this covenant is that rain will never again bring a worldwide flood
The rainbow is a perfect way to communicate the covenant still at work, God relenting from ever bringing too much water
This also leads us to conclude that rainbows were entirely new in Noah’s day, probably since rain itself was new
With v.17 we reach the end of the covenant
God has instituted human government with its implied laws and penalties
God has stated that the acts of human government are ultimate acts of God in that they serve His divine purpose on Earth
God has established that a life must be given for a life, and that shed blood is the way that life may be poured out
Yet men cannot take in blood as food
All these terms foreshadow future covenants created by God
If we took time, we could identify similarities between this covenant and the Old Covenant and the New Covenant
As in the way this covenant established human laws and human rulers
But the Old Covenant established God’s Law and the New Covenant brought God’s Ruler
As in how this covenant showed us that crime against man required a man’s life be given
But the Old Covenant showed a merciful God would make a sacrifice available for sin
And the New Covenant revealed a permanent sacrifice capable of removing all sin
As in how this covenant taught men to pour out blood of animals
But the Old Covenant taught that the pouring out of blood was an act of sacrifice to atone for sin
And the New Covenant taught that the blood of Christ was the necessary sacrifice to remit for the sins of men
There are other similarities and connections, but the sum of it all is a greater point
God is at work to reveal His plan to men, but in small steps
And with each new revelation, God fills in a picture of His plan to address the sin of the Garden once and for all
The writer of Hebrews describes it this way:
And this leads us to the second question for the morning: what has this Flood event accomplished in God’s plan for the Earth and for men?
We get the answer in the course of the rest of Chapter 9, in a story of what happens immediately after the Flood
Moses reminds us of the men who left the Ark
Shem, Ham and Japeth were Noah’s sons
And Moses adds that Ham was the father of Canaan
This statement serves two purposes
First, it tells us that enough time had passed since the Flood that the first of Noah’s grandchildren have now been born
Remember there were no grandchildren around when they entered the Ark
Consider how merciful God was to ensure that no children were forced to endure the Ark adventure
Secondly, it sets the scene for the rest of this chapter, since Canaan becomes a focus in the story
From these three men, the whole Earth was populated
We’ll learn in the next chapter how these men spread out and what families came from them
But for now consider that the full diversity of humans we see today came from the same family
We can safely assume that Noah’s children looked very similar
One wasn’t caucasian, the other oriental and the other black skinned
And yet these variations emerged from these families
As we contemplate this fact, we find the Bible challenging us on our deeply held prejudices toward other people groups
Race is not a biological distinction
There is no marker for race in DNA
All men came from the same family
In the NKJ, Paul says it this way:
So our attitudes toward others must be entirely blind to differences in physical attributes, since these differences are incidental
They came as a result of how these men migrated away from each other
And their physical isolation eventually caused their genetic differences to concentrate into different races, or nations of people
But at the end of it all, we are no different to God nor should we be to one another
Now that life is beginning to return to normal, Noah returns to farming
Noah plants a vineyard, and eventually it produces grapes
From the grapes, Noah makes wine
Clearly some time has passed since the Flood, several years at least
And it’s from that vantage point that we gain enough perspective to assess the impact and purpose of the Flood
In enjoying the harvest of his vineyard, Noah becomes drunk one night
This is the first mention of wine in Scripture, and it is not a coincidence that drunkenness follows closely
We could take a long side trip on this topic, but I won’t do so here
Suffice to say that wine itself is never cast as the enemy in the Bible
Drunkenness is the evil we are told to avoid
And Noah’s story is a great testimony to this truth
If we cannot enjoy wine (or any alcohol) without drunkenness, then we should refrain from it altogether
Noah’s drunkenness leads him to pass out in his tent with his robes open or otherwise, exposing him to his children
In his nakedness, Noah is exposed in a shameful and sinful way
The sons eventually cover their father’s body to lessen his shame
But not before one of the sons increases the shame through his own sinful response
Before we look at the details of this story I want to remind you of an earlier moment in Genesis, in the story of Adam in the Garden
At the beginning of Adam’s time on the new Earth, his life was simple and solitary, living only with his wife
He enjoyed God’s provision, and Adam had a testimony of blamelessness and innocence before God
But he wasn’t to remain that way
In a moment of weakness, and influenced by the Enemy, Adam took a fruit of the field
And through its abuse brought himself shame before God and men
In response to his shameful state, Adam and Woman tried to cover themselves – though their efforts couldn’t satisfy God
And by his fall, men suffered a lasting penalty
Now returning to Noah’s story, the parallels jump out at us
We immediately see that God orchestrated these events to reinforce the basic story of man’s sin and God’s plan for redemption
Noah has become a farmer in the post-Flood age, though he was not a farmer before
Obviously, farming would have been a necessity for Noah and his family after the flood wiped out so much
Just as Adam was given the responsibility to tend the Garden in his day
Then Noah makes an uncharacteristic mistake: he becomes drunk
Noah’s mistake was to partake of a fruit in excess
Obviously, this is similar to Adam’s taking of a fruit in the Garden
And both are sins in that both are acts prohibited by God’s standards
Drunkenness is a sin, according to the Bible, and it’s a particularly insidious one
It breaks down the barriers erected by our conscience which God gave us to protect us from sin
It overrides our willingness to hear and follow the Spirit of God as He directs us
It tempts us into further sin
And its consequences extend far beyond ourselves and into the lives of others
Noah’s experience reflects all these Biblical truths
One son, Ham, sees Noah naked
Nakedness in our culture today is losing its sense of shame
People glory in showing their bodies, especially to an inappropriate degree
It’s the ultimate sign of Christian immaturity and selfishness when we see a man or woman wearing revealing clothing, especially to a gathering of believers
Because it tempts others into lust and gains the person nothing with respect to their testimony
But in the day of Noah, and even into this day by and large, revealing the body was a particularly sinful and shameful act
To be seen naked brought shame on the person and upon the one who witnesses the indiscretion
For Noah, his son Ham will never look at him the same way again
And should Noah learn of Ham’s discovery, the shame is magnified for both of them
So it’s particularly horrifying to hear that Ham goes outside the tent and tells his brothers what he saw – that his father is naked
Ham had a choice when he discovered his father
Having seen him, the damage had been done for Ham, but he still could have preserved his father’s dignity
And he could have avoided drawing his brothers into the event
Instead, Ham gloats in what he finds
He tells his brothers what he saw, which spreads the father’s shame deeper into the family
Secondly, by not covering his father, he invites his brothers to see it for themselves
Fortunately for Noah, the remaining brothers do all they can to preserve what little dignity remains for Noah
They walk backwards into the tent and lay a coat on Dad
Though they knew of their father’s shame, they didn’t choose to see it themselves
Clearly Ham’s response is very different from his brother’s
While he glories in His father’s shame, the others do what they can to preserve dignity
Here we see more parallels to the story of Adam
In the Fall of the Garden, there were three actors
One who was responsible for the shame of the Fall, one who tried to mitigate against it, and behind the scenes one who inspired it
Here we have a similar trio
First, we have Ham playing the part of Adam
He made a conscious choice to disregard his father’s glory and brought shame to him instead
Then we have Shem and Japeth playing the part of Woman
Caught up in the events and unable to avoid the sordid affair
But they do what they can to minimize their father’s shame and try to defend him as best they can
Finally, we have Satan working behind the scenes, both in the Garden and here
In the Garden he deceived the Woman
And here he deceived Noah, bringing the occasion of Noah’s sin
What is God teaching in this section?
First, that the power and enormity of the Flood still wasn’t enough to wipe out the effects of sin on Earth
It will require more than a Flood of water to do away with sin
For example, remember when Noah was described as blameless and upright?
Now we see vivid evidence he was anything but sinless
Secondly, the root cause of sin – Satan – is still present and working in the sons of disobedience
Thirdly, men cannot produce an acceptable covering to reverse the shame of sin
Even after Noah is covered by his sons, he is nevertheless still shamed by the act, and the covering didn’t erase that shame
Only a spiritual covering can affect that change
Finally, the dispensation of human governing won’t be an answer to sin any more than the period of human conscience
Each new dispensation brings a new measure of control to mitigate against man’s sinfulness
But at the end of the day they are not solutions