Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve waded into the third warning of Hebrews
And the moral of the story was “we don’t always get a second chance...”
The writer expressed his concern for this church because they weren’t making spiritual maturity a priority
They were a little lazy, a little neglectful
They weren’t moving forward into greater knowledge of God’s Word
And into a greater life of obedience and faithfulness
What the church didn’t seem to understand, was that failing to move forward puts a Christian at serious risk of sliding backward
Without a steady diet of God’s Word in our spiritual life, we are susceptible to missteps, deceptions and fleshly temptations
And as we move further and further down that path, we may be on a one-way trip
The writer warned the church that we might not get a second opportunity to obey and to be blessed by our obedience
God may not grant us the grace that leads us to recover, turn back and restart a walk of obedience and discipleship
Instead, the Lord may permit us to stay where our sin has placed us
Living-out the rest of days in rebellion and in the consequences that naturally follow
We may end our life living like the prodigal son in the mud of the pig sty
And God has good reason not to extend us second chances
The writer says we are putting the Lord to open shame each and every time we pursue an ungodly, disobedient lifestyle
We have already received an opportunity to repent and set our lives on a new course when we were brought to faith in Christ
If we squander that opportunity, then we’re playing the odds that the Lord will overlook our disobedience and rescue us again
The writer finished the warning with a parable about a farmer and his field
As we learned last week, the parable teaches about the two possible ways a believer can respond to the grace of God and the consequences of each response
First, a believer can receive the grace of God and turn it into a harvest for the Lord
His investment in us is returned in spiritual fruit
And we in turn receive a blessing, which we understand is a picture of eternal reward awaiting us in the Kingdom
But a believer can also return God’s grace with unholy, unpleasing works
We can forgo study of God’s Word, allowing our spiritual maturity to atrophy
We can get distracted by the riches, pleasures, worries and cares of this world
And as we retreat into a selfish, self-serving life, we are like a field producing a worthless crop for the Lord
And so our work will be burned up in a future day of judgment
So it’s mature, obey to be rewarded – or shrink back, disobey and suffer loss
It’s simple and yet, it’s sobering, and now that he’s put this challenge in front of this church, they’re probably wondering if it’s too late for them
Remember, he’s already called them out for not being able to follow his teaching, though they ought by now to be teachers
So perhaps they’ve already squandered the chance to mature?
Certainly, his audience might have been tempted to come to that conclusion
So the writer moves into an encouragement, hoping to spur the church into a better place
The writer turns a corner, leaving behind his chastisement, and turning toward encouragement
He says we’re convinced of better things concerning you
The “we” here is probably the apostles, collectively
And the better things they believe this church will receive are the things that accompany salvation
There are things that accompany salvation, things that elsewhere Paul calls “spiritual fruit”
In Galatians, Paul lists the fruit of living in the Spirit of our salvation
These are the characteristic behaviors and attitudes that accompany salvation in the life of an obedient believer
They develop in believers who are diligent to strengthen themselves through healthy spiritual disciplines, while crucifying the flesh in its desires
And they lead us into receiving a blessing of eternal reward
Why is this writer convinced that these believers will right the ship and continue to move forward in their faith?
Did he have prophetic knowledge or was simply speaking in optimistic terms?
I think he was optimistic, because he knew this audience was to receive and read this letter
Knowing they would read his words and be convicted by them, was reason enough to have an optimistic attitude
Once again, it comes back to the Word of God
The writer’s confidence wasn’t in the power of these people to get themselves back on track
His confidence was rooted in the power of God’s Word to bring them back
As they learned the truth, the Word would convict them and inspire them to better things
Just as their lack of attentiveness to the Word led to their struggles, so would the power of hearing God’s Word stir them back to abiding in the Lord
And for that reason, I think the writer’s optimistic tone is equally appropriate for those who read this letter today and take it seriously
If you’re the kind of Christian to give attention to Hebrews 6, then there is good reason to be optimistic about your spiritual future
Just the fact that you are attentive to the meat of God’s Word, says something about your current and future opportunities
It’s the Christians who AREN’T studying the Bible – much less Hebrews verse-by-verse – who are at risk
The ones who are backsliding and in danger of experiencing the consequences the writer described are those who have no idea what Hebrews 6 says
But we can never grow complacent or sit on our laurels
The walk of a Christian is a never-ending pursuit of pleasing the Lord
Notice the writer says in v.10 that the Lord will not overlook the good works these believers have accomplished in their walk
There’s no need to worry that something we’ve done in faith will go forgotten or overlooked
But also notice, the writer emphasizes our works must be done in love toward the brethren
It’s the work within the Body of Christ that should be the focus of our life, including the work that takes the Gospel to the world, of course
But our work within the Body lays the necessary groundwork making evangelism outside the Church possible
We fund missionaries and Church outreach
We pray for those in the Church and the lost
We train others to carry the Gospel
We disciple those who come into the faith
And so on...
But also notice the writer’s statement in v.11 that he expects everyone in the Church to follow this same example of diligence
His comment makes the point of what it means for our walk as a Christian
And remember, the standard we’re seeking isn’t found in another Christian
Because if we measure our walk of obedience and spiritual maturity against others, then we’ll be tempted to make comparisons to those who make us feel good
Those who are in even worse shape than we are
There is always someone else in the body of Christ who attends church less frequently, studies the Bible less consistently, prays less, contributes less, volunteers less, etc.
So by comparison, we find an excuse to avoid making any changes to our lives
But our standard is that found in the Word of God itself, and if we look at those expectations sincerely and honestly, we’ll always find somewhere we don’t measure up
Secondly, the test doesn’t come until the end
Notice the writer says at the end of v.11, that we must remain diligent until we realize the full assurance of our hope until the end
The hope of the Christian faith is our hope in resurrection of the body
And in the inheritance in the Kingdom that follows
Later in this letter, the writer declares that faith is two parts
We believe that God is, meaning that we believe the Lord lives, having been resurrected following His death
Secondly, we believe that the Lord is a rewarder of those who seek Him
Just like the patriarchs of earlier days, we believe in the promise of a second life, one lived with a reward that comes to those who please Him
So the writer says we must remain diligent if we expect to receive the full certainty of our hope until the end
He’s talking about the full measure of reward that’s available for each believer who serves the Lord
Why lose anything?
If you click coupons, and buy in bulk to save earthly wealth,
Then why not think in similar ways about your Heavenly treasure?
Live in ways pleasing to the Lord to ensure the greatest possible reward
For in doing so, you will reflect the greatest honor and glory upon Christ
So the writer says let’s not be sluggish or lazy...but be imitators of past followers of God, who inherited the promises by living patiently, according to their faith
Men like Abraham, who becomes the writer’s example of who we should imitate
As we remember, Abraham was the man God granted a miraculous promise
God’s promise, called the Abrahamic Covenant, assured Abraham he would receive great things, which the writer summarized in v.14
Specifically, He would receive descendants who would become a great nation
He himself would have a great name, and he would receive an inheritance that included a huge parcel of land
He would also bring a blessing to all the nations of the earth
And when Abraham heard these words, he believed God, and his faith made him righteous
By believing in God’s promises, Abraham receive righteousness from God
We would say he was saved by his faith
But Abraham also had to have patience
His faith was tested at many times
First, Abraham had to wait 25 years to receive the promised son, Isaac
And then, he died even before he saw the nation he was promised come into being
And he died before he received the land God said was going to be his – he knew it would come in a future lifetime
Moreover, Abraham still hasn’t received the land he was promised
Still, Abraham had to live patently according to God’s promises, diligently seeking to please the Lord so he could receive the full measure of the promise
The writer quotes in v.14, from Genesis 22, a well-known incident in Abraham’s life
It’s a moment when we see Abraham doing exactly what the writer is asking of his audience
God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
And Abraham complied, believing that the Lord would resurrect Isaac, if necessary, to fulfill His promise
Following Abraham’s obedience, the Lord swore an oath to give Abraham everything the Lord promised earlier
An oath is always the final step of assurance in any human dispute
If a man would swear an oath in ancient times, he was pledging his very life in the dispute
If his word is proven false, then his life would be taken
So an oath was considered the highest pledge possible
Now, we know God’s Word by itself is enough to assure us of anything
As the writer reminds us in v.18, it’s impossible for the Lord to lie in anything
So why did the Lord take the extra step of swearing an oath to Abraham concerning a promise he had already spoken?
First, let’s look in Genesis 22
It was Abraham’s obedience that led God to grant him this extra degree of assurance
Abraham was already declared righteous in Chapter 15, after he first believed God’s Word
And it was that same faith that led Abraham to act in obedience to do something so incredible as sacrificing his son
So faith came first, but then came years of patience and obedience
And by that patience and obedience, Abraham received the full assurance of his hope in the promises of God
Secondly, the writer tells us in v.17, that the Lord took this extra step of swearing an oath by His own Name not because His promises were in doubt
Rather, He did so to demonstrate a connection between Abraham’s works and God’s pleasure
Abraham completed his assignment, which was an unbelievably difficult request
And he did so because his faith in God’s Word propelled him to live obediently
And as he obeyed, his faith was made evident and the Lord’s Name was glorified
And when we live this way, the Lord blesses us all the more according to His mercy and grace
As James teaches us:
Abraham’s faith was perfected in his willingness to obey the Lord in all things
That’s the purpose of our faith: To live a life of works done in faith, so that we can please the One Who has bought us
Faith is perfected in the sense that it has fulfilled its purpose in God’s economy
Our faith is perfected in the way a field is perfected when it produces a good crop
Finally, the Lord delivered Abraham an oath for the sake of his heirs, the writer says in v.17
The Lord wanted to make clear that when we serve and please the Lord, He is pleased and we are assured to receive a blessing
We have strong encouragement to take refuge in God’s promises
If the Lord was willing to swear an oath to Abraham – an oath that wasn’t even necessary – it’s further evidence to us that the Lord is serious about our behavior and our rewards
He wants us to live according to our faith, with patience and self-sacrifice
And when we do these things, we are assured that our hope will not be empty
So we can learn from Abraham’s example in remaining diligent to grow in maturity and to serve the Lord in patience
The writer tells us to take hold of the hope that is set before us
The writer imagines our hope of resurrection and reward in the Kingdom like a gift sitting on a table before us
God had placed this opportunity for reward before us
Even though we’ve been saved by our faith, nevertheless, we can move forward as Christians but leave our hope behind
We can leave behind our hope of resurrection, that is the hope of our eternal life
We can become so deceived by the flesh and the enemy that we never take hold of the hope of eternal life that our faith has given us
What a shame any time a Christian lives ignorant of the hope they already possess by their faith in Him
And it’s also possible for a Christian to leave behind their hope of eternal reward
We may forget that even though we were saved by our faith, our works still matter
We overlook that we’re expected to invest time in the Word of God, so we can walk according to it
We neglect to show patience in the face of trial, temptation and the struggle of daily life
We forget it’s important to persevere into holiness
We are expected to serve the Lord until the end of our lives
If we live as if the things we have now are all we’ll ever have, then eventually, we will be like this one the writer speaks of
One who falls away
Gets away from the disciplines of the faith
And has an attitude that seeks only to please ourselves
Instead, we need take hold of that hope of reward and let it motivate us into pursuing a life of spiritual maturity
Live with eyes for eternity
Considering everything we do with an attitude of whether we’re seeking to please the Lord or ourselves
Living with patience, so we can realize the full assurance of the hope until the end