
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhy did Jesus go to the cross? Why did Israel reject Him? Why did the religious leaders turn against Him?
That’s what we’re studying in this section of Matthew’s Gospel
And with Easter right around the corner, there’s probably no better subject for us right now
And as simple as that question sounds, I think many Christians would struggle to answer it from Scripture
Certainly, most Christians probably understand the basic reason Jesus was crucified
His popularity threatened Israel’s religious leaders who manipulated the crowds and the Romans to put Jesus to death
But the true answer goes deeper
We need to understand why did the religious leaders see Jesus as a threat?
And in the end, we need to understand why those who followed Jesus turned against Him
That’s what Matthew wants us to understand as he moves his narrative to the moment Jesus is rejected by His people
So in Chapters 11 and 12, Matthew walks us through two basic causes for Jesus’ rejection
The last two weeks we studied the cause, which was the people’s hard hearts
In Jesus’ day, Jewish culture was devoted to a false religious system called Pharisaic Judaism
Their investment in that system of rules, rituals and Jewish identity, hardened their hearts to the truth
So when Jesus came preaching the Gospel, the people were unwilling to trade what they had for the Kingdom Jesus offered
In a word, they were unwilling to repent
And if you don’t repent of what is false, you can’t receive what is true
Which is why Jesus condemned them…notice what Matthew said last week
The issue was repentance…their unwillingness to turn away from a life of rebellion and embrace the truth Jesus revealed to them
As I explained last week, the repentance Jesus is talking about here is not feeling sorry…it’s not regret over making a mistake
Repentance is a change in perspective, a change of heart, a fundamental shift in thinking that begins a new spiritual course
Jesus condemned Israel because they would not repent in that way, despite the many miracles Jesus did in their presence
So Jesus was rejected by Israel because Israel wouldn’t repent
But if you think about it a little more, that doesn’t really answer the question, does it?
We still need to ask why didn’t Israel repent, especially in light of how much they heard and saw from Jesus
In fact, Jesus said less godly, less informed cultures, like Sodom, would have repented under similar circumstances
So why not Israel?
In fact, what leads some to repent while others don’t? Where does the desire to turn toward God come from for anyone?
Paul explained the source of repentance in 2 Corinthians
The apostle distinguished between two kinds of sorrow over our sin
There is a worldly kind of sorrow that simply expresses regret at the consequences of sin
And then there is a godly form of sorrow, which is true repentance
That kind of sorrow leads us to the truth and brings us salvation
And that kind of sorrow comes to us by the will of God, Paul says
You’ll remember last week I said that Israel’s rejection of Christ was according to God’s plan
The Bible teaches that God intended Israel’s rejection of Jesus so that His Son would die for the sins of the world
The Father would cause our iniquity to fall on Jesus, Isaiah foretold
Because the Lord wrote this in advance, we know the Father planned for Jesus to die on a Roman cross
And the means the Father used to place His Son on that cross was the hard hearts of the Jewish nation
So the question of why did Israel reject Jesus, ultimately and inevitably leads us to God’s sovereignty
Which is exactly where Jesus goes this week in Matthew
Notice at the beginning of v.25 Matthew says that “at that time” Jesus spoke these words
So immediately after condemning the people for their failure to repent, Jesus turns to a moment of prayer and praise
Consider the shift that Jesus is making here…one moment He’s pronouncing judgment on a generation of Israel, condemning them for their failure to repent
And the very next moment, Jesus is looking heavenward and praising the Father for His sovereign will
Remember last week I told you we must understand the Bible from God’s point of view, but we must read it from man’s point of view?
Here you see Jesus doing just that
Jesus understood the need to view His circumstances from two perspectives simultaneously
From a human point of view, the Galileans had all the proof they needed to know that Jesus was their Messiah
In fact they had more than enough proof, having seen most of Jesus' miracles, yet they wouldn’t repent
Their unwillingness to repent was the result of their pride and spiritual blindness
Which is why Jesus declared they would justly experience a harsher judgment in the end
That’s what it means to read the text from a human perspective
It means we understand the circumstances as a basic, cause-and-effect outcome
Jesus did the things He did, then the Galileans responded in the way they did
And their response can clearly be understood as a consequence of their hard hearts
So naturally Jesus condemns them…case closed
But at the same time we must understand what we read from God’s perspective, which means appreciating the sovereignty of God
In this case, Jesus knew He was to go to the cross for the sins of the world
In fact, Paul says in Ephesians that God authored the plan of redemption before the foundations of the world
So the crowd’s failure to repent was part of the Father’s plan
Said another way, had the Father willed for the people to repent, they would have done so, as Paul said in 2 Corinthians
But as it was the crowd remained unrepentant, which Jesus recognized as a result of the sovereign will of God
So in effect, Jesus was praising the Father for leaving the crowd unrepentant knowing it would take Jesus to the cross
Notice in v.25 Jesus says, “I praise you Father for hiding these things from the wise and intelligent…”
First, what things were hidden?
They were the same things mentioned in v.14, referring to John the Baptist’s call to repent
Jesus is referring to the knowledge of Jesus as Lord and a desire to repent and receive Him
The Lord revealed this truth to some hearts, but to most these things remain hidden
And in particular, Jesus says the Lord didn’t reveal it to the wise and intelligent; referring to the religious leaders of that day
Those men were the best trained, the most knowledgeable of Scripture, and therefore the best qualified to spot the Messiah
But they missed Him, and Jesus is praising the Father for hiding the truth from these men
Now when the Jesus says the Father hid the truth from these so-called wise men, let’s make sure we understand what Jesus is saying
Jesus isn’t saying the Father prevented religious leaders from knowing a truth they would have otherwise discovered on their own
Notice in the second half of the verse…Jesus says the Father did not reveal the truth to these wise men
So we need to turn the question around…
God didn’t prevent them from knowing, He simply left them in their ignorance by not revealing the truth to them
That’s what the Bible means when it says that a truth is hidden by God…it’s saying that the Lord hasn’t revealed it
In fact unless and until the Lord reveals spiritual truth to us, we will never find it on our own because spiritual truth lies outside our reach
Human beings gain knowledge by experience, gained through our five senses and by our reasoning
But the spiritual realm lies outside our experience…we can’t detect it much less understand it
It’s like we’re fish in a fish bowl trying to understand the world that lies outside our bowl
We have no way to collect the necessary information…until we leave the fish bowl and die
So God doesn’t have to hide spiritual truth by preventing us from finding it…God merely does nothing and we remain ignorant forever
Simply put, no human being can ever know anything about God or of the spiritual realm unless God chooses to reveal it
Unless God intervenes into our blissful ignorance and grants us divine insight, we will remain forever ignorant of spiritual truth
So Jesus praises the Father for choosing to not reveal truth to the haughty
But since some in Israel did accept Jesus as their Messiah, particularly His disciples, we know the Lord was revealing truth to some
Jesus refers to those who received that revelation as “infants” in v.25
He’s speaking of His disciples, who were not exactly an “A” list of religious scholars
Jesus selected working class boys from poor areas of Israel to be His disciples
He even selected a tax collector, an outcast in Jewish society
These were “infants” in comparison to the mature religious leaders of the day
They were like children in that they knew little about religious matters and probably cared even less
But that’s what made them perfect for the job…by their weakness, God invalidated the so-called wisdom of men
Or as Paul puts it:
Notice Paul says that no one comes to know God by wisdom
So to mock the world’s foolish reliance on wisdom, the Lord designed His message of salvation so that it appeared like foolishness
Think about it…the message of the Gospel is complete foolishness
The Gospel says, here’s the secret to entering heaven…place your trust in a convicted criminal who was executed by Rome 2,000 years ago
It’s like asking someone to believe in Bigfoot or the Tooth Fairy
Which is why Paul says that preaching Christ crucified was a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles
God designed His message of salvation so that it won’t appeal to human intellect
So that as someone believes in it, that person’s conversion could only be understood as a work of God; a supernatural revelation
Or as Paul calls it, the power of God and the wisdom of God
So history will testify that the foolishness of God had power to save while the wisdom of men couldn’t see it
But God’s plan to shame the wise of the world goes even farther…
Not only did God design the message of salvation to confound the wise, He also prefers to reveal Himself to the foolish
Paul says God chooses weak things to shame so-called strong
He reveals Himself to the base things of the world (meaning insignificant), the despised, to those the world looks down upon
While withholding revelation from the powerful and privileged so that in eternity their power and wisdom will be nullified
So when we answer the question, “Why did Israel reject their Messiah?” we must read the text from man’s perspective and understand from God’s
Israel had hard hearts that refused to repent and embrace Jesus in place of their established system of rules and privilege
And Israel’s refusal to repent was the result of the Father’s choice to leave Israel ignorant so they would crucify their Lord
Meanwhile, the Father revealed Himself to a few, to spiritual infants, so that He could build a worldwide Church of believers
Just as Paul explained
Quoting from Moses in Deuteronomy, Paul points out that the Lord was in charge of establishing who will have ears to hear the truth in Israel
But not all in Israel were going to receive the truth
Jesus knew that, which is why Jesus has begun declaring “he who has ears to hear, let him hear” in v.15
Jesus is acknowledging that His Father was not granting a knowledge of the truth to all Israel but only to some
Now we might say, but didn’t Jesus reveal truth to Israel when He openly declared He was the Messiah and performed His miracles?
The crowds certainly saw Jesus’ miracles and they heard Jesus’ words
But again, those moments were just human experiences…sights and sounds which were understood through human reasoning
And experiences by themselves, even great signs and wonders, do not communicate spiritual meaning
Spiritual meaning – spiritual insight – comes only from a revelation from God
That’s true whether we’re hearing someone explain the Gospel or if we’re reading the Bible
Or even if we’re watching Jesus perform miracles for us…
Those experiences can’t by themselves impart spiritual truth unless God grants us revelation
They must be accompanied by the Spirit of God teaching us what they mean
As Paul says
Spiritual truth must be spiritually appraised, Paul says, meaning it must be granted to us from a spiritual source
Furthermore, Jesus and the Father are in agreement in this plan and work together to accomplish it
Notice in v.26 Jesus says that the plan to selectively reveal spiritual truth to infants was well-pleasing in the Father’s sight
The Father saw the religious wise remaining ignorant while the religiously ignorant were enlightened and He was well-pleased
The Greek word for well-pleased simply means approval
God approved this plan for the sake of His Son
And Jesus too approves of such selectivity
In v.27, Jesus says only the Father knows the Son, and only the Son knows the Father
Jesus is speaking of the relationship between members of the Godhead, which is a profound truth
But as hard as it can be for us to understand the Trinity of the Godhead, Jesus’ point here isn’t hard to understand
Only a member of the Godhead can know and explain another member of the Godhead
Remember, the knowledge of God lies outside the reach of His Creation – apart from God revealing Himself to us
So naturally, we can’t understand a Person of the Godhead unless a member of the Godhead explains it to us
And Jesus says the Father knows the Son and the Son knows the Father
And the Father has determined that the Son would provide revelation to the Creation concerning both
But apart from the revelation Christ gives us, no one can know of the Father
And we have numerous other Scripture that echo this truth
For example, Hebrews says it this way
The Father has spoken to us in His Son
Christ is the exact representation of the Father’s nature
And Colossians 1:15 says Jesus is the image of the invisible God
And Jesus told His disciples this:
As we just read in Matthew, the Father has positioned His Son in the foreground, so to speak
We see Christ, not the Father, as 1 John 4:12 says: no one has seen the Father at any time
So as we encounter Jesus, we are seeing the Father
In v.27 Jesus says the Father has handed Him all things – meaning all spiritual knowledge – and that knowledge is Christ’s alone
No one else has the truth about God…not Buddha, not Mohammed, not the Dali Lama, not the pope
No other person or spiritual entity can explain the Father to us
Only the Son knows the Father, and the Father has determined that the Son would be the one to reveal the Father to the world
But then notice at the end of v.27 Jesus says the revelation of the Father reaches those the Son wills to reveal it to
So why did Israel reject their Lord?
Because they had hard-hearts blinded by a false religion that trapped them in works and a sense of entitlement
But why did Israel remain blind? Why did their hearts not soften in the face of so many miracles?
Because the Father and Son purposed to withhold spiritual truth from that generation
And why did God desire to leave Israel in their blindness? So that Israel would reject Jesus, placing Him on a cross
And why did God place His beloved Son on a cross?
For you and me
For the sake of all those to whom God extends His grace
That’s the thought you should take out of this teaching and out of this room today…that God chose to reveal Himself to you. Why?
That’s the question we should all be asking ourselves tonight?
Why did the Lord reveal Himself to me?
Had the Lord chosen to remain hidden from you as His did from most of Israel in Jesus’ day, where would you be right now?
What would you know about Jesus? What would you think about the Gospel?
Apart from the grace of God, we would have been just like this generation of Israel…lacking true repentance and ignorant of the truth
Yet here we are…saved by His grace
Why are you here? Have you asked why God saved you?
We know it’s not because we deserved it…as Paul says we’re not noble or mighty and we certainly weren’t holy enough
As you contemplate the answer to that answer, let it move you to rethinking how you’re spending your time on earth
Are you living to serve Christ knowing what He has done for you
We can’t ignore the implications of God’s grace for the course of our lives
He didn’t save you for your sake…He saved you for His glory
So any consideration of the question of why did Israel say no to Jesus, necessarily leads us to considering why did God say yes to us?
And the answer to that question ought to be the pursuit of your entire earthly life
Because it will be the center of your eternal life