Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhat are God’s interests?
Last week Jesus scolded Peter for not setting his mind on God’s interests
Jesus disclosed that He must suffer and die, but Peter vehemently objected to that possibility
He probably assumed his objection to the plan would please and even comfort Jesus
So I’m sure Peter was surprised when Jesus rebuked him, calling Peter’s idea the devil’s work, not God’s desire
Peter probably wondered how could a desire to protect the Messiah from suffering and death not be aligned with God?
And the answer of course is that God intended to do great good through Jesus’ death
God was working to free humanity from sin and condemnation
So as horrible as Jesus’ dying would be, it was the greatest good the world has ever known
The Father’s plan to put His Son on the cross reminds us that God is in the business of turning bad circumstances to good
God’s ways are not man’s ways, but what are God’s ways? Can we learn how to avoid Peter’s mistake?
Can we understand God’s interests well enough to avoid doing the devil’s work? Jesus shows us how:
Before we look at Jesus’ instructions, we need to get a better appreciation for the misconception that led to this moment
The fundamental mistake Peter made was in assuming that God’s highest priority was preserving earthly life
That’s why Peter said “God forbid” that Jesus should die
He couldn’t believe God would desire that outcome for anyone, much less for His Son the Messiah
But Peter was thinking about death from a human perspective
Human beings are preoccupied with our own death
Though the exact moment of our death is a complete mystery, we all know it’s coming…no one escapes it
So because we live in the shadow of inevitable death, saving our earthly life dominates our thinking
And yet ironically, the world’s solution to death is largely to ignore it altogether
Many people live their lives pretending it won’t happen, at least until it’s impossible to ignore and they’re forced to confront it
And if you bring up the topic of death, the world tries to end the conversation, just as Peter tried to stop Jesus from discussing it
In fact, when you think about it, it’s amazing that the world isn’t more preoccupied with death
Given the short time we spend on earth, you would expect the world to spend every day consumed with finding a solution
And some in the world do search for an answer, and their search takes them in many different directions
Some find a solution in religion, some seek medical miracles, some settle for better cosmetics
But in general, most give it little thought at all, because we can’t bear the thought of it and ignorance is bliss
Unbelievers live in fear of death, and their fear drives them to push death out of their minds, but that’s not the way God thinks about death
When the first man, Adam, sinned, he received a death sentence
In Chapter 2 God warned Adam that in the day he ate of the fruit, he would die, meaning his spirit would fall under condemnation
So the very instant Adam ate the fruit, he came under a death sentence and his spirit was corrupted
But Adam’s physical body lived on…at least for the moment
So when God confronted Man and Woman in the Garden, He added additional penalties, including physical death
God declared that Adam’s body came from dust and now as a result of his sin, Adam’s body would return to dust one day
Adam’s spiritual death would now be accompanied by his physical death
But this wasn’t a punitive measure…the Lord was also taking a step toward solving the problem Adam created
Because when it comes to death, God’s ways are not man’s ways
From God’s point of view, the death of our sinful body has two primary positive effects
First, the death of the physical body puts a time limit on mankind’s sinful existence on earth
All humanity lives “on the clock” knowing life is finite
And the Lord has placed in everyone a conscious awareness that judgment awaits
So the deadline imposed by the death of our bodies forces us to consider the problem of death and to seek for a solution
We have a powerful incentive to learn the truth about death and God and the afterlife
And in that search perhaps we might find Him
The Lord gave everyone life and determined our appointed times (meaning set a limit to their days) that we might seek God
So when it comes to death for the unbeliever, God’s interests are not man’s interests
God wants the death of our body to drive us toward Him
Meanwhile, the world is trying to ignore the very thing that God is using to get their attention
In the example of death, it’s easy to see how sin drives humanity away from God even as God makes Himself known
But when a person comes to faith in Jesus and is born again, our understanding of life and death changes dramatically
No longer are we afraid of death, because the penalty for our sin has been removed by Jesus
So now we know that even as we experience physical death, we won’t experience spiritual death
So physical death isn’t a problem for us…it’s a solution because it puts an end to the sinful body
And that’s the second reason the Lord introduced physical death after the fall – He was making a way for something better
The death of our physical body sets us free from this container of sin, a vessel that is irretrievably corrupt and unrepairable
We can all see the negative effects our body has on our walk with Jesus, and it troubles us everyday
Paul describes the daily fight we have against our bodies in Romans 7
Our body wages war against our spirit, our inner person, and that war is tiring and depressing and we yearn to be free of it
And when we experience the physical death of our body, we will be set free from that burden once and for all
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ!
In the meantime, knowing we will die one day and escape this body and this world, Paul says physical death encourages us to abide in Jesus
We’re dying a little bit everyday…we’re running out the clock of our lives, and yet we have no fear of that moment
So neither should we trust in our own strength or ability nor anything else in this world
Trusting in something in this world is ridiculous when we know it’s not lasting
Watching our life fading should encourage us to rely more on Jesus each day
Because as Paul says we know He raises people from the dead
In other words, we place our certainty and trust in what is waiting for us after death, not what we leave behind in death
What would make you happier: keeping your current worn out car forever or getting a brand new one?
Would you prefer to have a brand new perfect house or a fixer-upper?
Believer, your body is a worn out junker and a serious fixer-upper
And Jesus is planning to give you a brand new one in a day to come
And to make way for that new one, He set a date that your old one gets turned in
Jesus will raise you from the dead, which means your sinful body will be replaced by an undying glorified one
So in the meantime, don’t show more interest in the junker body than in the new glorified body Christ has prepared
Place your hope in the next life, look forward to your next body, the next home, the next world…not what you have here
Stop trying to live as if your life here is the highest priority – and God’s greatest concern
Living here forever wouldn’t be a blessing…it would be a curse…it’s a life sentence on death row
That’s God’s perspective on life and death, and it’s the perspective the believer must have to serve Jesus well
But it wasn’t the perspective Peter brought to that moment, and it’s often a perspective we struggle to maintain too
And that’s what Jesus was talking about in our passage
In v.24 Jesus says that anyone who wishes to come after Jesus must deny himself and take up his cross
To go after Jesus means to be His disciple, walking in His ways, representing Him, serving Him, making your life a living sacrifice
He’s not talking about how to be saved…that was covered earlier in the moment of Peter’s confession
Jesus is addressing the attitude of a disciple, of a believer who serves Jesus well
Now that we have been saved, our service to Jesus requires personal sacrifice but not everyone is willing to give Jesus that service
Not everyone who comes to faith in Jesus serves Him equally well – or even at all
The fact that so much of the New Testament exhorts us to make sacrifices for JESUS tells us not everyone does it
It’s also why the Lord holds out the prospect of eternal reward for those who do serve Him…because He wants to motivate us
And key to finding that motivation to serve Christ is thinking about life and death the way God does, Jesus says
And key is learning to deny ourselves, which means fighting against the desires of our sinful flesh
Because our body may be dying, but it’s not powerless
Medicine and science won’t tell you this, but the Bible says our flesh is a powerful force with a will of its own, independent of our mind
Our physical body opposes God and our spirit at all times, and you can see this truth at work in your life everyday
Do you have a persistent sin in your life that you know is wrong and you want to stop…and yet it’s still there?
You just keep doing it even though you tell yourself you shouldn’t do it
So ask yourself why do you continue to do it? Why isn’t your intellectual decision to stop reason enough to cease from sinning?
Because your flesh doesn’t agree with that decision, because it’s programmed from birth to oppose God at every turn
It’s like we have two dogs fighting for control inside us
One dog is the new spirit we received when we were born again by our faith in Jesus Christ
According to Paul in Romans 6, our new spirit is perfect in its desires, and it always wants to please God by obeying Him
Paul says in Romans 7 that our spirit agrees with the Law of God, and left to itself, it would never lead us to sin
But we carry our new spirit in a body of sinful flesh, the same flesh we inherited from Adam
Our flesh is always working to pull us off track even as our spirit is encouraging us to obey
They are literally at war with one another, but which one is truly “us”?
Our new spirit and old flesh are both “us”, at least for now, and they are like two dogs fighting for control inside us
So which dog is going to win that battle? As the old saying goes, the one you feed gets stronger and the one you starve gets weaker
And in v.24 Jesus is saying you need to deny that devil dog inside you what it wants
Deny it by being aware of its desires, putting up barriers so it can’t get what it wants, while praying to escape temptation
Jesu says take up your cross, which is a clear reference to crucifixion
In the Roman method of execution, the condemned was forced to carry the horizontal beam of his own cross
By analogy, Jesus asks we crucify our flesh, putting it to death, so to speak
His point is if we are going to serve Jesus well, we must participate willingly in the process of our own sanctification
Sanctification is a process of yielding to the Spirit while denying our flesh
The Lord does the real work of our sanctification, convicting us of sin and leading us into obedience by the power of His Spirit
And our role as disciples is to work with the Spirit by participating in the execution of our flesh’s desires
And the Lord will not force a disciple to engage in that process…we get to decide how much we yield to the Spirit
So we all have a choice to make in this regard…because we’re all called to serve Jesus with our lives
Every minute of every day is a service to Jesus, whatever walk of life we pursue
And the question is whether we’re “all in” with Jesus?
Jesus says our choice is simple: we can choose to save our earthly life or lose it
To save our life means to seek the life that our flesh desires, to protect its interests at every turn
And what kind of life does our flesh want? It wants what the world offers…wealth, fame, power, luxury, sex, entertainment
“Saving our life” means doing what we want here and now instead of what God is asking us to do in serving Jesus
But Jesus says this choice comes at a cost, because as a Christian, you can’t have it all
Or in the words of that great philosopher, Bob Dylan, “you're gonna have to serve somebody”
There’s always a cost for saving your earthly life, for pursuing your flesh’s desires rather than Jesus’ desires
Jesus says the cost is that you will lose your life
But the Bible talks about two lives for a Christian
There is the life we lead here now and there is the life we will lead in the Kingdom, the life that begins after our resurrection
This life is temporary, the next is eternal
In this life we encounter testing and trial, in the next life we receive reward
Jesus says if we live this life trying to make the most of it (trying to “save” it), then we put at risk things of the eternal life
And which of these two lives should be more important to us?
In v.26 Jesus asks what profit is it for us to gain the whole world if it results in us losing our soul?
And after chasing the whole world and gaining it, what good does it do when your soul is at risk?
Jesus isn’t saying that our salvation is on the line; we know that because our soul is not gained or lost on the basis of how we live our life
Just as no disciples of Jesus ever obtains the “whole world” likewise, no disciple ever lost his soul because he pursued the world
Jesus is using hyperbole, speaking in exaggerated terms to make a point
The point is every time we prioritize this life over the next life, there will be an opportunity cost
And we’re making a terrible bargain, trading eternal riches for temporal gains
In fact, it works both ways: the more you seek for the one life, the less you will have of the other
That is, the more you pursue the flesh’s desires in this life, the less you serve Jesus and therefore the less you receive later
And the more you prioritize serving Jesus now, the more sacrifices you make now but the more the Lord rewards you in the Kingdom
And in v.27 Jesus reminds us that a moment is coming when repayment comes for everyone
At His Second Coming to establish the Kingdom Jesus repays all humanity according to deeds
For the unbelievers, their deeds are evil, and since they lack the forgiveness of Christ’s atoning work, they receive judgment
For the believer there is also a judgment of deeds, but our judgment is solely for the purpose of assigning reward
And we too will be repaid for our deeds done in the body
In other words, gaining the whole world is only attractive until we remember the reality of death again
Death puts an end to everything we accomplish here, including to all that we accumulate
So no matter how much you accumulate, your life is not the sum of your possessions
And when you leave it all behind anyway, what was the point? Was owning it for a few decades really that important?
Our coming judgement is our incentive to crucify the flesh, to make the hard choices
To favor the right dog inside us, to follow Him as His disciple
If you are willing to lose this life, to crucify your flesh’s desires, you will gain far more in Heaven than you stand to lose here
As Jim Elliot observed, he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Peter tried to hold onto something he could not keep
He tried to forbid Jesus from dying to protect something he valued in this life, something his flesh wanted
And in the process Peter was placing something eternal at risk, something the Father wanted
Jesus was meant to die on a cross, and so was Peter one day
And everything that happened in Peter’s life between those two moments belonged to Jesus
And if Peter served Jesus well during that time, Peter would see a life in the Kingdom well-rewarded
If he got absorbed in saving this life, he would miss what Jesus had for him
Peter was fighting to preserve the wrong life, and we do the same thing too whenever we let our flesh’s desire decide our path
Let the Spirit guide you, listen to His counsel through study of the word, and prioritize eternal outcomes over earthly
Live with eyes for eternity, and anticipate your death with hope and joy knowing it’s the moment of your reward