Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter a short break, I’m back and we’re ready to dive back into our study about that mysterious future day that Jesus calls the coming of the Lord
So, let’s revisit where we are in the Olivet Discourse in Chapter 24
Jesus has answered all the questions His disciples asked Him about the end of the age, His Second Coming and the Kingdom
Then having answered their questions, Jesus then moves to explaining another event associated with the end times
This new event was one His disciples didn’t ask Jesus about, because it was something they had never heard about before
It was a mystery that God waited to reveal through Jesus, and Jesus reveals it in three stages
First, Jesus introduces it here at the end of Matthew 24 and the beginning of Matthew 25 in the Olivet Discourse
Then a few hours later Jesus elaborates more on this moment in His discourse at the Last Supper in John’s Gospel
Finally, we get the full details from the Apostle Paul, who teaches us about this day in two main passages in his letters
Obviously, this is a study of Matthew’s Gospel, so we will concentrate on what Jesus gives us here
Yet to gain a full understanding of this very important event, we will spend a little time in those other places in the Bible
We are going to look at “that” day in three parts, beginning with the circumstances of the day
Then secondly, we will study the details of how this day unfolds and who it involves
And finally, we will understand the purposes of this day in God’s plan for the end of the age
But let’s continue in our study of the circumstances surrounding this day, which we began in Matthew 24:36-39
Jesus called this new event “that” day to distinguish it from the previous events He’s discussed in this discourse
And there were several unique aspects to this day, most especially the fact that He said in v.36 that this day will have no warning signs at all
That is very different than the previous events Jesus described which all had multiple warning signs
That’s how we knew Jesus was no longer describing the end of the age or His Second Coming
Then in vs.37-39 Jesus gave us a point of reference from history to help us understand the circumstances surrounding this future day
Jesus says the arrival of this day would be just like the days of Noah before the flood came
Notice Jesus says “just as” or “just like” which means He’s asking us to draw comparisons between Noah’s situation and this day
And there are many comparisons to be made
For example, Jesus reminds us that in Noah’s day people were living normal lives and were optimistic about the future
They were oblivious to the approaching flood that would soon bring God’s judgment down upon them
So that tells us the coming of the Lord will take place in an age when judgment is fast approaching but the world doesn’t see it
Ironically, the Bible says the world should know better, if only they learned the lesson of Noah’s flood
Peter says that in the last days the world will mock the notion of a judgment day looming and even the claim that Jesus will return
But Peter says the world should remember Noah’s story
They should realize that if God could bring judgment upon the ungodly once without warning, He can do it again…and He will
The second thing we learn from Noah’s story is that Noah and his family did know that a judgment was coming, because God told them it was coming
They didn’t know the exact day and hour, but they knew enough to get prepared, and the Lord told them to prepare by building an ark
So while the world was oblivious to their fate, God’s people were getting ready to escape judgment
And then right before the judgment waters came upon the earth, the people of God entered safely into the ark
And this fact offers us another point of comparison: believers today are on notice from the word of God that the end is coming for the world
We were given signs to watch for, and today we see these signs so we should be preparing for our escape
Of course, God hasn’t asked us to build an ark because God is not bringing another flood of water
Instead, we are called to prepare in other ways, ways which Jesus explains later in Chapter 25
Thirdly, we know that the days of Noah were days of evil according to Genesis
Genesis 6 tells us that in the days leading up to the flood, the world was utterly wicked and bent on self-destruction
Genesis describes those days in this way:
Every intent of every human heart on earth was evil continually
Even worse, the evil of the world included demons infiltrating and corrupting the human race in ways we can only imagine
We’re told in Genesis 6 that demons left their proper station to take human women and use them to produce offspring
The product of this unholy union were a grotesque race of giant humans the Bible calls Nephilim
Therefore, the wickedness of the world was so great it necessitated a flood…there was no other way to fix the problem
Back in v.38 Jesus said life in the last days would be like Noah’s day with people eating, drinking and marrying unaware judgment was near
So perhaps you assumed Jesus was saying life at the end will be carefree, innocent and wholesome…like a 1950’s sitcom
Far from it…those days will be just like the days of Noah, which means ungodly to an extreme, and demonically-influenced
Listen to Paul’s description of what life on earth will be like in the days leading up to judgment
Paul’s description of the last days world is nothing like Leave it to Beaver or The Andy Griffith Show…it will be the Walking Dead
And we can already see the evidence today that our world is heading in that direction
After hearing what’s in store for our world, you may be left feeling a little depressed or worried for your future
After all, we still have to live here, and our children and grandchildren will be alive here long after we are gone
So perhaps you’re wishing for the good old days before these things began to happen
Or maybe you’re wondering how long will you have to endure this trial or how can you get through it?
And if that’s you, let me suggest that you’re not asking the right questions
The question we should all be asking ourselves is how are we supposed to make the most of this time and opportunity?
And to find that answer, we go back once again to the story of the flood to ask how did Noah approach his circumstances?
And the answer depends on which way Noah was facing
If Noah turned his focus to the evil world that surrounded him, he probably lived in terror and dread and disgust
If you’re watching the news these days you might think we’re living in days equally evil to Noah’s day
But the truth is our day isn’t even close to the evil that Noah endured in his day
We have never known a world filled continually with evil hearts together with demonic creatures living among us
So we can’t even imagine how bad things must have been in Noah’s day
When Noah walked into the local village to trade for supplies or materials or when he visited the nearby well for water, he took a risk
He probably watched his back for an attack, or averted his eyes from gross immorality
He probably slept with a weapon nearby and routinely had to run off thieves from his work site
He lived in difficult times, and being righteous, he grieved over what he experienced and what he saw around him
And remember, Noah experienced this deteriorating world for 120 years while he built the ark
That’s a long time to suffer in a world of continually evil hearts everywhere…longer than any of us will likely know
When Noah focused his attention on the sad state of his world, I have no doubt he experienced worry and anxiety and frustration and anger
You’re probably experiencing those same feelings today…fretting over the the world becoming increasingly lawless and evil
Perhaps there are days when you read the headlines and feel like going back to bed and throwing the covers over your head
Or perhaps you spend your day writing angry posts on Facebook
Or maybe you join a protest in the street determined to make the world a better place
And I’m sure there were days when Noah or his family felt a desire to lecture the world or fight against the depravity all around them
But that wasn’t the mission God gave Noah
God didn’t ask Noah to fix the world…He told Noah He was going to destroy the world, which is why Noah needed an ark
And building that ark wasn’t simply a matter of personal preservation…it was the way Noah would save the world
By building that ark, Noah would save his entire family, and his family would ultimately repopulate the earth
And the ark would also save the animals, without which human beings couldn’t survive
So ironically, the way Noah could save the evil, wicked world was by building an ark in preparation for a future world
Which is why Noah needed to move his attention away from fixing the world and onto his mission of building the ark…so that God could fix the world
When Noah turned his attention away from the world and onto the project of building his ark, suddenly everything made sense
Building the ark gave his life meaning and purpose beyond anything else he had ever known
Whatever Noah accomplished prior to that moment was nothing compared to his God-given mission
Would we even remember Noah’s name if it were not for the ark?
Noah had a God-given mission and the sad state of the world simply imparted greater urgency upon his work
He woke up each day and looked at the ark under construction, and he knew why he was getting out of bed that day
And when his eyes caught a glimpse of the world falling apart, it just motivated him to build faster
And that’s exactly the way we should see our days today, because we live in the same circumstances as Noah (at least in a sense)
Our days are evil like Noah, so if you focus on the world’s deterioration, then you too will feel isolated, frightened and hopeless
And that’s especially true in our current circumstances, isolated in our homes unable to do many of the things we used to do
I know believers today are feeling lost and sidelined, passing the time watching hours of cable news or Netflix or playing games
That’s not living with purpose…that is abandoning the mission at the most critical time
Imagine if Noah put down his tools so he could catch up on past episodes of Friends?
Or what if he threw his hands up in worry and decided the situation was hopeless?
Or what if he just decided to wait it out hoping that life would one day get back to normal?
Friends, when you live in the last days, there is no “normal”
We need to take our eyes off our crumbling world and fix them squarely on our mission just as Noah focused on the ark
Our mission is not to fix this world, especially since we know the Lord is going to destroy it and replace it with something better
We know judgment is around the corner because we have all seen the signs Jesus told us to expect
Our mission is to prepare a people to escape this world and to enter a new and better world that is coming soon
We offer the world an ark, the ark Jesus, and when someone enters that “ark” by faith, they too are rescued
That’s our mission, and when we turn our attention away from the world’s troubles and onto that mission, we too find purpose
Our work may be hard, just as building that ark was likely the hardest thing Noah ever did
And the world will still be evil, but that just gives us greater reason to stick to our mission
But everyday you’ll wake up knowing that the Lord is working through it
As Paul said in Ephesians 5:16, we will be making the most of our time knowing the days are evil
We’ll end our study of the circumstances of this coming day with a few final comparisons to Noah’s day
Shortly before the Lord brought the flood on the earth, God told Noah it was time to enter the ark with his family and the animals
And the way that happens includes some interesting details:
Everyone entered the ark on the same day, and later in Genesis 7:16 the Lord Himself closes the doors of the ark
He seals everyone inside and prevents others from entering
Even more interesting, Noah and his family and the animals waited in the ark for a full week before the flood started
Notice that the entry happened a full week prior to the start of the flood
For seven days, the family of Noah and the animals were safe and then God brought judgment down on the earth
Both of these details tells us even more about the circumstances that will surround this mysterious, future day called the coming of the Lord
First, just as Noah’s family entered the ark prior to the flood, so will the coming of the Lord take place prior to God’s judgment
As it says in 2 Peter 2:9… God rescues the godly while keeping the unrighteous under punishment for a day of judgment
So our rescue will take place before the Lord moves to bring wrath and judgment to the earth
In fact, just as Noah’s family was safely in the ark seven days before the flood, so will our rescue precede judgment by a period of seven
We know Tribulation will be a seven-year period of wrath upon the whole earth, according to Daniel
And Paul told us during an earlier lesson that the Lord will come from heaven to rescue the Church from that wrath to come
So Noah’s seven days sitting in the ark before the flood came is a picture of our rescue happening seven years or so prior to God’s judgment
Then at the end of those seven years, Jesus’ return to earth causes mourning because He brings judgment
Also, remember the Church returns with Jesus so we are present at the judgment though we are not caught up in it
That is also pictured by Noah, who witnessed the flood waters come on the earth while he was sitting safely in the ark
Finally, just as everyone entered the ark in a single moment, on the same day, so will our future day include all of God’s family in the same moment
No believer will be left out because all experience the same rescue
And on that day the Lord will “shut the door,” so to speak, so that none of those rescued may be lost and no one else may enter
This moment will be the dividing line for all humanity, just as Noah’s ark made clear who was being rescued and who wasn’t
There will be two groups of humanity: those in the safety of Jesus and those left behind
And at the moment, there will be no going back, no exceptions, no appeals
And there will be no doubt that the Lord has protected His own
And that leads us into the second section of our study: the nature of this coming day, how it happens and who will be involved
This is really the heart of our study and it will take several lessons to complete
With the time we have remaining today, we will look at what Jesus gives us in Matthew 24 and move to other texts next week
Jesus begins His explanations of the events of that day focused on that dividing line we just learned from Noah… two people with different futures
In v.40 Jesus illustrates how this day will unfold from a perspective on earth using two common scenarios of everyday life
First, He says there will be two men working in the field on a given day
Which tells us that nothing about that day will seem different from any other day
Had that day seemed different or strange, these men would not have gone about their normal routine
Similarly, two women will go to a mill to accomplish the daily grinding
And again this is an indication that up to this moment, all seems normal
People going about their normal daily routines without any sense that the day would be different from any other
This is perfectly consistent with what Jesus said earlier, when He told us that no one will know the day and hour of this event
The timing of this event will surprise everyone, even those who God will include in the rescue
So we can know that the event is planned and even how it will happen, but we cannot know when it will happen
Then instantly, Jesus says one of the men and one of the women will be taken, but the original Greek wording of this verse implies a different sense
We could read v.40 to say “two men shall be in the field, the one is received, and the other is left”
In other words, something – or someone – receives one of the men and one of the women
That specific language suggests the movement of the person, not the death or the destruction of the person
So one man and one woman will be taken away from the earth, leaving the other man and woman unaffected and still at work
It’s similar to the way Noah and his family entered the ark and the Lord shut the door
One moment Noah and his family were just another family on earth like the rest of the population
But the moment the door closed, they were separated from the world, out of sight and out of reach
This is what our planned rescue will be like, Jesus says, which just leads us to many more questions
And as I said, Jesus elaborates further at the Last Supper, and we will jump there next week to see what He says
Later, Paul will give us the details in two of his letters, and we will look at those next week as well
So in the meantime, let’s approach this next week and every week to come with a godly attitude that appreciates how we are to live in these days
It comes down to remembering five things that you know that you know:
First, we know that judgment for the world is fast approaching, because we can see the signs that Jesus told us to watch for
And secondly, we know God has planned a rescue for us so we will not experience this coming judgment
And thirdly, we know that as we await our rescue, the world will become increasingly evil, so we should not lose heart over it
Fourthly, we know to focus our attention on our mission of preparing for the next world, not trying to preserve this one
And fifthly, we know that as we serve God in the mission He gave us, these last days can be our best days
Rather than being depressed or angry or discouraged by the days we live in, we can be filled with purpose and joy
Because we move our eyes off the world and on to Jesus and the rescue He has planned for His Church
We aren’t going down with this ship, we’re helping people into our life raft
The church today is witnessing perhaps the single greatest witness opportunity any of us have seen in our lifetimes
A period of history when the foundations of our society are crumbling, evil has the upper hand and everyone is scared
Nothing is normal or stable now, and if you can’t see God’s handwriting on these circumstances, then you’re blind
This is the time for the Church to fulfill its mission, and we can’t do that on the couch playing our X-Box, or watching Netflix, or surfing the web
We need to be about our Father’s business, building the ark and stuffing it with as many passengers as we can
And by building the ark I mean preaching the gospel, sharing the truth, being a witness in these dark times
This is the time we show the optimism that understands our rescue is right around the corner
This is the time we show confidence and peace and joy when the world is filled with worry and distress and sadness
So that the world may be drawn to Christ through our witness and they too might be rescued when the day comes