Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter six weeks, we’re finally transitioning into Chapter 9, but we’re still looking at the various miracles Matthew records in the Galilee
Today, we finish the second section of miracles Matthew selected, and this section emphasizes Jesus’ power to do things only God can do
Two weeks ago, we saw Jesus controlling the forces of nature with just a word…that certainly showed the power of God
Last week, we studied Jesus’ power over the judgment of demons…another role that only God can play
And this week, we find Jesus demonstrating power and authority that is quintessentially God’s alone: forgiving sin
So let’s revisit the scene
Previously, Jesus crossed the sea of Galilee at night to escape the crowds
And as He landed in Gadara, He confronted the demon-possessed men and healed them
And in the aftermath of that miracle, the Gentile townspeople were so frightened by Jesus, they begged Him to leave the area
So we pick up at that point in Chapter 9
After the townspeople demanded that Jesus depart, He respected their wishes and crossed back to the other side of the lake to His “own city”
That city was Capernaum, which was Jesus’ home base for ministry in the Galilee
Earlier in the Gospel, we learned that Jesus moved with His mother and siblings to Capernaum from Nazareth
The move made strategic sense
Nazareth was located off the beaten track and located in difficult-to-reach hills
While Capernaum sat near major roads and on the Galilee, which meant it was well-positioned to support Jesus’ itinerant ministry
So Jesus returns to His newly adopted home with His disciples, and Luke says Jesus was teaching in the inner courtyard of a home
And on this day, Jesus has collected a considerable crowd of religious leaders
Jewish religious officials from around Israel have descended upon Jesus
Some had even traveled the 60 miles or so from Jerusalem
Mark says there were so many scribes present, that there was no space left in the room and they spilled outside the door
You may remember earlier in this section of miracles, Jesus healed a man of leprosy
When we studied that miracle, we learned that for the very first time in Israel’s history, Jesus had invoked the requirements of Leviticus 14
Leviticus 14 gives specific instructions to Israel for how to respond to a person cured of leprosy
The healed leper was to show himself to the priests, who would verify the cleansing and declare the man officially restored
Yet since that law was given to Israel, no leper had ever been healed
So the instructions found in Leviticus 14 had never been put into force
That curious fact led rabbis in Israel to conclude that if and when a leper was healed, the healer must be uniquely anointed by God
In other words, that man would be the Messiah
So as Jesus healed the Jewish leper, He told the man to present himself to the priests as Leviticus 14 required
Naturally, when that leper arrived at the temple and presented himself for inspection, the priests verified the healing
And the news of the leper’s healing traveled quickly among the Jewish authorities in Israel
They would have understood the meaning of that sign, and as a result, they would have come to investigate whether Jesus is the Messiah
Whenever a self-proclaimed savior arrived, the religious authorities would always inspect the claims and make a determination
If these authorities “approved” a person’s claims to being Messiah, then the nation would be told to follow him
If they rejected the claim, the people were told to ignore the person, and he would be charged with blasphemy
To this point, no Messiah had ever been confirmed, so the nation still awaited a Deliverer
So after Jesus healed the leper, He found Himself under their microscope – and in their sights
Perhaps some scribes conducted their investigation with an open mind and honest intentions
But even if so, they all quickly set themselves against Jesus, largely because of scenes like the one we’re studying now
Because as Jesus meets this man, He declares the man to be forgiven of His sins, which leads the leaders to gasp in horror and declare it to be blasphemy
To understand all that’s happening here, let’s get a better sense of the scene
First, we have the man’s unique entry into the room
He is paralyzed, so he’s brought before Jesus, lying on his bed by friends who carry him
But the scribes were so numerous, Luke says they blocked these men from reaching Jesus
Apparently, none of those pompous, self-important scribes were willing to yield their place to this needy man and his friends
So the men looked for another way to reach Jesus
Luke tells us they lowered the man down through an opening in the roof of the house, directly in front of Jesus
The religious leaders had made themselves a barrier to reaching Jesus
They formed a physical barrier in that room, but in time, they also became a spiritual barrier to the people
They denied Jesus’ claims as Messiah and told the people that He was a fraud unworthy of their attention
In that way, the scribes put themselves between the people and salvation, leading Jesus to call them stumbling blocks
This happens today too…false religious leaders and religious movements tell their followers that only they can grant access to God
They claim to hold the secret to forgiveness and salvation when in reality, such people are actually standing in your way
Their lies and false claims that are not supported by Scripture are stumbling blocks
You can be sure that when someone claims to be a gateway to accessing God, they are actually a wall blocking the way
But those who are being drawn by the Spirit to Jesus will come to Him regardless of obstacles
Notice, Matthew says Jesus takes note of their faith
That pronoun is plural, which means all these men were working from a common belief that Jesus could heal the man
So faith finds a way, and nobody has the power to prevent God’s children from reaching Him
Next, take note that Jesus says your sins are forgiven
The verb tense Matthew uses in Greek reflects instantaneous action
The man’s sins were forgiven at that very moment
Notice, Jesus doesn’t name a particular sin that was forgiven…He was declaring all the man’s sins were forgiven
Jesus was saying that this man was completely clean before God
Furthermore, the man’s forgiveness was based entirely on his faith in Jesu
So Jesus put no burdens on the man
The man did not have to accomplish works of restitution or penance or anything
Only his faith in Jesus was necessary to receive God’s forgiveness of his sins, and that forgiveness covered all the man’s sins
Jesus’ statement posed two concerns for the scribes in the room
First, these men would have objected to the idea that any person could be exonerated of all sins merely on the basis of faith
Pharisaic Judaism didn’t understand salvation in that way
In the first century, Jewish religious leaders taught that being born a Jew was sufficient to receive salvation
Elsewhere in the Gospels, the Pharisees defend themselves to Jesus, saying they were born children of God
Furthermore, scribes believed that part of being Jewish and receiving the benefits thereof involved careful observance of the Law
So they believed that God “saved” the Jewish people merely on the basis of their family ties to Abraham
But forgiveness of sin was accomplished through the Law
That’s why we find Paul working so hard in his letters to show that forgiveness of sin is never through works of Law
In fact, keeping the Law was not a means of receiving God’s forgiveness, either for Israel or for the Church
But many Jewish believers in Paul’s day continued to carry that Pharisaic mindset into their relationship with Jesus
So as these men heard Jesus declaring the man forgiven of all sin based on faith alone, they objected
Now we might ask, why would they object to that truth?
Wouldn’t it be good news to learn you don’t have to earn God’s forgiveness?
Yes it is…unless your heart is set on other things
And in this case, their hearts were set on maintaining their power over the people…on being gateways to God
And as long as the people believed that access to God’s forgiveness depended on works of Law, these men stayed in power over the people
They decided when a person had sinned
And they decided when that person had done enough work to receive forgiveness
They did the very thing that they objected to about Jesus
They placed themselves in the place of deciding whether someone received God’s forgiveness
And that brings us to their second objection
They objected to the very idea that Jesus had the power to forgive sin
And their concern was actually reasonable, because no man has the power to forgive sins – period
Sin isn’t just a Bible-ly word for doing something evil or making a mistake
Sin is a technical term
Sin is an offense against God…it’s disobeying the Creator
And that’s fundamentally different than just making a mistake
For example, when I hurt another person, if I speak a false word against a person, I offend that person
If he should forgive me for my offense, all is well between us
But that’s not the end of the matter, because by my behavior, I also offended God
I’ve broken His standard for righteousness…and that’s sin
And as a result, I have incurred a debt before God – a penalty I must pay for my offense, the Bible says
Now God, in His mercy and grace, can forgive me of my offense against Him
But only God Himself may extend forgiveness for sin, because He was the One offended by it
So no person has the authority to offer God’s forgiveness to another person
Like in the case of my example…the person I insulted may choose to forgive me for my offense against him
But no matter how forgiving or understanding that person is, he cannot grant me God’s forgiveness
Only God can do that
Therefore, unless and until the Lord is willing to forgive me, my sin of slander continues to convict me
And one day, I will face the penalty for that sin, unless and until the Lord forgives me for it
So the religious leaders objected to Jesus’ words, both because Jesus was changing their rules, and because He put Himself in the place of God
Matthew said that some scribes thought to themselves, “This man blasphemes”
Blaspheming is profaning the holiness of God
We blaspheme when we presume to put ourselves in God’s place or when we misrepresent God’s Word or character
These men concluded Jesus had committed this offense because He took the place of God and altered their view of God’s Word
In reality, Jesus hadn’t changed God’s Word at all
Rather, it was the scribes who had misrepresented what God’s Word said about forgiveness and salvation
The prophets told the truth
And Moses said the same:
Jesus was just setting the record straight, teaching that eternal life comes by a confession of faith, not by works of the Law
And furthermore, Jesus’ claim to have the power to forgive sins was not blasphemy, because it was true
He is the Son of God, so He possesses God’s power to grant forgiveness for sins
Hebrews says:
So Jesus did not blaspheme, but these men didn’t recognize Jesus’ authority, which is why Jesus takes the next step to validate His claims
Jesus knew their thoughts, Matthew says, and so Jesus responds by asking, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?”
That was the first step to demonstrating Jesus was God…He could know their thoughts
I would have loved to see their faces in that moment
They probably tried to put on an innocent look, denying it was them entertaining evil thoughts
But they’ve been caught, so then Jesus turns next to offering them proof of His claims
He uses a technique of rabbinical logic called kal v’chomer, which means “from difficult to easy”
The idea is that if I can demonstrate the power to accomplish a more difficult thing, then I am also capable of the easier thing
For example, if I claim I can lift a 500 lb. block of stone, but you don’t believe me, I could prove my claim by lifting a 1,000 lb. stone
Because anyone who can lift a 1,000 lb. stone, is obviously capable of lifting 500 lbs.
So in this case, Jesus claimed to have the power to forgive sins, and that is a very easy thing to claim
Because God’s forgiveness can’t be proven
No one on earth can prove one way or another if that statement is true…there is no visible sign
Which makes saying those words very easy
On the other hand, saying to a paralyzed man, “Get up and walk”, is a very hard thing to do
Because instantly, your words will be shown to be true or false
If the man does not get up, your deception will be exposed
Yet both these statements share one thing in common
Only God can declare your sins forgiven…
And only the Creator can heal the physical body by His Word alone
So if Jesus can heal a man by His Word, then He is proving Himself to be God
And if Jesus is God, then He can also declare a man’s sins be forgiven
So Jesus commands the man to get up, which he does immediately
And as he does, the room of scribes and all the people waiting outside witness this miracle
And they were awestruck, causing them to glorify God for having given such authority, such power to men
Which is exactly the kind of proof these men needed to verify Jesus’ claims to being Messiah…or it should have been enough
But these men had evil in their hearts, as Jesus said
That’s why I think Jesus began this moment as He did, declaring the man to be forgiven of sin, rather than declaring him healed
At other times when sick people have come to Jesus, He simply granted them physical healing without a word
But this time, Jesus grants spiritual healing initially, not physical healing
Only later, after the Pharisees refused to believe that Jesus had done as He said, did Jesus move to physical healing
I think He did so because He knew He was under inspection for His claims to be Messiah
So in this moment, Jesus constructs a test for all mankind to use in determining who to believe about God and forgiveness and salvation
And the test is simply this: when deciding who you believe speaks for God, you should trust the One Who can back up His words with power
In this moment, Jesus spoke words of forgiveness first, and accepting those words was a matter of faith
They couldn’t be proven…they could only be accepted by faith
The man and his friends had faith in Jesus, which is why they received God’s forgiveness
The scribes, on the other hand, lacked faith in Jesus, which is why they did not believe His words nor did they receive His forgiveness
But then to prove His claims, Jesus performed a work of power that no one but God may do
By that miracle, Jesus proved God was working through Him
And God doesn’t grant His power to a fraud or liar
Unfortunately, the scribes were too hard-hearted to receive that truth, despite Jesus’ power
As a result, this moment is just the first of many accusations of blasphemy that eventually lead to Jesus’ trial and death
Before we finish, I wonder what this paralyzed man thought when he heard Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven”
Was he a little disappointed by what he heard?
This man probably spent most or perhaps all of his life as a paralytic, and in that day, paralysis was a hard way to live
There were no social services, no handicap parking permits, and no sympathy
Society typically viewed such people as cursed by God
So we know this man was desperate to receive physical healing
And when his moment before the Great Healer comes, he hears Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven”
I wonder if he looked up at Jesus and said, “And, and….?”
When I was young, I wanted a Hot Wheels toy car race track for Christmas…I saw it advertised on a Saturday morning TV show, and I was hooked
It’s the only thing I asked my parents for that year
And when Christmas Day came, I was sure my parents had given me what I wanted
But after all the presents were opened, my car race track was nowhere to be found, and I was so confused
Then my parents revealed I wasn’t getting the race track, because they had a better idea for my Christmas gift
So they took me outside to show me a basketball hoop ready to be assembled and set up in the ground at the end of our driveway
They were so pleased with their choice of gift, but I could barely hold back my disappointment
They tried to explain that a basketball goal would last far longer than a toy race track
And that as I grew older, I would appreciate playing basketball long after I had lost interest in toys
Of course, they were right…I spent countless hours playing basketball on that goal until I graduated high school
And it gave me a love for the sport that continues to this day
Even still, it took a while for me to recognize the wisdom of my parents’ decision
I had to shift my perspective from immediate gratification to the future benefits of a meaningful gift
You might say I needed to mature into having a perspective on the future…or as we say here, having eyes for eternity
I’m guessing this man was a little disappointed when Jesus didn’t act to heal him at first
Surely, any disappointment he felt turned to relief when Jesus told him to get up
But I also wonder which of those healings mattered more to the man as time went along
As the end of his life approached, and his body began to fail again, as it does for all of us, where did he find his hope?
I bet he wasn’t hoping for another physical healing
I’m sure he found hope knowing that when he died, he would stand before Christ loved, forgiven, saved
Perhaps that’s why the Lord opened the conversation with “be of good courage”
Be encouraged that salvation is possible by faith alone
Be encouraged that God is willing to heal your soul
Be encouraged you have eternal life
Friends, we need to be encouraged today by that same truth
Jesus Christ proved His claims to be God over and over again
He healed the body, controlled the forces of nature and put the demons in their place
Then He died on a cross to satisfy the penalty you owed God for your sin
And He rose from the grave to prove to you that He has the power over life and death
And he pronounced forgiveness of sins for those who place their faith in Him
That has to be the basis of our encouragement too
Christians certainly have other needs too…needs for healing, equipping, provision, comfort, restoration and the like
But even if God answers these prayers, as He will from time to time, these earthly things fade in time anyway
So if we place our hope in these things, we will be disappointed
We have to remind ourselves daily that our hope comes from the certain knowledge that we are forgiven by God
And that’s enough to sustain us through trials, through deprivation, through sickness, and through discomfort
Because those things are passing…but God’s forgiveness is forever
And if the gift of Heaven doesn’t seem as important to you sometimes as those others things do
I assure you that as you see the end of your life upon you, having God’s forgiveness for your sin will be far more precious to you than anything in this world
So where have you placed your trust for your eternal future? Are you sure God has forgiven you?
Did someone promise God’s forgiveness? Did that someone prove they have the power to speak for God?
Jesus proved He does
And Jesus stands ready to receive you, to forgive you, if you would just trust Him