Taught by
Wesley LivingstonTaught by
Wesley LivingstonThe Parable of the Hidden Treasure - It is often assumed by many in evangelical circles that the church has somehow replaced Israel (Replacement Theology) because of her rejection of Messiah in the first century. However, a clear reading of scripture shows us otherwise. God still has a plan for His chosen people, Israel and that plan is distinct from the Church. Jesus addresses Israel’s current position within the present Church-Age through the illustration of a hidden treasure having been set aside for a time, yet not forgotten for its future retrieval. Join VBVMI as Pastor Wesley teaches the significance of Jesus’ parables in Matthew 13 and how the Hidden treasure explains God’s redemptive distinctions between the Church Age believers and Israel.
The Parable of the Costly Pearl - The Parable of the Costly Pearl is one that has been a part of much interpretative efforts over the years. To best understand the cost of the pearl requires that we examine the flow of the parables in the order in which Christ gave them. As we consider the Parable of the Costly Parable, we will see how a parallelism is drawn between that of what the Lord is doing within the Church-Age in addition to His retrieval of His Hidden treasure, Israel. Join VBVMI as Pastor Wesley teaches on God’s precious possession of both His first born, Israel, and His possession of great cost, the Church.