
The book of Jeremiah has a surprisingly relevant message for the church and for believers today. The LORD speaks through Jeremiah to His people with words of warning for discipline He must bring on them. There has been a falling away of the LORD’s people from following His word to them and how they are to be living as a distinctly separate people from those who are around them. The leaders of the LORD’s people have failed to shepherd His people properly and have led them to a place of false worship like the surrounding people instead of a pure worship of the LORD. There has been a falling away from protecting the vulnerable of the community that led to a collapse of the society away from the LORD’s design for His people.

The LORD speaks through Jeremiah to call His people to repent and return to Him as their God. Jeremiah is tasked with bringing the difficult message to the leaders and the people that judgment is coming on them from the LORD. This judgment will come from nations empowered by the LORD for this purpose. The city of Jerusalem and the temple are going to be destroyed and many people with die while others will be carried away into exile. In grace and mercy the LORD is disciplining His people for a time but He promises this will not be for a complete destruction of His people.

The book of Jeremiah is filled with wisdom for believers to encourage us to know God’s word and live a life filled with compassion for those in need and a pure worship of a holy God and with warnings when we do not heed His word and refuse to repent of these sins in our lives.

This teaching is provided by a contributing Bible teacher who is not employed by Verse By Verse Ministry International. The Biblical perspectives beliefs and views of contributing teachers may differ, at times, from the Biblical perspectives this ministry holds.