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Annette ArmstrongAccess all of our teaching materials through our smartphone apps conveniently and quickly.
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Annette ArmstrongChapters 1-6 The foundation of this book is established by the LORD calling Jeremiah as a prophet to Judah in the final days of that kingdom. The LORD’s people, Israel and Judah, had rejected their God by worshipping false gods and without their repentance, the LORD is sending a nation from the North as judgment—but not for a complete destruction of His people.
Chapter 7 Preaching at a gate at the temple, Jeremiah prophesies about the impending destruction of the temple and the city like was done at Shiloh. The temple’s existence is not going to save Jerusalem from the judgment to be brought, because of the people's worship of foreign gods and their disregard for the needy.
Verse 1 The verse begins with the phrase, ‘at that time’.
This would be linked to the end of chapter 7 where the last words were about a time when all joy was going to be taken from the cities of Judah including Jerusalem.
This is a description of what will take place during the siege of Jerusalem.
Next the LORD declares something using the pronoun ‘they’.
To help determine who ‘they’ are, we will continue to read and make a list of what ‘they’ do.
First, ‘they’ bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, princes, priests, prophets and the bones of those buried from Jerusalem.
Verse 2 Then ‘they’ will spread out the bones before the sun, moon, and hosts of heaven.
‘They’ love the sun, moon and hosts of heaven.
‘They’ do not just love; they serve, they have gone after, and they worship these.
This seems to be a reference to some form of adherence to worship of the constellations.
The use of the bones of those who are dead seems to have a function associated with the worship of the constellations.
There is movement now from those dead long enough to have been buried and exist as bones to those recently deceased as the next reference is ‘they’ will not be gathered or buried.
The indication here is some of ‘they’ are now dead.
Their bodies lay above ground to decay as body waste decays.
The work done by ‘they’ with the dead bones and the turning to the constellations did not spare them from the judgment.
Verse 3 ‘They’ are described as an evil family.
This evil family will have a remnant.
The remnant will choose death not life.
This remnant will be found in all the places the LORD has driven them to.
A remnant of these people will be driven out of Jerusalem.
The contrasting of the worship of the constellations of the heavens is seen as the description of the LORD is the LORD of hosts. The true LORD of all the heavenly hosts.
Verse 4 The LORD poses a question to these men so described and He begins by asking if a man can fall down and not get back up again.
The question is put forward to make those who have been brought low consider if they want to get back up and are willing to do what is right now.
‘They’ seem much more desirous of holding to their deceived thoughts than the truth and reality in front of them.
Next the observation is made about a man who would now change the direction of his life, but not so as to be forgiven from the life direction embraced for so long. There is no thought of being repentant for the previous decisions.
Verse 5 ‘They’ are now identified as the people of Jerusalem.
Those who should have been the LORD’s people turned away from Him in continual apostasy.
These people instead hold on tightly to the lie and will not return to the LORD in repentance.
Verse 6 The LORD is speaking and says He has listened and heard what His people said.
Another way this could be described is the LORD is listening to what the people did not say.
They spoke words that were not truth.
They declare they don’t need to repent of anything the LORD called wickedness.
They say they have done nothing wrong.
Now that what they are doing has been called out as wrong before the LORD, they stayed focused on the same path they have been on without repentance.
Their movement into sin is compared to a horse charging into battle.
Once the horse has the blinders on and the battle cry moves the horse to charge ahead, nothing will stop it. That is what he has been trained to do.
That is the picture the LORD is using for these people who claimed to know Him yet did exactly the opposite of what He called them to do.
Verse 7 The LORD points to His creation to demonstrate the wisdom displayed in the birds knowing each year when it is time to migrate.
This ability to see the signs changing and make the necessary changes to migrate is used in contrast to what the LORD’s people do.
They see the signs all around them of impending judgment, yet they will not prepare for what is about to happen to them. They refuse to believe and leave.
The birds of nature know what to do for survival, what the truth is, and respond accordingly.
The LORD’s people did not know His ordinances.
They did not want to understand their violations of His commands.
They chose to follow their own desires.
They chose to worship other gods that fed their own desires.
They chose to ignore what the LORD told them would happen if they made these decisions.
They chose to ignore the prophets the LORD sent them.
Verse 8 The people have deluded themselves into believing they were wise and following the law.
The scribes were writing things about the law of the LORD that were untrue. They had in some way twisted the Word of the LORD.
The original copy of the Law is found as Josiah is having the temple put back into a proper state for worship. 2 Chronicles 34:13-14.
Verse 13 Some of the Levites were scribes at this time.
Verse 14 It would seem the book of the law of the LORD, as it was given to Moses, is found.
What had the scribes been working on if there was no written law for the people?
It would appear the scribes had done their own translation work.
It might have been something like what appears in Jewish writings now where there have been ‘wise’ Jewish men putting their own thinking into what the words mean.
After a long period of time what is put forward about the Word is not true.
Things can often vary from what the LORD actually means in His Word.
Twisting the LORD’s Word is not a new endeavor.
There are many Jewish teachers today who have to do mental gymnastics to explain what the scriptures say in order to navigate away from the interpretations brought into line with NT writings.
This happens in the modern church as well, when what is written or spoken about is twisted to bring about a predetermined narrative.
It is not a mistake that when the Words of the LORD are taken out of context, they are bent into a meaning that is almost always opposite of what the words actually mean.
This underscores the importance of knowing the scriptures and studying the scriptures for yourself.
Jer. 8:9 Those men of Jeremiah’s day that were considered wise men would be the scribes.
They would be those who were to interpret what the Law said to the leaders and the people.
These wise men are actually put to shame.
They are lying and then being caught in their lies.
The conclusion is they have rejected what was written in God’s Word choosing to believe their own interpretation of His Word.
The rhetorical question is then, what wisdom could these men possibly have?
Verse 10 The consequence of this will be their wives will be given to others.
The fields they own will also be given to others.
The full extent of the pervasive nature of this turning away from the LORD and His word is captured in the phrase from the ‘least even to the greatest.’
There was no one, not one, who truly stood up for the LORD’s truth.
The motivation for this is demonstrated in their greed for gain.
They all have joined together in this evil.
The prophets have sold out.
The priests have sold out.
Again, the inclusiveness is demonstrated as the LORD says everyone practices deceit.
Verse 11 The LORD speaks of the daughter of His people, that is Jerusalem.
The people are broken.
In their brokenness would be the opportunity for repentance but instead the liars say there is “peace, peace.”
The reality is there is no peace.
The LORD is bringing judgment, and none will be spared.
The lying only makes the destruction worse.
Verse 12 The LORD describes the behaviors of the leaders as an abomination.
The leaders were not ashamed of their behaviors; they did not even feel a slight bit of shame.
Because of their hypocrisy they will also fall when the city falls.
The leaders will not be in positions of leadership, the LORD will bring them down.
Verse 13 The LORD begins to describe what He is going to do.
He will snatch them away. The scribes, prophets and priests will be taken away.
This is hard for us to understand as we live in a world where the church and the political leadership are separate entities.
In this day the spiritual leaders were the political leaders.
They gave directions to the kings.
They could influence who was put in charge of the military.
They were over the courts of the day.
The LORD uses three pictures from agriculture to display what is about to happen.
The first picture is of grapes being removed from the vine. The LORD has referred to Israel as a grape vine before. Psa. 80:8-13
The LORD clearly defines Israel as the vine. This is also seen in Is. 5:1-7.
The vine represented the people as God brought them into the Promised Land.
The fruit was to be the works of the people, like justice and righteousness.
When there is no fruit there is no purpose for the vine to exist.
The leaf withers away. The leaf protects the vine and when it withers away the vine will be destroyed.
The same is true for the fig tree that does not bear fruit.
They were both created for this specific purpose just like God’s people are created for a specific purpose.
When the vine becomes worthless it is cut off.
There was nothing left for the LORD to do to make the vine produce.
It is time for the vine to be removed.
Verse 14 The prophet asks the question as to why the people were just sitting around, maybe hoping things would change.
Would it not be better to go to the fortified cities and prepare for the invasion?
The LORD had already spoken of what was going to happen. There was no changing this as it was from the LORD.
There is an acceptance of what is to happen in the picture of receiving poisoned water. Once a person drinks the poison there is no going back, it is too late.
This is deserved as the people have sinned against and rejected the LORD.
Verse 15 It is clear the promise given by the false teachers of peace had been hoped for and waited on--but it was not to be.
In the place of peace there was no peace.
In the place of healing there was only terror.
Verse 16 The judgment is close now as the horses of war are heard in Dan and the whole land knows what is coming.
Dan is north of Jerusalem and would experience the onslaught of the enemy first.
The stories of what this army did as it came to conquer would precede them.
Verse 17 The temperament of this army is described as an adder that will not be persuaded to do anything less than instructed. It comes to destroy.
The LORD again declares this army is being sent by Him for this purpose.
Verse 18 The LORD is not pleased by what must be done to His people.
The LORD has sorrow for the pain His children must endure.
This is a contrary picture to the gods of the surrounding people and the gods His people have chosen to worship.
These gods had only pain, death and destruction to offer with no empathy.
This expression of sorrow the LORD is expressing through Jeremiah is not accepted by many teachers and they somehow claim these words are from Jeremiah himself.
There is nothing in the scriptures that would give license to change who is speaking as it is the LORD through Jeremiah.
Verse 19 The LORD prophesying the future says to listen as the cry of Jerusalem is in a distant land.
The temple has been removed.
The treasures have been removed.
They sense the LORD is not in Zion any longer.
They sense their King is no longer in Zion, or the city or the temple.
The LORD removed these things and the people because He was provoked.
The graven images and foreign idols had been brought into the temple, the city and Zion.
Verse 20 The time is passing under the siege and Jerusalem was not rescued.
Verse 21 The LORD mourns for Jerusalem.
The LORD knows what is to become of Jerusalem.
This reminds us of when Jesus, years later, would weep because He too knew what was going to happen in Jerusalem. Luke 19:35-44
The entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, hailed as the King, reverses what occurred in Jerusalem that Jeremiah is prophesying about.
The LORD is again in Zion.
Her King is within her.
Her King weeps over Jerusalem again.
The leaders over Jerusalem once again lead the people astray.
The leaders do not direct them to peace.
They will lead the people again to a day where the enemies will throw up a barricade around Jerusalem.
The enemies will destroy the city and the people and the temple; here the reference to not leaving one stone upon another is specific to the destruction of the temple. See Mark 13:1-2.
The similarities in the destruction are seen but so are the similarities for the reason of the destruction.
They did not honor the LORD as their God.
They did not believe the Word of the LORD.
The area of Gilead had a reputation for plants used for medicinal purposes.
There was no ointment and no person that was going to restore the situation except by discipline.
There were no works to perform or a person to come to the rescue of Jerusalem.
The message for our hearts is to not be stubborn like the people of God were in Jeremiah’s day or in Jesus’ day.
While it is still today, we can bring our hearts before the LORD in submission to His Will.
While it is today, we can share the gospel message with unbelievers, and they can be saved.
Knowing the promises of God are always fulfilled and He provides all answers in His Word we can be encouraged by the words of Peter in 2Pet. 3:13-18.
First, we are to grow in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jesus instructs His disciples how to grow in grace in John 15:1-5
Second, believers are instructed to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This teaching is provided by a contributing Bible teacher who is not employed by Verse By Verse Ministry International. The Biblical perspectives beliefs and views of contributing teachers may differ, at times, from the Biblical perspectives this ministry holds.