Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs the Apostle John brought his remarkable gospel to a close, he chose to focus on a tender moment between the risen Lord and the most prominent apostle – Simon Peter
In Chapter 21, John records how the Lord appeared to Peter as he fished on the Sea of Galilee
Weeks earlier at the crucifixion of the Lord, Peter had been the most visible defector among Jesus’ disciples, though virtually all of them ran
And he denied Jesus three times publicly, despite having been the first among the disciples to confess Christ, the Rock upon which the church would be built
Now, at the end of John’s gospel, the humiliated Peter has retreated to his life of fishing
Wondering if all that he had followed after in the past three years had amounted to anything
Then the resurrected Jesus appears
And with a few simple words, Jesus restores Peter
In one powerful moment, Jesus picked up Peter from his despair and humiliation
He pierced his heart on the question of love and loyalty
Asking do you love me more than these fish?
Do you love me more than your work and way of life?
Peter responded emphatically, you know that I love you
To which Jesus commanded Peter, feed my sheep
Twice more Jesus asked the question did Peter love Him?
And twice more Peter declared insistently that he loved Jesus
And twice more Jesus gave the same command: feed, shepherd, tend my sheep
In that moment, Jesus erased the stigma of Peter’s three denials with three opportunities for Peter to declare his faithful love for the Lord
And with that restoration fresh on his mind, Peter then hears the way he is to demonstrate that love: feed my sheep, shepherd my sheep, tend my sheep
Of course, we know what Jesus meant
Jesus called Peter to act upon his love for the Lord by showing that love to the Lord’s flock
And to do so in the way a shepherd shows love for his flock
By feeding them and tending to their needs
In Peter’s case, the feeding was the teaching of God’s word
And the shepherding was in directing their obedience to that word
And Peter was faithful to the end in his mission, never to deny or forsake the Lord again
And his first letter to the church stands proof of Peter’s faithfulness to that commission
The letter we begin to study tonight
We’ll start our study by considering a little background
As with any epistle, we should begin examining the audience, the historical and social context of its day, and Peter’s purpose in writing
Peter was the chief Apostle, both when Jesus walked the earth and afterward in the early church
He was appointed by Christ to be the Apostle to the Jews, and ministered for many years in Jerusalem
He was the one who preached at Pentecost and according to 1 Corinthians 15:5 he received a personal appearance from Christ
He was married and according to 1 Corinthians 9:5, he traveled with his wife when conducting ministry
Though we don’t know when he died, well-founded tradition has Peter crucified upside down in Rome around AD 64.
Peter’s first letter doesn’t dwell on lofty doctrinal issues for the most part
Like any NT letter, there is some doctrine teaching
But Peter’s letter makes clear right from the start that his purpose in writing is not to teach principles the readers didn’t already know
Peter wants to bring to mind things they already know to some degree
He ‘s going to talk of the challenges of living out the faith
Of practicing doing what’s right, of living a holy life for Christ’s sake
Of the necessity of relying on Christ’s grace
And not merely the grace of our salvation
More grace in the practical sense
Grace Christ provides to enable us to live out the holiness He requires
And a grace to accept our circumstances as God ordained
Really, Peter is preaching on recognizing and yielding to the sovereignty of God
Like all epistles, this one begins with a salutation, where the author identifies himself and his audience
But Peter’s salutation begins the teaching right from the beginning
He starts with a simple identifying statement
An apostle of Jesus Christ
Twelve men selected from among all men of all time to become his representatives among men
Peter being the chief of those selected, the rock
His name in Aramaic, Cephas, means rock
Peter, his Greek name, means stone
The man who’s unshakable faith looked so shaky in the hours before the crucifixion
Yet he was to be the first among the Apostles in authority and honor
Now he brings all that authority to bear in his letter
As the Apostle of the Jews, Peter ministered first in Jerusalem
By the end of his life, tradition says he was living in Rome where he was eventually crucified upside down
But some believe that Peter left Jerusalem earlier and traveled throughout the regions where exiled Jewish believers lived, including Babylon and the Diaspora
This has led to some controversy regarding the audience for this letter
Some scholars consider the audience to be primarily Gentile Christians
The second view says that the audience Peter had in mind was specifically Jewish believers scattered outside Jerusalem
In general I don’t find this issue to be significant to our interpretation of Peter’s letter outside a few key passages
Because whether to Jew or Greek, the teaching instructs us equally well today
So let’s move past the point for now and look more closely at Peter’s opening statement to the believers
Peter himself says he is writing to aliens in these cities and regions of Asia minor
The first question that raises is, why were they considered by Peter to be aliens?
Well, if Peter was talking to Jews, then he could mean the readers were aliens in the places they lived because they had left their homeland
And certainly some scholars see the letter this way
But regardless of whether the audience were Jew or Greek, the term alien has a spiritual meaning that is far more meaningful and it’s one we need to consider
These believers were aliens spiritually
They were not residents of the cities or towns in which they lived
Some lived in Pontus or Bithynia, regions in northern Asia Minor on the Black Sea
Some lived in Galatia in central Asia Minor
Some lived in Cappadocia in eastern Asia Minor
This letter, by the way, was an encyclical letter, which traveled from city to city to be read in each one in turn
But no matter where they lived, they were aliens
They could remain in these towns
They could return to Jerusalem
They could move to Rome
The could move to San Antonio/Austin
But regardless, wherever they lived, they would be aliens
And Peter wants to remind them that they are aliens
A believer’s allegiance is no longer to this world or to what can be found in the world
Remember Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 15
The moment we believe in the Gospel and become a child of God, we are granted a new citizenship
From God’s perspective, we are no longer a citizen of the world
While we once belonged to this world, and even to the prince of this world, the devil (sons of disobedience)
At the point we believe, we immigrate into Heaven
We are now a citizen of the Holy City in Heaven which we will one day inhabit for eternity
And though we are still waiting the reality of that new place, you are no less a citizen of Heaven even now as we wait
If you were born to American parents living overseas, you would be born into American citizenship
And though you had never set foot in America, you would be no less an American
And so it is for you and I as citizens of Heaven
The saints of old lived with this thought ruling their lives
They lived in such a way that by their lives they proved what was in their hearts
Their hope was not found in a country on earth
They placed their hope and future in a heavenly city they knew awaited them in glory
So at the moment we are saved, we become citizens of heaven
The flip side of that conversion is also true
The moment we believe we become foreigners in this world
We instantly become tourists, strangers, or sojourners the Bible calls us
The fundamental question that Peter is going to raise over and over again in this letter and the issue we are each going to need to consider and wrestle with
Are we living as tourists and sojourners in this world
Or are we putting down roots?
Are we settling in?
Have we forgotten where our true hope lies?
Have we begun to buy into what the world tells us should matter?
Peter is going to bring this issue up time and time again in the letter, so I won’t belabor the issue here
So Peter begins the letter introducing his first theme: the reality of our separation from the world
But we’ll put that aside only for a moment so we can consider the second major theme Peter introduces
His readers as those who are were chosen by God
The believer is God’s elect
His readers were the ones God has appointed to believe and to become His children
And we are brought to faith by God’s gracious choice
Peter didn’t just describe the believer as the elect in passing
He takes a moment to elaborate on what it means to be the elect
We are brought to this life as a believer, as an alien by a God who determined to accomplish this work from the beginning
Verse 2 declares that it was according to the foreknowledge of God
Our election into the family of God has its beginning in the eternal purpose of God’s will
Our inevitable adoption as sons and daughters of God was a decision formed in the will of God and executed before even the foundations of the world were laid, according to Ephesians 1
When Peter talks of God’s foreknowledge, he is speaking of more than merely an awareness of what will happen (as some try to explain it away)
In Biblical terminology, God’s foreknowledge is a way of saying that what God knew beforehand is what He purposed to happen
God’s foreknowledge is always connected to God’s sovereign power to bring about that which He knows or sets His mind upon
Paul puts it simply in Ephesians 1:5
Do we call someone the “president-elect” merely because one day the man woke up and decided he wanted to be president? And once he decides he wants the office, we start to call the person the president-elect?
If that’s what the term meant, then we would be calling Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and the rest of the crowd president-elect, right?
They would all be the elect because they decided they wanted the job
Of course, that’s utter nonsense
Any grade school student knows what we mean by the term president-elect because they know what elect means
The definition of the word elect means to make a decision to select someone for a new position
In the case of a president, it means that a group of voters made a decision to select someone to be president
And in Biblical terms, it is a reference to God choosing men and women to receive His grace
If fact, notice in verse 3 that Peter says God the Father has caused us to be born again to a living hope
And even before that, Peter describes the means by which God achieved that purpose
Verse 2 says that our salvation came about:
Because of the foreknowledge of the Father
By the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit
Made possible by the cleansing of Christ’s atoning blood sprinkled on the heavenly altar
God the father chose us
God the Spirit changed our hearts so that we would receive the truth
God the Son cleansed us of our sin by His blood
All three persons of the Trinity were involved in the work of redemption, working a plan that God foreknew, anticipated, and intended before we ever took our first breath
There is simply no doubt in scripture that God appoints believers to faith and then brings that plan into reality
Now I realize that this doctrine may raise more questions in your mind than answers today
And though I believe those questions deserve answers, I am not going to address them now
And the reason is because Peter himself isn’t raising the issue of election for the purpose of a doctrinal discussion
Remember, the prospect of God electing believers to faith would not have been news at all to the early church
Especially to a Jewish church that knew very well the principle of God choosing people
God calls the nation of Israel His elect, and we know that He calls them this because He chose them, as He says in His word
So if Peter isn’t intending to launch into a discourse on the doctrine of election
Then what is his purpose in raising this issue especially at such an early point in his letter?
Well, in a word: perspective
He wants to develop a little perspective in these believers
In fact, Peter was already at work building perspective when he began the letter in reminding them of their alien status
And now Peter combines the idea of being a stranger in this world with the reality that they are in this situation because of God’s sovereign choice to place them there
The readers were in their situation by His doing and by His will according to a plan that started long before they came along
In the early church, life as a Christian could be hard
As a Jew, believing in Christ brought rejection from most if not all your family and your culture
You lost connection with your friends, your way of life perhaps
As a Jew you were already subject to persecution at times, but now even Jews persecuted you
And as a Gentile, you lost the ability to do business in a pagan culture
Where allegiance to pagan gods was a prerequisite for conducting commerce in many places, especially in the regions Peter mentions
Though these new Christians had been taught that they should be prepared for these hardships
They had learned first-hand that faith in Christ brought trials
They learned how hard it was at times to persevere in this new life
And when the times get tough, faith can falter
And we begin to see our troubled circumstances as a kind of problem that must be solved
We interpret bad circumstances as a sign that something isn’t right, and we need to fix it
Wives and Husbands in bad marriages seek escape
Slaves seek to rebel
Those under persecution seek relief
They put their obedience and their witness at risk
Peter, who remembers the command of His Lord to shepherd the flock by feeding the sheep, wants to feed them the perspective they need to respond to their trials and their difficulties
And the perspective he’s going to provide is perspective we need too
His lesson on perspective begins with a three part description of the character of their salvation
The reward, the experience, and the privilege of our salvation
It’s only natural to remind the readers first of the reward that comes with their salvation
Peter starts in verse 3 reminding believers that our salvation is first and foremost a hope in resurrection
I’m often amazed at how few Christians can state what belief means
Belief in what
In Christ, yes, but what about Christ
That he was the Messiah, but how do we know that
Romans 10 gives us the answer
We are believing that He was raised from the dead
And in that belief, we have reason for hope, knowing that the same power of God that raised Jesus from death can certainly raise us as well
And since He has promised to raise us also
And there is a living hope in that belief
The world fears death and has no answer for the inevitability of death
And the fear of death drives men to a life of desperation
But not the Christian
We have no fear of the grave, or should not
The fear of death gives way to a living hope knowing that we will be raised just as Christ
How does it feel to consider that moment when you pass from this life to the next
Knowing that as you assume your new incorruptible form that it is the one and only time you will experience that transformation
That in that moment you will recognize that you are never going to face the prospect of an end again
That’s true living hope
That’s what we have as a result of our Lord
But if that weren’t enough, Peter reminds the reader that this transformation is followed by an inheritance
In verse 4 we are reminded that our salvation brings with it an undefiled, imperishable inheritance reserved in heaven that cannot fade
It can’t be withdrawn
It can’t be lost
Consider how you come into an inheritance
You receive it after one who has died leaves you something in a will or as we often call it, the last will and testament
Well, my friends, let me tell you about the will your name was written in
It was the last will and testament of Jesus Christ
The New Testament
Upon Christ’s death, the new testament was inaugurated in blood, Hebrews 9 says
And by that will, we receive an inheritance as children of Gods
Now if the death has already occurred, then the will has already gone into effect for those who are heirs
And as heirs, we must already be the recipients of that inheritance even now
And so we are
We can’t get to it or see it now, because God has a better plan
He has stored it in a better place
He’s placed it in an incorruptible place, stored for a day when we can receive it in full, unspoiled, imperishable
Yet because we are heirs and because it’s already ours according to the will of God and because it is in heaven protected and waiting, it can’t be lost
Can things get any better?
Not only have we been saved from judgment
Not only are we given a living hope that the power of death has been removed for us
We also have an eternal inheritance appointed for us by God
But wait, you might ask Peter
What if we shrink back?
What if we can’t make it to the end of this race without faltering?
What hope do we have to actually reach the end of our lives still trusting in Christ for this hope and inheritance?
Peter brings that answer in verse 5
Peter says we are those who are protected by the power of God
God doesn’t save us in His power and then turn us loose in some sense and just hope it all works out OK
Were He to do something so absurd, who could be saved?
Honestly, who among us believes so much in our own abilities and strength of character that we could be sure of persevering on our own merits?
Not me
But praise God it doesn’t work that way
And He protects us through the same faith He gave us in the beginning
The same way we were saved (by faith) we will be assured to persevere (by faith)
And that perseverance is for a salvation to be revealed to us in our last days
At our glorification
When we leave this body behind, we enter into the fullness of the salvation that is ours even now
And then Peter moves into the second point, the experience of our salvation
In this salvation, Peter reminds the early church that they rejoice
They are excited and thankful and joyful because they know they have this inheritance and they have been saved from the penalty of their sins
And Peter says they have this joy even though – for a little while – they have been distressed by various trials
We need to get a clear understanding on what Peter means by trials
The word is peirasmos
It can mean temptation or trial, but it’s essential meaning is an external kind of attack
Something that comes upon a believer from outside themselves
And the purpose of the trial is to challenge our fidelity to God and to Christ, and reveal the character of our faith
Did you notice Peter’s intentional contrast?
In verses 3-5, Peter went to great pains to bring to mind the permanency and lasting quality of the inheritance we have received
And of our faith itself
Being kept by the power of God
These are the things that should be on our minds because they are lasting and permanent and meaningful
And now in verse 6 Peter says you have trials in the meantime, but they are only for a little time (the Greek word literally means briefly)
Now is Peter saying that he somehow knows that his readers are about to experience some kind of relief from persecution and trials?
Does Peter have advanced word from God that the trials are about to end and that soon life will become blissful and uneventful?
No…his point is not that earthly trials are about to end
Peter’s point, of course, is that in comparison to the unimaginable limitlessness of eternity
Our earthly life is brief, very brief
In contrast to the eternity of our glorified life with Christ, our life here is so brief that it is virtually immeasurable in the economy of God
And so whatever trials might come our way in this life, are by definition brief trials – they come for just a little while
Even if a trial should come upon us that would last our entire life
A disease or disability
Or perhaps a condition of poverty or persecution
Those trials and circumstances may fairly be called brief when we consider how long our joy will last in the eternal realm with God
And yet they are so very important to the character of our faith
We will return to this second point next week and continue on to the third