Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongNothing tests the faith of a Christian quite so much as a trial of life
It’s in those moments that we discover what we truly believe
And like the fire that tests precious metal, the trial proves the worth of our faith
Peter understood trials, and Peter understood that Christ was sufficient in the face of those trials
And as we began to study last week, he knew that if his readers could share his perspective, they would also face their trials with the strength of Christ
In his first letter, he’s opened in Chapter 1 describing the reader’s faith from three vantage points
Past, present and future
With each vantage point, Peter gives the reader something to cherish
Something to grab hold of to appreciate just how special their relationship in Christ was
To build some perspective, in other words
Last week Peter began in verse 3 looking at the future of our faith
It was a view of the permanent and imperishable reward, the inheritance that our Father has waiting for His children
These are the gifts of reward and substance that remind us of the love our Father has for His children
An inheritance that was prepared before the foundations of the earth for those who love Him
In the passage we begin with this morning, Peter moves to the present nature of our salvation
If the future holds rewards, the present seems to hold trials
Well it certainly did for his readers
What a strange means of encouraging his readers
Perhaps Peter knows something about the spiritual benefit of trials
The first thing we observe in verse 6 is the temporary nature of our present vantage point
Remember how he described the future of our salvation?
Verse 4: imperishable, unfading, reserved in heaven
Verse 5: the reality of our future in heaven protected by God
Friends, what’s permanent is the unseen reality of the eternal realm
What’s temporary is what we experience here today
The material world, the achievements, the relationships, the trials, disappointments
The heart of Peter’s point begins in verse 7
Peter draws a comparison between faith itself and gold
Gold was the most valuable material found on earth in Peter’s day
Now gold is still very valuable today, but there are some things more valuable than gold
But in Peter’s day, gold was in fact the “gold standard”
Nothing in earthly terms was more precious
But Peter says faith is far more valuable
On what basis is our faith more valuable than gold?
On the same basis as everything else
Because gold – as valuable as it is – perishes at the end of this age
But faith brings about the salvation of your souls, which is an eternal commodity
Here again, worth is measured in the economy of eternity
When you look around your life and take note of the things you place value on
Ask yourself are you assigning value according to the measuring stick that scripture uses?
Are you measuring against the standard of eternity?
It will be impossible for Peter’s readers – and for us – to successfully weather the trials that may come so long as their eyes remain focused on the temporal rather than the eternal
Because if we see our safety and security and peace and happiness and contentment originating in the world rather than in our relationship and future eternity with Christ
Then we will inevitably make bad choices, and decisions and judgments
And our obedience and witness to the Lord will suffer
In fact, Peter’s next point rests entirely on his readers maintaining eyes for eternity
Peter says that our trials are the proof of our faith
Look in verses 6 Peter says his readers were distressed by various trials and in verse 7 he says these trials are the proof of their faith may be revealed
So trials in our faith mark our present experience in the faith, and they serve as proof of our faith
First, Peter says that trials provide an opportunity for proof of faith
More specifically, our response to trials reveals the character of our faith
Before we understand what Peter is saying here, let’s be clear on what Peter is not saying
Peter isn’t saying that trials create faith, or bring us to faith, or increase our faith as if it were growing along some continuum toward salvation
Scripture is absolutely and consistently clear that saving faith is not measured on a continuum
Remember the poor jailer who was terrified when the jail was rocked by an earthquake
The testimony of scripture is unambiguous on this point:
Our faith in Christ saves us immediately, completely, permanently
Then what is the effect of a trial on our faith?
By necessity, it is limited to one of two effects
A trial either reveals that we have not yet truly believed
And by the trial, the wheat and the tares are separated
Secondly, the trial strengthens the believer’s hope and reliance in their faith
In the first case, the trial reveals the unbelief of a pretender
In the second case, the trial confirms the presence of faith to the doubter
Both purposes have eternal value to a God who wishes to separate the light from the darkness
Remember how James begins his challenging letter:
He says we have reason to rejoice in trials
The reason for joy?
Because the trial has tested our faith
And testing is a good thing
Testing verifies the truth of our confession
Because there is only one thing worse than an unbeliever who knows they are an unbeliever
And that is an unbeliever, who doesn’t know it
James says that our faith having been tested leads to confidence and hope…just as gold is purified through fire
We will develop confidence in our future and endurance in our walk with the Lord
And endurance, James says, will result that we lack nothing
Ultimately our glorification
Later in James’ letter, he uses Abraham as an example of what this process looks like
In Genesis 15:6, God declares Abraham to be righteous because he heard God’s promise of a son and believed God’s word
Abraham was righteous
James reminds us of that moment in Chapter 2 when he says this:
In the decades after God declared Abraham to be righteous on the basis of faith, Abraham didn’t have such a great testimony
He tries to make his own heir through Hagar
He goes to Egypt and lies about his wife
Then after Isaac does come along, Abraham allows his wife to mistreat Hagar
If you had been looking for proof of Abraham’s belief in God’s promises, I’m not sure if you could have found it
Which is why James uses that fascinating phrase
“Scripture was fulfilled"
Abraham was declared righteous by faith in Chapter 15, but the fulfillment, the opportunity to see the faith of Abraham lived out finally occurred in Chapter 22
God gave Abraham the trial, the test that was needed to demonstrate Abraham’s faith
Peter says much the same thing in the verse we read
In verse 9 we will obtain as the outcome of these trials the salvation of our souls
Not because we earn salvation through trials – such a misinterpretation not only misunderstands all that Peter is saying, but also the rest of the Bible
No, because in the trials we come to understand that we are saved, that we have a faith that can survive trial
And trials, like fire, purify and reveal the truth of our confessions
But if trials reveal the true believer, then we should also remember that sometimes the trial reveals that not all confessions of faith are genuine
Some are shown to be true, but some fall away and are shown to be false
By the way, have you stopped to consider what it would mean if in your life you never experienced trials that tested your faith?
It might sound good at first, but remember what James said…
Count it joy that we have trials
So if it’s joy to have trials, what would it be not to have trials?
We said last week that the Greek word for trial indicates an eternal event that comes upon us
Not an event we bring upon ourselves
We’ll have plenty of those too, but we’re talking here about something that comes upon you without any perceived blame
Well, consider what the writer of Hebrews tells us in Chapter 12
In quoting from Proverbs, the writer of Hebrews reminds his readers how discipline from the Lord is not only a good thing
It’s an essential thing
And it is for discipline – for trials – that we endure
And we will desire discipline if we understand what discipline means
It means we are legitimate sons (and daughters)
Because a loving father will discipline his children
And if we didn’t experience discipline, we would be illegitimate children
The literal word in Greek means bastard, or a son who has a mother but doesn’t know who his father is
So according to scripture, if we have not experienced God’s discipline in our lives (trials), then we are illegitimate
An illegitimate child is one who tries to claim a father who is not truly their father
We are not of our Father in heaven, but we remain of our father the devil
Consider all the things a father can do in caring for his children
He can feed them, clothe them, protect them from injury or other harm
He can teach them, he can play with them and he can care for them when they are sick, etc.
But all these things are things that this same father could do to any child
That father could feed, cloth, educate, nurse, or play with anyone’s child if necessary
But the one thing that distinguishes a true father from an illegitimate one is discipline
A true father can discipline a child, but he cannot discipline someone else’s child
Firstly, he will probably risk a charge of assault or child abuse
Secondly, the child himself will not receive the correction of a man who is not his father
In blended families where a stepfather comes into a family with children, that man will know when he’s truly received by those children
It will be when they receive his loving discipline
The writer then adds in verse 10 that our earthly fathers disciplined us for a short time for reasons they felt best
But our father in heaven is disciplining us for eternal purposes
Here again, the perspective we need can only be found in an appreciation that God’s timescale is the one that matters, not the world’s
Just as the writer say, trials don’t seem joyful
But if you consider that trials that discipline us and test our faith are proof that we are a child of God
Then we can take joy in them, but only if we see them through the eyes of eternity
There’s an important principle represented in this passage and in the passage of Hebrews
Instant gratification is the opposite of God’s call on the life of a Christian
If we take the goal of instant gratification that reigns in our culture and try to make it a spiritual goal as well
Then we will completely distort the nature of the Christian experience
And we will be utterly frustrated and disappointed
And ultimately, we may fail to achieve anything of spiritual substance with the life God gives us here and now
Before we leave this passage, we should take a second to note how Peter again reminds the readers how much they have rejoiced in their faith
A faith that relies not on the physical manifestations of Christ
Not on physical proof, or personal experience
Rather, just on the hope that comes from supernaturally derived faith
Eyes for eternity
Finally, Peter moves to the final vantage point
The past character of our salvation
We might even be tempted to ask how could our salvation have a past?
We can understand how it has a present reality and a future reward
But what do we mean by a past?
Peter begins with the phrase, as to this salvation…
He’s not speaking strictly in a personal sense now
Your salvation, my salvation
In other words, speaking about God’s plan for redemption
The prophets of the Bible spoke prophetically of the coming grace of a Messiah
And in that revelation they were also given the understanding to know that this message wasn’t for them, or their generation
From our vantage point now, we can clearly see their prophecies spoke of Jesus as the Messiah
Rather, the ultimate purpose of their prophecies was in how it would draw men to Christ after His death and resurrection
And secondly, Peter says these prophets searched the Spirit of Christ that lived within them to know who the Messiah would be and when He would arrive
They wanted the privilege of knowing about this Christ they spoke of prophetically
But even more importantly, they had a hard time fitting the two pieces of the Messiah’s ministry together
How can a Messiah suffer and glory?
How does the king die and reign?
They longed to understood God’s redemptive plan, but we have the privilege to see it played out
Next week we’ll answer the question in our hearts of, so what?
We’ve got future rewards
We’ve got trials
So what?
What is our expectation in response?